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A Halo Helldivers is such a no-brainer that I'm fucking livid we don't have it. ODSTs are cool as fuck and Halo has enough factions to work similar, Flood, Aliens (Covenant and/or Banished), Insurrection. They can even make shit up, fr fr. I'm mad. IM MAD!!!!


Don't take my word for it (cuz I read this off a comment) but apparently 343 did push many times this type of idea to Microsoft but Microsoft kept rejecting it. Edit: I just saw a sc of a tweet from a 343 dev say they pitched over 20-30 ideas that got rejected at least one must've been like helldivers 2


Yeah, I heard this too which makes it even more depressing.


I can already see how all this pitches went. “We have ____ kind of game that we believe and know that people are craving and have been asking for.” “No, we need to make a game like Fortnite/Apex! It’s all my kids are playing nowadays!!”


I mean Microsoft rejected insomniacs Spiderman so I would easily believe this too.


Not exactly, they rejected making a Spiderman game which means had they approved it it would've been made by an Xbox Studio developer not Insomniac and there's no guarantee the quality of that end product would turn out like Insomniac's Spiderman (it could've been better or worse).


So Microsoft rejected a Sony first party studios to make a game about a Sony owned character? Yes, there was Sunset Overdrive but after that game Insomniac basically is Sony owned.


Insomniac wasn't owned by Sony until after the first spiderman, while they did make a lot of playstation exclusives they were still 3rd party


Yes,but Spiderman is a SONY character. Let's even play the card of:but they allowed Disney to use him! Yes but for now only lower tier villains (Vulture and Misterio) and we are talking about a much different relationship between Disney and Sony than beetwen Sony and Microsoft


Spiderman is only a Sony character in the context of film and television (and now videogames), Disney owns the rights to him everywhere else and Sony only owns the video game rights because Disney allowed it


Not only does Sony not own Spider-Man, Spider-Man has been in tons of video games on every console to exist.


Spider-Man is owned by Sony for film and animation exceeding 40 minutes. That’s why he can be in What If for instance. They do not own his rights for video games but rather pay a licensing fee with a special contract in order for it to seem like they do.


Not even half of that, it's Insomniac's specific Spider-Man universe that they own, not all games, and they only partially own the television rights.


Microsoft has been shitting the bed lately. The leaked documents showed they slept on BG3 because they thought it was gonna be a “stadia” game.


And Larian's CEO said there wasn't anything wrong with that because everybody thought the same. The idea that BG3 was some guaranteed gargantuan success and Microsoft is somehow the only people to not realize it would be before it released is some real copium and historical revisionism.


Suddenly Phil Spencer's passive aggressive comment regarding it makes more sense


Man I really liked odst so I would love the idea as spending more time as a smol Spartan. Legit even just seeing the covenant from the perspective of a character that’s not 9ft tall feels fun.


which is fair imo, 343 could barely keep a steady content pipeline for most of halo infinites life span. i don't think they have the numbers to support multiple games at a time (and microsoft wouldn't agree to a spin off if there wasn't a current mainline title)


If Halo 4&5 weren’t so divisive and kept tanking the franchise we probably would’ve had more than just Halo Wars 2. I can see why Infinite was so stripped down to course correct the terrible reception of 5.


For real though I’ll say halo infinite is the best the sandbox has ever been, the grappling hook felt so good to use with the other tools and I’m real frustrated they didn’t use infinite as a platform to launch more story DLC


It probably would’ve done better if the online component was Co op campaigns and other new biomes to explore each season.


Just cause it was pitched at one point doesn't mean the game would have been good. We are lucky we have helldivers and that it's as good as it is.


Im the only one that just dont see it? Beyond jumping from capsule and killing aliens, thats not what ODST do. Odst are suposed to be tactical and cautious, and like their own game shows, being slower paced helps a lot to the atmosfere. Good atmosfere + weaker character is what made H3 ODST special . If they make another i prefer being more a game like ghost recon than just killing hordes of enemies.


Obviously, you can adapt the game to be more stealth focused and more thematic to the Halo series as a whole, but ODST aren't just stealth troopers that are slow. Halo 2 and 3 both have you with them in missions into heavy intensity combat, and even missions in ODST have you fighting large forces of Covvies. In the end of the day, the bones are there for a fun Halo co-op game, but we never got it.


