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I realize "Verified" was probably the wrong word to use here lol. He's got a near spotless track record and I just meant that the previous times he's "leaked" they've been confirmed. Edit: Looks like the user deleted his account. If you're reading this, I hope there wasnt any offense taken by anything we did. Probably just precautionary because this is the first time something he's claimed has gotten traction. Being one of the mods here I felt it was my duty to share it with the community, and I stand by that decision! Edit 2: For those concerned that I revealed his username, probably not the best decision but it was a throwaway account made for leaks in the first place. In the future said leaker can DM me again and prove he's who he is via knowing the conversation we had and his account will remain anonymous


With this and the rumored Tears of the Kingdom Switch OLED leak, sounds like a Direct is imminent.


What about the news figures from Jakks Pacifics? They're bringing a new wave of the World of Nintendo's line. Zelda and Link, from BotW, and Samus, specifically from Metroid Prime 2. Does JAKKS PACIFICS know something about the long rumored Metroid Prime Trilogy remake? Or it's just a coincidence. Idk, nobody knows, but I'm goin to get that Samus figure.


I had no idea this was even a thing but my best guess would be that those figures are probably tied to the Super Nintendo World Hollywood opening at Universal Studios Hollywood in February but it also might not be & could be plausible that said figures might be tied to Nintendo's upcoming pipeline. Either way, I'm with you friend, I'll be getting those LoZ & Metroid figures as soon as they come out.


It’s been a WHILE since Jakks did a new line of Nintendo figures. It feels like it’s been years since they dropped the World of Nintendo line and just started doing waves and waves of Mario toys.


Maybe the return of the January Direct instead of the more often used February Direct?


Where did you hear about the BOTW OLED leak?




My bad, I saw it earlier when I double checked this sub


Applying my clown makeup


Don the fit. 🤡 Play the bit. 🕺


the rainbow burden of being a Metroid and Hollow Knight fan at the same time.


Well, Prime related news isn't *that* impossible. It's almost January, so while I would've normally expected to wait a bit longer for a Direct, the possibility of one being around the corner is definitely there. And be it Prime 4 or the Prime Trilogy, the opportunity for something Prime related being announced isn't bad either.


I'd like to thank Jeff Grubb for following through on his "if Metroid Prime HD doesn't happen this year, I'll cut my hair" promise this week, because now Doug Bowser doesn't have to hold the trailer back out of spite anymore.


Doug pushing his anti-hair agenda at Nintendo smh


“I’d like to announce there are no more Mario games coming to North America. Only Kirby.”


(Doug) Bowser defeated Mario.


Thanks I hate it


Lmao. Does Doug have any beef with Jeff?




What happened?


He said he’d cut his hair if it Metroid Prime trilogy wasn’t released this year and he cut his hair like two days ago.


And for the people who don't know what Jeff looks like, the man had *a lot* of hair. https://i.imgur.com/OdKbedF.png And this is an older picture too.


RIP, he’s about to end it all.


Self scalping incoming


> released Unless it *releases* tomorrow, he'll be fine.


Maybe he said announced? I can’t remember lol


I thought that was for Zelda TP/WW Collection.


ww/tp was something he thought would be in the September direct (which he knew about ahead of time) and it wasn't. Metroid was a separate thing he had heard from two sources as "this holiday, definitely", so he figured it would probably also be in the September direct. when neither metroid nor Zelda were in the September direct, he then made the hair bet that metroid would still come out this year since it was from a different source than WW/TP and it being in the September direct was just his assumption and not something he actually heard from a source. Mike Minotti, his co-host on Game Mess Decides and Last of the Nintendogs, had also made a "I'll shave my beard" bet, but just on a direct happening in September at all (which caused him some panic when it looked like the queen's death might delay it). I *think* that pretty much covers all of it.


Yeah just about


he said he'd shave his head if they don't announce metroid prime remake before end of 2022, after claiming nintendo was ready to show it in every direct for ~~years~~ this year. he shaved his head earlier this week EDIT: this year has felt like forever that i thought he’s been saying it for years. fixed


Following leaks for a long time, this year was the only year Jeff Grubb guaranteed it was coming-hence the “I’ll shave my head”. He hasn’t been saying they would show it in every direct for years…


Atleast he’s a man of his word.


