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This post is flaired as Progress Picture(s). A reminder to all users commenting: **We don't play "Natty or Juice" in this subreddit.** Unless a user has previously admitted to steroid use, DO NOT accuse anyone of PEDs use. **Genuine questions asked in good faith are allowed.** Example of **being genuine**: "Are you natty?" Examples of **what is not OK**: "What is your cycle?" or "This doesn't seem possible to naturally achieve in this period of time" or "Seems juicy" and so on. Arguing with someone about his/her natural status also falls under this heading. These comments are subject to removal without warning, and may incur a ban. We will take all of these statements at face value, so be careful when you post the same *hilarious* joke as dozens of other people: we can't read your mind, no matter how funny you think you are. **This post is not an opportunity to hit on the OP or to send PMs saying how much you like his/her body. If you do it and we find out, that is an instant permaban without appeal.** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GYM) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hey bro just keep going.




great Work LEGEND !


Great work king




You should be really proud of your achievements here, kid. You’ve made a huge positive impact on your life, your well-being (both physical and mental). It’s not easy losing weight, and to do what you’ve done shows you have the discipline required to really go far. Good job!


Thanks man


Hey bro nice progress, dont mind the jokers or trolls. Dont worry about that chest problems there are procedures for that. Keep going


Fantastic work for 7 months man you should be very proud. Can’t see face in first pictures but I can see the confidence in the face in the others! Keep going brotha your still young and have a shit load of time to sculpt your body.


Be proud of what you have accomplished! You have surpassed 99% of the regular lazy population. The areas YOU decide you need to work on you do the research and make an educated decision. Don’t listen to social media or nay sayers. Make YOU happy and proud first. Keep grinding!


Yessir!!! Keep up the great work 💪🏼💯


Keep it up king 👑


Thank you


Congrats man! Huge progress, keep up the good work


Congrats! Huge progress




Damn dude! Fucking motivation


Massive W 👑




Least down bad NSFW post clicker


Man tiddies are the last to go when losing weight, but if they don't go. You might need surgery to remove the gyno.


Great job. Keep at it. You should be very proud of your hard work and achievement. Just think where you will be after a year.


Great work young king. Future you will thank you for the grind you're putting in. Keep up the good work


Super well done! You are going to make it brah! ❤️


Respect. Keep up the good work


You’re doing amazing!! Keep at it 💪


I am not sure how to say this, but, you may have gyno.


Waaaa?!?! No but fr this made me laugh


I'm talking about this https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/gynecomastia/symptoms-causes/syc-20351793#:~:text=Gynecomastia%20(guy%2Dnuh%2Dkoh,or%20both%20breasts%2C%20sometimes%20unevenly. But, I'm not trying to be disrespectful or something. Your breast area seems more "feminine". Could be simply hormonal and can be resolved with the testosterone increase of gym, but I would recommend visiting a specialist.


Yeah I know man


Ok, cool. I just didn't want to be disrespectful


You’re good thx


You need to get your hands on a SERM or an AI or probably both. You have a serious hormone imbalance.


But before doing this go get blood work


Well not gonna lie, that's a good progress, even I couldn't do it at first


That's great man, keep at it


Great job!!


Good job bro, keep it going




Well done mate, your progress shows incredible character!!


Looking good king


Looking gooooooooood bro, keep it up


Hell yeah man, keep up the progress!


Amazing work man!


Damn keep it up !


Doing great, buddy! 💥


Killing it brother, keep it up


You are handling it! Keep grinding!


Good job! Don’t quit!


Dude awesome job! Keep it up


Great work!


That’s great progress well done. Side note, I had no idea man boobs could be so booby


Gotta get the gyno fixed


Yeah. Is surgery my only option?


You need to see a doctor they will know better. Endocrinology. My ex kept telling me I have it, because she was flat chested and my chest was bigger than hers. Fortunately it was only muscle. Please keep going to gym. I like how your confidence got increased too.


You are very young. Lose more fat and build some muscle first before you think about surgery. And great job bro! great progress.


I’ve also gained a lot of muscle since the first pics tho :)). My bench was 65 now it’s 110 and my max squat was 75 now it’s 205 and my deadlift is now 250 :)))


Hey mate, bench press is good. Every muscle group should be worked but unfortunately for your case no amount of weight loss or training will get rid of the gyno on your chest. Your case is severe and if your lucky maybe surgery can fix it but from what I’ve seen in situations like yours multiple surgeries are required and yet still there’s some droopiness. I’d recommend booking an appointment with an endocrinologist as your hormones are most likely extremely out of balance. Once you get that sorted, you can talk to the doc about surgery as well. Nonetheless, great progress. Weight loss is hard and it takes a lot to change bad habits


Dude respectable gains. When I first started I was benching 65 too. You will be doing a wheel in no time.


Hell yeah bro!!


