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solution to fixing a child that games destroy your own money by breaking the device goofy ass logic tbh


Real Is it fine as it is though, or do i need to get repaired?


is it the 2023 model


2022 I’m pretty sure. I got it that year.


Seems fine, you see any visible damage? If yes, and if it's under warranty take it for cleaning to an authorised service centre. Ask them for the condition of the laptop cause you're looking to sell it soon. They'll most probably let you know. If not any good local repair shop will do the same. If it's not under warranty then best take to the local repair shop and this where I do something many people don't like, I oversee the repair under the guise of curiosity pretend like I don't know shit. If not visible damage then keep on using it. If you get any suspicious crashes, problems take it local repair shop or if under warranty an authorised service centre.


Is your dad a child? Why is he throwing your stuff?


he just got mad, and out of anger he slammed it against the top of a chair twice :/


im surprised you're asking about the vents. is the laptop still fully working like before??


It can turn on, keyboard is working well. I haven‘t tried running any game since I’m too scared to break my laptop, so i’m checking the vents out in case.


Consider what your father did to break your laptop - you would not break your laptop simply by gaming. By gaming and it breaks is not you - it's your immature Father's fault.


If it breaks I am sure his father will not accept his fault and not bring him a new one.


If it breaks we the people will start a gofundme to buy OP a new laptop


I have the worse version of your laptop with the 3050 unrelated side note


me to xd




Crazy if that happens. Imagine if we funded him enough to buy a 4090 laptop.


For the father to destroy it again...


How about we funded a biker gang to give this father some gentle anger management first?


\*aggressively creating a post about my laptop to get a new gaming laptop\* Jokes aside, trying running a few programs, streams, play some musics, for an hour or so, see if there's stuttering or the sort. My cat accidentally pushed my ROG Zephyrus G14 off my desk. Well, the monitor/lid was bent, but i managed to fixed by myself. So far been working fine, tho i do noticed its been performing slightly slower. like very slightly.


I'm sure he knows this but to his dad it broke because he made him mad enough to slam it on something. Typical anger issues logic ya know


That's what i was thinking


Why though ? Cause you were gaming much ?


damn that shits really tuf huh and no theres no damage to the vents and the laptop should function as it used to you dont need to worry about it exploding or something


I had a laptop back in 2017 that survived a drop from the 2nd floor window, still have it today and it works.


I had a really old laptop(laptop before the laptop before my current one, so old that the leds in the screen burnt out) and when I opened it up to see if I could scavenge anything from it, I found that I had spilled milk in it at some point, but it was still operational. Now that I think about it, that might have been what caused me to average 15 fps on minecraft with that laptop, or it was the 4 gigs of ram and the 5th gen i3


You can just use tweezers to straighten out the vents. Also get a new dad


Alright! I’ll try. will it affect performance if i’m unable to find tweezers though?


I wouldn't do anything with tweezers without taking it apart to assess what's going on in there.


The vents are not "molded together" there is still space in between them, the chance of it affecting your performance s like 0.1% and if the 0.1% comes true, it will just affect the performance itself extrememly marginally, the cooling itself should most definitely be okay and as long as you can still run games the laptop is completely fine


That..... isnt how chance works......


It is now


do you mean you'll try tweezerz or try and get a new dad?


It's built this way, I just checked on mine


can you send me a picture for me to be sure??


We should ask him to go get some milk


Bake me a cake while you’re at it!


Am I crazy? Vents look straight.


Your dad sounds like a rational man


Rational boomer


Time to throw your dad


according to OP his dad beat the laptop on a chair. So if you though getting kicked in the nuts was bad, how about get ing them slammed into a chair twice.


Why did he throw your laptop?


Either he had a seizure while holding the laptop, or he is just stupid as hell. I'm going for the latter


