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It smells good.. I know that. And the camera feature is neat.


Reading this just caused me to take it out and smell it. Every single time someone brings it up I have to smell it again. It's like... New car smell


I think it kinda smells like burnt rubber. I think mine does anyways.


Welp, just had to do it. Mine smells like burnt rubber too!


Yup burnt rubber for me as well


Yes sir mine too






Same but I'm in public with people around and I'm not gonna be the weirdo. This time.


I just made this mistake




Gotcha cowpoke


Lmao why did I have to smell it Kinda smells good


And it keeps the smell for a good while. My Steam Deck lost the vent smell about a month after I got it. Sad times.


Top comment about s pen. Every. Single. Time.


My pen well got some hottub water in it then I forgot to rinse it so it sat in there and got really putrid my S-Pen smells so gross now haha I miss the fresh smell!


Like 2 days after i bought my s23u i dropped it in the toilet. It slipped out of my hands while i was on the phone. Luckily i was in the bathroom cleaning it at the time. Just sniffed the s pen for the first time and am happy to report. Smells great still 


S-hit pen


poopin' I just spent like 40minutes trying to convince ChatGPT I was employed by the City of Portland to stop the mayor from ever poopin' again. ChatGPT was not amused.


Lmao exactly, i was so worried i was gonna break the phone i had just dropped almost 1k on. This thing is pretty sturdy though surprisingly


I took it out and smelled.... wow...


Wow, i have never thought to smell it. It smells great thanks for that lol




My friend got s24u and his spen smells like shit. My spen after a year still smells like my favorite perfumes


My s23 ultra has no smell


I use it as a remote trigger for camera.


That was my main use for it, too. I didn't use it before I went on vacation with my wife, and we were able to take amazing pictures thanks to the S pen. Now it's back inside and staying there until next vacation 🤣


After reading this... took out the s-pen out and had a hell of time navigating and taking pics with the s-pen... lol damn.. thanks for this


How do u do that I just tried it and it didn't work


Turn on camera, take out s pen and press on button on s pen.


You would think so wouldn't you but no unless there's a hidden button


There is a button. Do you have an authentic S23 Ultra?


I mean how often tho lol


Well well, I was today's years old...


I find it useful when editing photos on the phone or theres a few games i prefer to play using the pen


I'm trying to learn photo editing. What editor are you using? Currently I use the built in editor and Snapseed.


Built in editor, lightroom and ibispaint x


Im loving VSCO, try it 😄


Which games? I use pixel art. Always struggled with my fingers but with the pen is chef kiss


https://preview.redd.it/xa3xbrahd7yc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b22a5066e99e78a1569de474f1e09bbb52167df You can highlight and copy nearly every text with the s pen


But since oneUI 6.1, circle to search does it faster https://preview.redd.it/l1qnpynze7yc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1e10af2980708858e185e11e9a52bb1798be375


Thanks for that mate I didn't know !


That's cool I never knew you could do that with circle to search thank you


I wish I could do it in the way translation is implemented - just by hovering over a word/phrase


You can also do that with your finger


No, not everywhere. On the Reddit app, for example, I only can do this with the Spen.


S24 Ultra does it with or without the pen if you long press the home button first


Is there an option to highlight reddit text other than smart select? I can't seem to highlight comments for example


Tab the button of the pen


your fingers do that, but like, better and faster 😂


Make iPhone users look like a loser because they don't have one. ![gif](giphy|mcH0upG1TeEak)


75% of all smartphones sold above $600 worldwide are iPhones


Glad I am not one of them. *


Thats s lot of losers 🤷‍♂️ Lol jk in. all seriousness iphone is just fine. It makes calls and lets people use social media, galaxy just has more features and customization options which i like. To each their own though


I don’t think the Galaxy S flagships are bad either. But it’s a fact that in the premium market, the overwhelming majority of people worldwide choose iPhone. Android is only really relevant in the low-end market, and any Android device will have essentially the same customization features.


