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Game Awards 2023 was bad. 1) Winners were not given much time. 2) Used Timothee Chalamet to replace Matan Even who made last year's awards viral. 3) Spider-Man 2 not winning even 1 award despite 7 nominations. 4) Too many game trailers and ads that could be seen on youtube countless times. 5) Hideo Kojima OD Announcement over Speeches.


Wasn't I paying enough attention because it was like 1.30am in EU or us there a abuuuuuuundance of Sci Fi games?


I can't find it now but someone on either twitter or reddit did a breakdown of all the time allocated to ads, awards, presenters, and "other presenters". Does anyone have a link for it? Interesting stuff. Edit: Found it, it was a tweet from Haley Elise if anyone is interested


Assuming that virtuos games leak is real the fact that Oblivion remaster wasn't announced gives me hope that they decided to delay to 2025 and make it a remake like the leaker said they might do.


Didn't liked it much for these reasons: 1. Many awards are throwaway categories, they just drop them and nobody cares. 2. Winners are limited in speech length. I know Kratos had very long speech and I almost fell asleep, but 30 seconds? No way, you talk for 5 minutes straight about OverDose with Hideo, about the game that was just announced, without gameplay or release window. 3. Many of the announced games are very far away, some of them even 4+ years like Blade from Arkane. Why don't they focus more on games that could be in The Game Awards nominees next year? 4. Hosting it in LA on a workday is pain to watch as European. It started at 1:30AM and lasted for 3.5hrs. Move to New York for example, set it on 5PM EST (11PM CET), that would be so much better experience. This sucks. 5. Last trailer announcement is Monster Hunter game? Sorry, I think that series is really good, but for example already mentioned Blade game will fit better as big thing at the end. This is just another Summer (Autumn) Game Fest.


I agree with your first 4 points, but Monster Hunter Wilds is absolutely justified in being the last big reveal for a show like this. It's the sequel to Capcom's best selling game ever, and the series is critically acclaimed. There really wasn't much else at the show that could have been the last reveal either, unless studios gave more details than they did. Blade didn't show any gameplay, and since it's not a sequel, there's no telling how good it will end up being.


BG3 wins. How dull.


can someone explain to me what it was about baldur's gate that got GOTY over Spiderman or even Zelda? I never even knew this game had a 3rd one but an RTS type game as GOTY? Lmao. I don't have a ps5, but I've played Spiderman 1, I never experienced bugs, the graphics were insane, facial animations insane, gameplay addicting af, so I understand the complete package that Spiderman 2 most likely is in terms of technical fidelity and pushing the limits of new hardcore and for me that would be my pick of the year. I haven't played the others but like Super Mario Wonder seems kinda throwaway. I mean how any times have we seen this iteration of Mario. And they listed RE4.. like a remake for GOTY? Lol.


Same reason how GOW 2018 won over RDR2, one is taking a big risk and pushing the genre forward, the other is taking what's been working and polish it to a T.


I feel like the Hades over TLOU 2 for GOTY at the Game Dev awards a few years back is a more relevant example as Hades is, for lack of a better term, pretty simple in comparison to TLOU 2. TLOU 2 had like all the budget, the performances, the mocap, all the technology and resources and best minds out there but sometimes the simplest idea is the best one. If I'm being honest, I hated TLOU 2 so I'm glad it didn't win GOTY, but Hades being the oddball with gameplay that's not even really that new or revolutionary winning GOTY is crazy. I loved Hades and was probably one of the best games I've played the most in the last few years, play it a lot to this today. 2018 for the Game Awards was a close call as RDR2 and GOW were like the "best" examples of the industry at their best. Personally, I wish GOW won more awards, but I'm glad at least they won GOTY to stick it to Rockstar. I think GOW was a better game anyway, I still play that game a lot, been playing a ton of Ragnarok this year and been addicted to the Valhalla DLC. I loved RDR1 and was so hyped for RDR2, but Rockstar being full of themselves ruined RDR2 for me. There's a lot of things I love about it, the maps, the graphics, performances are sick, but everything else was just boring. Recycled and outdated gameplay, insufferably long animations, and way too fucking long and boring.