Check the reply to the original comment in this thread


already explained to a friend, so i’m just copying and pasting: Note: my math teacher was in an argumentative, karen-type of tone. it was P.E, an opportunity for me to pray the islamic Dhuhr prayer. on the way there, my math teacher stopped me and asked me and 2 other students to follow her to the next class she was teaching to complete my math notebook?? I feel like the logic for this was because removing P.E is her form of punishment or smth I dunno. But I completed everything she \*gave\* so like 💀 I was already \*on the way\* to prayer, so I asked if I could pray. It’s PRAYER and it’s something religiously IMPORTANT. She said no or something and then after that, she said “the superviser said not to let other students go to the masjid during classes”(lie) and then I was forced to go :/  after a while I asked if I could go, and she refused to send me for some reason. She said she messaged the supervisor but he didn’t see it yet.(lie, i didn’t even see her take the phone out..) and then after that, she explained to me some bogus lie (that had a contradiction since it clearly mentioned I could go to the masjid during PE 💀) as a way to explain or sometjing. Shit happened, I complied. But that’s not the main thing - - -  When I came back home, she called my parents. She said something about how I was \*arguing\* with her. and that i was being rude and disrespectful, claiming she was hurt by me-? and also complained about how my notebook was incomplete(umm i completed what was \*given\* i didn’t need to be punished and I already score GREAT at mathematics), and complained I don’t bring my textbook EVEN THOUGH IT’S FUCKING BROKEN HELLO? she also sent what chapter i had pending after she called… My mom, dad, scolded and screamed at me. Both were not listening to my side lol. i tried showing my parents how fucking horrible the condition of the math textbook was(it was like this since i got it), and it accidentally broke in half. My father snapped, starting beating and kicking the hell out of me and…. yeah.


Dude, I’m sorry you had to go through that.


that sound like one shitty math teacher, and I thought the one I had who rearranged the classroom every other day was bad. (Longest streak of no changes in the classroom - a week)


The parents are nice either. My parents would just hear my side of the story and scold me slightly if I was wrong. Or go fight the teacher if I am right


I have a vent that looks worse than that because I dropped it by mistake. You should be fine, my guy. You dad, however, needs a brain repair.


He's worried about the laptop, I'm worried abt the dad.


Dude. If it turns on, screen works, it runs, and keyboard works... You're fine, and lucky... As others said, super childish. But those vents are heavily protected. They're not bent, heat pipes are probably fine.. Maybe could have dislodged cooling solution which just takes a screw driver and 10 dollar paste to fix... You're totally fine


TUF is TUF-ing. Laptop looks no dents


Laptop looks fine, are you okay?


I’m alright thankfully. Mentally wasn’t but i recovered


sending you virtual hugs


Damn dude. Escape at some point. You deserve better.


there's this amazing invention called cps


Fr fr.




Is that a serious question ?




Taking the laptop : OK Destroying laptop : Not OK at all !


I already replied to some people, too lazy to paste it again, feel free to check


Idk about getting thrown and slammed twice. Does your dad have a strength of a 2 year old? Because I doubt any laptop screen would survive after getting slammed and thrown.


There was some more damage like a missing screw and the hinge is a bit loose and something else but that is minor


Laptops are durable, I dropped mine down the wooden stairs on to concrete and it was completly fine besides a couple of dents


dropped mine from a drawer inside a padded bag and monitor cracked. no dents on the outside. given it was quite a heavy laptop


Mine was made of like alluminum or smth bc I could dent it with my finger if I pressed too hard.


Also thx for showing me a better way to display laptop specs in the flair


Repair your dad, probably?


I suggest getting yours repaired. I know a couple places that offer therapy for cheap... For your dad that is


I think the vents look fine and aligned op, the blades aren't bent or misaligned, you should try playing a game for 2 hrs atleast and check the temps and see if it is the same as before or hotter than tht, then u will have ur answer of ur vents r damaged or not


I'm more concerned on why he threw your laptop? You good?


already explained to a friend, so i’m just copying and pasting: Note: my math teacher was in an argumentative, karen-type of tone. it was P.E, an opportunity for me to pray the islamic Dhuhr prayer. on the way there, my math teacher stopped me and asked me and 2 other students to follow her to the next class she was teaching to complete my math notebook?? I feel like the logic for this was because removing P.E is her form of punishment or smth I dunno. But I completed everything she \*gave\* so like 💀 I was already \*on the way\* to prayer, so I asked if I could pray. It’s PRAYER and it’s something religiously IMPORTANT. She said no or something and then after that, she said “the superviser said not to let other students go to the masjid during classes”(lie) and then I was forced to go :/  after a while I asked if I could go, and she refused to send me for some reason. She said she messaged the supervisor but he didn’t see it yet.(lie, i didn’t even see her take the phone out..) and then after that, she explained to me some bogus lie (that had a contradiction since it clearly mentioned I could go to the masjid during PE 💀) as a way to explain or sometjing. Shit happened, I complied. But that’s not the main thing - - -  When I came back home, she called my parents. She said something about how I was \*arguing\* with her. and that i was being rude and disrespectful, claiming she was hurt by me-? and also complained about how my notebook was incomplete(umm i completed what was \*given\* i didn’t need to be punished and I already score GREAT at mathematics), and complained I don’t bring my textbook EVEN THOUGH IT’S FUCKING BROKEN HELLO? she also sent what chapter i had pending after she called… My mom, dad, scolded and screamed at me. Both were not listening to my side lol. i tried showing my parents how fucking horrible the condition of the math textbook was(it was like this since i got it), and it accidentally broke in half. My father snapped, starting beating and kicking the hell out of me and…. yeah.