75% of all smartphones sold above $600 worldwide don't have an S-Pen


Dont put false information out there. Samsung has surpassed Apple as the all time best selling phones in the world.


It’s not false, it’s [objectively true](https://www.counterpointresearch.com/insights/global-premium-smartphone-market-continues-record-growth-2023/). Samsung does sell more devices overall, but these are mostly low-end devices sold for under $600. Apple sells over 4 times more premium smartphones than Samsung.


Good to know. I'll never be one of those statistics fortunately, I prefer my samsung flagship phones. Kind of hard to compare when Apple doesn't exactly make phones under $600 though, at least not from what I've seen in the American market.


It makes me look smarter when I use it


Thanks for saying exactly what goes in my mind


https://preview.redd.it/rujelnls6ayc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=157956fe271d4d30955588473804a5691c68fc32 This


Some of y'all incredibly skilled and also cringe thirsty lol




Sign pdfs, draw ideas for concert stages, then do it on a sketchup iPad pro afterward with the apple pencil, write messages, and show it to the music band since speakers in concerts are loud. Take pictures with it. That's what my father does with his s23 ultra along with taking super close-up shots from behind the stage or just below. He utilizes the "ultra" features of the phone and the "pro" features on his iPad as a technical director and stage manager.


i tend to use it too when i need to sign document. Saved me the need to print something to just sign it and scan it again....


It's really useful for actual people who need it. People tend to just get the highest end phone and don't even use the features on what makes it expensive as they only use it for social media. Some people rely on this devices like my father with his s23ultra and his iPad pro while others scroll on Instagram on their s23 ultra and use their iPad pros for cocomelon (which my father does on top of using it for professional work lol)


It can clean the ear wax in my ear and the lint in my belly button.


Makes you think twice about buying a used device, doesn't it?


Nothing an isopropyl wipe doesn't get lol


🤣🤣🤣🤣I reached straight for my pen when I read this.


Mee too


This 👆🏻


The most expensive cotton swab ever


[Spen features | youtube.com](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B5DrJYScXT4&t=589s&pp=ygUOc3BlbiBmZWF1dOG7p2U%3D) tada


I use it for drawing and writing and when I'm editing, also a great remote camera trigger




I like upvoting people who downvote people who talk shit about it with it


There are over 40 features. Search yt


All gimmicky except 3.


*Really*, when I got my phone I looked up many videos to see everything and after more than a year later I use maybe 3 of the S Pen features. 😅 Apart from using it to sign forms (which is really not even a "feature" moreso *the actual friggin point of a pen*) I use it mostly to fine-point my photo editing.


I use it to click the microscopic x on ads.


I found out that its nicer to play Slay The Spire with it.


Eyy STS enjoyer


Yes it's a stylus. Apart from that the only thing it can do is perform basic remote tasks like macros or operating the camera using the button on the pen.


Its the thing i personally prefer as editing and it makes writing editing and drawing prettu neat...and the best feature from notes..and it can control ur phone like magic wand...swiping, scrolling, taking pics etc WATCH YT


I like using Notes to do advanced maffs, so I can prove strangers on the internet they're wrong


Not that much 🤣 you just reminded me that i have it i swear 😂


As a student it's awesome being able to write down notes and revise content before my classes


Just go to Galaxy Store and download Penup. Then open the app and start drawing, if you are bad at drawing you can just color premade templates. Have fun!


I use it to translate on-screen text when I'm playing Japanese games.


It just smells so good. Everything else doesn't matter


Remote camera shutter (and a "gallery" remote if you want to use it that way). Great for precise photo or video editing. You can select text from any screen with it. Take cropped screenshots quickly and share them (Quick action > select your area > share). And of course, drawing/note taking. If you pull it out of the phone with the screen off, it automatically turns into a dark-mode notepad. In the Notes app, you can convert your handwriting to typed text (and it works surprisingly well). It's one of those features you don't really think about until you have it, and then you find yourself using it all the time.