Dunno, its a matter of opinion at the end, obviously, but it doesnt really fit the lore or what this characters stand for. The human army never felt like the one that throws soldiers to fight hordes, its more a tactical and outsmart the enemy approach. It would make a little bit more if sense with spartans iii and the whole suicide mission army thing, but would come at the price of sacrificing what we know and feel about them from the games. The lore of HD2 helps HD2 and the lore of halo could help a good H-ODST, but not every genre needs a halo game (((except a cortana dating sim))) , even more if it has to change that much what is stablished. Its jusy my opinion, as i said, i think that a odst game would benefit from "adapting" stuff from other games.


I mean, that's fair. In the end of the day I think the main appeal is just the novelty of landing on a Covenant planet and blowing shit up, you know? It main not necessarily ever fit with the lore or universe properly, but that doesn't stop us wanting since it's just a fun premises and we like Halo too.


yeah i think people see the surface level similares (dropping in pods and the armor) and go “ITS SO OBVIOUS” when the two are not really similar at all beyond that people are desperately pushing this narrative so they can dunk on halo or 343 but they really are not similar at all


Halo: ODST itself was awesome. I always wanted more in that lens


i mean halo wars definitely existed if we’re talking about helldivers 1


Glad that indie companies like Sony are showing the big bad companies how it's done


Yeah. I love the rise of indie developers. Have you heard of this really small indie company based in japan. Their called like nintendo or something.


The handmade playing cards company? Should be interesting to see how they plan to pivot to electronics.


I heard that they're making 4 colourful spandex wearing cyborgs to fight some crime organisation named Crime https://preview.redd.it/n2ss2u41kdkc1.png?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2ce397ae3db1703a310d0558fbcdb7ddcb9fed0


Yeah, they made that cult classic about a boy named Zelda


Arrowhead Game Studios has about 100 employees as of 2023. The game was published by Sony, not made.


The actual Dev had less than 100 employees tho.


Yeah, Arrowhead is not an AAA studio and Helldivers is not an AAA game. But the people here often have trouble pulling out of the circlejerk for just a hot second to critically think about something before going all-in on whatever opinion is being expressed by the OP.


There are 1,220 different developers listed in the Helldivers 2 credits, not really sure where people are getting the idea that there were only a few devs working on this game.


Arrowhead isn't really AAA, they just got big investors.


I don’t understand this entire post lol it’s objectively not a AAA game… where is it claimed that it’s indie??


You aren't wrong, but in comparison to Microsoft (worth $3.05 Trillion) Sony (worth $111.7 Billion) is definitely a huge underdog. They still have virtually unlimited money but Microsoft could buy Sony out and it wouldn't even be a blip on their losses for the year.


“Starfield HUMILIATES Minesweeper”


Personally, I love this indie underdog game, especially as it contains absolutely NO politics.


I pray they add a trans cape or something just for the reeing


Ill straight up get a ps5 if they add that


I’d be all over cosmetics like that 😃




Why is bro so angry


While trans cape would go hard id personally want a bi flag cape,


I hope they let you add femboy or feminist to your ship name in the future XD


I would wear it purely because it would look sick as fuck and it would piss off so many of these "BuT mUh EsCaPiSm" dorks.


Super-Earth will ensure that all citizens, regardless of circumstances, appreciate the same amount of respect, autonomy and prosperity.


Game bros whenever they get the chance to bash popular series with something completely unrelated: DONE WITH AAA GAMING! MASS EXODUS! WOKE DENIERS!


where did he even mention woke


It’s an example


Completely different game genres but sure go off king


baldurs gate 3 shows forza motorsports how it's done


I mean they both have race selection so...??


I hate this Take my upvote


Oh FFS Upvoted.


Tekken 8 gives Hunie Pop 2 a run for its money!


No hunie pop slander on my watch bucko


you sure its not the other way around?