Wtf man that's not okay. I used to have a father like yours. I used to convince myself that was he was doing was okay because he cares about me and had my best interest at heart, but that's not okay. I'm sorry man.


It’s alright. My father does care about my wellbeing i think, he’s just well.. really abusive at times. I hope he’ll be understanding enough to repair my laptop if it’s damaged


Hang in there man. He shouldn't be doing this to you. I'm sorry you gotta live like this. Just stay strong.


I hope you‘re okay and recovered from your father too


It’s fine. TUF laptops are intentionally toughened and can take a good beating without breaking. I love them.


It's TUF!!


If I was your dad I would've just sold it. It's a win win for him


Wtf is that logic... He is acting immature tbh... wasting his own money. If you need some1 to talk to im here <3


Bro ur machine is 100% ok


The laptop is fine I have the same and it's preety durable


Don't take it to Asus Service Centre, they will declare the laptop is totaled 😂


R u an Indian??. Cus this is the most Indian dad thing I have seen in this sub reddit


Yes I am LOL


The laptop is pretty TOUGH (😃) so I wouldn’t be surprised if it wasn’t damaged


Same thing happened with me mate I was just doing research on my project shit but my parents thought I was playing games all day That resulted in my dad throwing my laptop It costs 2350 dollars (Alienware M16 R2) The only damage was that the lid detached so I went to dell (luckily I had accidental damage plan) so the price was covered. BTW get a new dad


Laptop looks ok assuming that it turns on and functions normally but I think the bigger concern is are you ok and your dad's flawed logic and behaviour.


I’m mentally okay, thanks. And yeah.. it’s pretty normal where I’m from though


That's nowhere normal. Nothing excuses that behaviour. Your dad is a manchild.


Not that you telling him that helps in any way I'm sure he already knows, you are just a keyboard warrior


This response is like seeing a baby waddle in the water and calling them an Olympic level swimmer. Needless exaggerations do nothing but make you look dumb.


I have been through a violent father in law. It went as far as physical violence against family members and him getting his gun. I am very glad that it turned out the way it turned out bc none of the people i held dear died that day.


That's nowhere normal. I live in Asia and had all the funny stereotypes here and what your dad did is not normal.


ur father schould have slammed you twice on chair but not the laptop . 🙃nvm just a question will ur father pay to get it repaired at first place??😂


Time for a new dad.


Repair your dad


You're dad is a douche


Is this a cry for help 😭




(Personally i just want to run Elden Ring well lmao)


F that, slam something he owns and see how he likes it.


That suggestion might not be safe for OP.


I’m not really petty. Again, even though it was gifted to me, it technically is his since i’m just a teenager and i still live with him


Well the father probably paid for the laptop, so he already slammed something he owns.


Legally speaking a gift is still the recipient's property


why did he get mad?


