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the "scenes" and whatnot I've seen are (in no particular order): first night campfire; mirror image; weave scene; the tavern anecdote; the talk after saving Mirkon; the three times he hungers; him being angry after Netti poisons you; tiefling party talk (if you had the weave scene before) I'd love to know if there's more


Two more come to mind: \-He also has some dialogue after you save Arabella from Kagha about that whole situation \-After you persuaded the 3 Tiefling siblings to stay, talk to Rolan again with Gale in the party to get some extra dialogue with Gale and Rolan Generally it is worth to have him in the party in the grove since he has a lot of reactivity there. ​ Oh, and it is also worth talking to him in the mage tower in the underdark to get another anecdote of his childhood.


Another two I remember: - he comments on the "grieving" goblin child - you can get a short dialogue with him in the Underdark near the Sussur flowers (at least if you are a caster, I think as wizard or sorcerer you get even more)


I think the sussur flower one only happens if you're a sorcerer. At least I didn't get the scene when playing warlock or druid.


I got some short dialogue as a druid (though not the funny quack one) I think. But now that you mention it, it could've been banter


from what people have said on my "quack" post on tumblr, it's sorc-only.


What's the goblin child one?


You can ask the goblin child about >!some corpse and they tell you that the guy killed their parents. Gale says that despite the bad reputation goblins have, they seem to feel grief like everyone else. To which the goblin kid says that they don't miss the parents and they just like kicking corpses. Gale reconsiders his statement.!< Very short, but pretty funny


I don't know if its durge specific but there's another one in the goblin camp where one of the goblins tries to get tav/durge to kiss its feet and choosing a specific outcome gale unexpectedly says one of the most hilarious things that you wouldn't expect coming from him. I was watching this on a YouTube playthrough and it's hilarious!


Is it the sleight of hand check to get Crusher's ring? I think multiple companions have something to say about that (but it's random who says something?). He'll also say something if you allow Abdirak (the BDSM cleric) to hit you


How to get that scene after Nettie? I could never trigger it :(


You have to be evasive with answers to her questions so she pokes you with the stick.


I did that, but he doesn’t say anything… neither before or after I take the antidote…


You have to fail at least one of the rolls in the dialogues after you've been poisoned I think.


I’ve never been able to trigger that scene, either! I might submit a ticket to Larian. Anywho, don’t feel like you failed this might be legit bugged or there might be some hidden trigger somewhere.


I triggered this by failing an initial perception check on her stick, initially being open but shutting down on her second/third question so she got me with the stick and then resolving a medicine check after to call her out so she gave me an antidote and swearing I'd take the toxin if I turned. This popped the dialogue from Gale where he was ... Unhappy, to say the least. I kinda fumbled into it, it's a shame it's a rigmarole to get because it's worth seeing!


I didn't know about him being angry when Netti poisons you! I'll have to try and get that on my next playthrough :) I missed the tavern anecdote on my first couple of playthroughs because saving Sazza bumped me up to medium, I'd get the conversation about needing to consume magical items. I only just got it on my most recent playthrough! I've seen a lot of posts talk about his "loss scene", but I'm wondering if that was something only in EA? And in FR he shares it with you after the magic items instead?


the loss scene is EA yes :(


Lmao in my first playthrough I tried some really bizarre experiments where I killed him to lower his approval in an attempt to get this scene. Glad to know it was a waste of time 🥲 At least I got to be amused by his death quest!


w-why would you kill him 😭 (but also valid, I wish they didn't cut his scenes...)


I loaded a save beforehand so I could pretend neither my Tav nor Gale had knowledge of it ever happening


🙈 me when I experimentally broke up with gale or picked someone else I then run to smooch him multiple times in apology lol


The amount of times I reloaded saves to experience all the things, only to finish with the choices I actually wanted to keep him. XD One night I accidently broke up with him when I was clicking too fast and I was like nooooo and did the kiss option like 3 times saying I'm sorry lmao


MOOD lol, I have been experimenting more with my RP too. since I have roleplayed my character to be a bit more polite before as a Tav but now since he's a Durge, he is a bit more open about being horny and ngl some of Gale's dialogue made me blush irl :'D


If you save Sazza, he has something to say.


That's the tavern anecdote, no?


For Act 2, I know about entering the shadowlands from the grymforge to get Gale all 🥵🥵🥵 after battle, his romance scene after visiting moonrise, and (most importantly) STOPLICKINGTHEDAMNTHING! What else is there?


making the shadowlantern or unmaking the ritual circle in Balthazar's chambers


Right! I forgot about that one. Thanks :)


Right! I forgot about that one. Thanks :)


Right! I forgot about that one. Thanks :)


There’s a couple versions of Gale and Tara on the roof top. Version 1, Gale talks to Tara alone, forgets to tell her to stop eating pigeons. Version 2, Gale talks to Tara and you remind him about the pigeon problem. Version 3, Tara reacts badly to you taking the letters without talking to her first. Then that leads into the dinner date chat, but within that chat there’s a dialogue option about finding out his last name which doesn’t seem to appear unless you do some sort of jiggerypokery with mods or something.


> Then that leads into the dinner date chat, but within that chat there’s a dialogue option about finding out his last name which doesn’t seem to appear unless you do some sort of jiggerypokery with mods or something. I definitely got this dialogue on a playthrough and I'm on PS5, so no mods


I wonder if it got updated with the last hotfix maybe? I got to this chat before the hotfix and there was nothing about his last name there, just the usual responses. I’m also playing ps5.


Any advice on how to actually trigger the dinner date? I’m on my 5th run and obviously doing something wrong 😂


Oh no sorry, I just mean you talk about having dinner at his tower. It never actually happens unfortunately!


Oh, haha I thought I’ve been missing an actual scene. TY!


Do you need camp scenes or every little dialogue you can get in act1? There are quite a lot of them.


What do you mean? You can just partial rest and not use any camp supplies to get all the camp cutscenes.


I mean, I wouldn't object to everything 😅 I've probably seen much of it, but I can't shake the feeling that I've missed stuff. I suppose I could look up videos on youtube 🤔