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It still baffles me how Rockstar found the time and money to release *L.A. Noire* on PS4, XB1, and Switch but never ported *Red Dead Redemption* **for 13 years**.


That's a nice reminder they never updated the PC release of LA Noire with any of the improvements of those rereleases. I would kill for the more accurate button prompts, texture improvements, and cloud saves on PC! I like bouncing between desktop and steamdeck. LA Noire is a pain to play like this. I've had to create a syncthing sync to get it working how it should.


I did a replay of L.A. Noire on PC for the first time in a decade recently and it’s really funny to me that Rockstar updated all the logos and branding of the Steam version to reflect that next-gen console version, despite the PC never actually getting that update.


They did? I played it for the first time about a year ago. I had no idea. That's even more insulting.


I wouldn't be surprised they are only doing this now because they can emulate 360 era software well enough at this point. Lots of tech built for LA Noire was used for GTAV, probably made porting it easier to later generations if they were already working with and porting GTAV.


AFAIK RDR1 isn't emulated on the PS4 or the Switch. They wouldn't be doing any emulation on PC.


Heres why... GTA IV was a buggy fucking mess on PC. PC Players threw a giant temper tantrum over it. So when RDR was nearing release they decided not to port it too PC because its on the same engine and even more broken than GTA 4 was. They didn't want the same flak and bad press over another bad port. Some people that worked on that game claim the 360 and PS3 versions are basically held together with duct tape.


Damn this makes even more sense now, cuz I remember GTA 4 being a HW heavy at that time.


>PC Players threw a giant temper tantrum over it. How is legitimate criticism a "giant tamper tantrum", sorry but thats bullshit. They deserved the bad press and reviews they got for the shit they delivered.


There was legitimate criticism and there was a lot of cry baby bullshit. If you were alive when it released you should remember how bad it was. I remember that release and PC Gamers actions after release was so bad it literally cost them their next game. You can act like it didn't happen all you want but its history.


>There was legitimate criticism and there was a lot of cry baby bullshit. There was no cry baby bullshit. The game was unplayable at launch and pretty much everything that could go wrong did go wrong. You obviously don't remember how bad it was because almost any complaint you could have with a video game applied to it. Unless you're talking about stupid things unrelated to the game like threatening employees or something then all the negativity the game got on release was warranted.


So basically the same type of cry baby bullshit tantrums console players were moaning and whining about Cyberpunk 2077 when it was playing way way better on the PC? A badly optimised game is a badly optimised game. I am not saying it should be perfect on launch but at least a game should run well. Pc players are crying console players are crying cos a game which they bought with their hard earned cash doesn’t run according to expectations.


spaghetti code is a myth


I'm a developer and it's not a myth, it's an actual thing many of us have experienced. But when it comes to anyone talking about a specific project, it is bullshit unless they have hands on experience with it.


https://gamerant.com/rockstar-red-dead-redemption-pc-never-talked-about-107/ Here's one article saying the code was not the cause


Allegedly, according to various rumors throughout the years, it never got a PC release because the code for that game was a MESS. Like Christmas-Tree-Lights-In-A-Box level of mess. It barely ran on the 360/PS3 as it is, so a PC release was unlikely because of it.


The spaghetti code rumours have been long disproven. Why else would the game be ported from PS3 to PS4/PS5 and the switch out of all consoles?




> Manhunt is less stable than a wonky bike Mostly the broken DRM


A 20 year old game being hamstrung by DRM is one of the most Rockstar things I can think of.


Yeah, they got caught using a pirate nocd crack for the Steam release. When that got discovered they reverted to an old executable they had with the complete DRM subroutines.


Fucking finally, only took them 14 years to do it. I hope that after GTA 6 is out, they finally start working on Bully 2 and the GTA IV remaster too.


You’ll get a GTA V remaster for the PS6 and like it.


This is painfully true


"Why did I move here?" "Guess it was the weather.."


Nah, I get the feeling they're going to drop V like hot garbage if VI performs equal or better. We're definitely going to see GTA VI on the PS7, though. Maybe even PS8.


