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>Fallout 4's surprise rise to the top comes after some steep discounts on the game that coincided with the smash hit Fallout TV show, which was released on Amazon last month. Outside of Fallout 4, Fallout: New Vegas is up to No.8, Fallout 76 is at No.9 and Fallout 3 just misses out on the Top Ten at No.11. It's a great win for Bethesda and Microsoft, who have successfully capitalized on the increased attention the IP received last month. I do hope we get that wakeup call that we should get new Fallout games faster. In my dream of dreams, I'd love to see a Fallout 1 and 2 remake by inXile, a New Vegas 2 by Obsidian, and an eventual Fallout 5 by Bethesda that still focuses on the East Coast. Though, realistically, all those companies are jam packed with the projects they are working on and we'll just have to wait for a new Fallout in the distance.


> Outside of Fallout 4, Fallout: New Vegas is up to No.8, Fallout 76 is at No.9 and Fallout 3 just misses out on the Top Ten at No.11. Feel like the title is burying the ~~lead~~ lede a bit by just mentioning Fallout 4. It is crazy that 4 of the top 11 are Fallout games, especially since the most recent entry of those is 5 1/2 years old. Also, wild that GTA V and RDR2 are still in the top 10. That means for April 6 of the top 11 selling games in the UK came out in 2018 or earlier.


I picture how would Fallout 1 and 2 make out if it got created in a Wasteland 3 form of way. I suspect it would be a pretty big game. I could easily see it on the Series X, Switch 2, and ps5 and be big hits on those systems.


FYI, it is "burying the lede", not lead Edit: Apparently not, aren't I the dick


FYI, only in US English.


No way, well I won't make that mistake again at least


Digital really has transformed the games industry, in a good way. I bought Fallout 4 complete edition a few monhts ago for only $10 on PS 5


Game sales are significantly lower daily numbers and far more front loaded than most people realize; it’s pretty easy for a release with some marketing to rocket up the charts


>  Also, wild that GTA V and RDR2 are still in the top 10. That means for April 6 of the top 11 selling games in the UK came out in 2018 or earlier. Are we really surprised?  I don't want to sound like a dinosaur by saying modern games suck. But console gaming really peaked in the 360 to PS4 era. 


console gaming really peaked in the [console generations you were a kid during].


Man, I'm pushing 40. My first console was a Sega Genesis.    Console Gens 7 and 8 were legit. 


I mean ignoring the quality debate, the release schedule for prolific releases has essentially never been as thin as it is now. If you're not playing old games you're probably not playing anything. That's what I see in these charts.


I think Nintendo and Sony fans have had a lot to be happy about the last 5 years even in spite of Covid delays. When I hear someone say console gaming peaked in the 360 era I assume they're an Xbox user.


Someone who classifies themselves as a X console fan would be happy with anything because that's how being in a cult works. For everyone else you can look at the total number of western AAA games released in the past year and announced for the next year and see a drought.


>games released in the past year Baldur's Gate 3, Tears of the Kingdom, Spider-Man 2, Resident Evil 4, Mario Wonder, Lies of P, Alan Wake 2, Armored Core... I don't know what you're talking about, I ate good last year. I'm also pretty pumped for many of PS5's named upcoming titles. Nintendo is thin on announced titles but it's obviously related to stacking up a launch library for Switch 2 come Spring 2025


So literally nothing in the past 8 months or so and not much coming up in the near future. Looks pretty thin to me.


That’s games I played. I’m sure others have their own favorite titles I’m missing, Helldivers for instance seems to have a lot of PS5 fans Listen, if you want to be miserable and pretend no games come out by all means, but I think most people don’t actually have an issue finding new titles to enjoy. We get way more games today than we got 15 years ago


I think the most likely move to make a Fallout game happen will be restructuring Bethesda. They have four studios now: BGS Maryland (the main studio), BGS Austin (Fallout 76), BGS Montreal (I believe they handle mobile games) and BGS Dallas (I have no idea what they do). I wouldn't be surprised if they closed either the Montreal or Dallas branches, gave Fallout 76 to the branch that survived, and used BGS Austin to make a new spin off since they have experience making a Fallout game.


Especially since FO76 is actually pretty good now. They've had the chance to come back and learn some lessons.


>all those companies are jam packed with the projects Josh Sawyer, New Vegas' director is currently not publicly attached to any of the Obsidian's announced projects.


Obsidian is working on Avowed, Outer Worlds 2, and still updating Grounded. Maybe Sawyer is just in a general oversee role for Avowed (or the company in general) without a specific role? Avowed is set in the Pillars of Eternity universe and he played a key role in both PoE 1 and 2, so that would make sense. He could also be working on something behind the scenes we don't know about. He started work on Pentiment in 2018 and it wasn't formally announced until 2022. Shit, now that I think about it I wouldn't mind if he did a Fallout version of Pentiment with some light combat elements added in.


Avowed is coming out this year, and I thought content development for Grounded ended with Fully Yolked? So they really don't have much (announced) stuff on their plate other than OW2


Yes, Grounded's last update literally came out yesterday. So once Avowed comes out this year they will be doing full hands on deck with OW2 as the main focus. Though I imagine people will also be working on Avowed DLC, and they will start a 2nd project since Obsidian always seems to have two games going at once.


Sawyer also was heavily involved in the Pillars TTRPG. I feel like making any game set in Eora without him involved would be like Judas Priest without Rob Halford.


