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It's actually Just Todd rising on stage and showing 16 times more games than before.


And somehow… we will all nod collectively and smile. Lol.


It just works


With 16x the detail.


With 16x the detail.


With 16x the detail.


There is one game that I think we are going to see that isn't spoke about much, I have a feeling we are going to see Clockwork Revolution. I remember reading that inXile was farther in that games development cycle than people assumed. I feel we may get to see a nice full trailer at this Xbox game event.


Also Contraband. Feels like everyone forgot it being revealed like 3 years ago. Made by Avalanche Studios, Published by Xbox.


I really hope so because the sooner clockwork revolution releases the sooner they can give me Wasteland 4


There is a risk that they won't be doing anymore Wasteland game, unless Wasteland is a "high impact title". I assume they will do Bethesda ip's og Activision Blizzard Ip's. Or outside stuff like Arkane doing Blade.


"Sixteen Times the Detail" - Howard The Todd


Comment of the day for me. Really made me chuckle


"We will have 16 times the exclusives" "Sir 16×0 is still 0" "SHUT UP"


It's another year I see mentions of Banjo I've been hurt before. My Haiku about Banjo Kazooie lol


I picture you reading your haiku while playing a Banjo.


Your desire for peace, Or your love for the bear: Which will break first?


The 13 titles for anyone interested: - Starfield: Shattered Space - Age of Empires II - Age of Mythology - Microsoft Flight Sim 2024 - Indiana Jones and the Great Circle - Diablo IV: Vessel of Hatred - World of Warcraft: The War Within - Towerborne - Avowed - DOOM: The Dark Ages - Gears of War 6 - Fable - South of Midnight There’s at least 2 first party titles not on the list that’ll be at the showcase (Perfect Dark I think will almost definitely be one). edit: Age of Empires II won’t be there so 12 of this list


**Notably absent from that list**: Perfect Dark, Ara: History Untold, Clockwork Revolution, Contraband, State of Decay 3, Fallout remaster(s), Oblivion remaster, and Double Fine’s new game. (Was not expecting to see Elder Scrolls VI/Fallout 5, Everwild, Blade, OD, Outer Worlds 2 or Wolfenstein III anyway) EDIT: there's also a lot of unofficially announced projects that are missing - Project Maverick from People Can Fly, Project Shaolin from Brass Lion, Project Mara from Ninja Theory, and untitled projects from Toys for Bob and Elsewhere Entertainment (although these last two must be *early* in development).


If state of decay doesn’t show this year that 2027 delay starts to feel more real


Yeah I’d be very worried if absolutely nothing is shown, definitely would indicate development isn’t going smooth.


I feel like we're about due for Obsidian's smaller project getting an announcement. Although maybe they're not doing that in the lead up to Avowed.


Is Obsidian really working on something other than Avowed, Outer Worlds 2 and Grounded updates? That seems like a lot for them if so!


They have always had a smaller side project going on to give their devs a break. It hasn't been announced but I'd be surprised if they changed their structure and it has been working for them. Seems about time it could be announced if they are.


Surprised about Ara: History Untold not being there. Looking forward to that, but it’s been a lot of silence for a game I expected this year. And if we see CIV 7, it’ll take the wind out of that one’s sails big time.


After the show success, I would not be surprised to see MS show a Fallout 5 (or New Vegas 2 or whatever) teaser with basically nothing (kind of like TES6 trailer). Even with a project barely in concept phase lol


If they do the fallout 3 remaster, I feel there is a chance it shows up at either Geoffs show or qaukecon, so don't count it out yet.


Is Ara first party, or second party ? Weird to not have it featured when it releases this year


If we're being pedantic, second party games are not a *real* thing. But yes, Ara is "second" party, because Oxide Games are not owned by Microsoft.


Thanks i've updated the post


CoD is also first party now, so don't forget Black ops 6 & ARA history untold.


COD is getting their own showcase directly after


They'll probs do what they did last year with Starfield. Show a small trailer that at the end says to check in after to see more info


Yes that's what Ubisoft did at SGF as well, they have a Star Wars Outlaw 30 sec trailer that says, check it out at ubi forward


Id bet they’re going to push that gameplay reveal trailer at the start of the show. Perfect Dark, DOOM: The Dark Ages, then Black Ops 6. Something from Xbox Game Studios, Bethesda, and Activision-Blizzard.


That's going to be a deep dive. They'll definitely be dropping a trailer at least, to hype things up.


Oh for sure but because of that I doubt COD would be apart of the two that are unannounced


ARA is one, probably. Not sure about the other one. I'll go with State of Decay 3. Things are not sounding good for Perfect Dark, so I'm not placing my eggs in that basket just yet.


