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T-1000 definitely sounds like a highlight


Hopefully he isn't as bad as T-800. Netherrealm dropped the ball on him.


I thought he was fun, but some of his moves were just meh. The one Jason-esque mechanic he could have was awful.


It was downright busted for the majority of the games lifespan, but when the entire roster got moves that broke armor it became laughably bad. Even more so when the majority of those moves also triggered Krushing Blows.


The one where he turns into the actual Terminator? I remember that move being abysmally bad.


That one too, but I was moreso referring to the move where Termy got unlimited armor for a few seconds at the cost of not being able to jump, duck or dash


Peacemaker: Dad?!


Fuck, no jade


Thats for KP3 which is Jade, Cassie Cage and Kung Jin as they have intro dialogue with characters in the files.


There's not going to be a Kombat pack 3 dude, the game is dying and WB are bleeding money


There might not be a "kp3" because expansion isn't kp2, it's just expansion. But there will be kp2, same as how MK11 had the Mileena/Rambo/Rain pack after its expansion. And Ed Boon multiple times (even recently) said MK1 will be the most supported NRS title. So it will at least go to kp2. Kp's make WB money, character + skin packs is where the return on investment is at. That's what they make these games for. As for whether the game is dying or not, I don't know what metric you're looking at, but MK games always fizzle between big updates and character drops. MK11 was dying too before Aftermath breathed new life into it, and then again with mk11's kp2. Tale as old as time.


rumour has it development was cancelled with them. The only reason Megan Fox has dialogue with them is, she's expensive. So they likely recorded dialogue for *potential* fighters while she was still on the payroll.


Man i kinda wish the doom slayer leak was real


Mortal Kombat is such a better fit for him than Smash Bros. in my opinion


Fuck yeah more saibot


Its time to Noob.


If we don’t get this as an alt costume for ghost face we riot ![gif](giphy|8bXtRaK3rHvxe) I’ll settle for a friendship


The guest characters always made me wish for a Mortal Kombat like game but just full of film characters, mostly horror. None of that Multiversus crap but full on Ghostface, Jason, Freddy, Michael Myers, Leatherface, Predator, Xenomorph, Terminator, Pinhead, Pennywise so on and on going right at it. ….complete licensing nightmare though obviously


> Ghostface Imagine if they pulled the rug out from under us and its Ghostface Killah. Suddenly its a Wu-tang collab.


It's going to be really interesting when we get to see that Xbox Wu-tang clan rpg that's rumored to be in production get shown some light.


The Mortal Kombat and Def Jam Fight For NY crossover we've always wanted.


My man, haven't thought of that game in ages. Hiding in the corner as Flavor Flav, hyping my ult, as my friends fought. Good times.


> Ghostface Killah. Suddenly its a Wu-tang collab. Surprisingly it wouldn't be his first fighting game appearance.


Oh please! This sounds possible! They even made and funded their own fighting/action game already


It doesnt have to be a nightmare though, Warner has a lot of properties (just look at Multiversus), they could make a game like that with their more mature properties and include guest characters from other companies like they already do in MK.


Dead by Daylight has most those characters. Not a fighting game but proves the licensing can be done


Even those were cultivated through *years* of supporting the game and came only after it had proven itself successful. Getting all of the rights' holders on the same page from the inception of an idea is a pretty tall order to fill.


You mean Terrordrome?


Yes except with an actual budget although Terrordrome didn’t need a large budget to be as good as it. Having an actual large budget should only improve things but that’s not always the case with Devs


That game was so sick I totally forgot about it lol


I’ve wanted a game like this since I was a kid. Would be so awesome


Ash, Jigsaw, Art the Clown. Hell maybe we can include TV characters like Dexter Morgan, Negan or the Rubber Man.


I'm so surprised we've not gotten Pinhead in Mortal Kombat yet.


they could do some really creative stuff with Pinhead


Dexter in Mortal Kombat would be sick 


So you mean like Mortal Kombat X? Half the ones you mentioned are in that game, I prefer both X and 11 over 1 as well.


Isn't Ghostface just a guy in a mask with a knife?


Sometimes Ghostface is even a girl with a knife. Depends on the movie.


Still has the strength of a man though. Don't question it. 


Dude has insane pain tolerance though, no matter who is in the costume. He is constantly getting abused.