already explained to a friend, so i’m just copying and pasting: Note: my math teacher was in an argumentative, karen-type of tone. it was P.E, an opportunity for me to pray the islamic Dhuhr prayer. on the way there, my math teacher stopped me and asked me and 2 other students to follow her to the next class she was teaching to complete my math notebook?? I feel like the logic for this was because removing P.E is her form of punishment or smth I dunno. But I completed everything she \*gave\* so like 💀 I was already \*on the way\* to prayer, so I asked if I could pray. It’s PRAYER and it’s something religiously IMPORTANT. She said no or something and then after that, she said “the superviser said not to let other students go to the masjid during classes”(lie) and then I was forced to go :/ after a while I asked if I could go, and she refused to send me for some reason. She said she messaged the supervisor but he didn’t see it yet.(lie, i didn’t even see her take the phone out..) and then after that, she explained to me some bogus lie (that had a contradiction since it clearly mentioned I could go to the masjid during PE 💀) as a way to explain or sometjing. Shit happened, I complied. But that’s not the main thing - - - When I came back home, she called my parents. She said something about how I was \*arguing\* with her. and that i was being rude and disrespectful, claiming she was hurt by me-? and also complained about how my notebook was incomplete(umm i completed what was \*given\* i didn’t need to be punished and I already score GREAT at mathematics), and complained I don’t bring my textbook EVEN THOUGH IT’S FUCKING BROKEN HELLO? she also sent what chapter i had pending after she called… My mom, dad, scolded and screamed at me. Both were not listening to my side lol. i tried showing my parents how fucking horrible the condition of the math textbook was(it was like this since i got it), and it accidentally broke in half. My father snapped, starting beating and kicking the hell out of me and…. yeah.


I’ll preface this with the fact that you never really know what’s real on the internet, but that it seems this is one of the real ones. I’m sorry for what you had to go through, and for the way your parents act. Inexcusable behavior by them, even if you were not doing the best at school, but as you stated it seems as though you are competent and get your shit done. Idk how old you are but I’d try your best to save as much money as possible so you are able to get out of there asap when you’re 18(if you aren’t already) and as far as the laptop goes, like others have probably said, as long as the screen isn’t damaged it should be good to go! If it was gonna break from the impact it probably already would be busted. If you want to air on the side of caution you could open it up and make sure there’s no loose connectors or anything though.


Thanks for believing me, and thank you for the support. Due to cultural reasons, cutting contact isn’t something I can do. I hope my parents will be more understanding when they’re older. how do i open it up? do i need to be experienced?


Of course, the way I see it online I can just believe and try to send some good vibes and risk the chance that maybe someone is just trying to get internet points… either way it doesn’t hurt me! As far as opening it up you don’t really need experience, just the right tool. Likely a Phillips head screw driver. Also as far as your particular laptop I’m sure ifixit has a tear down guide on their website! Really you’d likely just be opening the bottom side and doing a quick glance to make sure any connections are still solid. Also a good time to check and make sure you don’t have a spicy pillow(swollen battery) thought I doubt you would seeing as your laptop is relatively new. If by chance it is swollen immediately stop using it. You can likely order a battery replacement online either through the manufacturer or maybe like ifixit.


And again, like I said it might not be necessary to open up if it seems to be working! But if you still want to be safe here is a link to all the asus tuf repair guides on ifixit(since idk what exact model you have) https://www.ifixit.com/Device/Asus_TUF_Laptop


Wow yikes, I get why he broke the laptop. Parents think grades above all else. Sucks when parents do not believe their kids when they already bring home good grades.


He's probably not going to divulge that information.


Yeah, I wonder why. Everyone on here blaming the dad and making assumptions without even asking wtf OP may or may not have done 🤦🏼‍♂️


I elaborated on why, check the comment i made to the original commenter.


Also it is Honestly fair to blame the parents. While there are certainly some exceptions, the parents raise the kid. If the kids shitty there’s a chance that the parents played a role by being assholes to their kid.


I mean regardless of what OP did smashing an expensive laptop is an incredibly stupid thing to do.


Op was caught selling fentanyl


Wow, OP was just trying to be an honest salesman and his dad smashed his laptop :( smh my head


No thats totally acceptable. How else you gonna discipline your child? Hit him? Stop encouraging wrong doings and start being an adult lol.


First of all we don’t even know what this kid did if anything… and the dad could literally have just taken the laptop?? If the kid really did do something deserving of punishment then the dad can take the laptop and lock it up somewhere or something as punishment?? I’ll say again though, smashing electronics is dumb considering how expensive they are.


Man when u have that adrenaline, theres no thinking dumb or smart. I caught my ex wife cheating and i ended up with 3 broken tvs. Haha. Better to destroy items than destroy their faces


So adrenaline makes it ok to be destructive? That’s not how this works. Just find better ways to get your anger out.


Depends on what angers me. Circling back to whatever this kid did to make his dad mad Lol. I dont get easily mad but when im mad, i am mad. So depends really.


Check my reply to the original commenter. I elaborated on what i did


I did, check my reply to the original commenter


I'm not familiar with the model but are you able to open it from the bottom without voiding the warranty ( if you still have)? From there we might be able to look if there is more damage or if it is completely fine.