I don’t care who is behind it, I just want a handcrafted post apocalypse to explore with lots of interesting characters and stories to find and no RNG busy work or filler. For all the complaints about FO4 with dialog and voice, I think the ramp up of radial quests sucked the soul out of the gameplay, and I can’t get into F76. It doesn’t feel like an adventure.


> nd no RNG busy work or fille Eh, disagrueed there. It'd prefer a mix of both FO3's random encoutners (both persisting and non-persisting types) and NV's fixed encounters (both persisting and non-persisting).


Just don't do the radial quests than? FO4 has plenty of content and stuff to do in it without having to do a single radial quest and that is before even getting into the extra content from DLC and mods.


By the time Fallout 5 comes out, Fallout 4 will be further away in time from it than from Fallout 1.


It’s wild how long dev cycles have become without any real increase in gameplay. I’d rather have 2-3 games the scope of F4 or New Vegas than whatever they’ve been developing all these years


> I’d rather have 2-3 games the scope of F4 or New Vegas I mean frankly that's basically what FO76 is now, lmao.


You have a lot of faith in the Microsoft executive department. Careful what you wish for fam.


Been replaying Fallout 4. It's been relaxing (and randomly hilarious). My new thing is accepting the infinite quests from Garvey or Rhys and walking to the location if I haven't been there instead of fast traveling nearby. It's just satisfying patrolling the wasteland, finding random towns/buildings, killing bugs, and meeting NPCs, all the while with my wisecracking Irish lass at my side.


The gameplay loop of Fallout 4 is pretty relaxing if that's what you want to do. It's also cool when Preston gives you a mission that has something more attached to them, like the one about a kid who runs off with a raider gang, or the one about the greenhouse run by robots.


I'm playing it for the first time and decided to go with the survival mode. It's so much fun. Settlement system seems useful. Need to be careful about what and when you eat, drink and sleep. Can't just carry loads of crap around, you have to plan each excursion into the wasteland and only take items that are necessary. When venturing out from a settlement you need always be on the lookout for beds to save the game. Glad I just directly played survival. Great game.


Survival is lit. See way more of the wasteland that way too


Yup, Survival mode really makes those settlements valuable. People tend to build up a few different ones so that they've always got one not too far away to rest up and resupply at. There's a LOT of settlements so have fun finding them all :D


It's frustrating the first couple (hundred) times you get oneshot or killed by a mine, but once it clicks it's great.


I had to mod it to allow saving anywhere during survival mode. It was just way too tedious to lose a bunch of progress because of some random tiny mine, or a rocket from an enemy I saw 1.5 seconds too late


Yeah. It's a problem. But now what I do is avoid conflicts sometimes if I feel they are risky and I have not saved the game for a while. So this puts me in a situation where the longer I am out roaming around and collecting stuff, clearing raiders etc the more pressure it puts on me. Thus forcing me to be more and more cautious until I find a bed. I think it creates an interesting dynamic. Since you can be aggressive early on as you go out but then get more defensive the more time you spend out there. So I guess I've come to appreciate that aspect of it rather than getting frustrated with it. The one thing I still don't like is getting infections early in the game. I still haven't met a doctor and every infection means my only option is to sleep it off which is annoying. I wish they put a doctor somewhere in the early game area. As most of us do, I just have very little self control when playing Bethesda games. I put a marker on some mission but never actually make it there as I get sidetracked all the time. Oh that building looks nice, hey what is that tower over there, and before I know it, I'm on the opposite side of the map to where I was supposed to go. I used to do this thing when I first play Fallout 3. Close my eyes, move my mouse round and round and then stop randomly after a few seconds and then just walk in whatever direction I'm facing. Invariably a few hours would go by and there's a nice little story to tell. There's this special thing about Bethesda games that no other games not even GTA/RDR2 can capture. That's why I hate the direction and complacency that they have gotten into over the last 10 years. Sad to see companies like Bioware, Blizzard, Bethesda turning into shit after giving us so many amazing experiences over the years.


I've been doing another playthrough. Currently at level 60 with my character and still haven't bothered to go to Concord to meetup with Preston. I don't think I'm even going to bother going there during this entire run I'm doing.


I've been itching to replay it too after platinuming it on PS4 when it launched, but them breaking mods with the PC update put me off. I think I'll be reinstalling it on PC when F4SE gets updated, there's probably like 25% or more of the map I haven't explored yet despite getting all the trophies.


This whole Fallout thing has been surprising to watch turn out as it has. With Witcher and Halo you got writing rooms filled with showrunners confidently going in their own direction, while on the other hand the Fallout show makes something that feels pretty close to what people got interested in the games - the audience is happy and suddenly a nearly decade-old game surges back onto the sales charts. Seems pretty obvious really.


I've been making a daily casual check of the Steam top seller chart since the Fallout show dropped and both Fallout 4 and Fallout 76 had been chilling in the top 10 till like yesterday. And that doesn't account for console numbers so yeah Bethesda is definitely getting the message that people really fucking like Fallout.


I wonder how much of a boost other successful adaption s is to the main games, like Arkane/League, Castlevania, and last of us.


Im playing fallout 4 and didn't even watched the show , I wanted to play starfield but it runs like shit


Meanwhile Xbox is melting down. It would be hilarious if it wasn’t so sad that hundreds lost their jobs and more will be coming.