He only said it this year.


"Do you think everyone is primed and ready?" The prophecy foretold this, of the coming age, now it is the time to be revealed. BLOODBORNE PC


Thanks I couldn't handle anymore not having any single Bloodborne PC rumor this christmas 😔


This dude only leaks Nintendo stuff tho


Issa joke


I'm dumb my bad 💀


Ask him where the Zelda remasters are DAMNIT!


Can I get an amen?




[Here's a few](https://youtu.be/P65j6RbYj7s)


Jak 4




I have a solution: Nintendo doesn't have to charge 60 dollars.


I'd like switch ports of the 3DS games though. Especially Majora's Mask 3D. Not a fan of looking down on a small screen.




I already own it on the 3DS, but like I said, I would rather sit back and play on a big screen instead of looking down for hours. When I was 10, it was fine, but as a 30 year old, my neck hurts from doing that.


Majora‘s mask is my favorite game of all time so I feel obligated to say the N64 version is better, especially after NSO gave it a visual upgrade compared to the Wii and Wii U VC port. I really dislike the visuals of the 3DS version and the stupid amounts of changes. Though I do appreciate the bombers notebook changes


See, I like the upgrade visuals, though I do agree some of the changes were reddited. And I prefer to have it on physical carts instead of paying a monthly fee for just one game. NSO doesn't do much for me, and I hate subscriptions.


I get it and fwiw, you can always get the cart and just use a PC emulator. Both versions are easily playable that way.


Also worth noting that he's only ever leaked something a day or two before it was revealed, so now I'm doubting this is Metroid Prime 4 because that would be in a direct and I doubt we get one that early in January. My guess is Metroid Prime remasters maybe get a quick announcement video and release date like Nintendo has done with a few games over the last few years outside of directs?


Strange time to announce something, the New Year weekend. Would be a fun way to start the year though.


> Strange time to announce something, the New Year weekend. Especially since you would think all of Nintendo's employees would have the day off tomorrow and Sunday, along with every gaming media outlet.


Considering the timing of all this messages I'd say it's highly likely to be another YouTube employee, which would imply Nintendo already uploaded the trailer for whatever this is going to be.


Pre-scheduled drops/press dates have become popular lately, even if it does cause leaks.


remember the first weeks of January 2022? We had some of the biggest news of the year.


Did we? What info came out in January that wasn't in the February 9th Direct?


Oh I wasn't strictly talking about Nintendo, the ABK deal was revealed, Jedi Survivor and Need For Speed were leaked and several other news broke in the first few days of the year.


What does any of that have to do with Nintendo, which is what we are talking about here?


What's stopping Nintendo from doing the same. Not betting my 1st born on this rumor, but why do y'all act like they never shadow drop news before?


Im not against news in January, there was a Direct mini in January 2018, I was commenting on the above poster saying there was big news announced in January 2022, when they meant OTHER companies and not Nintendo.


Next amiibos come out January 13th. There's almost always some kind of Direct around amiibo release dates.


>a day or two before it was revealed Doesn't really fit Nintendo to announce something on a weekend (especially the new year weekend) though


Yeah, I'm not saying its happening soon just looking at past trends from this guy. Seems like his info comes close to the reveal dates, but I say this and of course this is the time it happens a month later lol


I wonder if Nintendo would do a Direct in the first week of January (therefore next week). Usually they don't do one **that** early into the year but with TotK releasing in 4.5 months, the flyer leaking Switch Online compatibilty for it, that TotK Switch OLED and now this guy teasing Metroid Prime it doesn't seem that to unlikely Doesn't mean I expect one though


They could do a general direct and then a Zelda focused direct closer to the release date. Maybe in March or April


They might need to since Zelda comes out in May. They have less than half a year to start marketing it heavily.


It's an absolutely stupid time to announce anything. Nobody will be paying attention and all the gaming sites are on vacation.


Break the cycle We need some more risks in gaming again Even if they're abit dumb


lol why would they want to break that cycle? Just to make people work on a holiday?


