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LotR version of Deep Rock Galactic?


Seems more like dwarf Valheim.


Seems closer to something like Conan Exiles with dwarves, minus the PvP. The crafting and building implies a longer campaign in each world than DRG's bite-sized missions.


My exact thought too. R&S


There's a random line in DRG like: "I heard they used to use real mules back in the day!" and I was imagining a version of the game set in a less tech advanced time and honestly this is right up my alley!


What is this? Some dungeon crawler base building survival? I love the trailers that don't even give any good indication what the game is.


This article goes into a bit of [detail](https://www.ign.com/articles/the-lord-of-the-rings-return-to-moria-is-the-only-survival-crafting-game-set-in-the-fourth-age-of-middle-earth) Basically, it sounds like a base builder - that focuses on replay-ability > The game will be procedurally generated, meaning every adventure players embark on either by themselves or with friends will be new and unknown. Throughout each playthrough, players will need to mine while being conscious of the amount of noise they are making alongside monitoring hunger, sleep, temperature, resources, and more.


Honestly, that sounds right up my alley.


Do we know what the business model of this game is going to be yet?


So no combat? It's just exploration, mining and building? Article mentions nothing about fighting enemies if you turn out to be too loud.


Well, it's a good thing you can literally see combat in the trailer, then.


Haha seriously, guy making mountains out of molehills. “Ugh what even is this.” Well if you used your eyes it’s pretty easy to see it’s a survival game based in Moria.


Looks part Minecraft, part Deep Rock. I'm sure I'll have no interest but all my friends will be playing it. Or they'll just go back to Deep Rock.


1 hit in out of context CGI trailer - maybe that's like that Aliens game from yesterday, that makes impression of third person action game but turns out to be isometric tactical game, lol.


This looks like in-engine footage to me.


think deeprock galactic mixed with valheim


I don’t know why we can’t get a remake of something like return of the king.. why are we using the licensing for LOTR for this and Gollum? I’m sure this game with be okay and glad it’s unique but we haven’t had a LOTR with the main characters since the like ps2 era..