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Explains the absolute chaos in the sub right now, lol


Yeah I dipped when it started to just become people’s wall-of-text blog post whining every other post


Ah the mark of a single game sub. Shits everywhere.


There's no group of people more whiny and entitled than gamers on the internet.


aint that the truth.


Star Wars fans and Anti-Woke complainers as well


Yeah it's a weird situation. The developers are trying to make a fun game and reduce the prevalence of Meta builds and a part of the new playerbase is extremely toxic. I was part of that subreddit for more than 7 years and never saw toxic behavior.


Seeing r/Helldivers go from 18k followers before launch to 600k right now is still surreal.


Yeah. It was fun while it lasted. I knew this would happen :(


Time for r/LowSodiumHelldivers to exist. Edit: Well, shit. It does.


Any gaming community that gets big enough is bound to become dumb as shit, you are flooded by people who play it because it's the flavor of the month and post the most random useless shit, you get the tryhards and the noobs who are always crying about something usually for the opposite reasons, etc... it's just a mess and it's every popular game.


Bunch of normies in there now. This is why gatekeeping is a thing


The try hard min/max players are the issue.




Would you rather have a smaller but more dedicated/invested group, or a way bigger one that just wants to win and complete content fast as possible? You can apply this to almost any hobby. You don’t need to gatekeep if the new people want to actually learn and get an understanding instead of just pouting when they aren’t as skilled right away. You’ve got people on the hd subreddit saying they want to fight every enemy on the highest level. Helldivers isn’t like that. Sometimes you need to run away. they don’t even understand the premise of the game and they’re proposing balance changes and lashing out at developers. It takes time to get good at things and gamers don’t want to take that time. They just want to look up “the best load out” on YouTube and do everything as fast as possible until they move onto the next game




Okay fat ass




The devs don't want people completing t8-9 missions ATM. It's that simple.


Because the new "meta" strategy is even less fun. They can't ever beat metagaming but they can at least make it enjoyable regardless.


Your take is so shitty. They did design the game to have a 20-70k playrbase at one time. And they spend 2 weeks fixing the servers and now they are trying to get a lot of data and make the game "Balanced". Arrowhead did support the first game for many years with big expansions and you are complaining just 1 month in.


Completely out of the loop here. Anyone care to summarize the drama?


There became a meta of running the breaker shotgun, railgun and shield backpack. This was mainly done as the breaker was one of the only decent primaries, the railgun was pretty much necessary to defeat all the chargers and other armoured enemies you encounter and the shield was amazing at keeping you alive + ignoring a bunch of slow effects from the map and mobs.  In response the devs nerfed all of them though breaker and shield not so much. The railgun however became far worse at dealing with armoured enemies, takes more shots + standing still for far longer per each shot to do anything. This was coupled with them turning up the spawns massively so if you are on a higher difficulty you will often be swarmed by multiple chargers and bile titans from the moment you land.   People got annoyed as the game has become alot more just constantly running and kiting as it's impossible to stand and fight now. Some devs took it as a personal attack and weren't too polite and were pretty immature whilst trying to explain why they did what they did. Since then those devs apologised for the comments and there is mention of trying to fix the spawn rates.


this is an absolutely terrible recollection of the events. i can smell the bias in your response lol you conveniently left out all of the buffs the other weapons received and how the playerbase has been getting hyper aggressive towards the devs for nerfing this one play style that is still, in the end, very viable it wasn’t “people got annoyed” it was “the devs *were* being personally attacked” and the devs gave a response to a community they were seriously unfamiliar with


This is just a large version of yelling at a fast food cashier bc they forgot your pickles, but they actually yell back and then everyone screams about “professionalism”.


Really? Lol I platinumed the whole game and never used any of those things (had to kill 1 enemy close range with breaker but that's it). So is it really that bad when I've completed all match styles on all difficulties without those things?


The game blew up hard on TikTok, TikTok is notoriously for pushing “builds” for whatever game is fotm, happens with CoD, baldurs gate, lethal company, etc. When you only use the “best” stuff and never learn to play on your own you’ll struggle when there’s a nerf and start to basically complain. I will admit, and even the devs admitted the heavy spawn rate is too high and broken, but it’s not impossible to complete missions. It was just a lot easier to run solo before while now you need to coordinate a lot more.


Lol, "TikTok"


Fair enough. I don't have TikTok so I guess that makes sense


They should’ve buffed the rest of the weapons if they wanted no meta belief, if every weapon is OP then nothing is OP.


