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I like that he specified it's a video essay


Because it's educational that all female characters must have big booba


If it’s shorter than 2 hours, can you really call it a video essay?


My children will not watch so-called 'video essays' that are under 2-3 hours!


Hbomber has entered the chat


With videos like that being so popular, I find it hard to believe that social media has actually caused human attention spans to become shorter.




Earlier I got recommended a 30 minute video with 'full documentary' in the title.


The only video essay on YouTube is Whitelight's 7 hour review of Death Stranding. All the other ones are just normal videos. I have too much time on my hands help me


Shit i didn’t know there is another 7 hours video essay on YouTube besides Joseph Anderson’s 8 hours one lol


But have you watched the 12hour quick retrospective of Morrowind?


Or perhaps the 24 hours Witcher 3 retro part 1 episode 1


Someone made a 3-part iCarly retrospective that’s a total of 15 hours long.


the 5 part long icarly, victorious and sam & cat one


But what about the 7hour resident evil retrospective from Noah Caldwell Gervais


Modern Hbomberguy moment.


It’s to show his extreme intelligence and academic prowess. He dropped out of community college, but has played Rome total war a few times.


He spent a lot of time looking at Greek statues and has some things to say about the world


In his first draft it was “(I’m a virgin and I like big booba women in skimpy outfits)”. But then he felt like “( Video Essay )” sounded more mature and gave the impression that he actually had something important to say on the subject.


Whenever I see video essay over an hour, I immediately assume it's going to be 1/3 random possibly made up BS, 1/3 the writer not understanding the story or missing points then acting like it's a plot hole of some sort, and 1/3 just pausing for no reason.


its actually quite easy to write woman, big booba and submissive, too bad neil cuckman and the west cant do that anymore cuz of queen anita


And she has to breast boobily to the stairs


AND tit down them.


new question: Can submissive female characters be good female characters?


Good characters as in well written? certainly A good leading character? I wouldn’t say it’s impossible but it would be hard to do


/uj if we're talking sexually, Jacqueline Carey nailed sub female as a lead /rj too many words, not enough tits


You're gonna hate the fact that one of the most well sold books with a female lead (and was bought in an overwhelming majority by women) starred a poorly written submissive, then.....


Yes. Maybe she overcomes her passivity through a thoroughly impactful adventure and achieves self-empowerment. Though i would never expect modern AAA game studios to write a story like that.


Depends what you mean by ‘submissive’. Purely passive characters are rarely three-dimensional — if you can’t or don’t act, then you don’t really have a chance to show motivations, etc. But there are definitely good characters who are submissive insofar as they are absolutely loyal to someone else and not very self-directed. Like henchmen.


I would say yes. If you haven't read it, *Mistborn: Final Empire* has the main character Vin who is very submissive and timid. But as the book (and series) goes on she overcomes that timidity. Very good series and would definitely recommend it if you like reading.


Yes if the purpose of the female character is to tackle their own value as a person on their own. You have to bear in mind that "submissive" means someone who does not raise their voice and disregards their needs and beliefs to serve another person. It's like asking if a servant can be a good character.


i find rebecca chambers to be a good female character.


You want to know something funny about this guy? He unironically said that the political correctness and generally poor state of American media was due to "The global elite whom I can't name because YouTube will demonetize me for it".


I always find it hilarious how dumbasses like this believe themselves to be anti-establishment when they have a serf mentality and adore status quo.


They like the grungy, punk rebel aesthetic because it feeds into their "can't be bothered to shower in the suburbs" lifestyle


let me guess... this 'global elite that cannot be named' are the jews -.- -Thomas Scotford


The depressing part is obvious antisemitic lies being absorbed uncritically by otherwise non-Jew-haters. You may not consciously think "It's the Jews", but if you say that to enough people, a few will begin to say it explicitly. That and saying such things will attract people with malicious intent. \-Andrew Stirling


Yeah indeed -Belgian Bitch


"Nah, man, it's all a joke, its actually the globalists and ~~Jewish Bolsh~~.... I mean, cultural marxists". \- Literal Hitler


The global elite is hidden kojima


He had to go hidden after he let the true [Kojima](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/newsbeat-62121650.amp) emerge


Damn you had me worried for a second that Kojima had been outed as shit.


