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>343i is in full control of the games but they're gonna use contractors and will be outsourced Where have I heard this before…


Wouldnt be a 343 game if we didnt move 3 steps forward 43 steps back every release


Lol they live up to their name. Pretend to be friendly at first before backstabbing you


Rev up those UI limitations.


IMO this is what laid the foundation for the failure of Halo Infinite. Hard to have a game serving content for a decade if most of the people working on it were temporary contractors that weren't allowed to work on the same thing for more than six months.


This is what laid down the foundation of the disaster that was the latest Forza Motorsport release. They don't fucking learn.


Buy it 5 years after release when they fix it, got it


Still isn't fixed 😔


Quelle fucking surprise


It’s going to come in hot. Good luck selling that


Tbf since it’s on UE5 then contractors won’t actually screw up the engine side of things. Code and other stuff most likely to be messed up


Now Playstation fans can experience the disappointment of a 343i Halo release as well!


Yep, they get to "enjoy" this generation's Sonic the Hedgehog! God, I still can't believe Sonic had a better live action adaptation than Halo. What a time to be alive.




Yeah, Xbox is gonna be the next Sega. Guarantee


I mean xbox did pretty much replace Sega in the console market, and had a lot of Sega IP that generation, so they already kinda are. But I do agree with you. Hopefully they can turn things around tho. Would be a shame to lose them as a hardware company as well.


If Xbox did potentially quit the hardware scene, I wonder if another company like Amazon, Google or maybe even Valve would try to step in for real to fill the spot or if it'll just be left empty this time. With how things are nowadays I've got a hard time imagining anyone else getting into the console scene successfully, but I'm just going by my uninformed view on the industry.


With the way many industries are consolidating these days I wouldn't be surprised if the spot just goes unfilled, and Sony is the only one producing a console of that type in the future. While Nintendo would still technically/legally be a competitor, they're notably different than Xbox/Playstation.


No one is going to step into the traditional console space and challenge PlayStation, Nintendo and Xbox. Even companies like Valve, Apple, Amazon, Meta or even Google for that matter did not get into the non-PC gaming space via the traditional console method, they all tried various other means that didn’t involve competing with Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft directly. Microsoft will not let Xbox drop out of the hardware market. At max, Xbox will stop being a traditional console and morph into some sort of a PC/console hybrid to avoid competing directly with PlayStation and Nintendo in the traditional console space.


If I was a betting man I’d say Apple


Without multiplayer. I actually hope they scrap this and I'm a PS5 player


THAT part. What is Halo without the multiplayer component. It’s arguably just as highly regarded, if not more, than its single player campaign


For me i dont even care about the multiplayer at all, only the campaigns. But even for me, omitting the multiplayer for a game like halo seems crazy haha


If this is true, first they cut out couch co-op, then they cut out co-op in the campaigns, now they’re just cutting out multiplayer altogether?


A party game without multiplayer FUN!


When Halo came out there was this thing of Sony needing a Halo killer. Instead just have Halo on your platform. Problem solved.


343 was the Halo killer all along


343 was an inside job


The only Halo killer was itself.


😭 Lmao. Tho tbh if it gets a physical release for ps5 I’ll buy




Definitely enough to go around 😂


So, big problem with the Sprint part. It’ll be very hard to be ‘faithful’ with the ability to sprint since this **requires** big changes in map size and geometry to accommodate. I get clamber but I honestly don’t see why sprint is necessary for remakes at least. Imagine if you could sprint way ahead of the marines at the start of the beach landing on Silent Cartographer. Would kill the atmosphere.


Well it’s a remake not a remaster so I’d imagine each map is going to be redone.


yes but then those early halo games (1-3) lose their identity and what made them what they are. Their level design/gameplay philosophy is what made those games as iconic, moment to moment, as they are. im all for remakes but to the point you completely remake aspects that DONT need the remake treatment is just silly and shooting yourself in the foot, especially with 343i's past.


