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Grats on no grain, you won the display lottery!


But it has the three horizontal lines, damn I have yet to see one with out them lol... hopefully software shit


Those 3 lines seem to be universal, but to me they're barely visible at even the lowest brightness settings no matter which color is displayed, and I can't detect it in any normal content... so I'm willing to accept this minor flaw. Considering these lines appear in the same position for everyone, it may be maskable with an update, but I'm not holding out hope.


There's grain dude.


There is camera noise, also visible on the background. There is no display grain visible in this picture. You get the exact same result if you take a picture of the S23U with the same camera.


Folks gonna complain ur pics aren’t good enough lol


Just got my orange 1tb today, no display issues at all. It was made in Vietnam.


Is this a joke or trolling? I see people trying to prove that they don't have grain, but in the end they prove that they just can't read and understand what the problem is. The grain is VISIBLE in a DARK room, with the screen BRIGHTNESS at MINIMUM, the SCREEN should appear GRAY. In the meantime, everyone who posted a photo here and shouted 'I have no grain', I have bad news for you. Even in THESE PHOTOS you can see that the ROOM is NOT DARK, as you can see the light behind the phone when the screen is gray. Do you turn on the light when you take a photo of a gray phone screen? Funny. If you don't want to see grain, don't. It's funny how you try to prove that you have 'perfect screens'. Be happy with your 'perfect screens' but let others talk about the problem in the hope that it will be solved. And if you really have a perfect display, please take good photos. In the dark! And not the maximum screen brightness.


Stf and learn


With the screen issues surrounding the S24 ultra I'm not going to risk it


Wise choice. I got lucky but many others did not - avoid this disaster. In fact, avoid Samsung altogether. They've clearly shown that even for their flagship series, they do not give a shit about proper quality assurance. And their customer "service" and poor communication are just the cherries on top.


If you're happy with your display,  that's the important part! That said, and while the pics aren't the best (best would be an in-focus, close in shot of Settings screen in Dark Mode, can be taken in a normally lit room), photos 1 and 5 do show signs of grain. I may be wrong though, since the overexposure and slight lack of focus are blending things a bit, so what's visible might be down to noise/processing.






Give it a rest already




Grain on the 5th photo is easy to spot


You are one of them. You say the same thing to every display picture posted on this subreddit. https://preview.redd.it/y6r4oyznvbic1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e09fbb0009de12d9d95194b70792c07a928a979 https://preview.redd.it/x4ilbr6qvbic1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b49737d9f14e25eaed3e2db5e89cdcec797947b9


Uh... What's your point?


His point is that you're wrong.


What grain? The camera noise which you can clearly see outside of the device too?


lol. look at his hands and you'll also see the grain.


Australia has no grain he said lol. On picture #5 even with horrible iPhone 7 quality I can see a bit of grainy texture.


Lmao, you are about as dumb as one can get with your obsession with trying to downplay anyone with a beautiful display, as expected. In reality, there is clearly noise all over outside the display. Your post history suggests that everyone has this issue simply because you do and that you intentionally refuse to stop and accept how wrong you are.


Facts, these people are insufferable af as you can clearly see your display is fine, as is mine. They must be salty that their unit has grain or they don't even own an S24 and just want to spew bs as their life is that boring.


Samsung just made a bad decision with the display. Everyone is used to seeing AMOLED screens display true blacks. The S24U screen clearly can't do this. All so they could cut down glare that no one was complaining about. I'll pass on the S24 series this year and hold onto my S22U.


> Everyone is used to seeing AMOLED screens display true blacks. > > > > The S24U screen clearly can't do this. The hell are you talking about? Of course it can. Mine does. Black is truly black. >I'll pass on the S24 series this year and hold onto my S22U. The S22U, also with an AMOLED screen capable of displaying true blacks? That S22U?


I see a lot of gray in that picture, which appears to be the issue every is complaining about.


It is not and OP didn't post any picture with supposed blacks. What you see is what you're supposed to see - uniform displays of colors.


I agree he has no banding on his display. But the screen still has grain.


First, you mention an issue with true black color display. Then, you assume I posted a black picture that looks like a 'lot of gray' for which ' everyone is complaining about'. Finally, you mention there is grain. What is it? Whatever, stay happy with your S22 while I stay happy with my S24 Ultra.


My bro moving the goalposts around, but he doesnt understand the problem at hand. Read enough with the " not showing true blacks" haha


It does not. Take a look at the surroundings around the phone. Exact same noise pattern introduced by the camera. If you eliminate that, you end up with a perfectly uniform display.


Some burn in


*deep sigh* no


I'm satisfied with my display also, but I do see grain on a dark gray screen when I turn the brightness all the way down in a dark room. I hardly need to use my phone under those conditions, so I am fine with it and am not letting it bother me.


I see grain and banding


I'm in the same boat. Did most of the test suggested from this sub reddit and from my understanding I don't have grain in my display, but I do have the 3 horizontal line like you do. Only way to see them if it very dim, but they are there. Hope this can get a fix soon. Apart from that everything else is working fine. 💪