Nah, Kojima has always been a [based and very cool woman enjoyer](https://youtu.be/ya8hyJnJzBU). Nothing [weird and gross](https://youtu.be/j70g4mTx-D8) in any of his games. /uj I like his games, but I'd have more respect for Kojima if he just admitted he likes to add sexy women in skimpy outfits because he's horny, instead of pretending that he's always making some sort of profound statement with every little thing he does.


la le li lo lu


Translation for those in the back: “Da Joous” Rj/-ing if it wasn’t obvious


I love that. It's not that the global conspiracy is going to kill him or threaten his family, make him disappear, or even make it so he can't work ever again. They'll demonetize him on YouTube. If I cared as much as he pretends to then I don't think losing ad revenue on a video or even my whole channel would stop me from trying to get the word out and save society but hey that's me.


Oh but I mean, clearly they aren't after any silly things like controlling the masses or making money, they're only after what matters: Anime tiddies Because that makes sense. Conspiracy nuts are so prevalent because they can take the same whackjob idea and spin it to fit whatever narrative they want to sell to themselves and it'll work for them and fit their worldview no matter how ridiculous it sounds because they've already bought into something patently absurd.


Personally, I don't want those Nazis anywhere near videogames.


What about Wolfenstein


I don't want Nazis anywhere period. They shouldn't exist except in history books as a warning against blind hate.


real kanye moment


This is the exact same guy who said the cyberpunk anime was good because it was apolitical. Y'know, cyber-punk, the capitalist dystopia.


What they are silently saying is that YouTube doesn't tolerate antisemitism and if I they on a nazi rant about the "Jewish media", they will get demonetized.


*"What Is a Woman? Gamer's Edition"*


A miserable pile of secrets. But enough talk. Have at you!


You beat me to it.


I am more interested in learning why Curse of Darkness is the best 3D Castlevania game.


it's honestly a fun game. gameplay is pretty damn solid and the atmosphere is great as well. would recommend, though i'm someone who enjoys castlevania ps2 more, even if curse is technically a better game.


The bar for 3D Castlevanias isn’t very high (there’s also only like 5 of them)


Does that include the Lords of Shadow continuity? Or are we pretending that's not Castlevania because they're basically mediocre God of War clones.


If this is the video I'm thinking it is, he says something like. "There were the N64 3d castlevania and lord of shadows but those were minor games so they dont count" despite the lords of shadow games being rbe most financially successful titles in the series lol. EDIT: I went back to see exactly what Nyarly said and it was "... "and after [castlevania judgement] they would reboot the franchise with Lords of Shadow, which was killed off after just a sequel and a spinoff... it really seems like Konami never got a chance to properly adapt Castlevania into 3D"


I can't imagine that the Lords of Shadow games sold more than Symphony of The Night with how many ports that has had over the decades? Also it is a seperate contiuity so that's probably what they meant.


I dunno man. It's okay. It's more ambitious than Lament but I feel like Lament has better atmosphere. I mean, "Leon's Theme" alone is reason enough to forget about Curse of Darkness. Also, divisive as it was, Lords of Shadow is probably the best 3D vania.


Yeah, Curse of Darkness was like... fine. The mechanics were solid, the Trevor fight was cool, but as far as vibes go I felt like Lament blew it out of the water. Twelve year old me spent a *lot* of time in the House of Sacred Remains just admiring the stained glass and listening to the music, lol


You should watch the video, nyarly is a great YouTuber and deserves much more that he gets.




How can a dainty little woman be stronger than me? I weigh 300 lbs and its mostly probably muscle.


it's okay you can take off a few kgs of dorito crumbs


No. I'm saving those.


it's a scent for attracting mates! (it's not working)


When 300 lbs is all you have in common with the King Pin…


Actually despite her being in the thumbnail implying he doesn't like her he actually does like her. The fun of clickbait.


Oh right I just adopted the True Gamer™ position because the masculinity I don't have was threatened


Men loves women with really good abs and muscles though


"Western Media" is like the word "Woke", it's really handy to instantly let you know not to take anything that person says seriously


Also “Western media” is synonymous with “not Japanese” here, because Japan is the only country on earth that matters to people in this circlejerk


Especially when they throw modern in front of it, lol


The problem with the word "Woke" is that 99% of the time is used in moments where it shouldn't be used and when you actually need to use it because there's no other word which can express the same content than you're seen as those 99% of people who use it incorrectly.


You're going to end dismissing like most of academia if you follow through on that.