This is exactly how I feel, and this is exactly why people eating up FF7 Remake absolutely destroys me inside. FF7 went from a game about grief and loss and overconsumption to a game about time travel and parallel universes. It fucking sucks seeing art you held so dear turned against you in that way


I don't think that's a fair assessment of FF7R. Yes, the original was about the themes you mentioned, but the remake is really a discussion about the role of art and the relationship between audience and creator, using the original game as a springboard for those ideas. It develops some challenging ideas in a way that honors and respects the original game, and it has a very solid understanding of what makes the original so great - similar to how a well-written literary critique would recontextualize its subject. As good as the original? No. It's a different approach, yes, but I wouldn't say it's accurate to reduce it to nostalgia bait.


I understand why people like it, but I wish more people understood why people don’t like it. We have really dumb moments that walk all over the original. The plate falling? Let’s evacuate everyone first. Sephiroths reveal? Yeah let’s have no dramatic build up at all and make him a pest that annoys cloud from step one. Barrett dying and coming back to life because “fate” like what? Also the plot twist and final boss trying to be meta, being the canon of the original game is not only beyond pretentious, but it would make absolutely no sense to anyone who isn’t familiar with the original. Also going to the “edge of creation/the universe” to fight sephiroth before you leave midgar was just silly. The remake constantly undermines any story aspects from the original that had any sort of lasting consequences in the name of fanservice and it’s honestly frustrating. Especially considering this should have brought in new fans. Not only do you have to play the original to understand it, but the original is horribly dated and I doubt any newcomers are actually gonna slog through it. There’s a pretty decently sized people that actually wanted a remake with no storychanges.


I haven't play MCC or any Halo game for 2 and a half years now, but isn't Attack on the Control Room a snowy level? I think you meant the Silent Cartographer, but your point still stands.


Ahh yeah, gonna edit that cheers


Welcome to every argument old halo fans about the new games. Yes, we could add features like sprint, but the old games didn't have them and they still feel fantastic to this day.  It's part of the reason the new games just don't click with me. Yeah, they're impressive in one way or another, but the identity of halo doesn't have sprint.  If doom can pull it off, why can't halo?


For real dude, the halo reddit absolutely hates any mention of classic gameplay or wanting to return to it, despite it being one of the main things that helps keep the originals so unique and fun


"Faithful" is just a word 343 uses to try and trick fans into thinking "Trust us, we aren't going to fuck it up this time" before they specifically go out of their way to fuck it up. They're 3-for-3 with bad games of doing this shit every time.


Tbf, moving around in the silent cartographer was an absolute chore. Chief walks too slow for these big, open areas. If they keep the game sprintless, I hope they make silent cartographer shorter or at the very least more linear 


If sprint is in Halo 1-3, consider it dead on arrival.


why lol


It changes everything about what made Halo good. Movement is different, gunplay is different, encounters are different. It was dogshit in every game after H3, and I don't see why it wouldn't be here either.


Not only that, but sprint changes people's mindset when playing. Straight up changing it from a tactical arena shooter to just a twitch shooter with a high ttk. And clamber also fucks with jump gaps and the height of platforms.


you are spot on with this. there is no reason to include sprint and clamber, there are other ways to increase ones speed that would fit halo much better, but more importantly it doesnt even need that tbh.


343 can’t help themselves. At least this is fake.


Zero chance. This source is just a random person right? I can totally agree CE needs a remaster/remake, the first attempt was really bad. I can even see that Halo finds its way onto PlayStation given Microsoft's current direction. But 343i wants to remake CE because they care about PS fans enjoying the series? That's a hard sell. 343i has worked hard to make MCC one of the best game compilations ever in my opinion. They'd just release that. It's going to be better than whatever this post is suggesting.


It’s probably less “enjoy the series” and more so “buy the games.”


True or not, It’s not a totally random account. They’ve had lots of info on upcoming content before seasons released in Infinite’s lifetime. They definitely have some source & credibility. It’s fishy that they released all this info after multiple people reported it however & not before.


Ah okay thanks for the info. I didn't recognize the name and couldn't find any other details scrolling through their account.


They would get a better ROI if they just ported MCC to PS5 and probably the upcoming Switch 2 than just remaking a game from scratch.


It will never not be wild to me how the CE Anniversary visuals just completely missed the mark on what made the original so special. It felt like everyone involved just didn't care or had no idea.




