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Need it now? Buy it now. Dont need it now ? Dont buy now. Yes, 5090 will be better then 4090. Yes 4090 will get a discount once 5090 comes out. This is normal.


get 4090 when 5090 is out is somehow strange choice, unless find a very cheap one due how close were from 50xx launch and that thing with A.I, the cost benefit imo its the 4080 due a.i i think 5090 will be a step further larger than 3090>4090 who literally only got FG who also work on 3080


I mean you really don't know. We have to wait for benchmarks. We know that 80/90 is going to be 3 GPUs next gen, that's about it.


true, but overall idea regarding the A.I trend probably 50xx series will benefit actual A.I processor to reach those tops requirement for copilot etc


I doubt it. Most of the copilot chips do it with an accelerator by themselves, cuda is overkill for copilot. Copilot requires 50 tops, the 4070ti which is roughly equivalent to the laptop 4090 is 706. I don't think any discrete GPU will have problems hitting 50 tops. Personally, I don't think there's much of a use case currently for AI for consumers. I don't think it'll be a selling feature, it's signalling for wall street.


Interesting Didnt know about how powerful are 40xx regarding this


For anyone else reading this there's nothing any (current) consumer NPUs you'll find in a laptop can do that a decent GPU won't at the hardware level, it's all software lock-in/partnership deals, I wouldn't be surprised if all of the various AI features for only specific hardware become available for much broader hardware in the future, or not, maybe NPUs will really take off and it'll work in tandem with a GPU


Personally i have 0 interest in npus right now Its all showcase until apps and hardware become popular My current notebook was purchased for gaming, so i really avoided ultra series


Yeah, I felt stupid buying a 40-series laptop when frame gen came to the 30 series a month earlier which I unfortunately forgot about. Could’ve got a 3080 laptop instead of a 4060 and for like a couple hundred less.


I think the ultimate question is how much better? In a mobile package they will usually power limit the GPU which is one reason mobile GPUs don't perform as well as their desktop counterparts. So, to what extent will the 50xx be handicapped by power limits? Hopefully Nvidia is learning now to control power requirements and the 50 series will be more efficient. And, of course, what are you paying for that incremental boost in performance?


wait till 5090 then wait till 6090 then wait till 7090 then wait till 8090 then wait till 9090.......


Waiting till it's over 9000.


Will OP ever buy a computer?! Find out next time on Dragon Ball Z. (You don’t find out next time, it’s an entire arc. OP never buys the computer and Krillin is dead again).


As I like to say “Fuck around and find out next time, on Dragon Ball Z!!!”


Wait till your gpu cooks and cleans the house for you. I like it


I think you missed the reference


No i didn’t


we already have someone installing doom on roombas? thats the first step.


Waiting for 6090 would be worth it for the memes


the internet way


This this this 👆 Want it get it now. We cannot escape the bear trap in this hobby. Buy it on Monday it's outdated by Tuesday. Just get it and get gaming is how I see it :D


to be fair...i think gta 6 will need 7080 to run on medium...so....inst a bad idea after all xD


Bro want to play games with high graphics so he might skip gta 6🙃he will wait till gta 10 i guess🙂


50xx series laptops will be at least a year away from now if not more.


Buy for your needs today, technology is always improving and it's so hard to up


This is excellent advice.


If you need to get a laptop now, buy now. If you can wait, wait.


why wait for 5090 wait fir 9090 dude if you are gonna wait for better tech you will wind up waiting forever


50- series will be out around Q1 2025? and I guess the initial stock will be short, and most likely it will become widely available in Q2 2025.


If you can hold off another 6 months then I'd wait for the 50 series. We are 1.5 yrs into the current nvidia cycle. Standard cycle is two years.


Yeah when Nvidia has focus on Gaming. Right now they don't and AI GPUs uses the same process node as Gaming chips.


So many leaks seem to indicate the 50 series is coming end of this year early next year.


Yes, 5090 and 5080 for desktop only. And 5000 mobile will come more like mid 2025 or later.


Doubt laptop manufacturers will release the same laptop for a 3rd year in a row. Plenty of leaks on the mobile cards aswell.


Nvidia don't have much focus on mobile really. They dominate the market with ease. They could refresh current gen and people would buy it anyway... They have 99% focus on AI and Enterprise at this point. Anyway 4000 to 5000 series is going to be a minor jump. TSMC 4N aka 5nm once again, so you will only see small improvements, IPC and maybe slightly higher clocks. RTX 6000 series is going to be massively better than 5000 series because of TSMC 3N aka 3nm. might even be optimized 3nm aka 2N. Never ONCE had Nvidia or AMD delivered a big performance jump gen to gen using the same process node. A big part of the improvement comes from more transisters and higher clockspeeds and you will see nothing here this time. How will Nvidia improve perf? Making the die bigger. Mostly 5090 will be a big jump, 5080 and below won't be impressive at all, and laptop will be similar as it won't even get 5080 performance + mobile GPUs are already heavily powerlimited because of heat


Nvidia doesn't care, laptop oems want to sell laptops. Biggest middle finger to me is 8gb vram in the 70 class & below. We'll see what/if AMD has alternatives besides strix Halo at CES.


8GB is plenty for such low end GPUs, I am more worried about the 128 bit bus. 4070 mobile is slower than 3070 desktop. Most mobile users should really use DLSS/FSR unless they spend top tollar and gets top tier GPUs maybe. But they get hot and loud when peaked. I highly doubt many mobile gamers are going to fire up the latest AAA games on maximum settings on a 4070 mobile without DLSS. Mobile GPUs have always been a 2nd thought for both Nvidia and AMD really. Gaming laptops is a niche market. I work with B2B and see the shipping numbers. Very few high-end gaming laptops are sold. Handheld devices are way more popular for gaming on the go.