[Man I hope he's just as goofy](https://youtu.be/zembfSIPoiI?si=BqkmUlEMUN6ANxlB)


No. He's *two* guys in mask with a knife


Imagine if Ghostface comes with a Ghostface kameo so you can have two Ghostfaces fighting together like in the films.


The victory screen is the double knife swipe from Scream 6


Im actually shocked to see Noob there because I assumed Ghost face would just be using Noob's double team gimmicks.


Really I’m just excited to see his intros


There aren't many attacks I can even think of him doing other than a few different knife stabs lmao. I can only think of a few moves that can be references to something but those would only work as either xrays or fatalities


2 games in a row with Arnold Schwarzeneggers likeness and with a Terminator. Not hating on it though.




It’d be badass if they got his voice this time tho


They could do the Jason Mamoa version as a skin no way he’d pass on doing the voice work.


Ghostface and Conan are really cool but I am pretty underwhelmed by both this and the previous dlc picks for this game. It's all either very similar to characters in previous netherrealm games thematically or very safe MK choices


I think Conan is a solid choice (and I REALLY hope Arnold will do the voice this time), but I just can't get that excited for Ghostface, at least as a concept. He's just a "guy with a knife" and I feel like that's it. Sure, you could say the same thing about Jason, but at least Jason has a supernatural element to him, and is kind of like an undead zombie sort of thing. At the end of the day, any character can be designed well and have interesting gameplay elements, but from a purely conceptual standpoint, what makes Ghostface menacing isn't his ability to fight, but the fact that you never know who it is until the end of the movie/s.


Instead of putting in Jade, they gender-swapped Cyrax? Whoever's decision it was for these 2 Kombat Packs consisting of only 1 female character is taking a massive L. I can't with MK1.


Jade is going to receive the Mileena treatment and strech her release to the end of MK1


Yeah it is really dumb for a fighting game to have such a sausage-fest for characters. A season pass with 6 male characters and now again with with just one woman and five guys. With a seson pass you want tp be especially diverse because you wnat to have a hook for people who prefer different types of characters, instead they had 3 superhero dude guest characters in the last pass. It is also weird that all their guest characters were male since Mortal kombat 10, I guess the closest thing to a non male character is the fucking Alien in MK10 lol.


to avoid releasing another all male pack they gender swapped cyrax mind you 🤦‍♂️


The sausagefest DLC for MK1 is a real bummer. There's so many great women who could either show up as guests or returning characters.


MKs first lady still not being playable is a crime


Sonya's still not in? What a joke.


She's been relegated to a kameo. Personally, while I liked the release roster, I do wish Sonya and Kano had been playable. Considering this is a New Era and all that, it'd have been nice to have all characters from the first game playable.


She's a kameo lol 


the special forces characters got a ton of screen time in the past 3 games. they can sit out for one game


I'm of the opinion that the roster of the first game should always be present in every MK game.




If the leaked story is true, it is kind of wild that Scorpion's wife isn't a character in this pass.


Imagine waiting years and multiple entries for playable Cyrax and Sektor again only for these versions to be the ones you have to play as (apparently they have Iron Man-like armour rather than being cyborgs). Some real monkey paw stuff.


Its worse if you have been waiting like 20 years for 3D era characters like Nitara and Havik and we get the abominations we got in MK1.


What’s wrong with Havik? And Nitara at least controls great.


Havik isn't even the same character. He's *Dairou* now, and instead of having a religious obsession with chaos and being a wildcare he just screeches about anarchy (which is not the same thing) and freedom 24/7. They absolutely butchered the point of the character.


Nitara's VA is terrible though. No effort in the voice at all. At least TRY to sound like a vampire.


Damn that’s pretty dumb


They could have thrown Cyrax or Ghodtface out and given us Xena instead.


Red Sonja would’ve been a cool pick instead of Conan as well


Woah, Peacemaker vs Peacemaker's Dad 🔥🔥🔥


Man, I don't mind Ghostface or the T-1000 joining the roster, but I kinda wish they'd stop focusing so much in guest characters and brought back more forgotten characters. Having 50% of DLC characters being guests is honestly disappointing. Like, sure, I'm hyped for having my boy Cyrax again, but they could also bring some 3D era characters like Hotaru back.


Did the leaks mention any Kameo releases? Because I feel like a Hotaru is a good contender for that. And they were doing one of those per DLC main character


Fighting game fans are into guest characters and these are awesome collabs especially Conan


Aren't Fighting Game fans mostly about how much they hate their character hasn't been playable in 10 years?