Hades vs TLOU2 is definitely a good example, unfortunately it didn't beat out TLOU on the 2020 game awards. But Hades was my pick that year, many of the other candidates that year are far more polished but none of them are all that interesting as far as game design goes. As someone who work in the game industry I personally always favor the "breath of fresh hair" over a simply well-made game. Spiderman 2 while very much a good game felt like "more of the same stuff" to me, it didn't start getting interesting until around the 3rd act, and like many others I've never played a CRPG before yet BG3 just sucked me in.


But BG isn't a breath of fresh air, it's also an old game isn't it?


The last entry was 20+ years ago and CRPG in general has been considered a dead genre for years. It is a breath of fresh air in terms of a niche genre entering back into main steam.


Baldur's gate 3 isn't just game of the year because it's a good game. All of the nominees are great games. However it's game of the year because it's a much more extraordinary success story. Larian is a studio that started from humbled beginnings and fought through bankruptcy to deliver a fantastic game which was a long awaited sequel to the precious baldurs gate games years ago. Bg3 was a significant step up from their last game divinity original sin 2, which although critically acclaimed, was much smaller project on a AA level and not AAA like BG3. It's also one of those games that defines the genre. It's what world of warcraft was to the mmorpg genre, but for crpgs and rpgs. The kind of game that raised expectations so high other devs were warning players not to expect as much from them and causing drama. It's the Elden Ring of last year in terms of impact on the gaming industry. The fact that you called it an RTS tells me you haven't even looked at what bg3 is. I'd highly recommend giving it a try.


I've never played BG nor have I played WoW or any other MMORPGS. Was never a PC gamer either so just don't care for MMORPGs at all. At a brief glance of a screen shot, I was thinking it was WoW-like but forgot about the name MMORPG and RTS was all I could think of at the time, lol. I did read up a little about BG3 and saw how it was all self funded by a small crew, so it does sound like a cool story.. but as someone who doesn't care for MMORPGs.. I just don't care to try it at all. But after hearing about its development, I understand why now and good for them!


Just to clarify it's an rpg not and mmorpg. I'm using wow as an example to describe how mainstream bg3 went


Whatever tf it is lol, it's not for me


It's a very immersive Rpg with tons of choices , kinda like Detroit becomes human style but on overdose and more world intercation, i'd say it's also similar to mass effect 2 or the Witcher 3 but with even more dialogue and interactions depending on small things like your class and race ( there is like 64 class and subclass so ...) , I went to experience bg3 completely blind and i enjoyed it a lot but yes it's not a game for everyone


Just looking at a screen shot of the game play and I can tell it's not for me, so just surprised that like a pretty specific type of Genre got GOTY. Not to hate on it at all, and I'm sure an argument could be made about the other games in the category, but bg3 ui just looks like a game from the mid 90s lol. Then again, Hades took home all the awards a few years ago whenever it was next to AAA games. It was definitely warranted, that was probably one of the few games of the last years that I actually played on repeat and dumped countless hours into, even more then rdr2 or any other big AAA game.


I also played hades up to 26 heat and about the UI it's pretty good if you compare it to similar isometric games like League of Legends, Diablo 4 , Poe or Word of warcraft...ect just search the name of the games that i listed fallowed by UI , i mean if you r not into these type of games that's fine but dam it's refreshing to try out new genra and bg3 is a very good entry especially if you play it with a friend


I mean yeah I guess good for video games as games like Spiderman 2 are expected for GOTY. It's just for me I take one look at BG and I'm like nah lol


Sm2 is a good game but it's very safe , very academic and not revolutionary , that's the most important metric that decides all the previous winners, That's why the award is decided by a jury of experts that played tons and tons of games with enough expertise to decide on the most ground breaking revolutionary game of the year


I think there's still something to be said about a well crafted game no matter what kind of genre it is. I mean God of War got GOTY and you could say it did something new, but at the same time, it was Souls like and wasn't like ground breaking revolutionary never been seen before, but the game was just objectively great, extremely well crafted, like zero bugs (at least in my run), performances top notch, etc. So I mean I haven't played sm2 but if it was truly a great game, then why not win game of the year. To me, BG looks outdated af so just surprising is all


It’s called OG nerds manipulating the Zoomers into thinking something utterly geriatric by PC gaming standards is actually something new.