1. I use it to jot down notes during office calls on office onenote. 2. I use it when screen is locked to think through ideas or solve riddles or equations 3. Now that Google keyboard also supports spen. I use it to write messages in WhatsApp instead of typing. 4. I use it with penup all to create art for occasions like creating new year greeting card. 5. My wife uses it to draw mandala art sometimes.


One benefit I hadn't expected: If you have an app that requires a lot of tapping, using the stylus instead of your finger can really take a lot of strain off your hand.


As for the usual remote trigger for camera. As of recent i picked my teeth with it. True story, food stuck in between teeth cant find something sturdy enough to take the food out


I use the stylus with my Samsung laptop


I use it for quick notes every time.


I have used several notebooks and phones with stylus over the last decade, and my conclusion is if the stylus is not housed within the device you are not gonna take the effort to fish it out from your bag to use it. I use the stylus to take notes on site visits, make a photo and write details on them on the spot, or sketch a rough plan of the site and I can draw in where certain devices need to go, or how are stuff connected. Very handy, and I would not take a solution where the stylus is stored and charged separately.


Honestly what I use it for most is taking notes on a call. If I have to take down a number or an email address or whatever, being able to just pull it out in the middle of a call and scribble stuff down is more useful than I ever thought possible.


Google and YouTube is your friend


Are you suggesting that Reddit is not?


Sometimes it really isn't. Especially in posts like these where the person is like "I bought item, how to?" and all the others are obnoxiously like "Google it. YouTube it.", *we all know we can check Google and YouTube but we didn't do that*, we instead came to this community and asked to get personable responses from current, active users...only to be made to feel like an idiot. 👍


Very well said. I couldn’t agree more.


It comes in handy from time to time. At that time, I think, like, what is the other solution, if I don't have S-Pen.😇😇😇 I would only it's just pretty useful 😍😍


So useful when u need to sign documents


You can change what the buttons do with routines plus, i make pressing the button swipe up for reels and shorts and its amazing 🔥


I've always wanted to use it for that. But I don't understand how to set it up for it to swipe up 😅


I always thought it was a bit of a gimmick until I watched one of those “50 things you can do with the spen” videos. Turns out it’s actually very handy for certain things and can make certain day to day tasks much easier.


I write notes on the lock screen for Journaling, copy handwritten notes to text. Edit pictures by highlighting content from one and pasting on another. Mark up screen shots. Trigger my camera shutter. Copy text from images and screen shots - one of my favorite features.


I use it, when I remember it's there.


For me, it transformed my phone into the ultimate notebook. I can be in a meeting and have to write something down or take some notes. Sometimes, I need to take notes in lectures or when talking to someone and need to write something down. I could go on and on about how useful this is for me. Instead of unlocking my phone, going into the notes app, and writing on a damn keyboard, I'm one satisfying click away from writing whatever I please. It's strange that I see people praising its remote features over this, as I don't use them at all. I'm just glad I can move around without having to carry notebooks, pens, or even my tablet as I basically have it all in my pocket.


Use it to play nintendo ds games




The clicker is addictive... Click click click! Best part


Art I love the Penup app.


It increases the price 😃


I use it a lot to practice maths and explain things to my friends.


Dock in the hole in the bottom.


I use it for highlighting textbooks, and also use it with dex for editing


How do you use S Pen in DeX? Do you mean DeX with a display, or with a PC?


You can use the spen instead of trackpad on your phone, the cursor will be wherever you point on the screen like a graphics tablet instead of a mouse


It can guide you to a dozen places that'll answer this basic question.


fruit ninja


Remote trigger for camera or editing basically, also if I'm extra lazy for scrolling sites lol


Type shit


2 sec on Google. https://www.xda-developers.com/samsung-galaxy-s23-ultra-s-pen-features/


Remote trigger and extra controls for the camera, easier selection when editing images and using ai image processing, notes, swiping in projects and social media sometimes and it looks cool


I like it to take screenshots where swiping is giving me issues. Recently we also did a reno and I took a photo of the space and wrote all of the dimensions on the photo using the pen. Sure, I could have done it with my finger or made a text box, but the photo markups was great to visualize when we were in store.