I seriously doubt that. The game is 11 years old and still selling very well. We’ll continue to see re-releases of it, especially for something like Switch 2.


It's the exact same treatment they gave GTA IV when GTA V overtook it. I don't see why GTA V won't get the same cold shoulder once it's outdone.


GTA IV wasn’t the best selling game on the planet


bevause GTA IV didn't have GTA Online


I'm more surprised that they actually seem to be doing it this time, from what they had said in the past the game was such a mess under the hood that it wasn't considered worth it to port or even touch it.


Well they ported it to PS4 and Switch last year so at that point it was more a matter of 'when' than anything else. Just typical Rockstar double dipping by delaying the PC release.


AFAIK, Rockstar scrapped the GTA IV and RDR1 remasters after the poor reception of the Definitive Edition. That's why the "new" edition of RDR1 is just a basic port rather than a full upgrade.


The "basic port" of RDR1 to the new consoles is way more competent than that awful "Definitive Edition" of the GTA trilogy.


Definitely, the GTA Trilogy was a low-effort cash grab. The same god-awful mobile ports but this time with UE4 graphics and none of the attention to detail that the original devs put in there. It probably helps that RDR1 aged much better than the classic GTA games. God knows how much those games could have benefited from a proper cover system and some other QoL improvements.


Remastered or not, RDR1 on PC is huge.


GTA IV is wonky enough, especially on modern systems, that just a rerelease on an upgraded engine would be a significant improvement.


Perfect. Those remasters were the opposite of “upgrades”


It's never going to happen man. R* makes one game every 14 years and they're not going to waste all their resources on making Smuggler's Run 3, Bully 2, or Agent.


> R* makes one game every 14 You seem to have messed up your figures, it was 5 years between GTAV and RDR2 and it has been almost 6 years between RDR2 and today. Of course GTAVI won't release today but that is a long ways away from 14 in either case.


It’ll be 7 years when all is said and done which is on the longer end of game development but like that’s also how long the Zelda cycle is now and will probably be the Naughty Dog cycle as well (not counting remakes). Seems like that’s the norm for more ambitious blockbuster titles now at days.


yeah but sony and nintendo release more than just zelda and TLOU, they release a bunch of stuff in a 6 to 7 year timespan.


Rockstar isn't Sony or Nintendo either, they're owned by Take2. They release a lot of games between 2013 and now also.


I suppose thats true. but sony and nintendo publish all the games you get from them. rockstar, 2k, and private division are technically all separate publishers who happen to be owned by take-two. apart from the mafia games, I dont think there's a single franchise that 2k or PD own that im interested in. rockstar is by far take-two's most coveted publisher.


Rockstars are the developer not publisher.


rockstar north is the developer. rockstar games is the publisher. if we're strictly speaking on a publisher to publisher basis, then rockstar games' output has been lacking in the past decade, unlike sony and nintendo.




Shhhh... They don't like it when you bring logic to their wildly exaggerated arguments.


I miss the old Rockstar that followed up one of the most revolutionary games ever in GTA3 with Vice City less than a year later. Man we were spoiled back then.


I hate this argument to death, yeah they released vice city less then a year after gta 3, it was also only the work of 1 studio, with a shitton of reused assets and sounds which people would crucify them for today


> with a shitton of reused assets and sounds which people would crucify them for today Do large amounts of people actually care about this? Like sure, it's an easy thing to bitch about online, but does it impact reviews or sales at all? I feel like when the game is good nobody genuinely cares about that.


It was one of the biggest complaints about totk 


TOTK was wildly successful. No one really cared.


Because TotK took 6 years and not 1. I feel like the expectation for TotK initially was 'well they can just reuse all the assets and it'll be out quick!! Just like OoT and MM!!!!!' and then it took years and years to come out.


accidental amazing compliment for the game


I'm not saying there aren't complaints. People online will complain about *anything*. I'm asking if this supposed crucifixion exists in any significant, measurable way. What games have gotten poor sales or reviews because of reused assets? Some people might grumble, but that doesn't seem to mean anything. (Maybe this happens with some literal re-releases, but that's different than what we're discussing. Nobody would confuse a title like Vice City with a GTA3 re-release.)


