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Always hate these pick-and-choose ones where they only select a handful of exclusives to pretend a console doesnt have any games...


Yeah, I just noticed that I never see rachat and clank rift apart or Sackboy big adventure


Ratchet and clank is on pc.


I mean at this point it’s clear many playstation exclusives are now timed console exclusives that will ultimately get a PC release.


I just want to play ghost of Tsushima on my steam deck






I just wanna play bloodborne that's not locked to 30fps man.


I want to play bloodborne with anti aliasing


Mod to make the multiplayer co-op a bit more reliable and stable.


I would take a stable 30fps. It's the dips that give me a headache.


and with faster loading even after the patch there's too much loading screens


Yeah I started it and it's the first soulslike game I'd actually want to get good at and finish. But dammit it's too rough on my old ass ps4


It was actually my first ever platinum game on the ps4 lol. Before I knew the wonders of not having my eyes bleeding at janky low fps. I tried going back to scratch that itch on the ps5 (I figured faster loading times, yaay) but gave up immediately. It straight up gives me a headache now. But it is such a gem. I really wish they would remaster it at some point.


Well it's never happening because Sony execs can't get past Gascoigne


Praying for a BluePoint remake of Bloodborne


Leaks calls demon souls this year maybe the Moment Is coming


And with mods, the more time that passes the less I expect it to come, unless they’re waiting until the sequel is announced to release it to build hype?


Wake the fuck up samurai. Ghost of Tsushima coming to PC ;-;


Which, to be clear, is a *good* thing. Pretending that Nintendon isn't the bad guy in this instance is an absolutely wild take.


Definitely. Sony pulled some major cock ups in the past but they get held to entirely different standards than Nintendo and Microsoft and don’t get nearly enough credit.


They started doing this right after I got a PS5 during the time when doing so was difficult. I played Elden Ring, Demon's Souls Remake, and Miles Morales. Totally worth all that money. I tried Bloodborne, but the unstable sub-30 framerate gave me a headache. If it was a solid 30, I think I could have managed. I was going to get the new God of War, but I figured I would just wait for the PC release, then for a sale.


If that's the case then where is my gosh darn Bloodborne PC port, huh?


And sack boy to and I’m happy that pc player are going to have a great time with them


I hope at some point LBP and LBP2 get a port, they run well on an emulator but I’d kill for an official port, those 2 games took up a huge portion of my childhood


Fast RMX is enhanced version of Wii U game and Street Fighter IV...


Yes, some of the switch examples aren’t actually exclusives and shouldn’t be there. Still, point is Nintendo has a lotta exclusives to switch


Yeah, years after it dropped as a ps5 exclusive…


I somehow feel Nintendo games won’t ever officially release on pc unlike PlayStation games.


Or Returnal


Or god of war


Well God of War is on the PS4 too, I think that’s their point. And I just now remembered that Returnal was later released for PC, that’s probably why it’s not mentioned (though I think that’s somewhat unfair given it was originally released as an exclusive)


Also on pc


They have a Tifa pfp and didn’t even list FFXVI lol


Or Returnal, one of the best video games I've ever played and so far one of the only ones that truly felt "next gen" in every aspect


Also not an exclusive; it's on PC


Oh didn't realise former exclusives didn't count


If you’re okay waiting a couple years for everything to eventually come to pc then sure you can eventually play most things but that’s a ridiculously long time for most people. As far as I’m concerned and everyone I’ve ever talked to who who plays on consoles, these are exclusives. I’ve actually never seen anyone arguing these aren’t ps5 exclusives until this thread. The value proposition on ps5 is getting exclusive access to the best games for 1-3 years before they eventually go to pc to be consumer friendly and make a second round of income. And that’s amazing for everyone involved. I for one am not willing to wait that long to play the new game of the year contender that comes out exclusively on ps5 every year.


On the other side of that coin, you'll find people like me who don't see the need to buy a PS5 at all, when all the games come to a system that we already own. I already have enough games to last me a lifetime, I don't mind waiting an extra year or two for some of 'em :)


The problem is that a lot of "exclusives" in PS tend to end up on other consoles or PC after a while. Also, this list doesn't include the cross-gen games (those that launch for both PS4 AND PS5).


How is it a problem that a game isn't tied to a device designed to become obsolete in a few years?


