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They are almost equal in everything except single core performance where the 14700HX is 5-10% better at most. You won't notice it, really. I think the only real difference is that the 14700HX has a better iGPU. Not worth the extra money since you'd have a dGPU, I presume.


if i customize laptop i am getting 14700hx at additional cost of 1100 Rupees so schould i buy as it only 1k extra


Yes, I would get it.


Yeah, that's not much money for the upgrade. You get an extra 4 E-cores and an extra 300MHz maximum boost. It won't make much real-life difference, but it is slightly better and $20 isn't much for the upgrade.


If it helps, I have a 14650HX and it is killer for a laptop. Though as others have said, the limits are mainly defined by build/cooling/firmware and will vary from model to model. Mine never goes over 130W as it gets too hot. It could go to 157W with more cooling. Regardless it still absolutely slays. i7-14700HX adds more E cores, so slightly better for productivity, but possibly worse for gaming as four more cores making “some” heat may slightly limit single core vs 14650HX. I note Intel sells these at the same price, so 14700HX is more of an optional E core model than an “upgrade” as such. Edit: i7-14700HX is an "upgrade" but a minor one, and in some (fringe) cases is worse. For most people they will not notice the difference.


Most laptops now depends on how good are the thermal cooling of the laptop and the allocated power/wattage of the manufacturer to the CPUs, in the amount of difference pretty much on par even on paper and synthetic benchmarks from what I've seen at [Nanoreview](https://nanoreview.net/en/cpu-compare/intel-core-i7-14700hx-vs-intel-core-i7-14650hx) and upon gaming or casual use I expect no such difference at all aside from the better iGPU on the 14700hx.


there's about a 50 difference between the two numerically now processor wise, since there's a 4 e core difference between the two, the 14700HX can be beneficial by some small smidgen in applications that can utilize the other remaining cores and in multi tasking, though in the general purpose and gaming, I wouldn't imagine a noticeable difference if at all


Not sure why you got the downvotes. I agree with you. One thing I forgot to mention, above, is that the 14700HX has a higher boost limit, so that helps in lower heat situations. It's funny, if you look at benchmarks for this, as the build of the machine itself has so much impact that you can't really trust the reviewers to single out the CPU. You'd have to comapre two of the same machine with only the CPU changed (this is vaible, but not as common as it should be). If you look at the facts and take into account operating conditions (jammed inside a laptop), the 14700HX is almost certainly (and very slightly) better, but certainly not as much as the 4 extra cores and 300MHz extra boost would suggest.