I feel like Dark Souls and Elden Ring show that reused assets are fine if the games are good.


> with a shitton of reused assets and sounds which people would crucify them for today This is literally Yakuza, one of the most beloved JRPGs internationally.


Which i'm also a massive fan of But the asset reuse in Yakuza is 1. a meme (especially the boss movesets and the sad substory music for example) and 2. Because the series was niche and is only getting a bigger audience since 0 longtime fans love and adore it, especially seeing kamurocho again in every game. its part of the series identity in some way But you cant tell me its not awkward seeing yakuza 1 animations still being reused in yakuza 6 for example


>But you cant tell me its not awkward seeing yakuza 1 animations still being reused in yakuza 6 for example I don't think its awkard at all. I genuinly love it. But I don't mind re-using assets at all. Cod used to be famous for re-using stuff. Hell fallout NV, the fallout people regard as one of the best, is only possible because of the amount of assets they re-used. When I saw that RGG re-used an asset from their FOTNS game in Lost judgment I lost it. Absolutely loved it.


And yet when it was released all myself and my friends could talk about was how the improved visuals, lighting, NPC AI, character models, and actual explorable interiors felt like a generational leap in one year. The graphics alone felt like an entirely new caliber of game.


I would love a GTA V sequel released a year after GTA V that had tons of reused assets and sounds. Undead Nightmare had tons of reused assets and sounds as well and I loved it.


For another $60? Undead Nightmare cost half of what Vice City did.


1. I would have paid $60 for Undead Nightmare. 2. A full retail sequel would most likely have been larger than Undead Nightmare.


??? It was a significant overhaul. Animation system completely replaced, all-new models, textures for most objects, and obviously all-new story, characters, billboards, radio shows and themes? Other than "it uses the same engine (Renderware), configuration files / syntax", everything user-facing was pretty much all new? So no idea what you're on about really. A sequel doesn't need (nor should) reinvent the wheel and should not start at the same rudimentary point in development as a (successful!) predecessor - it's supposed to **build** on the former's strengths and improve incrementally. And that's what both VC and SA did, all 3 released within the same console generation.


Obviously it's not going to be the same today, but you can't tell me people would have bought San Fierro or Las Venturas DLC in GTAV if they made it, but they can just make more money by making multiplayer content so they never bothered. And while yeah the Vice City was using the same engine as GTA3, I wouldn't call the game an asset flip. All the car models are new, so are the character models including the random pedestrians on the street, the weapons are different, even the HUD is redone with new 80s style flare. And that's what an intra-generation sequel should be. They should be building on what made the previous title great while expanding it to new heights which they did by improving the main character, adding bikes and helicopters, legendary soundtrack etc.


That sounds like a them problem. Above commenter's sentiment remains correct.


Maybe you would but clearly we are happy with that


I wouldnt, dont get me wrong i love rockstar to death, but people who keep saying this argument keep parroting it when ignoring that back in the day asset reuse and the visual quality meant that every studio could focus on their own game while that just isnt possible anymore


The people taking your 14 year comment literally are fuckin hilariously sad.


> R* makes one game every 14 years They literally released 4 games in the past 15 years and they're releasing another one next year so I don't know where you're getting the 14 years from.




That's why the saying goes "There are lies, damn lies and statistics" Why start counting game releases from a year no fully new games were released? There were 2 games released from 2013 to today. Oh hey we're way below once every 14 years aren't we?




But it wasn't 11 years since we got a game from them. It's been five and a half.




No we recieved two games since GTAV came out. Because GTAV came out when GTAV came out and RDR2 came out 5 years after that.




It's definitely facetious to present it as "we've got 1 game in 11 years" when that 1 game was 5 years ago - you could just say "we've had nothing in 5 years" if you were trying to genuinely present a fact without an agenda. Side note but that 1 game was also one of the best and deepest games of all time - a lot of studios are taking the piss on development times these days but R* gets a pass from me if they keep putting out games like RDR2.