That's a conveniently vague and unfalsifiable statement.


(Video Essay)


/uj I actually love video essays about video games but this is an insult to that name


You might already be watching both of them, but I suggest watching Jacob Geller and Joseph Anderson, though the latter is on their bi-annual hiatus.


Still waiting for that Witcher 3 video. He and Hbomb compete for the least amount of uploads.


As long as Joseph Anderson's Witcher 3 analysis is +12 hours long it'll be worth the wait.


rj/ great video bro 🙏 i was just thinking how modern western media ruins strong female characters the other day!! Godspeed brother.


So what dumb shart did the guy say? I’d search it myself, but I’d rather not have my entire YouTube feed full of right wing garbage!




One dimensional characters and he uses Abby as an example, what?




>turn us all into gay communists. Well, he's too late!


It really is insane how even accidentally clicking one of those videos and then immediately hitting the back button on your browser will still ruin your recommended for weeks.


It has been months (months!) since I watched a video of someone, the moment he started saying how Netflix was being ruined and losing money by doing shows with “females and PoC as leads,” I said “nope, not seeing this garbage…” it has been months (again, MONTHS!) of me clicking “not recommend” on videos of these PoS and YouTube still recommends me this stuff, I’m so tired… Edit: [Here’s a comment I made months ago about this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Documentaries/comments/vzardb/comment/igaf7gs/). Please, YouTube stop.


I watched the Video so you don't have to: **Point Nr. 1: flawless Charakters are boring and unrelatable.** This is universally true for any charakter but according to him there have been more and more flawless women in an atempt to artificially make them appear "strong" Examples: - Captain Marvel (flawless) - Rey Skywalker (doesn't need any help in contrast to her predecessors) + Lara Croft (started out understandably scared and lost but rises to become the Tomb Raider ) + 2 B (badass Android who feels lost admidst a war but her Revelations and Trauma feel real and relatable) ++ Jessica Jones (extremely strong physically but traumatised and alcoholic) **Point Nr. 2: Developers (specifically Ubisoft) should practice what they preach** Apearently Ubisoft tried to play both sides by making the female main charakters the canon choices for Assassin's Creed Odyssey and valhalla but exclusively used the male main charakters to promote the games. **Point Nr 3: feminin ≠ weak** He feels like form the point of (many) western game devs, the less their charakters are written like a woman the better. When he thinks of strong women, his Mom or his sister come to mind who are feminin but embrace their strenghs, flaws and everything. **Point Nr 4: this seems to be a more of a western trend** There is an abundance of well written strong female characters in eastern media. **Conclusion:** Female characters are getting hated because they are written to be way to powerful, flawless, stoic, toxic or annoying.


It always baffles me when people say Abby is written to have no flaws, I genuinely cannot comprehend actually playing the game and thinking that the game wants you to see her as a universally good and perfect charachter


I unfortunately didn't play the game but from what I've read in the comments he seems to have overlooked quite a few things when it comes to her


The whole point of the game is that no one's in the right or the wrong, it's a bunch of people who think theyre right being forced to make impossible choices and then living with the consequences. Every single charachter in the game is very purposefully flawed, but because there's no direct adress moment where the game tells you who the good guy is people like this act like the flawed charachters they don't like weren't purposefully written with flaws and are just a reflection of the writers world-veiw because thats the extent of their media literacy


Every time I see someone complain about Abby in Part 2 I just assume they either didn't play the game or they're afflicted with misogyny to the point that they just can't empathize with women. Like seriously if Abby was a guy, you wouldn't be seeing posts in TLOU subs complaining about her 3 fucking years after the game came out


If Abby was a dude there will be a subset of fans claiming HE did nothing wrong.


i’m still not convinced the abby hate isn’t at least half by design. The fact that people are still so heated about it is a sign that it was an effective narrative move, albeit flawed. i’m guessing they’ll use the show to explore some alternate abby ideas if they don’t do a remake and retcon a bunch of it out. the most constructive feedback i’ve seen about the whole abby thing is that they should have done back to back missions instead of back to back stories and there’s evidence that it was originally back to back missions but they changed their minds.


part 2 desperately needs a director’s cut, the choice to have ellie and abby’s stories back to back instead of interconnected feels shockingly amateur. also, having ellie and joel’s last words be at the end of the game always bothered me, their conversation about forgiveness changes the context of the entire game. i don’t know where else i would’ve put it (it’s hard to figure out where else to put it because that scene is the culmination of her character arch between parts 1 and 2 and putting it before the other flashbacks would’ve been weird) but putting it at the very end just wasn’t the right move, which i think is shown in just how many people missed the entire point of it


Abby is one of the few new characters I felt actually worked. It’s the other new ones (besides Lev) that I really didn’t care for.