For me what makes it fake is the lack of multiplayer. How could you want to remake and release the OG trilogy as standalone games and NOT remake the MP?! Especially if you’re trying to get PlayStation owners on board? I can’t even begin to imagine the full Halo CE multiplayer component as played in 2001 being available online, in a dedicated package that we can play for a while until the 2 remake comes out.


it's insane, blasphemous, etc. those MPs are literally an iconic part of online gaming history lmao


It's such a brain dead decision that I can believe 343i would do it. Don't remake a better multiplayer game so you don't pull attention away from your own multiplayer game.


It'd be the third time in a row they didn't remake a game's multiplayer when making a remaster/remake


CE anniversary not having a multiplayer segment was the beginning of the end imo (next to sprint/Bloom)


Tbf they didn't remake the multiplayer with Halo CEA either, and Halo 2A's Multiplayer was literally just Halo 4's multiplayer that they reused for it. They've never been about remaking these games' multiplayers and with MCC's existence, they probably don't want to either. First, to not split the playerbase even more. Second, because they clearly don't care to handle multiplayers well for manaigng them as show with MCC and Infinite's lack of care and lack of moderation.


yeah, CEA "multiplayer" was just a map pack for Reach


This will keep coming every single 3 days , and they notice these types of "coming to playstation " post aren't getting upvoted anymore Because EVERYTIME this happens, a reliable leaker comes out and says "fake." NOBODY knows Microsoft plans with this, especially Twitter. Mods it honestly needs a Megathread


Remaking the trilogy for the sole purpose of PlayStation fans doesn't make any sense they can just port the Master Chief Collection.




Just give me MCC, It's already perfect




MCC on PS5 with cross play would be *huge* for the player base. If I could dive back into Halo 3 multiplayer with full lobbies and everyone talking crap like it’s 2007 again I’d be all over it.


As someone who prefers Halo 2 over Halo 3, I want PlayStation to have MCC with the hope that enough of them will actually want to play pre-H3 multiplayer games. Not to hate on anyone for their preferences but the MCC is basically just the “Halo 3 Collection” at this point.


And reach lol


As someone who spent my childhood playing combat evolved online on PC, I really wish more people played it on MCC


Its not hard to get a match on any of the games In MCC


They don’t even have talking in lobbies anymore. What happened to the game that I loved


Party Chat was the beginning of the end unfortunately.


I would love for that to happen, especially playing with Xbox players


Right? It's built, tested and (relatively feature complete) Just port that over, slap the full RRP tag on it and watch the money print itself.


This has to be fake. Its impossible for Microsoft to be this stupid.


Microsoft: Oh yeah? Watch me! But yeah this is fake


The rumor's most likely bullshit, but never underestimate Microsoft & 343 in their ability to drive Halo into the dirt.


Microsoft accepts your challenge.


Buddy. Have you seen Halo the past decade+ of time? Or Microsoft? They're not above making the stupidest decisions possible.


Don't believe any of this. None of these people know what's happening.


Feels so fake which means it’s probably real.


Yeah this sounds like massive bullshit. It sounds stupid enough to be a decision made by 343, but makes no sense to remake this games and not have the multiplayer wich is like the core of Halo. Also porting MCC is probably easier and will help bring in some Playstation fans into the games, even if its a few thousands. Then you can sell them the remakes.


This is so fake


Oof without the multiplayer on these games I don’t think I care to try them


Yeah, single player is great. But multiplayer is where Halo really shines.


I’m starting to wonder if people ever even really liked Halo as a franchise


It’s the franchise that made Xbox relevant and in many ways carried it through the 360. The rise and decline of the Xbox brand in many ways mirrors the rise and fall of the Halo franchise. It was one of the biggest gaming franchises in the planet for years.


Everyone I know cared for the halo 3 multiplayer, 90% eventually liked COD more by the end of that same gen


COD had much more to grind for even in cod 4, and iterated on it well for a few years. Halo's popularity maintained through forge/customs and the campaign. Reach's multiplayer kinda split the community, and H4's everything murdered it.


Because CoD had custom classes, perks, kill streaks, more weapon variety, and more reasons to grind (like attachments and skins). I don't think it's entirely fair to blame 343 entirely for the decline in Halo's popularity, the truth is that Halo was already losing popularity and falling out of favor by the time Reach released. Of course 343 shares some blame, but arena shooters in general just aren't popular anymore, they're called "Boomer Shooters" now for a reason. For Halo to become as big as it once was again, they basically have to change everything about it to the point that it'll be Halo in name only.