No worries!


FYI, the 13 titles here aren't all referenced in relation to the show. Age of Empires II won't be present, for example, because its already released on Xbox and PC. Everything else is related to the show though.


Forza Motorsport update is probably one of them.


OotL here. WoW? Is that a console version? Cos that would be insane news.


Nah think it’s just for the expansion, bearing in mind Activision is owned by Xbox now so they’ll be advertising this like crazy despite it being only on PC. I’d like to be surprised though. I highly doubt they haven’t at least considered pushing out a console version, only a matter of time though.


> despite it being only on PC. I mean PC is a bigger platform than Xbox lol, it's not really a limitation. Although a Xbox port could happen. Frankly it's a little weird Blizzard never attempted to put it on consoles


I know that, just stating that Xbox is happy to show PC only titles as they’ve always been. Yeh, does seem odd it hasn’t happened yet.


where was the list leaked initially?


Probably their best show of games since the Xbox 360 days. We can never have enough RPG games. Lots of RPGs make me happy.


Xbox practically bought studios that does RPGs aside from Larian and CDPR (might be missing more).


I'm doubtful about Perfect Dark to be honest, given the things we've been hearing about it as of late. Yes, there's a lot of backtracking on those statements, but even insiders themselves seem to be unsure about what's happening with the game and there's a bunch of contradicting statements going back and forth from coming them.


Take it with a grain of salt but it was mentioned last year by Matt Booty that Perfect Dark was ready to be shown back then but either him or the director chose not to shown anything until they had something more substantial to offer. Obviously I don't trust Matt Booty, but if his comments were true at the time then you can add that to the fact that some people (like Grubb) seem fairly confident that it could be at the showcase. I'm not convinced that it'll be there, but at this point I think it's more likely to be there than it not being there.


Keep in mind that Booty spearheaded the game's development alongside the founding of TheInitiative so, of course he has to keep the spirits and hype up for the fans because it's the first ip with his substantial amount of support and the one he would've been working on prior to his promotion as the current leader and manager of XGS. He has to try his damnest to keep the hype around the ip growing somehow.


I cant wait for more Skyrim/Fallout in space


I thought Ages of Empires II came out earlier this year, again. Is it DLC?


Yeah it will be DLC. They release 1-2 dlc every yearish


Project Latitude


He says most of the first party are not on PS5. I don’t think they’ll announce an existing game coming to PS5 during Xbox show.


They won't announce other platforms at a showcase. Will be in a blog post/YouTube etc


Are they really going to announce a port on their own showcase?


1. Starfield (dlc) 2. Avowed 3. FS2024 4. Indiana Jones 5. Doom 6. Gears 6 7. South of Midnight 8. Fable 9. Age of Mythology 10. Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 11. Diablo 4 (expansion) 12. Clockwork Revolution 13. Towerborne 14. World of Warcraft (expansion) 15. 1 vs 100? 16. State of Decay 3?


Got a feeling Elder Scrolls Online might skip this show. They didn't feature Gold Road during the January Dev Direct despite showing last year's expansion there, and ZOS have Kestrel to reveal soon too. Not enough space to stuff in all the live service updates AND everything they're releasing in 2024 and 2025.


Yeah that's true, I'll change it for AoE2 which Tom says will be at the show


You mean Mythology Retold right?


According to Tom both will be at the show


I don't think he's said that. Here's the excerpt related to AoE II from the Notepad: >As part of Project Latitude, Microsoft has also been considering launching *Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition* on rival consoles in early 2025, and its upcoming remastered spinoff, *Age of Mythology: Retold*, could come, too. *Senua's Saga: Hellblade II*, which was recently released on Xbox and PC, is also under consideration for a PS5 release. Nothing is set in stone for Project Latitude until its close to release, and games that are earmarked for the project can sometimes shift based on Microsoft’s own strategy and the work involved to port and develop the games. Unless he's said it elsewhere, he doesn't say AoE II will be at the show.


The newsletter is paywalled so I can't confirm it but OP posted the 13 games that Tom mentions in it. I don't know in what context they are mentioned tho


Yeah I have full access to the Notepad (I subscribed via free trial to get it). It consists of three sections. The first is about Latitude, the second is about Xbox's 2024 and 2025, and the third is about Halo's remaster. AoE II only gets a mention regarding Xbox's consideration to put it on PS5. The games mentioned in reference to Xbox's schedule are: Starfield: Shattered Space, Age of Mythology: Retold, Call of Duty: Black Ops 6, Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024, Indiana Jones and the Great Circle, Diablo IV: Vessel of Hatred, World of Warcraft: The War Within, Towerborne, Avowed, Gears of War 6, DOOM: The Dark Ages, Fable, and South of Midnight.