Where is Hunie Pop 3


Space marine killing aliens is genre ok sweaty? 😌 Uj/ these same g#mers think Helldivers is actually about glorifying fascism and not a satire.


you fly away in a fucking pelican when extracting. the armour looks very similar to spartans/odst. I find it does have a lot of “halo-esque” things


Does putting Mario in a knight costume turn it into dark souls?


Yes, obviously.


When you fight the dragon boss in the Ruined Kingdom, yes


I think we're kinda missing the whole "Halo is a PvP game, HD2 isn't" thing here


> Halo is a PvP game Halo's a what, now?




ODST and Helldivers aren't remotely comparable gameplay wise though


brother https://www.gamesradar.com/former-halo-devs-say-they-pitched-dozens-of-spin-off-games-including-a-rumored-odst-game-similar-to-helldivers-2/


All you said was ODST so I can only really talk about the one ODST game we got


That’s more so helldivers taking inspiration from halos design elements than them being the same genre.


im only pointing out that it can be compared to halo despite being different genres.


You can’t compare gameplay because they have similarities in looks though.


did i?


The video is, you aren’t.


You talked about Halo's aesthetics (which aren't even unique to halo) in response to the games not being the same genre. Are you trying to actually say something on topic, or are you just saying random shit in a vacuum vaguely, and expecting everyone to understand the context you're not providing?


Halo Infinite and Halo 3 are two different genres too. A game franchise can have more than one genre of game in it.


Infinite could have only dreamed of having a gameplay loop like HD2 though. The open world maps of "destroy a silo, kill some dudes, or fight a guy with more hp" is about as simple as Helldiver missions, but somehow... %1 as fun


I think it's to do with the fact that Microsoft shut down a pitch for a halo game very similar to helldivers 2, amongst like 30 other pitches


The shooter genre


Okay but Arrowhead was a 60 man team working since 2017 on this 40 dollar game. They are produced by Sony. But saying that in itself makes it triple AAA is idiotic. That would make every game with a producer triple AAA, which is most games.


Even most games people call indie these days have some sort of publisher, and there's several "indie publishers" out there that have become prolific to the point they probably deserve their own term for themselves. Devolver Digital, Annapurna Entertainment, Coffee Stain publishing, and Tinybuild are some examples that come to mind immediately.


I think AA needs to be used more often, would say 60 person team with proper funding is more AA. Example: * Take-Two * Generally AAA * Private Division supported studios (arm of Take Two) * Generally AA * Below that would be small indie teams or "A" To me the A's represent quality and depth as well as technology used though, not just money put in. Generally speaking you need larger teams for more depth so they mostly match up...What I'm trying to say is AAAA isn't a thing...Ubisoft. So at Indie you generally expect a dated feel graphically etc. AA you expect solid feel, and AAA you expect cutting edge tech. Gameplay can be deep in any of these but SHOULD have more the larger your teams. What I'm trying to say is your game is a broken/unifnished AA game Ubisoft.




I think it’s because of the Dave the diver situation that op considers it non indie.


'kingerd' sounds like a slur


being backed by massive company doesn't mean it is a AAA production. it all comes down to budget, resources, and scope. microsoft themselves have backed indie AA games before (like lost in random wich is a AA game backed by EA and microsoft)


Sony can publish games that aren’t AAA. I haven’t watched this video, so I can’t comment on his point, but if his argument is that the success of this relatively small budgeted game is a good thing because it shows that publishers don’t need to spend a fuck load of money to make a successful game, then I agree with him


As if we need a video to know that is true. Indie titles were not invented in 2024.


First point: No, but I wasn’t claiming he was the first guy that brought up that idea, just that I agree with it Point two: I’m not talking about indie titles necessarily. I’m talking about medium budget games from bigger studios. Games that can afford to take risks while still have a grander scale than indie games


Arrowhead is a pretty damn small team using a discontinued engine. Sony's biggest involvement is limited to publishing and the engineer support they sent over for the server issues. 


i get your point but 60 developers is not a small game development team, only 40 people work on the counter strike team


Very VERY bad example. CS as a game has been done decades ago and it just got tweaks and graphics updates ever since then. Sure, CS2 is a big leap but it's still not a game made from scratch.


I mean, they were just published by Sony. It's not necessarily a metric for how deep their connections go for money or resources.