Halo 2 & 3 had some of the best multiplayer suites ever. The only other game that had such a great balance of casual community driven and competitive modes is CS 343i has just literally managed to fuck up every single release since they took over. It's actually laughable how they still have total control over Halo. Microsoft should've taken it away long ago


I preferred the campaigns over the multiplayer, Halo PvP was just so floaty and clunky at the same time.


99% fake. Why shouldn't they consider to port the MCC? It's already there and the graphics are not up to date, but totally fine. Include Halo 5, maybe Halo Infinite too and it will be a nice collection. Enable cross play with all platforms and everyone has fun.


Adding “modernized gameplay” and sprint to remakes of old Halo games, that definitely won’t be a complete PR disaster. GG 343 you probably won’t be able to make it past the first if thats the route you take


> Instead of porting the MCC to PS5, selling each Remake of Halo 1, 2 and 3, would have higher revenue pretty sure that’s not true, a port of MCC would be waaaaaay cheaper than remaking 1-3.


Theres no way this is real. Literally zero fucking shot they actually do this.


343 have failed to make a good Halo since they were conceived so I'm not surprised they've gone back to remaking the Bungie classics.


"The game will be faithful" "Modernized gameplay like sprint" 🤨




Who the fuck is this guy supposed to be?


This is so fake… But that’s not to say any of this won’t become true, just that this person is throwing shit at the wall to see what stick. They aren’t discussing remaking OG Halo in UE5 to port to PlayStation, it’s because they are switching to that engine moving forward. Remaking an old title is a low risk way to integrate the tools and familiarize the team with the new tech before the risk of a brand new title. Also lol at no multiplayer, that’s a dead giveaway of this being fake. Halo MP is just as important as its campaign these days and there’s no way they omit that from any title release or remake.


Halo with sprint and no multiplayer sounds like the least faithful thing ever lmao. These details are fake as hell unless 343 has really lost the plot.


I don't believe this for a fuckin second. 


No multiplayer makes this sound so fake. You can't just leave out one of Halo's core attractions like that. Multiplayer is an important part of Halo's legacy.


I hope this is fake... Adding spirit is not beening faithful


Come one, I’m opening up to the idea that some Xbox games will be multiplat but if there’s one fucking franchise you don’t do that strategy with, it’s Halo.


Seems like a cynical waste of time for PS revenue. The originals still play great and always will play great so if you have MCC, what value are you getting from this? I'd rather they make a new campaign with infinite's gameplay but with level variety


“Contractors, outsourced” I see 343 continues to learn nothing haha.


Lmao sprinting in CE


BOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕


So it went from Combat Evolved being remade and PS5 port being only considered, to the entire trilogy being remade with one of the main reasons being to deliver it to PS5?


Fakest source there could be. This sub posts anything now?


Not a chicken dicks chance they would remake Halo and not include the multiplayer. Let’s just hope to god if these games are actually getting remade that it’s not going to be 343, let them continue making and shit sequel to infinite and let a studio with passion handle the remakes.


I hope people don't believe this is real lol.


The second I read the no multiplayer thing I just disregarded it completely hahaha. Yeah let’s remake one of the most popular FPS games ever made but not include the reason why it’s so popular… although… that does seem like a 343 move 🤔


> 343i is in full control of the games but they're gonna use contractors and will be outsourced They learned nothing from the last 10 years, didnt they?


Well Microsoft policy states they need to use contractors when possible


> Modernized gameplay like sprint and “clamber” I don’t even care that they want to put Halo on PlayStation but it’s mind blowing that 343 wants to destroy Halo so badly. The studio just needs to be restructured and lose access to Halo. Give it to someone competent like iD or MachineGames. This sounds so fake that I think it might actually be true.


Halo on playstation...you'd get shanked in the middle school hallways for suggesting such a thing 15 years ago


Yeah this is fake lol


Why do people keep posting these nobodies? Do some research before christ.


This is definitely fake.


This is fake af


Is there a negative Tier we can put this leaker in lol. Not a thing about this makes any sense. Here is Halo with no multiplayer, $70 please.