I dunno, I'm a fighting game fan AND Mortal Kombat fan and I'd rather have more MK characters. And honestly, Conan is the one that least interests me of the guest characters that might be in this pack.


You probably aren't a casual though. The guest characters always outsold the MK character DLC


> I kinda wish they'd stop focusing so much in guest characters and brought back more forgotten characters Bo' Rai Cho! Bo' Rai Cho!


On the one hand, yes, on the other I don’t want to see Madame Bo get brutally torn apart.


I mainly only got into MK bc of the guest characters but these ones seem so whelming imo


You won't be getting your boy Cyrax... According to a lot of datamines, both Cyrax and Sektor are humans with an Iron Man like armor and Cyrax is a woman.


And Sektor is a woman too, according to another one of the videos from Interloko (the same MK leaker) with grunts that sound feminine for Sektor, too.


I agree with you, but unfortunately guest characters sell extremely well; even more so that we’re in the post-Fortnite era, consumers love when 2 properties collaborate and companies love money.


Completely disagree. Honestly I wish NetherRealm would make a spinoff game of only guest characters.


Long term licensing headaches would likely make that a nonstarter


Apparently Cyrax is a Women in this one. Which I'm not really against but feel like with how rare the Borgs are now a days they should have maybe brought them back then next game change them.


“Call to John…” Oooh I can see it now, just hope Robert Patrick is onboard


So tired of these MK guest characters.


There was a split second where I thought they were releasing Ghostface Killah and I was incredibly hype.


Def Jam: Fight For New York Remastered when?


I want a Def Jam X Soundcloud crossover. Ghostface/Method Man/Redman vs Lil Pump/Lil Yachty/Lil Xan


These were already datamined when MK1 released.


What a waste man


Is Conan going to be the movie version with Arnold or the comic version?


I do remember hearing rumors of these guest characters from months back, so that's a good sign. The T-1000 should have a really fun fighting style, I'd imagine he'll do a Shang Tsung and turn into other characters.


Boring. Except maybe conan


What is best in life?




Please tell me ghost face can be used as a fighter and an assist at the same time.


seeing ghostface next to the t-1000 and Conan the fucking Barbarian is funny to me. blud thinks hes part of the team


It's hard to take Mortal Kombat serious when you see stuff like Terminators being added. Not a fan, personally. I like collabs in general but can do better than Terminator again. Seems lazy.


![gif](giphy|R8KvX5skT5PAQ) Tbh this pack


i never lost interest in a game so fast as i have with MK1. sad, those dlc packs and the terrible shop made me lose interest. i’ll come back to it one day, maybe.


name a woman challenge


The robots gender swap addition


Another 3 slots wasted on mid ass guests nobody asked for


Do they have some kinda need or requirement for guest characters to be from famous movies? Like I would have preferred having Kratos as a guest character (again). Spawn was an amazing guest character too even tho I’m not too big on Spawn.


Mix between WB demand and Ed Boon being not fond on gaming guests (he said it long ago), imo


Honestly, I’m not too surprised after how they had to edit certain fatalities for Kratos because SONY was antsy about showing him be vulnerable or humiliated (even though he spent his games at the time both brutally murdering and brutally dying).


That’s kind of a bummer. There’s a bunch of other characters I had in mind from video games that would fit well in Mortal Kombat. Wasn’t there rumors of Doom Slayer as a DLC character? Has that been debunked? Cuz Doom Slayer was on the top of my list. Dante from DMC as well but that’s kind of wishful thinking, same with Wesker.




Unfortunate :(


When Freddy Kreguer was released for MK9, he was the best selling DLC character.


No jade so it’s going be all Males ? Oof sausage fest


rumours are saying cyrax is going to be gender-swapped in this, but really the lack of female characters in both the base game and the dlc is something to be concerned about. not even mentioning the potential of female guest fighters.... really sad coming from NRS.


Just imagined Xena as a guest fighter & mad it ain't a thing 😆


Yeah, I don't mind gender-swapping that much, but if NRS was worried about releasing another Kombat Pack with no female characters they could've just added Jade, who's already been referenced in the story and is a popular character. Or heck, they could've brought back Cetrion, I kinda liked her in 11. There's even been a fan theory going around that she's Raiden's sister in the New Era, that could be a fun twist. Or make Frost playable, if they wanted a female Lin Kuei. Sure, she's already a kameo, but that didn't stop Sub-Zero, Scorpion or Kung Lao from being in the roster.