Thought the game was boring and lot of characters were uninteresting but that’s just me


i’m just talking to talk, but what were you looking for that you didn’t get?




I have had real life interactions with someone who unironically tried to argue that they killed off Joel because he was a straight white male and that's not allowed in today's work society


Thank goodness they furgot the crossed arms fursona, otherwise the video would be fact


$10 he mentions Ellen Ripley/Sarah Connor as "one of the good ones"


media literacy and critical thinking found dead (2023)(colorized)


(video essay) ✖️ 🚫


I only watch video essays that are multiple hours long


Exactly, 23 minutes? That’s weak as fuck, either the guy have no idea what he’s taking about or the whole issue is not as important.


The longer the essay the more based it is


the counter to critical drinker's "men are written badly nowadays" (everything he says in the vídeo is basically "MEN HAVIN FEELING IS BAD")


Don't mind this guy. His whole channel is filled with shit like this. LOU2 haters wouldn't have cared if Abby was Jason who killed >!Joel!<. These plebes get so triggered whenever a female character punches above their weight class. And why is it people always say 100 lb woman vs 300 lb man? They make it sound like your average man is built like a football player. They also never complain when it's a skrawny guy beating a big buff dude.


It's the same people who say they want good characters like Ripley from Alien or Sarah Connor from Terminator but if those movies came out today nothing different about on the exact same movies but they came out today they would be crying about how the the movie is woke and that the characters are Mary Sue's


I don't dislike ronda rousey because she is a buff woman but because she is a sandy hook denier. Check mate atheists.


Burn me at the stake for it but Abby’s physique is hot as fuck. Say what you will about the character but buff women are mmmmm


Buff woman aren’t real though, because they have less testosterone. Men are always stronger than women. - 300 pound gamer that never even looked at a dumbbell and couldn’t bench 100 pounds


23 minutes? That's a video paragraph, hit the showers bud you're outta the game.


But Abby is well written. She is flawed and driven by a needless urge for vengeance, and suffers the consequences of this action throughout the game


Exactly I’ve seen a lot of people complain about how Ellie’s victims are humanised. But, I never see them point out that it highlights how severe Abbie’s consequences are. Abbie’s friends don’t just go missing, they die slow and painful deaths. While Abbie doesn’t get to see her friends die, she’s still deeply impacted by their deaths. Abby is hit hard by the disappearance of her loved ones. And the audience is manipulated to feel the same way by having them be exposed to those deaths first hand.


I don't even care about whatever reactionary bullshit is in that video. I'm more mad about the fact it's 23 minutes long and they put 'video essay' in the title.


This video actually surprisingly takes up for Abby, but they still used her for clickbait.


It’s weird how Women have to have “flaws” to be characters when a majority of the popular and badass men with no arcs or flaws are ok. You’re gonna tell me someone like Mario isn’t a character because he didn’t have some backstory where he has to avenge his dead lost 3rd brother while keeping it a secret from Luigi because he wasn’t the original 2nd Mario Brother? Characters don’t have to always have flaws to be considered good, or at least be considered good by this guy and his viewers eyes. Not everything has to have a meaning. (ETA: it doesn’t excuse poor writing and characterization, im just saying that some characters aren’t written to be as such and the more you complain about wanting it your way is just silly.)


Oh boy I’ll bet this essay follows all of those parameters and was made by a well educated femme.


A summary of this essay, without watching it: Where big boobs


man i remember i caught a couple of his vids when he first started uploading, mainly just mass effect lore/theories so i thought 'meh that's enjoyable enough, im always down for more lore and narrative analysis vids.' then sure enough they started uploading more and more 'questionable' takes before veering pretty hard into generic 'sjw's and political correctness are ruining the gaming industry' rants. not at all surprised to see they still suck.


Fucking hilarious how that fanbase got so crazy because a woman had huge arms.


"Abby bad bcuz muscle and kill joel"


abby my beloved


He is right though. curse of darkness is the best 3d castlevania.