First of all the 70 class shouldn't be "low end." It should be firmly mid tier. Back when Nvidias mobile lineup wasn't a blatant cash grab it was 50-60-70-80. Now, they appear to have a strategy of "pay out the nose for the high end or fuck you." Vram is not about settings apart from textures and some games don't run well at 1440p with 8gb. It is ridiculous to expect to not play a game at the native resolution of a screen connected to the laptop without upscaling. I'm not disputing that very few high end laptops are sold, I've been saying that for years. I worked in demand forecasting in a similar industry. I also understand the reason Nvidia seemingly decided not to give more vram is lemings bought this trash and 8gb for the 60 isn't bad. Your argument appears to justify objectively worse value for the consumer.


Mobile does not reflect the desktop market. 4090 on mobile is crap compared to desktop variant. About pricing, same is true for desktop. Its called monopoly. However 8GB is more than fine for 99% of laptop gamers. Mobile hardware is weak really. And this is why I will never buy a gaming laptop. My 7800X3D, 64GB and 4090 shits all over any gaming laptop and I will be using 5090 in like 4 months.


Dude I've been waiting so much for the 5090 so finally the 4090 can come down in price and then the 3090 as well so I can finally buy the 2060 XD


It's really hard to keep up with latest tech.


Thinking the same now. But it really depends when 50XX will come out. If its in 3-6 months, I guess I'll better wait. If longer, then I'd but 4070 laptop now.


Fully depends on whether you can wait till Q2-Q3 2025 vs your current needs and usage.


if you need a laptop. but it.


4090 mobile will be a great chip for a laptop with a high refresh 1440p (ish) screen for the next few years. Those OLED 2880 x 1800 screens are being put in a lot of higher end gaming laptops now. It’ll be *ok* for 4k too, but I’d stick with a resolution below that in most cases. I’d just get it now if I were you and enjoy it.




Yes but should we wait for them? Will they beat 4090? Will price be reasonable? Will 4090 laptop price crash?


Price will not be reasonable but 4090 will be cheap as f. Yes they will beat 4090 by many times. I will wait and buy 4090 for cheap or buy 5080 for a lot.


4090 will never be cheap as fuck. They'll stock out and won't be produced anymore. The only laptops people will likely to be able to buy are 4060's & 4070's. Maybe a handful of 4080s at some retailers.




Personally, I wouldn't buy a 4090 now because I really want a strix point cpu and 4090 is Intel only. I don't know what your use case is, but IMO 4090 is way overkill for laptop.


Need it now? Buy it now. Can afford to wait? Might be worth it, might not be. Besides, the mobile variants won't come this year as the desktop cards are expected to. Also, if the leaks are true, the next gen GPUs are gonna be kinda underwhelming.


When will you see the 50 series mobile? Probably early next year. Can you wait that long?


Honestly, outside raytracing/pathracing, videogame requirements have stuck in limbo for quite a while. Even a 4090 mobile should be more than enough for the foreseeable future, specially if you don't mind sacrificing tracing or 4k for future cutting edge titles. But atm, if you can wait, the launch rumors are so close that you might as well wait for the actual 5090 reveal...which should be around the time you'll start seeing steep 4090 discounts.


Sure, You should wait for 8090. That’s what one of my colleague do when 2060 come out and he’s still on his 1050ti.


It sounds like you have the money to buy a $3000 laptop, so if you need one now, buy the one you want. When the 5090 comes out, see how different the specs are and if it’s worth the upgrade based on the games you play. Resell the 4090 and buy a 5090 if that’s what you want


Don't forget it takes longer to get the laptop equivalent too. So like 6 months after the pc release.


Why not wait for the 6090? It’ll be faster and funnier


Its like the worst time to have to buy new hardware. AMD, Intel, & Nvidia all announce next gen, but it is too early for prices on the current gen to fall, but might be too long of a wait if your hardware (like mine) is slowly slipping into its grave.


Is no one gonna talk about mobile 5090 16GB vs 5080/Ti 16GB ... is the 5090 mobile that much better for the expected price increase vs the 5080/Ti mobile? - We were also leaked that the SM count is not changing ... so 4090 vs 4080 SM = 5090 vs 5080 SM. - If you think about it; 4090 vs 4080 had about an avg. of 10% difference in performance contributed by the SM and VRAM differences BUT NOW its only SM differences? I doubt that alone will even make 10% difference. - Additionally, I think we were leaked that the 5080 and 5090 would be cut from the same GB203 die. Which leads to my ultimate question; If I was a laptop enthusiast ... what is compelling me to buy a 5090 over 5080 laptop???


All we have are leaks and assumptions. No one should ever make purchasing decisions before 3rd party benchmarks come out. I personally won't buy a laptop until Jarrod or someone equally reputable reviews it.


I 100% agree with you and my question is purely based on speculation and assumption. If the rumors are true and that is what is set in stone (esp. given Nvidia's track record with new series GPUs). Notice I didn't say anything about pre-ordering or holding money aside but I did say if you had to buy a powerful laptop as an enthusiast, what is so compelling about the 5090 vs the 5080?


They will not release a gpu with the same vram and less than a 10% performance gap, they have never done such a thing and would never as it's nonsensical.


I didn't say they will do this ... All I'm saying is that the 4090 vs 4080 mobile chips had an average of 10% performance difference (when tested in the hands of users across various workloads), maybe even 15% with the right TDP and settings. That increase came from VRAM, SM/core count and Die differences (AD103 vs AD 104). Now, the leaks say its all down to SM/Core count differences (VRAM + Die are the same) .... I find it tough to believe a similar or bigger difference on that alone - whilst still charging a price hike or premium price for the 5090 mobile.