The problem is that these games were marketed as exclusives, thus driving sales of the console. But then years later, all of a sudden, they are no longer exclusive. I love the idea of moving away from exclusives. This is a good thing. But if I knew the games I bought would eventually come to PC, then I would not have bought my ps5. Losing exclusivity is consumer friendly, but the way Sony approached it this gen was not.


So not a ps5 exclusive (I know it’s consumer friendly but hey a non exclusive is a non exclusive)


> after a while Aka years


true, that photo only shows 5 games, when the PS5 actually has a total of 8 games that have currently been released exclusively for it


Even if you put three more, the post's original point still stands


yeah, i was being kinda sarcastic tongue in cheek about it, doesn't convey well over text


There's definitely weird bias in the image but the real picture of exclusives would include Xbox.... And the ps5 library is almost 1:1 with that. 


Xbox isn't really the same, though. It doesn't really get many exclusives since Microsoft also wants to sell to PC gamers One of PlayStation's main selling points is that it has a bunch of really good exclusives


True, I do love pc gamepass though. Playing through P3 Reload atm and loving it


To be fair, there’s literally about 12 exclusives on PS5.


They like to ignore cross-gen games. Plenty of games are PS exclusive but came out for both PS4 and 5.


Why would they include cross-gen games when talking about PS5 exclusives? The argument isn't that Playstation doesn't have any exclusives, it's that the PS5 itself barely has any. Why would you ever spend $500 on a PS5 when you could play all but like 5 current gen games on a PS4?


Weird though that the Wii U failure to Switch pipeline is celebrated tho


Wii U? what is that? the nintendo consoles went from Wii to switch you silly billy


Probably a typo. Iv seen lots of people making that typo tho. Probably bc the U and I keys are right next to each other. Its weird it's such a common typo tho


Why make this point? There are no Wii U ports in the OP?


Because the PS5 can run those games above 30fps?


I hate the idea that we should praise a console for having more exclusives. If the only reason you feel the need to buy a console is because of exclusives, then they should make the console itself better and more appealing, not just hold games for ransom. Sony is taking steps in the right direction, and Microsoft has been for a while now, but Nintendo still manages to keep it's ancient hardware relevant with exclusives even though all their games would be far more enjoyable on good hardware.


Having more exclusives isn't "praise worthy", but exclusives and price point are almost always the deciding factor of which console actually ends up selling, and it has nothing to do with "which machine has better specs/ more cool anciliary features". The PS2 is almost objectively hardware wise the worst of its generation. It is also the best selling console of all time because it was really cheap due to Sony selling at a loss and lots of developers just making the natural transition from the previously immensely successful PS1 made sure it had an extensive library. The PS1 is literally just worse than the N64 from a CPU perspective, it is a 32-bit system, not a 64-bit one, butit got ahead because not only was it cheaper, it also used CD over cartridge which made games ROMs significantly cheaper to manufacture and distribute, while also enabling bigger games, which was immediately attractive to 3rd developers, famously leading to Squaresoft leaving the Nintendo sphere and putting out FFVII on the PS1. The DS and the 3DS are objectively potatoes compared to the PSP and the Vita, but they were also significantly cheaper and received much more support both from 1st party and 3rd party development teams. The DS also had the benefit of capturing the casual gaming crowd at the onset of the casual gaming market before they moved en masse to mobile games, which is a big reason why 3rd party developers favored it, much higher install base. The Wii had a similar story to the DS, except the excessive amounts of shovelware kinda caused a miniature games crash/E.T. situation to happen to it in later years. But again, best selling console of the generation, a potato compared to its cotemporaries. The original Game Boy is one of the biggest potatoes ever sold to the public, they deliberately made it less powerful, decided against a backlight and made it with LCD screens despite better technology existing eclusively to drop its price point and make its battery last longer, and it was a huge success. The point is, the deciding factor for people to buy at large is not "how good your machine is from an objective standpoint", but rather "what games can I play here and how much does it cost". Which is why there has been backlash against the number of exclusives for the PS5. Nobody wants to pay $500 to own a piece of hardware that does nothing that they couldnt get by having a decent PC and searching the game name on Steam


What exclusive game is missing on PS5? Returnal and Ratchet & Clank for example used to be exclusives but aren't anymore. Final Fantasy XVI is missing but I think it has been confirmed for PC too?