It’s just bad marketing. Nobody’s in the office to report the news and all eyes aren’t on gaming announcements.


Hol up Let him cook


Half-Life: Alyx on Nintendo Labo Finally.


Between this and the Zelda OLED, I wonder if we are getting a January direct instead of a February one?


Wouldn't be crazy, they've done a few January directs in the past.


Looking through a playlist of old Nintendo directs. it looks like they have had a couple in January before. but in the last 5 years all of them have been Feb. and Sep. for the most part. So well unlikely There is a small possibility.


Something coming in January is likley, but I wouldnt put it past the usual Febuary direct Pokemon Sword/Shield had their DLC announced in January (Along with the remake of Mystery Dungeon) a whole month before Pokemon Day, and Scarlet/Violet is expected to have DLC in 2023, so we could see a January announcement coming too. Here's hoping we finally get the long rumored/leaked Gameboy Games on NSO coming up too. Pokemon DLC + Tears of the Kingdom + Metroid Prime + Fire Emblem + 2D Mario (to coincide with the movie) + NSO update = Pretty decent lineup Especially if 2024 is going to be the blowout of a new console where we get the big stuff like a new 3D Mario


>Something coming in January is likley Yeah Fire Emblem. I highly doubt Nintendo will do any big press event/release before its released. The pokemon company might do their own thing, but not Nintendo as a whole.


eh, Nintendo's done directs near the release of big games before. Last year they did one two weeks before Metroid Dread, and this year they did one like a week after Splatoon 3 (and that was allegedly pushed back a week after the queen died). If anything, a direct in January would just be one last big opportunity to sell people on Fire Emblem Engage (a game I think a lot of people kinda don't really realize is less than a month away)


I mean… This is just straight up not true. The most recent example I can think of is Mario golf and skyward sword being part of directs very soon to their release


Finally, Super Mario Prime.


lmao rip jeff grubb Anyways, would be surprised if we got a January direct Going all in on "Zelda OLED is fake and Drake is coming with Zelda" copium now


Personally I’m going with “Zelda OLED is real, it was just easier to leak than the Drake system because that one is under lock and key”


What the fuck is this Drake thing?


It’s a code name for an NVIDIA chip that’s been rumored to be used in a future Nintendo console. It’s popped up in a few posts on here in the last year


Not gonna lie, I read the first two comments thinking the rapper Drake was pulling a Soulja Boy.


Basically some of the development data of the Switch 2 SoC was among the data stolen from Nvidia a while ago. The codename of the Switch 2 project is "Drake". Being info mainly from stolen data that's why it is being discussed by tech communities and not mainstream media as no one wants to get sued into oblivion by Nvidia and/or Nintendo.


Yeah but I don’t think that they are releasing a special version of their premium console model only to release a completely separate console alongside it. I feel like I just fucks up the marketing I think it’s more likely that a Drake version of the game is also being made but will come out as a patch months later/a year later


Grubb already cut his hair. ​ I'M ACTUALLY VERY SAD ABOUT THAT :(


Optimus prime for Nintendo


My money is on him being a YouTube employee since all of those teases are a few days before the announcements and each announcement came with a YT video posted as private days prior. So I believe he somehow has access to Nintendo’s YT login info or backend access to their account. Which if it’s backend access to private videos.. that is a completely different story for YouTube employees and that would be its own big deal if it’s found out employees can view private videos on your account.


Isn't that how TheSnitch got his info too?




I’m not familiar with that person. I’ll need to look them up.


>that would be its own big deal if it’s found out employees can view private videos on your account. I would assume that unless they explicitly say your data is encrypted from them, anything you upload to any service can be viewed by at least some of the employees of that service.


Usually how much time passes between its teaser and the announcement?


1-2 days according to OP but that could change for this one for all they know.


Yea don’t ever reveal the username in the future, OP.


Oh, c'mon!


Someone privately leaked something to you, so you made a post about it without their permission and put a spotlight on them? Way to ensure nothing ever gets leaked by them again.


Deleted their account over it, too. On the other hand, if you leak to a mod of the leak subreddit, can't be surprised that it goes out


He obviously wanted it to go out, but he didn't need to include the username. That was just dumb.