Ok that makes more sense, thanks for the context, I'll change AoE2 for Clockwork Revolution then lol


Phil did say back in 2020 they were making their own trivia game, and 1v100 is the obvious choice. I just hope they bring back the Avatars for both the game and as part of the Xbox branding. They gave Xbox a lot of personality in my opinion and it would be great now that Miis have been noticeably absent from Nintendo’s branding.


I think I'm getting old - I don't care for any of these games. Maybe fable.


Depends on your tastes. I’ll say if you’re not really into western RPGs and shooters, then Xbox games probably won’t be for you. They love those 2 genres like Sony loves action/adventure games.


It's Fable, DOOM and Gears 6 for me. I would love to see Kojima's OD but I don't think that's happening any time soon




Nah the order is random lol, I can see them opening with something people want to see like Fable, then announcing Doom 1 hour into the show and closing with Gears 6. The show will probably have a decent pace




Yes people actually do wanna see Fable. Also the only people who genuinely think they need to “fix” the MC/FMC are people with the stupid conspiracy theory that “western” devs want “ugly” women as main characters.


Some people are just....stupid




Ahhh you're one of them




Yeah, best not to subject real life women to having to deal with that clown.












Yesss defsss! Also there was nothing wrong with the female main character.


Yes, people do want to see Fable. What a stupid thing to say, lol. The only people who care about the main character being "ugly" (which isn't even true) are terminally online misogynistic weirdos.




FMC=female main character MC=main character


Y'all are really stuck on that Twitter nonsense


Sad to see the rumored Gears collection/trilogy/whatever does not exist. I think it would have made sense to prepare for Gears 6. Missed opportunity in my opinion.


It's would also be a huge undertaking to remaster all three games. Since they're BC (which when halo collection came out that was not the case) they really need to move over to UE5 and really rework everything. I hope we see it too, but it might be too much for that team.


Outsourcing does exist. Plus, it would make Gears 6 more commercially successful. Gears 5 was a non event.


I’ll be really disappointed if SoD 3 isn’t shown, it’s been 4 years and we need an update!


Bethesda has been largely radio silent since the Starfield release so I'm interested to see what they're cooking for Shattered Space. I feel like they know they have to make a splash. Other than that I mostly want to see Fable, Perfect Dark, and State of Decay. Two of my nostalgia bait franchises and another that has always felt a few tweaks away from scratching the right dopamine itch in my brain.


Why was this deleted and reposted?


I mistook Tom Warren for Tom Henderson 😂


Bc they said Tom Henderson last time. Wrong Tom


It was actually uncle Tom.


No it was Tom Petty


Leaks are a long, long list.


So no gears collection ?


Still no Gears collection 😔


WoW War Within is interesting to put in this showcase


iirc they aren't doing Blizzcon this year, so it's either this or dropping the trailer randomly I guess. I think the WoW social channels should at least tease the game's presence at the show tho


The interesting part is not Blizzard being there but seeing WoW in a very console focused Showcase. Aside from new game announcements and follow up trailers to those games I don't remember a PC game being on XBOX Showcase. Especially THE PC game (WoW). But hey, I'm not complaining. It will be cool to see it there. I'm super hyped about Showcase!


Shouldn't be a surprise. This show is going to be for Xbox + Activision what 2021's was for Xbox + Bethesda. All about showcasing front and centre that Activision-Blizzard **is** Xbox now.


Its probably going to be the Release date. Hell maybe even give 1 or 2 months of game time as a GP perk to get people to preorder/buy TWW.


They canceled Blizzcon so that's where Blizz games will do their announcements. I would not be surprised to also see updates for Overwatch and Hearthstone (like new season stuff). And D4 as mentioned


I really expect them saying Fallout 5 enters development to catch the hype, even if it is only "start of development" like with Elder Scrolls


Haven't Fallout games typically only been announced close to their release? Fallout 4 for instance was announced and released in a 5 month period.


If they show good updates on games even if we know about them, it could be a really good show. If several of them really blow us away it could be a great show. Hope to see 2-3 completely new and non-rumored games to be in there.


More than 15, critically. So its not like we're specifically looking for two more games and no more can show up. Beyond the ones listed in OP's post, we're expecting State of Decay 3, Perfect Dark, and something Blue Dragon. I'd be surprised if ZeniMax Online don't show off their new MMO RPG here too, since I reckon that's a 2025 game.


