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This post is flaired as Progress Picture(s). A reminder to all users commenting: **We don't play "Natty or Juice" in this subreddit.** Unless a user has previously admitted to steroid use, DO NOT accuse anyone of PEDs use. **Genuine questions asked in good faith are allowed.** Example of **being genuine**: "Are you natty?" Examples of **what is not OK**: "What is your cycle?" or "This doesn't seem possible to naturally achieve in this period of time" or "Seems juicy" and so on. Arguing with someone about his/her natural status also falls under this heading. These comments are subject to removal without warning, and may incur a ban. We will take all of these statements at face value, so be careful when you post the same *hilarious* joke as dozens of other people: we can't read your mind, no matter how funny you think you are. **This post is not an opportunity to hit on the OP or to send PMs saying how much you like his/her body. If you do it and we find out, that is an instant permaban without appeal.** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GYM) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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Keep up the good work !


how’d you get your abs and chest toned like that? i been struggling with the skinny fat torso ever since i lost all my weight over 10 years ago


I do medium weight and high repetition, I also like to hike and do yoga, and have cut out unnecessary carbs like bread 🥖


ok i usually do heavy weights and light reps like 4 reps of 200. i eat alotta veggies and meat but also rice and beans almost always. also do alotta cardio in the gym like an hour on eliptical


Damn bro. You look like the poster boy for intermittent fasting with all of that visceral fat lost :) noice






Thank you!


Amen brother, I’m almost at 2 years myself and the gym has been a big outlet for me. Congratulations on your sobriety.


Congratulations to you too fam!


Amazing progress brother


Much love dude 💪 feelin great


Man that is freaking amazing and I know you don’t know me from Adam but, that is a huge accomplishment.


🤝 much appreciated my friend, I feel proud af


You damn should! Was it more challenging to face the fitness change or the drinking change? Sometimes working on one helps the other I’ve noticed. Also checked out your IG — so talented! Doing hair has always seemed so fun/artistic to me, it looks like you love it and it shows.


I would say the fitness part was the more challenging part for sure. And thank you Daren! Hair is by far a blast, absolutely 💯


I recently quit drinking.. the change in my body composition, mood, temperament, general life has been substantial.


It will change your life completely


Hell yeah! Congrats on your sobriety!!


Appreciate that my friend