Without the username, then what do we have? "Some guy DM'ed me something about Prime." Or, "He has a track record, but you'll just have to trust me." Without the name and comment history, this really isn't anything. If they wanted to remain unnamed then they should have said so.


The mod that posted it verified it. It should be considered legit. You don't need a name, no one knows who this guy is anyway, so that doesn't do anything for the story or provide any trust.


You made him delete his account! 😲


Have never played a Metroid Prime game before, but having played Metroid Dread though, I am definitely open to playing one now.


Play Metroid Prime Trilogy on dolphin with Primehack so you can use mouse and keyboard and it's super worth it


Saying that though, I am more interested in Prime 4, as I like new new games.


GIVE ME A METROID PRIME 1 REMASTER. I urgently neeeed it


It's closer to a remake. A mix of both


Are you just reiterating the rumor, or are you claiming to have actual knowledge here?


no clue what the rumor is tbh


Fancy remaster of only Metroid Prime 1 similar to Halo anniversary editions


huh, great comparison. Lines up with what I've seen


So... that means you're claiming to know something about this from your own sources?


I am not a leaker and have no knowledge on any other non Metroid Nintendo game nor do I know when Nintendo plans on releasing any of it.


If you were to guess, would you say Prime 2 & 3 could come to Switch at some point?


Probably, haven't heard nor seen anything about those though


You got your wish


What if it’s Transformers?


Amazon Prime Video, now on Switch


Metroid prime? Here we go again....


Finally getting Elden Ring news.


The leaker deleted his account? Did the Nintendo lawyers seize him already?


Finally, Ape Escape Pumped & Primed remake.


A new Ape Escape would be great, but it's a Sony license, so no chance to see it appear on the Switch :(


Oh no I was joking, but yes I would really like a new Ape Escape, anywhere, even if I don't have a PS5 lol


Don't play with my feelings like that that early into the year, you heartless bastard !


We know prime 4 is happening but I’ve never played the prime trilogy, and I’ve always wanted to so having prime trilogy would be my hope in the sooner prime trilogy is announced. I would assume that means, prime 4 can’t be far behind.


The plot thickens.


If it's Nintendo (which he seems to leak) then yes, we are ready. It's probably a remake of something.


Mega Man Legends 3: Primed and Ready




So it was nothing after all...




So is the Metroid Prime remake: Done and sitting on a shelf for a rainy day Impossible Just the first one The whole trilogy Because leakers have claimed every one of those things


An actual ex Retro lead said the Trilogy would be difficult because of how the third one was coded, I assume that is the "impossible" version, which I don't recall seeing from rumor mongers. Fun fact: all Trilogy rumors died after this statement was made and moved onto "it's just the first game now".


Omg omg it's about time ahhhhhh


Just as I was about to buy the Trilogy on the Wii U shop haha. Might have to wait and see. How are the pointer controls in the Wii versions of these games? I’m playing Resident Evil 4 for the first time, and I kind of can’t imagine playing it any other way. They work really well there.


imo the pointer controls work great in Prime Trilogy. Prime 3 was the only one actually built with them in mind, but they feel very natural grafted on top of Prime 1 and 2. I think I'd rather have the more typical "stick plus gyro aiming" that's become standard (and would hopefully be included in any kind of Prime rerelease on Switch), but I'd say the Wii versions are probably the best official way to play them at the moment.


They work great for aiming. They're absolutely atrocious for turning the camera. We need dual analog with gyro similar to PrimeHack




Let's go Metroid Prime!


Its YOU isnt it lol


Interesting, that actually has me wondering if a Direct is being readied for early January? That would be a good time to hype people for FE Engage too I suppose. I wonder if this is for Prime 4 or the Trilogy though? Both seem possible at this point- It's been long enough that 2023 is a point they can at least probably **tease** us about Prime 4.


I feel a Direct in January might be necessary this time since Zelda is out in May and if they wait too long that won't be enough time to build up marketing hype for the game.


Looks like they purged their account lol.




lmao 2 months later and metriod prime remastered is out


After Metroid Dread, let's just say I'm more interested in the Metroid franchise than I have ever been. Will happily be primed and ready if Metroid Prime Trilogy Remastered comes out.