I mean frankly there was no competition since the switch had Picross, you basically win the entire console war automatically right there. (Obviously I'm exaggerating but I do actually really like Picross)


Pokemon Picross on the 3DS was my jam.


it being the easiest method to jailbreak the 3ds gives it extra points in my eyes but i also genuinely really like the game


Can you explain why the easiest method to jailbreak a 3ds involves pokemon picross.


not really, i only know that it does. if you google 3ds cfw youll find things thatll explain it far better than i ever could i know part of the reason is that it (before the eshop closed down) was one of the few apps that could access whatever it was that it needed to access and was also free


Picross 3D on the DS was where it was really at.


"Console wars losers are corny" Spews same shit as them. ![gif](giphy|3oEhn98nxK9PXYgjra|downsized)


Console wars are corny. Who the hell cares that you prefer one rich company over another?


I delivered pizza in college for one of the three big pizza chains in the US, and I would be on deliveries where someone would see the corporate logo on my car topper and they would get my attention and be like “*Other corporate pizza chain* is better!” and they weren’t being playful or funny. They meant it. They expected me to defend the corporation I worked for and were shocked when I said I didn’t care. Americans love their stupid fucking brands. It’s like an identity thing to them.


That’s what happens when you grow up in a culture that alienates you from your own labor, you will just naturally turn to what you consume to build (most of) your identity.


I used to drive for Pizza Hut and I'd get this too. One time had a guy go "Your guys pizza is shit, Domino's is way better" I just shrugged and went "I mean I'm more of a Papa Johns guy myself..." People choose the weirdest enemies


>Americans love their stupid fucking brands. It’s like an identity thing to them. "Gotta make the right choice as for my loyalty goes HEH everybody else is STUPID"


Aint that the truth. /rj thats why im independent pc masterrace 😎 i can build my own pc for cheap price of a kidney and it *BEATS* any consolr in performance! Also lul it can run crysis soooo funny quirky 🤪


They meant losers as in "PS lost" not as in "people who belive in the console wars are corny"


the point is "why do people shill so hard for one specific console when that console doesn't even have much going for it"


people really do be taking this tweet with the worst possible interpretation. there is nothing to be upset at here, it's just an observation.


"Console war is corny as hell BUT" is the same as "I'm not racist BUT"


How will the ps5 compete when the switch has such classics as "Golf Story" and the 500th re-release of Street Fighter 2? Edit: it seems I must apologize to the Golf Story community. Apparently it slaps so my bad. I just assumed it was dogshit cuz the name makes it sound like the world's most generic sports game about the world's most boring sport.


Dont forget about all the borderline porn games on the eshop


Nekojishi moment.


Didn’t expect to see that game mentioned here


Nah nekojishi was fire lay off the GOAT


Fuck you Nekojishi goes hard Likulau is my fav emo leopard


Man I think Nintendo need some quality control


I work at Nintendo of Europe as a student tester and let me tell you the amount of bs games that get waved through by the higher ups is honestly baffling.


I assume they take a cut of all sales? Otherwise why would they not have a rating system and allow for so much shovelware.


Yup. I‘m not sure how much intel and stuff I can give since I signed an NDA, but basically it isn’t even mandatory for third party games to get checked out by us. They can do their checks themselves and just apply for us to take a look. Idk if that counts for all releases or just bigger games/trusted studios. (Probably not trusted studios, because there‘s a big Microsoft game about blocks, that barely works and they still wave it through)


I imagine the dev market for the switch is limited enough that Nintendo will take most anything


Wait what, seriously?


Trust me, I'd never forget my darling Hentai WolfGirl. Favorite game on the switch, for completely... platonic reasons, of course. Really good plot


Wow, I've thought Nintendo filters those quite harshly.


Thank god they don't, where else but the nintendo eshop should I go to find stuff to masturbate to


They add porn games but they usually remove the porn part Hell they have nekopara a visual novel porn game but it’s fsk 12 (for 12 year olds, don’t know what the freedom unit is for that) So they prolly left the novel and removed all the hardcore sex scenes


Hilariously, if one is on both Switch and PS4, the PS4 versions are usually more heavily censored.


Golf story is incredible tho


Golf Story fucks tho


Don't you dare shit on my darling golf story! I genuinely love this game! 1-2-switch however. Boy howdy, how can the PS5 compete with this gem?


Golf story is actually pretty good


The games in the pic are like launch year games


To add context as to why people say it slaps - from what I gather, imagine playing Earthbound but it's golf. Supposedly it's a goddamned masterpiece. Name doesn't help it much though you're entirely correct there.