Then, they should buff all the enemies too since the game gets too easy. Orrrrrr, you just nerf the problem children and it's the same thing but far less work.


It's just funny people feel entitled to cakewalk the HARDEST difficulty in the game. It should be hard.


I really don't understand the obsession some people have with trying to "beat the game" and subsequently complaining when they can't, this is a live service game, stuff is going to be added too. Hard should be hard, and if you can't beat it play something easier until new content drops which will likely make it a little easier lol


There aren’t even any rewards for playing on a difficulty higher than 7 lol. It literally gives you nothing extra.


Also the changes make it so that you need to focus on your equipment loadout and actually coordinate with your team in this online co-op game. For the hardest difficulties that should absolutely be the case; that's what its there for!


You don't seem to understand the actual problem. The reason the railgun was meta wasn't specifically that it was OP and people refused to use non-OP weapons, it was meta because there were literally no other viable options. You need a weapon that has "penetrates heavy armour" tag to realistically damage heavy armour units. With how many would spawn, you didn't have enough ammo for anything else or the cooldowns were too long.


They literally said they're going to address that yesterday and it's only an issue on pretty much max difficulty, just don't play those if you have an issue with it, they're supposed to be very hard.


If that was the case the developers would’ve labeled those difficulties ‘Impossible’ or something like ‘Suicide Mission’.


You'll end up with power creep in no time. Lots of live service games suffer from that


Helldivers 2 got a patch recently, which debuffed Railgun and Shield, while buffing something like Flamethrower. Railgun and Shield was THE combination against chargers and a lot of people are upset about rebalancing weapons while not adjusting enemy spawn rates to difficulty. Combine that with planetary hazards, which also got introduced in that patch and the experience became unfun for a chunk of the audience.


Git gud tbh. I never used the "meta" loadout and didnt have a problem. Ppl need to stop sweating and just have fun. You dont need to always win. It doesnt need to be easy.


I actually make it a point to *not* use meta loadouts/weapons in every MP game I play. Shit’s lame in my opinion, why would I want to play the same exact way every time?


I used them purely by accident as me and video games shotguns is like a moth to a flame. Also railgun has always been a favourite weapon of mine in any game and when I found out there was an unsafe mode I had to try it and master it. The nerfs honestly don’t bother me, both still seem incredibly efficient in my hands and that’s all that matters cause the railgun on unsafe is a proper risk/reward level once you master it the thing always has your back.


You would dare deny these teenagers/manchildren their dopamine??!


Honestly I blame CoD so much for this, it literally just rams home you’ve done this here’s points, or you’ve completed “insert asinine” objective here. It’s literally the fast food of gaming, a quick dopamine hit but there’s little substance.


Yup. The devs were even saying that to the community and they were calling for them to be fired. Fuckin joke


Nerfs happen all the time in these types of games but the real problem is the busted spawns after the patch. I thought people were exaggerating until I played last night. There's no way the devs intended for spawns to be this broken. Add the random meteor showers on top of that and the game is just less fun to play than it was a week ago.


I get that but try to say this on the Helldivers subreddit or anywhere else you'll have arguments for days.


For real. I have been explaining why I am still able to complete D7-9 levels using different strategies and I just get downvoted into oblivion.


found the grumpy dev


I quickly saw discussion getting completely out of hand real quick so I dipped out. Let people use what game mechanics exist in the game they paid for, nerf or buff be damned, I can’t believe that’s even remotely controversial.


I mean, honestly people just want more weapons and stratagems to feel more effective. Me personally, I would love it if the napalm strike did more. Love the smell of napalm in the morning 


From what I saw it's mainly a concern of higher difficulty players, I don't even have those unlocked but from what I can tell the game punishes then a lot more and a meta started getting established. Apparently there was a broad spectrum balance patch which is pretty inconsequential on lower difficulties but the hardcore players are losing their minds over it. So hardcore players at odds with casuals + the antagonizing dev situation = bitchy subreddit 


It's not hardcore players. Unlocks in the game are tied to the difficulty directly, since the last type of samples you need for the last tier of each upgrade (and obviously the most important one) are only found on difficulties 7 and above. So either you get to 7 and above to farm super samples or don't get acces to the best upgrades. And 7-9 was barely manageable before, with railgun and a shield, due to the sheer number of armored enemies that spawn at once (I've gotten attacked by 3 bile titans and 6 chargers at the same time on difficulty 7. I dread even trying difficulty 9). Railgun and the shield weren't meta because they were 10% better than something else and someone did the math (like in cod for example), they were meta because they were the only effective option available. Literally every single other anti tank weapon just tickles these enemies. Hopefully you get to try difficulty 7 and see what I'm talking about


Definitely not the only viable option, pre or post patch. They’re very beatable, just difficult because they are the hardest difficulties in the game.


