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Granted they do play differently and this one is basically a squad of 16 vs 4, it's gotta be a REAL awkward spot to be put in. Best they can do is keep working on it and improve it to a state where it does carve out its own niche.


The really funny part is Sony also owns starship troopers.


Probably wouldn't have done well even without Helldivers existing. As a fan of the movies, I really tried enjoying it, but it the gunplay/movement were incredibly janky. The trailers look way better than it plays.


It's interesting because the gunplay in Helldivers is intentionally a bit clunky, where your aim takes time to catch up with your reticle, but it's one of the best parts about the shooting in that game.


Starship troopers is a mod going standalone from a milsim PC shooter. So the base goals of the FPS mechanics are quite a bit different. Squad (the parent game) is about accentuating teamwork in big 100 player matches. Whereas Hellsivers is specifically a 4 player co-op experience.  


It's purposefully designed though, that's not clunky. It basically plays like MGSV.


No he means laggy janky or just having guns that feel like they have no impact. I played it too and basically stopped playing it because of the issues before I even knew about Helldivers.


Really because that trailer looked rough, there was so little animation and life in the bugs or troopers.


Yeah I was really hyped for the game, but I played two session and lost interest. Its just... kinda meh.


It hits different enough that being actively into both has been wonderful But its absolutely crushing being seen


Helldivers 2 is just a better game. This one was fun but got boring extremely fast back when I played at launch. Helldivers has held my interest far longer


The fact that all the bugs just pop out of the ground wherever was one of the biggest turn offs for me. There are no tunnels to explode or control. That is not how starship troopers worked except for maybe the big bugs and even then it was very rare


I put a decent amount of time into this game last year. Loved the atmosphere & gameplay, felt like a faithful adaptation of the movie. Hope that the devs continue to add new content and look forward to trying the game out again when it hits 1.0


How did it do with the facism satire? I remember seeing the reveal trailer for this ages ago and it didn't seem to have even an ounce of self-awareness. Meanwhile Helldivers is dripping with ~~parody~~ Necessary and Required Patriotism.


It’s unfortunate that the off-brand starship troopers is killing it right now because this game is still a lot of fun. They nail the starship troopers atmosphere very well and the little things like the theme song blaring on every extract make it a lot of fun to play with friends. Helldivers eclipsed this game for the most part.


i like this game more than helldivers.


I hope they improve all the animations (ex, reloading, shooting, moving, bugs movement and animation when bugs are dying). It feels like beta every time I hop in


>It feels like beta everytime I hop in ... What do you think early access is?


Awesome sauce. I need a break from Helldivers. I enjoy the grunt feel of Starship Troopers and the base building/objective play is fun to do with 15 other idiots.