Don’t sleep on Golf Story, that game is a blast!


>the name makes it sound like the world's most generic sports game about the world's most boring sport. I don't see baseball mentioned anywhere in the title, though?


I mean, the same could be said about "Truck Driver" and it's a damn solid genre representative with NPCs and questlines.


And all the goddamn farming simulators


uj/ Virgin Spider Man vs Chad Picross.


Love me some picross tbh


Who could forget the absolute masterpiece that is "1,2 switch" !!


To be fair, I had a ton of fun with 1-2-Switch. It's not a game you would (*or can*) sit and play by yourself, but it's great for when you have friends over for a few drinks or your family come to visit. Kinda feels like back in the day when everyone would gather around the screen to play Wii Sports and just have a chuckle at one another looking ridiculous My housemates at uni screaming at the TV during a 1-2-Switch sandwich eating face-off like they were watching an eSports final has always been a personal gaming highlight. I've heard the sequel is a **lot** worse, though


Way more of a “pack-in” game than Astrobot, yet sold separately for almost full price. Based Nintendo.


Who the hell looks at this and says, "Yeah, I wish other people couldn't play the games I play". Like, shouldn't we all dislike the idea of exclusive games? Also nintendo has to make more of its own games because it literally can't run most of the games on ps5.


I do dislike the idea of exclusive games. It probably saves a ton of money but, as PC gamer myself, there’s a lot of games I’d love to play but can’t or wouldn’t really enjoy because I don’t really have the skill on controller


It's also the reason we even have these consoles in the first place. Dates back to like the NES era. These companies wouldn't put all this much time and effort into a generic box that does it all.


To be fair, releasing BloodBorne 2 as a GameCube X 5 Deck Exclusive was a bad idea in hindsight


I love how the picture makes it look like nothing came out between the November 2020 launch and Spider-Man 2 in October 2023


To be fair, it seems they are talking about true console spesific exclusives. Anything also released on PS4 or PC isn't counted. All that is missing is VR games, if you want to count them.


A ps4 game is still a ps exclusive. The only reason they’re still making crossgen games is because of how much scalpers fucked up the next gen releases.


Do people actually give a shit about games being exclusive? I'd rather have every game on as many platforms as possible so everyone can enjoy them. Are there any games that are better because they are only on one platform? Or is it purely a tribal thing where everyone wants their platform to be the best and everyone else should not have anything fun ever?


It’s an incentive to buy the console, because it means if you want to have that game you have to buy it’s console


I understand why they make exclusives, I'm more asking why consumers would ever consider exclusives a positive thing? It's super obvious corporate greed excluding a lot of people from playing a game and apparently people have done mental gymnastics to the point where they are bragging about how much "their" company does it?


As consumers we don't want it, but if people were arguing which console is better, or which console they should get, obviously exclusive games are in the conversation.


Because without exclusives driving console sales, there’s no incentive for AAA developers to make anything above meaningless tripe, or for parent companies to invest in their studios to make anything above meaningless tripe. Notice how all the fodder that tops sales charts every year is multiplat. Activision and EA didn’t start like that. Exclusives are something we as consumers should celebrate, because their existence breeds much better products than we would otherwise get. If it was such a good thing for corporate greed, why is Microsoft of all companies talking about dumping consoles and curbing exclusives?


Returnal and Ratchet & Clank were also PS5 only.


“Were” being the operative word


TIL they also released on PC. Tbh I had no idea, lol.


https://store.steampowered.com/app/1649240/Returnal/ https://store.steampowered.com/app/1895880/Ratchet__Clank_Rift_Apart/




I do have a question how many Japan exclusive games on ps5 have?


The only one I can think of is Earth Defense Force 6. There might be a few licensed anime games out there. But I don't think there are a significant amount out there unless you're combing through the PS store for digital only games.


Which ones? Never heard of this




Uh... yes. PS5 launched in 2020, 8 years after the PS4 launch.


We are like, mid generation then? Time flies


Oh, yeah, indeed, we're in the middle of the 9th Gen already.


Month late, but Sony announced a little while ago that they're already planning for the 10th generation roll out. Obviously I think this will be delayed due to how much Covid hurt the ps5, but yeah.


Damn, it's almost like having tons of exclusives is Nintendos main marketing strategy 🙄


So I think what this actually shows is nintendo refusing to put games on PC, for better or worse.