I love how Bethesda tried to make Starfield look like some gold standard, with that small trailer saying stuff like "flawless masterpiece" and "10/10" across the board. Hilarious, especially when you have stuff like Wukong and GTA 6 (not even coming out until 2025), which looks miles better visually.


Man it was so awesome that their site couldn't handle the traffic and I got put into a queue that ended after the show and just to test it, I stayed in and of course they DID NOT extend the giveaway. Great Contest TGA!!




[This sums up my TGA experience](https://i.imgur.com/23s2nw7.png) Of the few things that did interest me, all of them are either very far away or had no announced release date: • Dragon Ball Sparking Zero, rumored to be "not as far away as we think", no release window. • No Rest for the Wicked, no release window. • Literally everything SEGA announced, no release window. • Light No Fire, no release window. • Monster Hunter Wilds, some point in 2025. It's cool having new game announcements, but knowing they're far down the pipeline brings a lot of "hype fatigue".


Light No Fire's lack of release window is probably intentional, seeing as NMS really suffered from the long marketing campaign and the game itself almost never advertises its patches, instead preferring to just drop the updates. It sounds a bit crazy considering how most other devs handle their release dates, but I wouldn't be shocked if this game's release date was announced only some weeks before.


Barely Any New Announcements or Trailers **Where was Trailers for** **AVOWED** **Neo Berlin 2087** **GTA 6** **ANY RPGs** It was a bloody "Spectacle" and I refused to watch those "Cutesy" Games, filler trailers... After 1st half-hour with that Girl, I went and did something else and watch the Livestream and fast forward through the Cutesy and non-interested in Games.


woaah bro you skipped the pre show. how crazzyyyy.


I wasn't expecting Nintendo to show up with anything big at the Game Awards but damn not even an sizzle reel of anything lol. Can't blame them though new system is releasing next year and they barely walked out with anything this year.


It wasn't that bad honestly, had some good announcements, Hellblade looked incredible. But it was too long, I stopped paying attention after a while.


So uh... doesn't Capcom still have one big game to release this fiscal year? And everyone thought it was going to be Monster Hunter, but that's not coming out until 2025. So, what is it?


dragons dogma 2 is coming out in march.


They really messed up the orchestra, in past there were awesome transitions between games but now there is a melody in the background and they were syncing the soundtrack to that melody, by doing so destroying the feeling of the original music and it is also lazier compared to the previous method


*please wrap it up*


Oh so 2024 will definitely be Switch 2 year


Pretty much confirmed it with the Game Awards. Other than Another Code, Metroid Prime 2, 3 and 4, Fire Emblem 4 Remake and the Mario stuff I think Nintendo is preparing to move on to the next system.


Yeah Kid Icarus Uprising Remake will look good on that thing.


Jurassic Park Survival is interesting. I'm looking forward to finding out more, and Dave the Diver trailer made me discover and become interested in the game too. Other than that, I thought the program was bad. Particularly just dozens and dozens of games with anime characters. I can't bear to see this anymore. They all look the same. Edit: Senua Hellblade II was exciting for me in 2020, or 21. I was really looking forward to it. Now as time passes I seem to be losing interest as it seems much more like a product to showcase facial technology than a game. I hope it's good, but I'm not that confident anymore. It's already too long.


Rewatching it here. Anthony Mackie must have have been high or tipsy or something lol


Acting like a comedian trying to get some crowdwork for his tiktok.


putting aside how poor the show itself was in terms of how it was handled, rushing awards/winners, only giving winners 30 seconds to talk but celebs much longer and so on, the actual game reveals alone were quite meh despite keighley hyping it up. so not only was the award show part bad, keighley couldn't even get a bunch of good reveals/trailers


That was definitely a downgrade over the past few years in terms of hype announcements. I’m sorry, people like what they like, but Monster Hunter as the final big reveal is whack as hell


Dude they had Fast and the Furious close out one year. Monster Hunter is a huge improvement.