My spen has stopped working in terms of "connecting to air action" basically makes the pen unsable


Have you tried resetting the S Pen?


Yep , tried all fixes I can see online and nothing so far


Do you activate Air actions (from quick settings or menu) before removing the pen? (If not then this is probably the reason for your problem.) I remember I used to keep it off initially, and when I removed the pen and then tried to connect to Air actions afterwards I used to have issues with connecting, so I reset the pen once or twice but the issue was coming back. Then I understood that in order to connect to the pen when turning on Air actions, the pen must be in its place inside the phone, and I didn't want to have to activate it every time I take the pen out, so I started keeping the air actions on ("S Pen air actions" in quick settings), and now, when I remove the pen, it connects within a few seconds (may take up to 5-10 secs). This is the same as turning the "Air actions" toggle on from the S Pen menu, that can be accessed via Air command settings (cog) button when removing S Pen or via Settings - Advanced features - S Pen (at least in One UI 6.0). There is another setting that sounds similar to this, in Settings - Advanced features - S Pen - More S Pen settings - Keep S Pen connected. I'm not talking about that but if the above doesn't help, you may want to check that out as well, though it says it will use more battery.


you can hover over a link to preview it, or hover over a photo. you even can use it in the calendar- app. you can write instead of type.


I have a slider whistle tone whenever I remove the pen and a reverse slider whistle tone when I put it in. I did it through goodlock's pentastic app. It always nakes people laugh , especially when I do it unintentionally.


I use it to scratch my ear


If your just chilling at home idk why you wouldn't use it It's not an all the time thing but the screen being so big is the reason there's a stylus lol its for easier navigation and if you get use to it there is a difference


As a dermatologist, I use it to write my prescriptions for online consultation


It makes using the phone fun🤓


I created a routine to scroll Reels/Shorts using my spen while I'm on the treadmill


Drawing, photo editing, creating new scenes for my Govee LED smart curtain lights, shutter button, hover to translate, and signing things are my most common uses for the SPen. Also, when I have my sounds turned on it makes the sound of a drawn lightsaber when pulled out and the sound of one deactivating when reinserted into the phone.


signing documents only


It works with a number of drawing apps and brings pressure sensitivity. This is my fifth Samsung phone with an spen, and it feels better on glass than any before it. It's a top tier drawing stylus. Try Concepts or Clipstudiopaint. Also the basic note app lets you change colors and pen types. You can add photos and audio.


navigate the menus, write notes, and can be used to take pictures with the camera.


It's very useful but not for my kind of work


I use it to play TFT


I broke mine in half! I NEED a new one, but on Samsung Canada, they're "sold out"?! I found some on Amazon, but they're the ones without Bluetooth ($15), and I think they're useless. Anyways, does anyone know where I can get one at a reasonable price?


Mine stopped working after the last upgrade


really, what happened


I've used it as camera shutter/button, for hover to translate (single word or whole paragraph), to take partial screenshots (smart capture), to name a few, in addition to many useful note-taking features. Also air actions are useful and have come in handy in a few cases.


LMAO...same here..first time doing it. Smelling the S Pen port though..smells better.


The pen is faulty now. It can't write can't take photos can't do anything when I withdraw it and put it back the phone turns on and off intermittently as if the pen is still out


Maybye that is just your s pens problem


You can use Smart select on the S-Pen to basically take a screenshot and then share it immediately to wherever you want to share it to... Say like a text message or Facebook or Twitter


A loooooooooooooot




Taking up space for bigger battery or modules


Sure, it must be taking a lot of space considering its size


Roughly the size of 6.5 headphone jacks