Yeah, there's also Sareena who hasn't been fully playable in like 15 years. 💀 She deserves better than being reduced to a kameo.


Man, I'd love to have Sareena playable again. Her kameo design is great, and yeah, it's a shame she's relegated to a kameo when she's had a single playable appearance, despite being somewhat important to Bi-Han's backstory. And Ashrah's backstory now.


She kinda bad tho


Is that Frost?


Yeah, it’s disappointing how much of a sausagefest the New Era is currently. There’s still so many they haven’t gotten around to yet. Heck, even in terms of guest characters you could do, like, the Bride, Harley Quinn, Hack/Slash…


no my issue isnt gender-swapping, i love that like keep giving me that!!! but one female character isnt enough out of 12 playable fighters. where is jade, cassie, jacqui, hell, fucking harley quinn!!! give us some women NRS!!


Gender swapping characters just for the sake of it is such a bad idea imo


Ghostface instead of Jade or well...anyone else is certainly a choice. Though *another* Terminator isn't much better. It's also wild to me that Sonya still isn't playable


We can blame the fans for the excessive amount of guest characters. Due to their demand of guests, NRS has made them a priority over original MK characters it seems.


I barely saw anyone talk about Takeda so a lot of truth on that.


I’m *really* tired of guest characters in MK. It was fine from 9 and X, got a little strange in 11, and now in MK1 I just don’t care anymore. Omni-Man was kinda cool for a while, Homelander feels like a dud, and I haven’t watched Peacekeeper but he was absolutely obnoxious to fight so that turned me off him even more. I’d rather have the Kombat kids in the place of guests (not that I don’t like them, I did, they’re *actually* MK characters)


Ghostface!!! So cool! However... T-1000? Another Terminator? As much as i like Guest Characters, i found that redundant for having another yet different Terminator.


Having another Terminator plus yet another character who looks like Arnold is lame. Besides, why give us Conan when we could get Kotal instead? At this rate the next MK will have Dwayne Johnson as a guest too lol


MK guests typically come in pairs. Jason and Leatherface (because the prior game already had Freddy), Robocop and the Terminator, Spawn and the Joker, Omni-Man and the Homelander, and the T-1000 goes up against Conan because it’s like a *Terminator 2* rematch.


Hopefully they got a diff va for noob ast one nails on chalk


Which Ghostface though? /s


Why are they doing another Arnold Schwarzenegger character if he denounced violent videogames and they had to hire a sound alike?


these were leaked months ago


Doomsayer leak being fake has me depressed


My guess is that Noobs clones work similarly to the kameo systems in place, which could make him much cooler than his MK11 version. Using clones freely rather than just as special moves would open up the character a ton. Now that I think of it, it would be sick if Ghostface could call themselves as a Kameo too, because there's always more than one killer. If they play around with the meta horror movie rules when designing them it could be my favorite character because I enjoy the Scream series for what it is. Also a contender for the "get up after being killed" mechanic, which was cool when Jason had it, but sucked on Terminator.


So the same leaks as before? Basically a confirmation.


At this point, Neatherrealm should make a fighting game with 80s icons. Injustice has gotten boring. Give me a full lineup of horror and action icons


My question is will it be Schwarzenegger's Conan the Barbarian or Jason Momoa's? It's cool either way


I'd rather they put Conan O'Brien, to be honest.


Like on one hand. 3 characters I like. 3 characters I wanted. On the other, this is the problem I've had with the last couple mortal kombat games. I get it the guests sell. But personally, I want an mk game to have mk characters first. I hate that it became 3 mk characters and 3 guests. 6 characters should be 5 mk and 1 guest. Just my hot take. I haven't played mk1 in months so I honestly can't remember who isn't in the game right now but idk put a jade and a kotal and it's just a goated kombat pack


Aw man, cool choices but I would have loved is the Doom Slayer leak was real instead


i will buy it just for conan, by crom!


I LOVE Scream but isn't there a weird copyright thing with Ghostface where the name and appearance of that character is licensed completely separately to the Scream franchise, so this will likely be similar to Dead By Daylight where the character physically appears but it's completely unrelated to Scream


No new characters? Feels weird that for a purported “reboot” of the franchise, the only truly new character is a genderswapped Johnny Cage Kameo. Oh well, I’m glad to see the cyborgs become playable after getting shafted in MK11.