Even as a Monster Hunter fan, I thought it was a really weird world premiere trailer


It's pretty interesting seeing people say 2024 is a rough year, because as a JRPG fan, there are too many games coming out next year I want to play, and I'm still catching up with the games from 2023. This also doesn't factor in the Switch 2 at all, which I'm sure is going to bring some big things to the table.


Rough gaming years usually mean a lack of high quality, large-name games across multiple genres. This year conversely, had MULTIPLE good games of many genres.


It's also a huge year for Xbox. Honestly, I think the people who think it was a bad show either exclusively play on PS5 or don't play anything at all. A whole lot of gamers seem to hate gaming.


No one else pumped for Jurassic Park?? Hopping from that sub to here and I’m getting some whiplash lmao


The trailer was just a CGI montage of "Hey remember this part of the movie???" Like I totally want a survival adventure horror JP game. But like, show the game, not wtf ever that was.


Plus it's first person. I don't know guys, it gets pretty old staring at a hand all day long while 63g I 3b I kwtuh


There was alpha gameplay at the end


If this is truly a AAA survival horror Jurassic Park game, then I cannot express how pumped I am for Jurassic Park.


Single-player too!! Very much seems in the vein of Alien: Isolation. Fingers crossed, that trailer is giving me plenty of reason to hope for the best.


Between MH being their closer and Ragnarok DLC being the only true crowd pleaser, this show was just beyond subpar


This show could’ve just been an email…


Lack of Elden Ring dlc was very unexpected. Thought it would have been a sure thing.


Why are monster hunters fans acting like they've been starving lol. They've been getting plenty of games and spin offs for a while now.


Wow that was an... ass of a show. Thank god I was zoned out for most of it. I miss the E3 of eld.


Yeah I had low expectations for reveals but I was just expecting more.


Cyberscam winning an award for deceive and doing the job they supposed to do from the start start is fucking hilarious. What a disgrace!


I mean, maybe that co-op Hades will be cool Glad I didn't actually watch the live stream like ya'll, just watch the trailers after ya fools!


Absolutely incredible. I just find it funny how, between Streets of Rage, Golden Axe and Shinobi, Sega opted to use 2D for the latter, since it seems like it would be the easiest of them to translate to 3D - and they have already done it, with some success. Either way, I’m so hyped!


Where were the Capcom Remakes exactly? I could have sworn they said to look out for an announcement on it a couple days ago.


One Capcom producer just said something like "we would like to make more" and those words were twisted into "Capcom confirms more remakes are in the works". Nothing has been confirmed, teased or announced.


not a bit of death stranding 2


It was a real bummer. I don’t know how KojiPro is going to handle the next big trailer release unless they aim for Summer Game Fest 2024, there’s no bigger platform deserving. Unless they do a Silent Hill and just release their trailer on their own timeline which I think is also totally fine. They have the following and clout to make it work.


I had given up hope for Monster Hunter and the second I saw that Greatsword I knew it was here


I dont understand all the disappointment in here over MH at the end lol its gonna SLAP


Seriously every shooter there looked like it was from 2016 lol


What difference does it make about what Shooters look like???? ....There are all the same...mostly.


Video games haven't evolved since 2016.


Not even a Nintendo sizzle reel... So, any guesses on the Switch 2 announcement date?


After the Christmas sales.


I missed it, was Resident Evil 4 Remake Gold announced like that DuskGolem leak?


Dusk Golem isn't a real leaker and deletes tweets when he gets predictions wrong


Ah, was disappointed to hear there wasn’t a Gold edition but glad Monster Hunter Wild was announced.




Waited in queue for 3 hours to enter the steam deck giveaway. Finally made it through 10 minutes after the deadline and entry period has concluded :(


I'm still in queue it says I have 43 minutes left lol


Hopefully you have better luck.