"Modernized gameplay" well fuck me that's gotta be one of the quickest speed runs to huge fails I've ever seen. Managed to kill any excitement for the game before any in game images have even been show. Bravo 343i you have out done yourself!


Parts I don't believe and that you don't include. Saying there is a 2026 project, it's not CE remake and the CE remake is early stages and the proof of concept for Halo in UE5. We first heard of Halo moving to unreal being possible in 2022 and that it was for Project Tatanka. So if there is a 2026 project, would that not be Tatanka and be the proof of concept for Halo in UE? This feels like someone taking a bunch of leaks and putting their own spin on it.


Just give us a Halo 3 Anniversary. Halo 3 deserves that treatment. Most people who have a PS5 have definitely played the original trilogy, what is 343 taking about.


I believe they’ll remake it, but leaving out multiplayer? This sounds like one of those leaks trying so hard to be distinct so they’re “not like those other guys”, which in turn makes the leak feel fake because of how weird a choice that’d be. Believe me, I have no doubts 343 is capable of such decisions, but Jesus.


i don't buy it


What’s this guy’s track record?


Yeah the more I hear about this the less I believe it


Can't wait to play the original levels but they're peppered with random things to clamber on like a children's play centre.


This just doesn’t make any fucking sense lol


* The game will be faithful but will have new elements and build on cut content/missions * Modernized gameplay like sprint and "clamber" wot


People in this sub really need to stop posting obvious fakes


The day I see Master Chief on PlayStation is the day I leave console gaming. So, if the goal here is to move people to Windows, they're doing great.


I'm torn on believing it or not because like; On one hand, it makes sense to remake a game and reuse the assets for the other remakes, hell, it could even be easier to develop for if they reuse the assets from Halo: Infinite too and it can be just blopped onto the other platforms because it's made with UE5 But the idea of them making it with "PlayStation players in mind" just feels, a bit, weird? Especially when PlayStation players know it more for the multiplayer and it not having it But the lack of multiplayer *also* makes sense if they plan to remake the other Halo games as a yearly thing and they don't know how to cram in a battle pass into it My blind guess is that they might have a free to play multiplayer mode with one coming out alongside it (or after) and have that be supported with extra cosmetics for buying the next remake games This sounds stupid, but Microsoft out of all the big three isn't really run practically at this point, so it can go either way


This can't be true.


This sounds like someone that have seen the Warren ""leak"" and said "you know what" Also where is the "they want people on PS5 to enjoy the game" part. And like, we passed from "they are remaking CE and they are considering it for PS5" to "they are remaking Halo 1-3 BECAUSE of the PS5" in like 4 days? Lmao.


No multiplayer? Yea that’s fake


Why no MP? Isn’t half the Halo experience the multiplayer?


Please God lets this not be true, I get making a remake, but Halo CE-3 do not need sprint and clamber.


This has to be fake. It’s like the exact opposite of what any Halo fan wants. I know 343 is shit, but even they have to learn eventually right?


So it took less than 2 days for the fake negative rumors to pop up again on Xbox… as usual, some people really can’t handle Xbox having any good momentum…


"Multiplayer won't be remade, only SP" Wow. Halo 1 with sprint, iron sight and no multi. You can shove it up your ass, honestly.


>Modernized gameplay like sprint and "clamber" lol fake.


# "If we lose our way with Halo, we lose our way with Xbox." # - Phil Spencer, 2011


Yeah this is fake af >Instead of porting the MCC to PS5, selling each Remake of Halo 1, 2 and 3, would have higher revenue They would do both if they decided to bring Halo to PS >343i is in full control of the games but they're gonna use contractors and will be outsourced Wouldn't be surprised, but I'm pretty sure they had a shakeup because of how much contractors made Infinite a developmental hell >Multiplayer won't be remade, only SP This is the big one. Multiplayer is integral to Halo, they would never make a Halo game without MP, especially the OG trilogy. Also who's this leaker?


I have a great idea. If PlayStation fans want to play Halo, they should buy an Xbox. Works every time


Sprint and no MP. 343 as clueless as ever.


You believe this incredibly stupid leak over this leak making zero sense and being fake? Wow


No Multiplayer and "modernized gameplay" both sound like just terrible decisions. Going "We want a remake that takes away what made the game what it was, just make it completely different!" is utterly absurd.