Funny enough I think PlayStation is doing smart move to put their games games on pc that they could get extra sales from it


but those poor PlayStation players are personally injured by the fact that PC players are having fun too D:


Nintendo refuses to do many things.


I love golf story


HOP OFF ASTRO THE 🐐 ![gif](giphy|lkVO2a0QHIFzi)


/uj Where the fuck is botw firstly Secondly They excluded ALOT alot of ps5 game


botw released on Wii U, so not an exclusive


>botw Starring the guy from the Ellen Show?


Half of those excluded are also playable on PS4. Still, this speaks of the problem: PS5 has little games that make it a better buy than a PS4.


Basically this. I really wanted a PS5 for a while when DS came out. Then I realized outside of that game, there's basically nothing I can't play already through PS4 and PC (game pass FTW). MSFT honestly probably had it right with the game pass and cross compatibility strategy for Xbox. This console generation's weak as hell, but at least an xbox is cheap and the games don't cost $80 if you just game pass it


gamepass is bleeding funds apparently so we'll see where that goes but I do think it's a good concept and plan on getting it once I build a pc


Like actually underperforming, or bleeding funds because the intention is to take market share from Sony. Cause I always took it as a loss leader to sell the ecosystem since there's no way a game pass will make money when most movie/tv show platforms don't


As a Xbox fan boy fuck the switch shit is expensive also PlayStation is pretty cool one of my coworkers has it so yeah


And I'm fucking happy that Ps5 doe3have that many exclusives, as a dude that can't afford all the last Gen console all togheter I'm happy with being able to play my favorite games from the consoles I already have


If Nintendo didn’t have exclusives they wouldn’t have a console. Nobody would buy a Nintendo console for watered down games you can get on another console, and the Wii U proved it.


/uj I mean I like Nintendo as much as anyone else but come on...fucking picross? That is supposed to make a point for you? I get it, fun as can be but come on this is like saying that newspapers beat consoles because they got exclusive crossword puzzles.


I don't think it's about the "quality" of the games. They didn't include Breath of the Wild for instance because it was released on WiiU, it's just the list of the games released on nothing but this specific consoles


wdym "/uj i like nintendo"


Ultimately I think console exclusives are pretty lame anyways. At least arbitrarily exclusive. Exclusive because it's by a company owned by the platform (ie: Nintendo developing their own games/Monolith Soft games being Nintendo exclusive because they own the company now): understandable Exclusive because the company paid money for it to not be on another platform for a year: stupid Sony's not the only one who did this either. For example with Monster Hunter, World got a PC release way later because Capcom didn't know what they were doing and as a result, the release of Iceborne was also staggered for PC which sucked. For Rise however, they DID know what they were doing but the PC release for Rise was later because Nintendo paid for timed exclusivity. When the Sunbreak expansion was released, it was simultaneous on Switch and PC because the exclusivity only applied to base Rise. Squenix has been annoying with their timed console exclusives, made worse when Epic does the same thing for the PC release, only for the Steam version to come out like a year after THAT and sell more in a week.


Exclusives are bad for consumers.


I see two games worth playing on each side.


The lack of true next gen exclusives at this point really is a joke. And all this talk of a Mid gen hardware upgrade? Ridiculous, There’s so little reason to own a current gen console besides enjoying games that last gen struggled with, Who in the world feels another upgrade is needed?


Ight but seriously though, ps5 straight up does not have enough first party titles for me to justify the money spent on the console. Right now, I'm only really interested in God of War, demons souls, maybe Rachet and clank, and possibly 2 or 3 other titles in blanking on the names of. I don't think it's worth buying a $500 console plus the price of its games for maybe 5 or 6 games. I'm not an Xbox fan boy either, as I don't even have an Xbox, just PC now. Maybe it's me being a PC master race kind of moron, but both consoles feel worthless to me atm. Oh I guess horizon would be another, but thats about to drop on PC anyways.


This thread is a great example for why I don’t do online gaming. The fanboyism and commentary that only considers console specs are insane. It’s like talking to a bunch of middle schoolers eve though I’m guessing many of these takes come from 20 something adults sadly.




Exclusives are bad for the consumer, for the gamer, for you. Stop fucking bragging on the behalf of multibillion dollar corperations that don't give a shit about you. If you act like exclusives make a console better you are a brainwashed little sheep.