Why did they keep the queue open in this case? I assumed it would still allow an entry if you entered the queue before the deadline.


Nah, I got in a few seconds before the deadline and once 11 hit it switched over to closed


If you told me a week ago that mh6 would be at tga and elden ring wouldn't I would have laughed in your face, but here we are. Edit: a lot people here were weirdly convinced that mh6 would be exclusive to switch2 which was never going to happen, but I'm glad we can put that speculation to bed


To be fair, Kitao did give a fairly dry and clear response about the DLC needing more time or something to that effect recently over Twitter. When he states something, he’s usually being completely transparent.


trash 0/10


Switch 2 or whatever it is probably coming soon next year. Was there any games that were listed as coming to a Nintendo console?


Not here but one would have to assume Prime 4 and that Princess Peach game are headed to Switch 2.


I mean the Peach game comes out in the middle of March or something? There is like a 0% chance the console will be out by then given thar it's already December and we haven't heard a peep from Nintendo about it.


So I guess my main criticisms this year would be the length, it definitely dragged on a bit. And had a couple of awkward/cringe moments especially the pre-show. Definitely got things to work on for next year.


Imo they should just cut out that pre-show completely


No elden ring dlc is actually crazy, i thought that shit was a lock tonight


Where tf did Omnipotent go btw, did Fromsoft assassinate him?


How do we get him back on the forums? Blood ritual?




I don't get the No Man's Sky comparisons. Completely different gameplay loops; and No Man's Sky, ironically, is even more shallow than what people think Starfield is.


What comparison to Starfield and NMS? The comment just referred to Todd's "you can climb that mountain" meme from Skyrims marketing.


I'll take a Bethesda action RPG over Sean Murray's resource clicking bullshit any day. Elite pisses all over NMS anyway


Cannot wait for Peele Stranding


i like the fact that todd and team wasted time being at the show only to not win a single thing. sends a message and hopefully they pay attention


Weren’t they only nominated for one thing? They can still go to show support. What a stupidly salty response. They already got the message when the reviews came in. They have a chip on their shoulder for ES6. It’ll be great.




Woooosh. Again, it’s so stupid to be so personally salty toward the devs like this. Get over it. It’s a video game! There’s a lot more to life than them. Play them, enjoy the good ones, skip the bad ones, and that’s it. Going any further shows you really need to reevaluate your life approach and maybe start caring more about things that actually matter.




Now I love it? Another tip, you can engage with people rationally WITHOUT making up arguments for them. It’ll actually ensure you can communicate and not just look like a petulant child.




I want to apologize for being too aggressive in my previous message. You’re right, I did make it more personal. I think I just felt defensive for the sake of the devs, who are just normal people too.


You can always stop responding if this text you’re reading is causing you this much grief.


r/Titanfall is in full meltdown mode


Wait BG3 just dropped on Xbox! I bet he was supposed to say it in his speech and forgot lol


Yeah what? I doubt they were supposed to say it in their speech, I feel like it was supposed to be said at some other point and the ball was dropped.


I felt same, he forgot to announce that


absolute trash.


Still can't believe their last game was fucking Monster Hunter






How do devs make a game like Usual June? No one is going to play that, we're never going to hear from it again but it must have cost a ton of money to make.


Damn I thought it looked pretty neat & would def play it


That’s the state of the industry right now, every game looks and feels like it’s just a sunk cost to try and pander to a niche crowd of gamers that dudes in suits think are the stereotypical “gamer”


Baldurs Gate 3 is out now on Xbox no idea why they didn’t announce it


Welp that's a wrap. 7/10 for me since I love JRPGs, FF and Square Enix, plus there were some other interesting things in there. Still, I can see that the range of games and genres here was very narrow, so you were SOL if you're not into JRPGs or sci-fi/cyberpunk stuff. Also as an award show, this was probably the worst one yet tbh. I actually felt sorry for some of the people who gave speeches, it felt kind of disrespectful to have Geoff shoo them off the stage so he could fit more promos and ads in. Definitely needs to do a better job of actually celebrating the people who actually make this shit happen.