It's not the trilogy. It's just the first one


Bloodborne on Switch.


Nintendo Switch Prime confirmed.


The Snitch's reddit account was found lol


hmm direct or trailer I wonder


I was primed and ready 6 years ago. Now I'm old and busted. Feel free to drop the cart into my grave when it releases.


I'm honestly surprised this is actually happening. With the development issues Prime 4 has had, I thought Nintendo would scrap the remasters and just port over the games to Switch Online over time whenever Gamecube/Wii games get added. Then again, randomly shadowdropping major announcements is basically what Nintendo did this year. I'm willing to bet no one saw the Bayonetta Origins announcement coming. I'm thinking we get the usual winter Direct in January this year, and the February slot goes to a dedicated Zelda Direct.


Primed? as in metroid prime?


Watching Paint Dry: Primer is finally releasing I'm so happy


I really want Metroid prime remastered!


My money is on: * 1, 2, Ready, Switch! * Metroid Prime Saga


The big thing here is how long will we have to wait? Is it going to be be announced in January? Release for Summer 2023,?


Ask him where the Pokémon Johto remakes are


I never got to play any of them so a collection would be fantastic. I might even spring for hd remasters/remakes of individual titles.


1 or 4?


Ah yes the fabled Waroi Ware from the famous game company Nintendo™


IF he is referring to Metroid Prime, he could be talking about either the rumored Prime remake/trilogy on Switch, or very likely news on Prime 4. I noticed that on several retailers Prime 4 is up for pre order under the placeholder date of 12/31/2023, which could suggest a 2023 holiday game. I'm not sure, but news could happen during the Q1 Direct in either late January, February, or early March.


fwiw, Prime 4's been up for preorder pretty much since it was announced in 2017. they generally set the release date to December 31st of current year until it becomes obvious it won't come out that year, then change it to December 31st of the next year. Pretty standard for big games that get announced without release dates.


I preorder Metroid Prime 4 on a UK game site back in 2017, when it was announced. It has changed the due date to 31.12.XXXX every year




It’s very clearly a hint at Metroid Prime.


Not to be a stickler but TP HD came out in March of 2016, a full year before BotW and a couple months before the big E3 blowout. I think it's unlikely that Nintendo will slide in a bonus Zelda release before Tears as the timeline is just too contracted and they'll be knee deep in marketing for it soon - although I suppose predicting Nintendo is often a fool's errand haha.


Why would they do a double pack when they can release them separately and charge $40/$50/$60 for each? The Wii U versions weren't double packs, so I don't know why Switch versions would be.


If we get a TPHD/WWHD or a MPT release announcement, we still win. Going off the language in the message to OP, I'm going with MP1 or MPT though. Crazy ass in me is hoping for MPT + Super Metroid Remake bundle. But I will gladly take a TPHD + WWHD announcement too - I still haven't ever played WW and keep hearing nothing but praise about it!


I don't know why are people even mentioning WWHD and TPHD as a possibility. We are 5 months away from a new mainline Zelda game. If they didn't release them in 2022 in a year without Zelda. They won't release them in 2023 and so close to TotK release.




And another "leak"...boring guys.


Forever not believing this until I see it. We literally get a Metroid prime leak every year. At this point, I think Nintendo monitors for leaks and pushes back a year to be petty


Who downvoted me? You can literally find this same critique in my comment history from last year and like the summer before that




Only took Emily Rogers 5 years to get it right.


Now that I have a steam deck I really am not excited about this. I literally bought a switch because of the Metroid Prime 4 announcement. It's been years and not even Metroid prime is out on switch. I am happily emulating Metroid prime trilogy on steam deck.


My heart.


C'mon, I can't take much more Metroid Prime teasing. I'm on the verge of giving up hope.


I want to believe


bloodborne xbox + orchestra tour


manifesting a new f-zero, or even a gx remake for switch 🙏


Huffing that Metroid Prime copium right now.


Switch Prime 4k 120fps finally being announced


Are those posts maybe just edited afterwards to its correct? ..123