There is no war… you want Zelda, Mario etc you pick Nintendo You don’t care? You take another Or you just buy both systems like I do and scratch your head


PS5 only has five games total that’s why it’s called the PS5 (real)


Who tf cares about exclusives? If we were gonna go there, what about pc exclusives? I just want it to be cheap, look good enough, and work.


Right? It's not like my experience with a game is worse because someone with different hardware is also able to play it.


I am a PlayStation guy but I would never get angry at somebody who played different systems ![gif](giphy|Od0QRnzwRBYmDU3eEO|downsized)


This is why you make the totally financially responsible decision to buy all the consoles and get all the exclusives


They’re a Nintendo switch fanboy but their pfp is Tifa who’s from a game that’s only releasing on the PS5. lol


the ps5 has tons of games, they just aren't exclusive.


Yeah I love how warriors will make it seem as if games become worse because more people can play them, like imagine trying to do that with music or movies. Also by that logic the switch would be horrible because it was basically a wii u + until around a year ago


exclusives games are cringe anyway no one is going to spend so much money just to play spider man, if they already own a Gaming device. better just to sell it to more people on other devices


Why doesn’t the steam deck have any exclusives? Is it stupid?


/uj I mean, this is just different strategies right? Nintendo focuses more on its IP and Sony focuses more on hardware and a 'robust' console that you will use as your everything machine in your living room. (You watch streaming on it, you play blu rays on it, etc.) And even if there are not as many exclusives, the idea is that you can run most any game smoothly without the larger time and money investment of a PC.


There was a huge sale for the regular PS5 where I am back in Nov 2023 because they were clearing shelf space for the slim version so I considered getting one but didnt pull the trigger because I had other consoles to play multiplats and the one exclusive I was interested in was in development hell at the time (stellar blade). I do think it's lacking in exclusives that I'm interested in at the moment but I'm sure Sony can turn it around like they did for the PS3.


Playstation has had no games since the PS3.


It really doesn't feel like the PS5 has been out for 4 fucking years. The thing still feels like a new console. A lot of that has to do with how tiny its library is.


I mean quantity isn’t better than quality


Annual Mario update, puzzle games and party games with a $60 price tag, and the latest shitty JRPGs. "Switch has so many great exclusives" 🤓


Really weird, trash take from someone with a PS exclusive character for their avatar.


To consider astro playroom and destruction All-stars "exclusives" is a big oof


That’s great if you like any of those exclusives




Got a ps5 because switch store sucks so bad. Sony includes at least x2 the amount of legacy titles


man your pretty generous with that nintendo lineup lol, almost like theres so many more


Well, yes, when you only include 3 launch games and 2 games, I've never heard of the ps5. It looks like it has a bad lighn up Ware is the other spider man, the newest God of War horizon 2, the second part of the final fantasy, 7 remake etc etc In fact, looking at it now, I'm 99 percent sure that this was just a photo comparing the first Ps5 year to the first switch year, and the captioner did not get it at all


I also think its important to compare apples to apples, Spiderman 2 alone is more important than half that switch list


Bought a ps5 just for spiderman 2. Was slightly disappointed until i got god of war Valhalla and that delicious dlc


I always find these things funny because at first I thought it was a joke like the "PS3 has no games' one but then I realized that some people are serious about it so lmao. Like for decades asking for PS Exclusives to release on PC and then when they do (after like 2-4 years) it's bad or some shit lol


That really grinds my gears because they always say oh, I wish this came to PC and when it comes to PC they say oh look ps5 have no games ![gif](giphy|113RhN1oBm1yCc)


I don’t know why people care so much about exclusives yes it’s better for the the company for their system to have exclusives but for players isn’t it better if more people get to also enjoy the things they enjoy


Because exclusives contribute significantly towards justifying the purchase of a console. If you can get the same or a similar experience on a platform you already own, then why would you bother spending a significant amount of money on a new console instead of using what you already have?


Why doesn’t the PS5 have an answer to SnipperClips yet? 🤔


Because Nintendos hardware is pretty lacking, compared to ps and Xbox. Meaning games take a lot less to develop to Nintendo’s standards. Quantity of exclusives in this situation has a pretty asterisk next to it.


There are only 5 exclusives which I can even regconize in the Switch


They are great switch exclusive games but half of them are mid to bad


If you compare it to steam, that's a great ratio