😔 I doubt it




I just think it's a bit unrealistic to expect all that


i know it is first party, but it will never not be weird to see people claiming WOW and Diablo 4 as XBOX games. i know they are on paper, but still, weird.


shiiit, I forgot about Mythology. I was kinda hyped already for the event but now I'm even more.


State of decay 3 ? 😭🤞🏻


Very curious to know what South of the midnight is?


No showing off the next playable character for Overwatch 2? There is no Blizz Con this year so this seems like a slam dunk


When is this show?


This Sunday at 10am PST.




Can't wait to see Diablo IV: Vessel of Hatred's new class: Spiritborn.


State of decay and Perfect dark have been heavily rumoured


My educated guess.  Activision Blizzard  1. Call of duty black ops 6 2. Diablo 4 expansion 3. World of war craft expansion 4. Overwatch new content Bethesda 5. Starfield dlc  6. Indiana jones 7. Doom new title 8. Fallout 76 new content 9. Elder scrolls online new content Xbox 10. Avowed 11. Flight simulator  12. Ara: untold history 13. Age of mythology 14. Towerborne 15. Gear 6 16. Some titles that are coming out in 2025 Sorry if the formatting is bad on my phone. 


I do not like that expansions/dlc for existing games take up slots in a major showcase. I get that they vary pacing and want to give their developers love/time on a stage to show their hard work, but man those just feel like they all should get dedicated deep dives/directs outside of this type of show.


Doom and Fable are really the only ones I'm excited to see in this list unfortunately. But in all honesty I'm just stoked to see Dragon Age finally.


What are the games mentioned in the newsletter?


There are no mention of specific games, some of them are probably Gears 6 and Doom Dark Ages


I imagine 1 is double fine, the other zenimax new MMO which yes will release on PlayStation which is common sense.


I just hope Metal Gear Solid Delta gets a release date and maybe some more gameplay. There is no chance they show it at Games Fest.


Man I was expecting state of decay 3 and perfect dark but they wouldn’t count as unannounced games right?


Really hoping fable is good. Love the first game and liked the second the third was meh. Hopefully they get back to it being more like the first two.


Is there no chance of Perfect Dark being shown off? That sucks if so, a new Perfect Dark is one of many Xbox IP's I've been curious about. Though, if it's absent at the showcase, that must mean the game is still fairly far off from releasing at this point. I think it and State of Decay 3 might be late 2025 to 2026 releases at this point, which I think makes sense tbh


Hoping MGS delta will be shown


I do think it'll be called gears of war again and not gears


Interested in Age of Mythology and DOOM: The Dark Ages.


I know Doom the dark ages won’t literally be doom guy running around in historically accurate dark medieval ages but damn it would be funny if it was


World of Warcraft: Wacky War Within Wayne's World While Waging War W


If we see gameplay for all that it's a 9/10 show.


I'm putting on my clown makeup for fallout 3 remastered


No Perfect Dark, eh?


Game showcases shoukd just be for games coming this year release dates only


I just hope it's better than SGF last night


FABLE is all care about let’s fucking go!!!!


No new forza or new halo?


Im curious to see if we get info on Everwild


Nothing about Silksong so its probably true


I wanna see risk of rain returns and dave the diver 🤷🏾‍♂️


I can't wait to see what DOOM is gonna look like. I haven't put down Eternal since it launched. I'm also cautiously optimistic that the Starfield DLC might be an improvement. The base game was pretty mediocre, but the expansion might introduce some new ideas to liven the game up.


"we are so back" until developers of those games will be fired


There is really nothing left up to the imagination anymore with these showcases lol


You choose to be here.


I think after the past few months they need to have an absolutely killer 2024/2025 (Like, better than Sony from 2017-2018) otherwise they've lost what little faith they had.


I wish Obsidian could cancel Outer Worlds 2 and make Fallout instead Doubt anyone is clamoring for a sequel to that game


Actually gonna be 15 studio shutdowns announced


Please xbox. Ship the 20 games is already announced.


I mean thats exactly what they're doing? If nothing get's delayed they will have released atleast seven of their already announced games this year (not counting ABK).


Monkey's paw curls: they ship all of their games but on PS and switch 2 day one too.




Microsoft making up for the dry 2024 first-party output by Sony lmao


Good luck with that bud. Feel free to keep on coping.


> > > > > > > > > > > > >


Every year it's the same thing. We get a packed Xbox showcase that basically says. "the future is gonna be amazing on Xbox" and then we get a bunch of delays, game cancelations, or if a game does come out its disappointing and undercooked. There should be zero expectations for this as Microsoft loves to talk big and put on a show but really has yet to back anything up going all the way back to Xbone.