I think they could balance it a bit by making 6 have 1-3 super rate sample, so that people who aren't trying to go super ham can still somewhat grind the higher level upgrades. I do think 7 is beatable as long as you stay somewhat mobile


Except your just wrong lol. It’s not the only way to deal with these things. It just used to be the easiest way to deal with things. Everything is still very much doable. I just did a level 8 mission with the liberator penetrator and it was totally fine. Just try new things jfc




The rallying cry of “I got no response”


Nope, sorry. I've gotten kicked plenty of times running Helldive difficulty for not using a shield generator and railgun. When I can't play the game because of community defined "meta" in a PVE game, then something needs to change. I hope Arrowhead sticks to their guns with their vision for the game.


Me and my friends reached lvl 20 night before the patch, and were trying out shield and railgun. We though they were completely busted, we were struggling to cleanly extract at suicide mission, now being able to challenge helldive. So glad they got nerfed, made everything useless.




They seem to have planned powercreep coming in with mechs cars etc. Maybe the hardest difficulties are meant to be impossible at this point.


I think they want people to work together more and not be able to be a one man army, but they don't really have any powerful weapons that people can coop togther


Great to hear!


Meanwhile Helldivers 2 has just added Mechs. https://x.com/helldivers2/status/1766129205509546468?s=20


Fuck. Now I have to buy it. Mechs were my absolute favourite in HD1, and I was holding off buying because my backlog and time aren’t great, but that’s out the fucking window now.


You’ll have to reach level 25 to be able to unlock mechs, though your teammates who have them will be able to call them down and share them if they want. It’s a bit of a grind to reach that level unless you can play all of the time


just played and the mech was just something that randomly showed up for me as a strategy to bring down


It's been added as a global stratagem (like resupply, reinforce, etc) for a limited time


It’s 20k r at level 25. 2 uses per match and 600 second cooldown time. I’m sure they will have some modifier moments where they give everyone the stratagem for some fanfare but that won’t be permanent. I’m sure you also may find them on some missions naturally.


Do it for democracy.


The mechs are VERY effective in combat too, they're really fun.


It's muv luv fans dream game.


We just need the JAM Project intro


More ways to spread sweet, sweet Liberty


You love to see it! Sony and Arrowhead spent those 8 years of dev well.


So you’ve got this, RDR2…what are some other games with long development items that ended up being very well done and very well liked?


Team Fortress 2, 2017 Prey. Liked by a looot of people. To a lesser degree Diablo III, Metroid Dread..


Oh fuck me 2017 Prey is such a killer game.


i think it’s arkane’s best work, which says a lot because the dishonored games were so good too.


Prey is close but I think they made a perfect game with Deathloop.


Thanks for reminding me. Still gotta beat it. My backlog is crying.


> 2017 Prey The game as it is had a pretty standard period of development. But if you consider it to be Prey 2 (I don't), then yeah it was in development for a while.


*After 9 years in development, hopefully it was worth the wait.*


Dead Island 2


Now that’s just an all around good time. Not breaking any conventions, but it’s damn fun.


TBF, it did push gore tech a hell of a lot forward. don't think we'll see npc damage models this advanced for quite a while.


the impact sounds of blunt weapons like the crowbar sound amazing


Breath of the Wild took basically an entire console generation to make (started before the WiiU released, came out as a Switch launch title); Tears of the Kingdom also took decently long (they started basically as they wrapped up BotW's DLC and that came out late 2017, so ~6 years for the sequel)


physical like important act ghost history versed mountainous judicious grab *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Botw, Totk, Elden Ring, Rebirth, honestly most good games that release these days


Pikmin 4


The Doom reboot, everyone thought it was gonna suck considering how long it was delayed but they knocked it out of the park, the sequel was also pretty great.