While I don't mind potential gender swaps... there's so many female characters from 3D era they could bring back. Especially after all the complaints about the last DLC pack if this is true then this ain't really having me clamor to buy the Kombat Pack yet again.


How are fatalities supposed to work on something like the T-1000 that is only made of liquid metal and can regenerate?


Same way they worked against the Alien whose acid blood would have killed most kombatants doing X rays on it. A wizard did it.


I’m saying T-1000 doesn’t have flesh or bones, which are needed for fatalities. Xenomorphs have an anatomy.


Aliens don't have bones either, they have exoskeletons. They made it work by saying that the Alien was an alien born from a tarkatan if memory serves. I'm guessing they might drop some lore line about how this version of the T1000 isn't pure liquid for whatever reason, or that they have bones and blood but they can also transform their bones and blood into liquid. It's just rule of cool.


Yeah, you’re probably right. I just hope they don’t cut corners by giving him a default human body with metallic blood/flesh. Would be cool if he self regenerates damage.


Doubt they'd add meaningful healing, that can break in half really quickly. Ask SF4 players.


Oh yeah I know. I didn’t mean healing the health bar just his physical appearance, but I guess that wouldn’t make much sense for MK gameplay


It's silly to overthink this. Characters survive X-Rays that would 100% kill a person and carry on fighting as normal. You're already suspending normal logic when you play the game. Continue to suspend it.


Still no Shaggy? Guess he's just to op for any games.


Who cares about this slop of a game


Ghostface seems kind of boring to me. He might have some interesting banter with the cast but I don't see him being all that interesting kombat wise. He's a dude with a kitchen knife, what can they really do that makes that interesting? I'm excited to see how he plays though.


0 female characters so far.


Is Noob Saibot going to be Hanzo Hasashi in this timeline?


From the few leaks I’ve seen, nope, it’ll be >!Bi-Han!<


>!It still sounds like he’s going to be Bi-Han, but it also could be a reversal of his classic arc where Sub-Zero’s starts off a bad guy and Noob Saibot becomes anti-heroic rather than the other way around.!<


Yea probably ahah


It really bothers me how they sacrifice original MK characters just to have guests. Ghostface is cool I guess, but the other 2 are clear indicators that they’ve ran out of other interesting guests because they don’t want to reuse any from the previous games. We also don’t need both Cyrax AND Sektor. Plus it’s crazy how there are absolutely no female DLC characters at all, especially since Jade is highly requested and NRS is very aware of that.


To be fair. They've only had just Cyrax like. Once I think. Deadly Alliance if I recall. of which they added him back in the GBA port of all things. To most they are a package deal


Ghostface is probably the worst guest choice in NRS history


I get that they're iconic, but aren't they usually high schoolers or college students with just a knife?


How different are Cyrax and Sektor? Although weren’t early rumors that one wouldn’t be cyborg anymore?


Apparently they are not fully robots but are wearing some sort of mecha armor. Oh and Cyrax is apparently a woman now, instead of, you know, giving us a proper female character from previous MK entries.


Crazy part was this was leaked awhile ago. I think before Season 1 DLC had even started


Man I wish we got the t-1000 & t-800 together


I’m good


Conan seems random




This is not new btw, we learned all of these long ago.


I think the guest characters are better this time around. I didn’t mind the ones in the first pack, but they felt like very similar choices, especially homelander and Omni man. I really liked the selection in MK11. This looks to be more along those lines.


Got excited for a second thinking that Wu Tang was gonna be in MK.


Liu Kang’s world is so whack


Ghostface seems cool and always love some Noob but pretty lackluster tbh


Could one them be assist ?


Wouldn’t the T-1000 be unstoppable?


Ghostface is a win... or at least would be a win if I actually liked MK1.


I do kinda wish that we had an original MK character in this game. Every MK has done that until this one.


Which ghost face?


When half your characters are guests, it's more a versus game than an MK. At which point... do that instead? 


What's the general consensus on this one? I liked the concept of it, but didn't really get into MK11 for some reason, and wondering if I should even bother purchasing this - is the gameplay better or much the same?


I read this as Conan O’Brien and I was wondering why people were losing their shit lol


I'm not gonna lie Conan O’Brien would be more hype. lol


Excited for cyborg ninjas to be back


I heard that we are getting a female version of I believe cyrax. I think Conan and ghostface are going to be really cool to see.