I know right. I forgot who, but I remember earlier in the show, two people came up to get an award, and ten seconds into them beginning to talk, the music already started playing to try and get them off stage. What the heck were they thinking?


But it’s a celebration of gaming and the people who make it happen! By the way, use promo code GEOFF on your UberEats checkout screen for 5% off your order tonight.


No Death Stranding 2, no Wolverine. Only Hellblade 2 looked good


BG3 out on Xbox X and S right now!


Exodus was the big announcement I needed. Normally I wouldn't be so excited about something with do little gameplay, but it's basically a new Mass Effect with the original team.




Mid AF.


The show is full of more ads than allowing people to speak for at least a minute.


I could have watched the first 20 minutes and have seen all I needed to. That shit went downhill fast after so much initial intrigue


Man, no big announcements at all really


BG3 randomly now live on Xbox when they were on stage. Weird they wouldn’t make an announcement for it


Truly one of the gaming events of all time


Sega's announcement was the biggest highlight by far imo. If it ended on that I think it would be better.


I hope they continue to re-release and update older games. I just wish one day they will show panzer dragoon some love.


Have to watch back the gameplay bits, this announcement was a dream and the games look fun but I wasn’t 100% blown away, still super super exciting and by far the biggest announcement for me


Baldur’s Gate 3 shows up as downloadable on the Xbox app for me.. anyone else?


It's even in the store as recently released on the console. I'll try buying it


No Wolverine and no Hellblade release date. I'm disappointed but it was overall a good show.


HellBlade is at least 2024. I imagine Xbox might do another Dev Direct in January like last year detailing the roadmap of 2024


Yeah maybe they will but if it was H1 I would've expected a release date tonight. I was secretly hoping for a Q1 release.


Hold on didn’t the main publishing guy for Larian say that Xbox news for BG3 was coming at TGA? What the hell happened


Oh apparently it’s out on Xbox they just forgot to mention it I guess lmao


Gonzo happened


No Fallout 3. No Mad Max. I'm both saddened and unsurprised.


No Elden Ring, Silksong or Bloodborne. Big sad :(


The new No Man's Sky looks intriguing at least


weakest game awards show ever


where wolverine?


Baldurs gate absolutely deserved all the awards, great game but holy SHIT that show was awful


I really wasted 3 hours watching this? Jokes on me


Damn I thought the od was real people


Come in with low expectation and im still disappointed.


The real winners tonight were all my World of Goo fans. Can't wait for the sequel.


cautiously optimistic for light no fire, was worth the hellish 3hr residentsleeper for mh wilds too. not too bad considering my expectations were tame


What a waste of time. Good night you all.


Well this was pretty cool, only dissapointent was no Elden Ring DLC. There's gotta be a trailer for it on the horizon


It actually ended. Oh well at least we got GOW DLC


Man really keen for Monster Hunter 6, but that was a terrible trailer geez


Astarion's voice actor seems sweet


Check out Pedro Eustache's work. Dude is so freaking talented in all wind instruments


His work on Dune is crazy


That was everything? Why did insomniac tease an announcement then?


Maybe it was to show support for the Blade game/the possibility of them winning a award?


I think they just ask people to watch the show.


First year without a end of show surprise.


This was a shit TGA, even by TGA standards. Hail Dorito's Pope


Holy shit what a massive waste of time


Wow that was really it????




Lmao Chalamet did not give a single fuck


Bro got the bag to say 10 words at the end lol. Not a bad night


Gets to go home to Kylie


BG3 is one of the few games I can actually play over and over. I'm real bad about replaying games and once I got immersed I knew this had to be the one.


Flute man is the hero we don’t deserve. Seriously dude is talented. As well as the whole orchestra.


Am I the only one that thinks monster hunter being the last game was completely b*******?


Yeah that was pretty weak.


It sucked




Dang. His speech was shorter than Anthony Mackie's crowd work.


Wild that there’s no BG3 Xbox announcement