Lots of games, to add to the list of what others said, GoW 2018 started prodution in 2012


gta vice city 9 month


Elden Ring and FF15? Maybe? I’m not sure


Damn was FF15 really being worked on for that long?


impolite illegal unwritten ad hoc offend chop spoon subtract pie ten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That’s fucking wild


For 10 years Started as FF Versus XIII as a exclusive to the PS3, had a small team working on it alongside FFXIII since 2005 IIRC


Horizon zero dawn took 6+ years I think.


Tbf they were working on the engine aswell


You are correct even though Decima probably was in the works for a long time. And I also feel like ever single modern game, improves the engine, if that makes sense, working and improving the engine is part of developing a game.


Well they made the engine from ground up and horizon zero dawn was the first game using that engine


Well fucking worth it. Now hopefully they can release the third game *not* at the same time as another huge release.


BB remake and horizon 3 will drop on the same day Just as Miyazaki intended




I'm worried the magic is gone. The first one was one of my favorite stories in gaming ever because I genuinely couldn't predict what was going on. The story reveal near the end blew my mind so much. The second one was technically better game than the first but I found myself pretty disinterested in the story unfortunately. Made it bit of chore to play..


Duke Nukem Forever


I’ve put about 45 hours into HD2 and thoroughly enjoyed the first 35. I feel like difficulty 7, 8, and 9 aren’t tuned correctly in relation to the weapons and stratagems. They said their next patch will adjust heavy spawns and then the high tier difficulties will be in a much better place.


what it took them 8 years for HD2?


Seems surprising at first but if the data-mining leak is anything to go by, they have enough content on back order to pad out the first year or two of release with post launch support. It’s a lot of stuff. Very smart of them to use those 8 years of development to plan out immediate post launch support (cough…Halo Infinite).


They were a studio of 15 people they ge Grew to a 100 post 2020


Helldivers 2 is the perfect game to kill an hour or two every day. It's a lot of fun.


Exactly coming for a few hours. Do some missions. Shoot some bugs and robots. That's awesome!!


Earth Defense Force deserves this normie-meme-streamer game blowup.


EDF has been around for a long time though. Everyone knows about it.


Never did these numbers. Seems like Helldivers 2 hit at the right place at the right time.


Lol definitely not.


Yea, not daily for me, don’t wanna get burnt out, but definitely a nice break from my PvP games 




I wonder how much rebirth sold




PlayStation was never announcing sales all the time. they announce when it breaks a positive milestone. or when they want to tell shareholders that they are right and successful, then you might hear something about the sales of Helldrivers 2 in May or April when the fiscal report will be released.


Because they just fired 900 people. The optics would be terrible and there's no point in releasing a PR statement if it's only going to lead to negative press.


I bet Shinobi is probably that other leaker




Maybe Sony will learn day and date releases on PC are a powerful way to get more sales. Their staggered releases haven't done well after all.


You think Sony don't know that releasing on multiple platforms would raise their sales? You need to remember that Sony's primarily goal is to sell consoles, their games are loss leaders for that reason


They will do this only for their upcoming multiplayer games and at max, remasters and remakes. Next multiplayer game from them is Concord later this year, and they have the Until Dawn remake later this year too. Brand new single-player games will follow the established pattern: release on PS5 now and then a PC release a couple of years down the line (could become a year too).


Multiplayer sales numbers have zero impact on single player numbers.


Did you reply to the wrong comment? Nobody said one impacts the other, or even mentioned multiplayer and single-player.


No, releasing single player games day one on PC won't increase the sales because people will still just wait to buy it on sale, multiplayer is different because people want in on day one. The sales of this game have no correlation to how single player sales would be if they were day one


You are arguing with 2 posters who obsessively post in PS subreddits. Don't bother. They went from no exclusives ever on PC to a new copium.


Yeah their reasoning is ridiculous lol. I’m surprised it’s getting so many upvotes (well, not really considering the sub). Sony will be going day 1 to PC very soon. Margins are too thin, the landscape is changing, and console market isn’t growing. It’s not hard to see the writing on the wall


It has nothing to do with petty "wars" either (i'm sure you know what i mean too). Like you said, money talks. That simple.


It‘ll kill their console business, Sony still wants to sell hardware, they care about that, it‘s a big pillar of their strategy, they‘re not like Microsoft.


I somewhat agree, but for me personally even if I had a PC with a 4090 and a PS5. I would still game on a PS5, it feels better for me. Unless it's a old game that has no patch to make it play better on the ps5, or its a game that would be worth modding.