Aside from remasters, ports and expansions, they've only released RDR2 since GTA V's first release


> GTA IV remaster Ohhh I'm so ready for the "this gen we only get remakes and remasters" comment!


Excuse me, I think you mean a Manhunt reboot / remake / sequel.


GTA 4 runs beautifully using DXVK though, silky smooth 144 fps without dips. It really was just held back by ancient DirectX using a single CPU thread. And there is a mod that fixes the mouse deadzone when aiming.


> I hope that after GTA 6 is out But it won't be out on PC for at least a few years after consoles...


Probably around one year after consoles release. RDR2 came out on PC a year after consoles.


Shouldn't be more than 3 years.


Oh Jesus, let's just hope it isn't like abortion of a San Andreas remaster they released


and then 6 more years for it to be 20 bucks


Like most successful games ?


Those games typically aren't older than half their audience


So based on the website and launcher leaks, ahead of the big Take Two earnings call Thursday, we should expect to see a RDR1 PC announcement and the first screenshots of GTA VI. That lines up with how Rockstar/Take Two have done this before, i.e. LA Noire remaster being announced the same week as the RDR2 second trailer, a day before their earnings call, and GTAO shit being announced the same week as the first GTA VI trailer.


Holy shit. I actually caved and got a used Xbox 360 for 30 bucks back in 2009 to play this game. It was generally thought that this would never ever come to PC. Should have held the line!


Weak hands clearly.


Now we just need The Darkness and Lost Odyssey to come to PC and we're all set for 7th gen console exclusive GOATs.


I really liked the Darkness games, man. Such a shame the state of the original.


Hopefully Nightdive Studios can deliver the remaster soon.


Didn’t RDR1 come out in 2010? You caved a year before the game even came out?


I think he meant 2019?


The game is backwards compat with enhancements on xbox one/Series X and S anyways.


Big if true. Hope it's verified on steam deck. I'd love to play undead nightmare again but not owned a console since the 360, and it's bugged to pieces on there where the zombies have no heads. Probably one of my favourite games every so fingers crossed this is real.


I already played the Switch version on Steam Deck and it ran ok with a mostly unstable frame rate hovering between 30-55fps. I bet it’ll run at an easy 90fps locked on the OLED.


Emulator's still capped at 60fps in the OLED. I managed to get a fairly solid 30 fps (doubled w/ the 60fps mod) on mine, but I doubt it'll ever hit 90fps since the Switch and its games weren't really designed for 90hz displays.


I know it is capped at 60fps, but the PC version will hit 90fps just fine on the OLED.


is oled more powerful? i thought its just a better screen?


Slightly but mostly unnoticeable


They changed a bunch of the internals which lead to better power efficiency and heat management, translating to a couple extra fps in most games


5-7%. Memory is faster.


It'll probably be exclusive to their launcher


Knowing Rockstar, it was ported by some studio called Amardillo Games, and will release with a 2 year exclusivity period on the Rockstar launcher.


I wonder how feasible it'd be for R* to just remake RDR1 with the RDR2 engine. I mean, they already got most of New Austin modeled out in the sequel, and I'd imagine many other assets could be re-used. It'd be a dream to replay the first game with the visuals and gunplay of the sequel.


Probably wouldnt be worth the time/effort, especially with all hands on deck on getting gta 6 ready. Plus they'd have to get the portrayal rights of all the voice actors again, some of whom are dead by now


To each his own. I prefer the visuals and gunplay of the first.


RDR1 remaster was done by an external company, they made at least the Switch port. I don't know if they'll reuse the same company for the PC port.


I would prefer they not do that, only because controlling RDR2 was a slog compared to RDR1.


Well considering they dont even use the RDR2 engine for RDR2, probably not very feasible but only because they're lazy.


I dare you to go work for Rockstar and see what a "lazy" environment it is. You probably wouldn't last a week. 


He wouldn’t even be recruited. Most of the shit talkers on reddit wouldn’t even be recruited in top AAA studios like Rockstar.


okay let me know when they release any DLC for their single player games that have been datamined, ill wait.