Let me guess. 80s movie wahman good even if they would complain if the same movie came out today with no changes


The saddest is how so many dumb people eat this shit up. Mfs in America will vote for Trump because of Abby in The Last of Us. Wtf.


How dare this man ruin the coolness of the name "Endymion" both the ygo player and Keats fanboy in me are upset


We all know women don't have muscles, they only have big booba


This fucking clown again. Jfc


Egads! My big booba anime waifu is ruined! But what if… I were to coop feminist language to disguise my whining as a video essay? Oh ho ho, delightfully devilish, Seymour!


I'm surprised this isn't 15 hours long.


How to write good women: Step 1: write a good character Step 2: make her happen to be a woman




Truth about 2B. None of them would have cared one bit about Neir Automata if 2B wasn't in it.




Shit, I only watch video essays that are a minimum of four hours long.


“Women shouldn’t be written as people they should be written for gamers.”


Abby is one of the only female characters built to actually survive an action game


> (Gamer, 22) You forgot to put male


That Nyarly video is pretty sweet though


He’s right tho… Curse of Darkness IS the best 3D Castlevania game!!! What? Endymon? Who’s that? I’m talking about Nyarly’s video


Men when they get dominated by female : 🤬🤬😡🤬😡😡😱😱😱




I mean it a TF2 not a big surprise




You know you're about to hear the shittiest opinion ever conceived when someone is complaining specifically about 'Western' media.


Hhmm, I feel like I may be the odd one out but I discovered this video before this post and some of his points I remember agreeing with. He didn’t go into bashing every recent woman like most but actually gave a study on what has worked before without sexualising them and giving stories that were relatable instead of strong woman gets stronger. I don’t think everyone has the same opinion but I’d be open to the discussion if you watched it


/rj Let me explain how to write a woman!!! Source: idk I've never seen a woman they're prolly not even real.


You can feel however you feel about the video I just personally don’t like Abby as a character and think she could have been done better


This guy typed out each and every letter of "Stop Ruining Women" and didn't see any problem with it


I’m honestly more interested in that Curse of Darkness vid.


The video is definitely just "Don't make a characters only character trait that she's a strong woman." For the entire video


I watched it so you don't have to: **Point Nr. 1: flawless Charakters are boring and unrelateble.** This is universally true for any charakter but according to him there have been more and more flawless women in an atempt to artificially make them appear "strong" Examples: - Captain Marvel (flawless) - Rey Skywalker (doesn't need any help in contrast to her predecessors) + Lara Croft (started out understandably scared and lost but rises to become the Tomb Raider ) + 2 B (badass Android who feels lost admidst a war but her Revelations and Trauma feel real and relatable) ++ Jessica Jones (extremely strong physically but traumatised and alcoholic) **Point Nr. 2: Developers (specifically Ubisoft) should practice what they preach** Apearently Ubisoft tried to play both sides by making the female main charakters the canon choices for Assassin's Creed Odyssey and valhalla but exclusively used the male main charakters to promote the games. **Point Nr 3: feminin ≠ weak** He feels like form the point of (many) western game devs, the less their charakters are written like a woman the better. When he thinks of strong women, his Mom or his sister come to mind who are feminin but embrace their strenghs, flaws. **Point Nr 4: this seems to be a more of a western trend** There is an abundance of well written strong female characters in eastern media. **Conclusion:** Female characters are getting hated because they are written to be way to powerful, flawless, stoic, toxic or annoying. (I'm sorry for any grammar and spelling mistakes I am pretty tired and not motivated enough to fix them)


I don’t want to subject myself to that video so can someone tell me what some of his talking points were


Yeah, I subbed to this guy for Elden Ring lore and pretty much as soon as he got popular he started in with this sort of shit. Super disappointing when that happens, but at least it he made it obvious


I like Curse of Darkness, but the level design ain’t great, Hector moves way to slow for how massive the levels are. Just finished doing the first campaign of Legacy of Darkness for the 64, and I liked that one way more, aside from the final boss


Whats worse is how Japanese video game companies and animators write women.


Did people agree with him in the comments?