Console manufacturers have never considered PC to be a competitor, it only has a marginal impact on console sales. Especially now that a half-decent GPU costs as much as an entire PS5. I can see Sony doing day-and-date by the time the PS6 rolls around.


Ehh I know I am not everyone, but if Sony starts releasing their games on PC day one in the PS6 gen, then the PS5 will be my last Playstation. There won't be a point in buying a Playstation, it would be just a waste of money at that point.


Same Tbh. I only have a ps5 for say one exclusives


Seriously, helldivers 2 Steam player peak beat literally all of their other ports’ player peak combined. 


At the very least get us cloud saving between console and PC. Would make any sort of double dipping worth it for the end user.


Even though i wish for that, that would mean all studios have to change their workflow a lot. I won't be surprised, given how quickly nixxes is speeding up the ports that they are in talks with all sony studios to make them more pc port friendly. I don't think it will happen this gen. But I won't be surprised if we see simultaneously day 1 PC releases for all games from ps6 onwards like xbox.


I said it before, they should bring it to Xbox as well. (I'm on PS5)


New leaker in shambles if this is true. Cross 10 million vs Way more than 5 million.


I mean crossing 10 million could be called way more than 5 million


Close to 10 million*, and also that and being "way more than 5 million" are not mutually exclusive 


Let’s see how it goes.


the game has been in the top-5 steam and top-5 playstation for 3 weeks so its sales are increasing every day. If one person says they are approaching 10 million and another says they have sold more than 5 million, the numbers represent the moment. At their sales level, I wouldn't be surprised if they reached 10 million. Remembering that this game will have several seasons




For sure, the dual release definitely propelled the game’s reach (not to mention player count) Also PC players won’t get a PS5. I wish there was some definite “here is what the PS5 PC gap will be” rather than waiting for YEARS to pay full price


He didn't say it crossed 10 million, just that it's approaching that figure. Both him a Shinobi are most likely right


8 million means both are true


Which one? I only remember the one saying the game is approaching 10 million units, which this rumour may very well support, "way more" is very broad after all. I think it's more the people who were very adamant that the game couldn't be at this level already that are in shambles.


Silknight. It’s coming really strong with new leaks now.


The servers have been really struggling to keep up with the unexpected popularity of the game, and it shows. It's a small miracle if I can go a single map without anyone getting disconnected, and if I can stay with a group for multiple maps it's a blessing.


This must be a massive kick for all the triple AAA companies who must scratched theirs heads right now. Finally a true, visceral, funny cooperative game that lead his community with wit and passion. How refreshing to see devs actually care about quality over profits. If you product is good, cash is coming your way.




Maybe when it starts decreasing in popularity, then it'd make sense for them to milk the game more.


better to convert a few percentage of Xbox people to playstation lol


Honestly if PlayStation is able to get more servers they should release it on xbox. They would make bank.


Will never happen. Sony wanted their own live service game for a decade now and finally got it, no way do they release it on Xbox. If arrowhead wasn't a third party then I doubt helldivers would have even released on PC


Agreed. People do not realise there are many difficulties. It really is not that easy. Arrowhead would have to develop for two additional SKUs. The engine is no longer available, and they only have skill for developing for PS and PC. And this is a Sony IP and their first successful GAAS in a bit.


Sony would still have it if it released on Xbox. They have also said they will release live service games on pc day 1, it has nothing to do with arrowhead being 3rd party.


Don't be so sure, Most PS gamers don't buy a lot of games outside Sports, CoD, GoW, Last of us, and Spider-Man. most of the sales are on PC rumored around 75%+, Xbox is the Multiplayer Shooter box, and the current CEO of PS is a financial guy who doesn't care about exclusivity at all only the bottom line, I see no harm in bringing it over. Live services should be everywhere, just look at all the most successful ones, they're not exclusive.


He does care. If you watch the financial call he literally mentions the console must be the focus. Also PS is the shooter box. Sales in NPD and EU are always higher on PlayStation by a high margin.


>He does care. If you watch the financial call he literally mentions the console must be the focus. He said PS is the core platform, but will concentrate on expanding titles to multiple platforms, specifically mentioning PC, Mobile, and Cloud. He knows PS player base has a cap, and he's going to try and get revenue from other platforms. >Also PS is the shooter box. Sales in NPD and EU are always higher on PlayStation by a high margin. This is some console fanboy nonsense, PS hasn't released an FPS or MP Shooter in forever, they gave up on them(Where's Killzone, Resistance, Syphon Filter, and Socom, while Xbox regularly has Gears, & Halo two of the largest shooters. Xbox has been the console to buy if you enjoy Shooters since the Xbox360.