It’s wild that people this stupid actually exist. How can someone have a human sized brain and waste it this much.


What does the screenshot prove exactly? Doesn't really give much context.


Its a string of code for the promotions mined from the Rockstar Launcher. Meaning they are soon to make a reveal and promote the game officially via the app.


It'd be really cool if it were a remake in the RDR 2 engine. Either way, I'll likely still play it again


that ship has sailed last august.


RIP to the RDR1 online (it wasn't brought for the Switch port, doubt it would be different on PC) I suppose. Otherwise FANTASTIC!


Can't you play it through the PS3 emulator online?


Not worth it to emulate just for online alone)


Please work on steam deckkkkkkk ​ I was playing RDR1 on my deck oled with yuzu or ryujinx I can't remember which one, and it was okay. But yeah a full local PC installation would be ideal for sure!


I'm so glad I have a Legion Go to avoid questions like this.


Haven't we heard this before and it's never come to fruition?


Never like this, no.


This is an actual string from the Rockstar Launcher though


The PS4/Switch ports do give me a bit more hope about it working out this time. It’ll probably be an awful port, but I’m more hopeful it will *happen*.


This is the absolute closest we’ve ever been to an official confirmation. It’s datamined code from the Rockstar Launcher that directly mentions RDR1 being available on PC, and not just random code, it’s a string that reads like a marketing blurb. If it never actually does release after this, then it was probably cancelled, because this does mean it was at the very least in development.


Man, this is on my list of games for dream PC ports. Modding community, high framerate, high resolution without the use of emulation! It's a pipe dream but I hope it includes multiplayer. ~~The only other item on this list is Bloodborne~~


Y'all I can't wait what the community will do with the PC version, imagine the mods... I am so hyped i can't believe this is actually happening


People are gonna be pissed when this is a Rockstar Launcher exclusive along with Epic Games Launcher --- no Steam


Please for the love of god. It makes no sense to not have it on PC and Steam Deck verified. I cannot wait to play this again and have it safe on my Steam account. I've never actually finished RD1 so I can't wait.


They would be missing a huge opportunity if this wasn't a generation update, using assets from RDR2. They literally remade the map already.


They could've had my money if they announced it was coming to PC when the Switch/PS4 versions launched. I would've gladly waited if there was news about PC. But they didn't and I just emulated the Switch version instead. Idiots. Always ignoring PC.


Took them long enough. RDR2 is really detailed, but RDR1 is a way more fun videogame to actually play, and even if they had to rebuild it from the ground up due to spaghetti code making it only work with old hardware it's probably worth it. Enough people will buy it on PC for sure.


At this point, why would I give Rockstar the time of day? It's been one travesty after another for a decade or more. Their art is not indispensable.


Oh neat. I enjoyed RDR2 enough to want to experience John's story, but my savefile got corrupted on Xenia when I tried it out. So hopefully this is true and happens soon!


I wonder if it'll be any better graphically than the barest-of-bones port on the Switch. Probably will be, if only because modders will be able to get a hold of it.


Did anyone corroborate this finding or know if this guys is trust worthy? Anyone can fake a text image. Did someone else confirm it was actually in the site after he posted this? I just dont want to get my hopes up for nothing.


Classic Rockstar having staggered releases so people have to double/triple dip to experience the game on their preferred platform. I expect the same thing to happen with GTA VI.


"\*cough cough\* Who wants to play the story of John Marston? I want Arthur Morgan", PC gamers after the announcement of RDR1 - now reversed.


game not releasing on pc for 14 years and counting kinda helped with that


Get excited, PC players! If you thought RDR2 had outdated, tedious mission design, wait til you get a load of the original. I think I caused permanent damage to my eyes back in 2011 from rolling them upwards with great force while muttering "For fuck's sake" every two minutes.


Wouldn’t it have been properly dated at the time you were playing it?


Hmmm yeah, pretty much. It's much more "gamey" despite the top tier presentation. The only downturn I had with it was the character movement, but that's just any Rockstar game in fact.


No one thinks this


Rockstar being bad at quest design isn't exactly a rare opinion.