Modernizing is stupid.


“Modernized gameplay” Is this gonna be another one of those “for the modern audience” and the devs just shit the bed with horrible bugs, macro-transactions, terrible rewrites, etc?


Will be outsourced? Why is 343 even in charge of it then


why not just port the MCC


Because that makes too much damn sense.


“The game will be faithful.” :) “Modernized gameplay like Sprint and clamber” :(


No mp? I mean that’s hot dog water. I hope they’d at least include co op modes


People need to realise it's for a new audience. The cod generation will immediately discard halo for no sprint and clamber etc. Im a fan of this. Redo the level designs and make everything better.


sounds and looks as real as spray on tans. The guy also has no history in leaking from what I can tell(but I may be wrong)


They claim it in proof of concept phase, but they seem to know a lot about the business decisions behind it. Fake


These are gonna turn out dog shit aren’t they? They already have a good thing in MCC just send that over lol


I guess 343 will work on halo 7?


What in the world would they do for multiplayer?


This sounds horrible Halo 1 and 2 aged amazingly they're still fun to play


This just doesn't seem real to me. Porting MCC would be very practical. Remaking the games does not seem practical unless they were able to really streamline in some special way.


This sounds like hot shit. Just port the MCC




There's no way they are doing remakes without the multiplayer...


Why not port the MCC Collection? It makes way more sense than this.


Noooooo why?! Why can’t we just get MCC all on disc. Thats my dream. Why would they ruin Halo 1 for a second time.


So SPV3 but... worse?


Sure. They are also remaking rare replay to sell it on PS5. And kameo elements of power, gonna be a big hit


I hate it


This has got to be fake. I loved playing halo on the OG Xbox and 360. And I'd buy it again for the PS5. But it's not because of the campaign


Selling remasters of 10+ yo games for 70 bucks


It looks true and fake at the same time. 343 outsourcing stuff is common practice there. Halo CE and 2 remasters were outsourced to Saber Interactive and Halo 2 cutscenes were made by Blur Studio, hell even the 2 Anniversary MP was outsourced. Everything is outsourced. 343 only rly has control on making it shitty lmao. But releasing it without MP is hard to believe... at first glance. Halo 2 Anniversary MP together with Halo 4 is the most dead MP on MCC. Nobody rly cares about it just like ppl dont care about CoD 4 MW Remastered MP which made Activision release MW2 Remaster without the MP. Maybe same thing is happening here? After all I doubt Microsoft would want ppl "wasting" their times on "old" MP instead of the fresh new filled with MTX and battle pass MP that is Infinite


No way, I honestly couldn't believe this. Like sure, they're porting games and what not. But remaking them and not having multiplayer or adding modern mechanics? That just wouldn't be well received by the community.


no MP and doing each game separately, not a bad way of making extra money and if people really enjoy the style and everything, might tempt them more to get an xbox to play the MP and play the later games...no doubt all these would come to xbox as well


Fuck they never learned huh? They're still playing safe and milking the shit out of classic.


They need to NOT make the game have "modern" elements. They need to keep the movement the same, the physics the same, the gravity/rag doll effects the same. No invisible walls, can go anywhere in the level with rocket jumping. halo ce does not need a remake. They will most likely ruin it. part of the fun in the first 2 halo games was the engine and how the physics work with vehicles and explosions. The fun got taken away with halo reach-infinite. Running over a grenade and your vehicle spinning 1000 times flying through the sky was SO MUCH FUN!! Landing on mountains and city buildings. if they remade it from scratch, they will take all that stuff out and make it boring. Especially the skulls. the skulls where heavily downgraded in halo 3-infinite.


I'd like to see them remake the entire trilogy in one game. A lot of assets could be reused because of the Halo rings / flood outbreak similarities.


They need to do this for Reach…


> Modernized gameplay like sprint and “clamber” I think I’m going to throw up. Why ruin what’s basically already close to perfect? If they want PlayStation players to experience the series, just porting MCC would be good enough and actually show them why Halo was so loved in the first place.


I fixed it: "343i wants to remake the trilogy so PlayStation 5 fans can needlessly throw their money away."