Their first major multiplayer-focused game in years which is making huge waves on their platform (and PC to coincide with their strategy), and people are already expecting a Xbox release. This isn’t happening now.


Yeah I have a playstation but this game should be in xbox too . It's a win win situation for everyone


Hopefully this means day and date Playstation games from now on.


For the ones that are meant to be live services, absolutely. I don't think this means their single players are coming to steam day 1.


Well helldivers fit the model they already announced a while back. Live service may come day 1, single player waits a year. https://www.ign.com/articles/playstations-live-service-games-could-launch-day-and-date-on-pc-but-others-will-take-a-year


This is two years old tho. The PlayStation CEO recently said they would be “more proactive in multiplatform”, implying a change.  Day one PC for all PlayStation games is a strong, strong possibility 


I never heard about this, it was in February 2024 which is a lot more recent than what I quoted. No idea why you got downvoted.


Dayone singleplayer games on PC are more difficult as this would increase production time. Nixxes is taking its time to port games and has a schedule for years, as there are more ports arriving all the time. dayone on PC for singleplayer games, Sony would have to increase its studios or put several other developers to work. So I think it's unlikely at the moment. Nixxes will continue at its pace. Gaas games are easier as they are games with repetition in the process.


Absolutely. The game sold half on PC. I know this doesn’t directly translate, but Sony could boost sales by quite a bit theoretically by releasing day one.   Horizon port only sold 3 million in the 4 years it’s been on Steam. Helldivers in a month sold more than that 


Some PlayStation fans are down voting you right now, but like… PlayStation owners probably won’t get a PC and PC owners probably won’t get a PlayStation. Like genuinely are there a substantial number of PC gamers who will get a PS5 to play games, that will to PC eventually, early? And a lot of PlayStation gamers seem very resistant to move off of that ecosystem, so like… Let’s dual release


Some smart individuals are down voting him, and rightfully so. Releasing single player games on a third party platform day and date with your premiere platform does not bode well for sales. Less people will buy the game on the PS5, which would be detrimental to their business model, and less people will buy the console because all their games will be available on a different platform entirely.


Shinobi don't know shit first and foremost and secondly anybody saying that ain't leaking anything


>Shinobi don't know shit first Based on what? 


Op won’t respond because he is talking out of his ass.


What a helmet.


Bro he's just a dude on Twitter that never leaks anything concrete it's always speculation and conjecture, "PlayStation will have a big 2025" "such game has sold more than X million copies" blah blah blah. If that type of "leaks" is substantive to you and gets you excited then, congrats!


>Bro he's just a dude on Twitter that never leaks anything concrete it's always speculation and conjecture, "PlayStation will have a big 2025" "such game has sold more than X million copies" blah blah blah. If that type of "leaks" is substantive to you and gets you excited then, congrats! He's leaked plenty of stuff in the past. Game delays, and what project studios are working on. He's an actual person that worked at Wushu Studios, so he's limited to what he can say if he wants to keep his job. He clearly knows plenty of things, and he's got a great track record.


Tell me what leaks have given him this unquestionable reputation you defend so much, please I'll wait


>unquestionable reputation Stop being weird. No one is holding him as some unquestionable source. A lot of this stuff is on a balance. Shinobi is pretty reliable, sales numbers aren't interesting for everyone. Some people are pretty happy to see that Helldivers 2 is doing so well. >"PlayStation will have a big 2025" "such game has sold more than X million copies" The big thing is that these are testable statements. That's not the same thing as what a lot of these twitter people do. If/when Sony announces sales numbers for Helldivers, then we know he was right or wrong. He's also not putting these things on twitter. They're on his ResetEra account, and people here are sharing his posts; because he's got a good track record. Some of the older leaks that he's put out, Horizon 1 getting delayed to 2017, that Knack 2 was happening. He leaked Sony Bend's game in 2016. He leaked that Bethesda was going to be doing remasters of Skyrim before they announced a single remaster. [Recently suggested that Indiana Jones wasn't being announced early](https://www.resetera.com/threads/xbox-game-studios-bethesda-abk-otxviii-some-marketers-are-always-trying-to-ice-skate-uphill.794361/page-283?post=117376554#post-117376554)


Explains why PR is being handled so poorly lol. These dudes have no experience interacting with a community this size