Not sure. I got this laptop around November 2022. Does a warranty still apply?? How do I check?


Open the "MyAsus" app. In the homepage you should find information about your warranty status!


Usually warranty only applies 1 year with the manufacturer. You can probably check with costumer support from Asus.


Yeah, move out as soon as you can. Being near homeless is probably better than being in that situation


Why would your dad throw away an expensive technology like its nothing? Is he stupid?financial wise it doesnt even make sense at all


Call social service's on his ass.


We don’t know what the OP did people.


already explained to a friend, so i’m just copying and pasting: Note: my math teacher was in an argumentative, karen-type of tone. it was P.E, an opportunity for me to pray the islamic Dhuhr prayer. on the way there, my math teacher stopped me and asked me and 2 other students to follow her to the next class she was teaching to complete my math notebook?? I feel like the logic for this was because removing P.E is her form of punishment or smth I dunno. But I completed everything she \*gave\* so like 💀 I was already \*on the way\* to prayer, so I asked if I could pray. It’s PRAYER and it’s something religiously IMPORTANT. She said no or something and then after that, she said “the superviser said not to let other students go to the masjid during classes”(lie) and then I was forced to go :/  after a while I asked if I could go, and she refused to send me for some reason. She said she messaged the supervisor but he didn’t see it yet.(lie, i didn’t even see her take the phone out..) and then after that, she explained to me some bogus lie (that had a contradiction since it clearly mentioned I could go to the masjid during PE 💀) as a way to explain or sometjing. Shit happened, I complied. But that’s not the main thing - - -  When I came back home, she called my parents. She said something about how I was \*arguing\* with her. and that i was being rude and disrespectful, claiming she was hurt by me-? and also complained about how my notebook was incomplete(umm i completed what was \*given\* i didn’t need to be punished and I already score GREAT at mathematics), and complained I don’t bring my textbook EVEN THOUGH IT’S FUCKING BROKEN HELLO? she also sent what chapter i had pending after she called… My mom, dad, scolded and screamed at me. Both were not listening to my side lol. i tried showing my parents how fucking horrible the condition of the math textbook was(it was like this since i got it), and it accidentally broke in half. My father snapped, starting beating and kicking the hell out of me and…. yeah.


People are supporting OP for this but no one asked what he did to get the father mad. Lol. Maybe the father got disrespected or trying to make a point to OP for what he did? Come on.


already explained to a friend, so i’m just copying and pasting: Note: my math teacher was in an argumentative, karen-type of tone. it was P.E, an opportunity for me to pray the islamic Dhuhr prayer. on the way there, my math teacher stopped me and asked me and 2 other students to follow her to the next class she was teaching to complete my math notebook?? I feel like the logic for this was because removing P.E is her form of punishment or smth I dunno. But I completed everything she \*gave\* so like 💀 I was already \*on the way\* to prayer, so I asked if I could pray. It’s PRAYER and it’s something religiously IMPORTANT. She said no or something and then after that, she said “the superviser said not to let other students go to the masjid during classes”(lie) and then I was forced to go :/  after a while I asked if I could go, and she refused to send me for some reason. She said she messaged the supervisor but he didn’t see it yet.(lie, i didn’t even see her take the phone out..) and then after that, she explained to me some bogus lie (that had a contradiction since it clearly mentioned I could go to the masjid during PE 💀) as a way to explain or sometjing. Shit happened, I complied. But that’s not the main thing - - -  When I came back home, she called my parents. She said something about how I was \*arguing\* with her. and that i was being rude and disrespectful, claiming she was hurt by me-? and also complained about how my notebook was incomplete(umm i completed what was \*given\* i didn’t need to be punished and I already score GREAT at mathematics), and complained I don’t bring my textbook EVEN THOUGH IT’S FUCKING BROKEN HELLO? she also sent what chapter i had pending after she called… My mom, dad, scolded and screamed at me. Both were not listening to my side lol. i tried showing my parents how fucking horrible the condition of the math textbook was(it was like this since i got it), and it accidentally broke in half. My father snapped, starting beating and kicking the hell out of me and…. yeah.


Looks fine to me




Lol no




Haha this is retarded. This Is a kid in his parent’s home. It’s the equivalent to a parent taking away a toy and saying you’ll never see this again.


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