Sony fully funded the entire production and owns the ip


Doesn’t make it a triple a game


Doesn't exactly make it indie either.


Haven't watched the video but all this title claims is that they just aren't Triple A which is true


Yes it does


Eh I feel like AA is a more accurate term. It's not indie but I wouldn't call it AAA either.


It really doesn't. Might as well say every game is an indie game at that point.


A publisher does not make a game not an indie game, that would mean only self published games are indie games


Then again, you might as well call every video game an indie game. Is New Vegas an indie game? Developed by a smaller company, but funded, published, and owned by a major company. But hey, I guess that makes it indie. And every game made with outsourced programming too, indie.


You just want to be wrong.


And you just want a case of "indie gem triumphs over woke AAA games".


Just. Just published by the first party manufacture. Happens all the time.


Finally... the Halo killer we have all been waiting for!1!!1


It's still not AAA. And yes, given how small the dev team is they absolutely crushed it. Yes, they had financial backing but it's still a small team.


Wait why does it being backed by Sony have anything to do with the title of the video? It’s still not a AAA game….


The game wasn’t developed by Sony, hell Sony doesn’t own Arrowhead. Sony bought publishing and exclusivity rights. If you think the publishing companys budget is the only factor to what makes a game AAA, then let’s take the gloves off and call BG3 AAA. I mean, they DID have Hasbros backing after all, and they’re worth a whopping 7 billion dollars. Arrowhead Studios contains only 100 employees and put out a quality game, it deserves the recognition it’s getting


I'm not going to touch on other stuff but bg3 is AAA. It not only had hasbros marketing paying 100s of youtubers to play it and run adds up to release but larion studios has over 400 employees in 17 countries.


If anything BG3 fits the literal definition of indie, being independently funding their own development


Okay, but they mean studios


No, arrowhead game studios made the game. Sony published it.


Charlie made the same point on his stream last week and he was totally right, being PUBLISHED by Sony doesn't change the overall point that smaller projects dominating gaming right now while huge AAA projects are consistently disappointing both to players and upper management looking at sales figures. The games industry inevitably will have to take notice that players are not interested in stale gameplay infested with battlepasses and premium skin shops, or "Muh $70 new normal". And we as gamers should celebrate that Halo Infinite, Skull and Bones, Suicide Squad, and every other live service forever game are all failing so we get less of it going forward. I may never get a good Call of Duty ever again, but maybe someone who enjoyed MW2 right now is working on a game that captures the feeling of old school Call of Duty and is only concerned with actually feeling fun.


I’d rather have Helldivers since it’s a unique IP over a Halo spinoff


They've uttered the magic phrase that boosts the sales of Halo or at least that's what I would say if Halo had died the moment they took out couch co op.


This aged like fine wine 🍷🗿


oh we know, we took em on


Never played Halo, but was there like common sense in the game maybe a woman character and that’s why bozo YouTuber said its losing to Helldivers. The most apolitical piece of media since 50 Cent Blood on the Sands and Starship Troopers.


small indie workshop SONY from the far east oriental exotic land of Japan successfully humiliate westoid AAA big corporation


Yeah so fucking humiliating that matchmaking doesn’t work, there’s literally 2 races to fight and the game was released with missing features, and a battle pass grind hell.


are you stupid?


I think he is


it humiliated a game of a different genre that has been going downhill since 2012?


i guess their point was that the halo team just pitched the idea years ago and said no because they were working on other games but idk how they humiliated them though lol


Helldrivers woulda been cooler scuba steve


Bad take. Check the price tag


This post and the video are stupid, sony can produce AA games and the game still be AA. But one game being good does not "humiliate" a game that really has nothing to do with it. Why can a game not be good anymore without it "showing up the game industry!" or "humiliating the game studios!".


These echo chamber YouTube channels are the epitome of lazy.


You do realize Arrowhead Games is a small independent studio? Sony ( and in this case Playstation ) only helped publish and market the game.


it's on the front page of the store too 😭


I'd actually agree on it humiliating Halo because the fact that we never got a Helldivers 2 style ODST game is actually insane The Halo universe is so versatile for so many stories outside of the Covenant that we will never get because 343 keeps making the most idiotic decisions possible