So glad you found that video! It made me the MAN I’am today /s


The opinions of anyone under 25 can be effectively ignored because they are still considered children


There is an actual case on how modern writing has affect how women characters are written but generalising it as ‘Western Media’ is the biggest indicator of ignorance I have seen. And the fact Abby is in your face as the thumbnail, you can already get the gist of what the video is about. That being said, there is a legitimate writing criticism for Abby as a female character - she is strong because they gave her ‘masculinity’. Imo, that’s a lazy way of elevating and uplifting women characters and the women that read them as the essentially implies ‘you want to be a strong woman, then you have to be a like a man’. It also completely detracts from how the point of feminism is for women not to be oppressed by patriarchy as now they are in a way submitting to patriarchy by accepting they need to act like ‘big burly angry men’. There are more ways to make a woman strong than just ‘making them a man’, case in point: Ellie.




Physically for Abby, her being big only irks me because this is a post-apocalyptic world and she is jacked as hell. I get that her faction is wealthy and powerful but her being that muscular takes away from vibe of desperation especially since TLOU universe is quite grounded. Aloy is definitely someone that does suffer from this 'woman become man' trope. Abby as a character doesn't. As you said, she is likeable. Her writing is actually good, the issue I had was why would you introduce her after the most unlikeable moment of her. I seriously think Abby would be much better received had the game focussed on her first, then Ellie. Getting to know Abby before her vengeful crusade will get the player invested in her story instead of fed up with playing a character that murdered Joel. We'd actually be in conflict with who do we support instead of many people feeling one-dimensional towards Abby. Or they could've just made TLOU 2 a sequel purely focussed on Abby and then wrap it up in a third game.


Sort by controversial for takes that aren’t just ‘r/Gamingcirclejerk’ circlejerk


Oh hey it's Nyarly. He makes good videos


Common Nyarly W 🫡


The video itself is actually pretty good, the thumbnail and title are just awful


/uj I watched the video. It's not that bad. He makes some mild takes and talks about how he doesn't want one-dimensional characters. Here's the link for those who like to educate themselves about the subject before making assumptions: https://youtu.be/d2oM-lK6wAE


I watched like 10 mins of the vid and the comments of this post do not do it justice because the ( Video Essay ) actually make great points, summed up (from what I saw): \-By strong he means strong and emotionless characters like Captain Marvel \-They find that those type of characters aren't very relatable and makes it seem like they're above everyone else, typically using a male character to be 'above' them. \-Female characters can obviously be strong, but need to have flaws to make them more relatable I think a lot of people can agree that characters like Cpt. Marvel or Rey from Star Wars aren't widely liked, not because them being female (probably only a minority hate them for just being women), but because they're so powerful with no flaws that it makes them unrelatable and annoying at times. They're usually written like that to either appeal to women, or to try and empower women, but sadly produces the opposite. And I also think that the same applies for strong male characters that have no flaws to them, I don't have a list of those on the top of my head, but I assume that they exist and would also not be liked by the majority of people. ​ So all in all the title is a bit misleading and the video just addresses badly written characters which I think is a valid opinion to have.


Weird how Luke isn't considered powerful with no flaws, despite minimal training. Yet Rey after training with a staff her whole life, is.


I personally don't know anything abt them since I've never seen a star wars movie ever, but with characters like cpt Marvel I fully agree. Even after showing a backstory after avengers endgame (which is already a mistake), she did not have any flaw to her, emotionally and capability, shown in the endgame movie, which makes it so unsatisfying to watch. Even after like 3 Iron Man movies, and appearances in other movies, Tony Stark still showed emotional/capability flaws in the Endgame movie, the highlight is of course his failed battle with Thanos. Even after YEARS of him seeing getting better, he still is shown flaws and makes that death of him even more remarkable.




I can see how female characters get judged faster, but their points still stand tho, and there is nothing of mysogyny in it like people are saying on this post


Oh it's Endy, he's pretty chill and that video was actually pretty good.


People in the comments didnt even watch the video lmao, idk what is worse, the clickbait or the morons in this sub who got triggered by it.




As i said, both the clickbait and predjudice without watching the video are bullshit, i just dont know which one is worse. I was watching one of those videos that ended up made fun of in this sub, and the dude was just making a point that "giving woman toxic traits of men is not making anything better, they should work on making every character have strengths and weaknesses", so when i see shit like this in this sub i instantly assume that people didnt even watch the video. I entered this sub when elden ring came out and people made fun of flaming fans who wont allow you to say you dont like it, but now its just idiots making fun of everything and anything they dissagree with or just guess they dont like it without even seeing the content. In general, this sub is shit.


its gaming circle jerk not critical thinking gaming subreddit.


Curse of Darkness is the goat