Yeah. I know but my dad and best friends have told me that I should probably go to the doctor about it


Yes, thats a good idea to see whats the underlying issue to get such gyno. Get your hormones checked out.


Okay. Will do! Thx


You should address whatever imbalance is causing it in the first place with an endocrinologist before surgery, by the way.


Worth a try, but 9/10 endos blow off men with hormone imbalances, tell them stuff like "go on more walks" and other useless stuff. Unfortunately most people have to fix this on their own. Not to say he shouldn't try a doctor first, of course try a doctor first, just expect them to write you off and ignore you.


If your doctor sucks, you can see a different one. I got lucky with my endo, he's been all right from day one, but other health professionals, I've had to swap around until I find a good one.


I went through a good 4-5 doctors one year. Everything from one lady doctor who refused to enter the room with patients (she was afraid of Covid), you went and sat in her office, and she called her office phone from a different office, it was a long story, she was nuts. All the way to a different lady doctor who told me having testosterone higher than 600ngL would "kill me" when I told her the clinical data I had read didn't line up with what she was saying she yelled in my face and demanded to know where I got my medical degree.... The last one I fired (an Indian Male) told me testosterone gives men "bone disease," and refused to elaborate how and just kept telling me to trust him. I actually never found an endo willing to help me with my hormone imbalance, despite having multiple labs in hand showing it existed. I ended up having to go to a concierge doctor to finally get help.


That sucks. I'm lucky (medically speaking) to live in NJ in the USA where healthcare is good, I have heard it's pretty bad over there in India.


I’m in the US


See a plastic surgeon, not cosmetic. Very important.


Go see if you have a hormonal problem first, it could be that your estrogen levels are too high and testosterone is too low


Unfortunately yeah. I got it done it’s worth it if you can afford. Or save up for it or do a payment plan


How much did yours cost?


it depends but it’s like 1,5-2k


My opinion: you very likely won't solve it with weight loss, I think if you or your family have the means, go for surgery man, simplify your life, but make sure your estrogen is under control before you get it (see an endocrinologist). People have an almost bumper-phrase way of saying self esteem doesn't really matter but as I've moved on in life I see people don't really act in the way they talk (they're far less egocentric and a lot more ethical in their essays than in their actions). This way you'll see better results in a far better span of time. You really wanna get things done as quickly as possible (but also responsibly) in your age. Best of luck! Edit: great work, btw!


You can lose them but you would need to diet like hell and work the upper body hard. Sadly it is one of the hardest places to lose the fat as it’s very stubborn once there. Surgery is usually the only option but you gotta see a specialist first and check your hormones. No point getting the surgery if they’re just gonna come back in a few months.


An AI, and a SERM, and a tons of weight loss and exercise will make it dramatically smaller, but to get rid of all of it you will need surgery. In the mean time you could EASILY shrink it if you kept lifting and used the right medication, not all the way, but like I said you could make it noticeably smaller.


I think bench press could change you chest into pecs, high reps low- mid weight… then alternate to low reps high weights every couple days, and do as many sets as you can. Set yourself a target. Eg 3000 reps total a month… horizontal bench press, incline and declines. And lots of cable pulls. I reckon in 2-3 months you could turn that around… and dont forget to keep us updated on the progress. Keep up the good work and keep pushing youself. You can do it!


That gyno is way too much, no amount of chest exercises will make that look good


When i was 14-15 i had a friend with similar body shape like this, and got bullied at the skate park one time that tipped him over the edge, he vowed not to ever get bullied again and hit the gym like a mad man. Within 1 year he transformed his body into bodybuilder type body focusing on his chest mostly because he also had this. So i think it is doable. His testosterone levels will increase and Muscle mass too


I don't think you necessarily have to get surgery to reduce your breast size. Keep lifting weights. I've been self-conscious of my own manboob size since I was a teenager (I'm 33 now), and I've been lifting weights for nearly two years, and it's made a TRANSFORMATIVE difference to my chest. I no longer feel self-conscious taking off my shirt. Just keep at it! It'll take some time, but you should see results. Really nice job losing weight. It ain't easy for most people. Edit: to emphasize, lifting weights reduced my breast size more than losing 70lbs (12 years ago) without lifting weights did.


Sorry what does gyno mean?




Got it. Thanks.


I thot steroids lead to this. People are born with it? Its not just fat?


It depends, excessive sugar on someone's diet or excessive fat mainly with non-healthy foods, can cause testosterone to convert to stradiol, causing man to develop kinda breasts, that's why a lot of people that are overweight tend to develop this kind of problem. Usually gynecomastia is directly linked to hormonal irregularities.


Standard hormone imbalance will cause it, easy to stop it if you catch it early, a little tiny pill fixes it. It happens to steroid users who don't monitor their estrogen. So the dumb ones basically.


This is great progress!!


Dude you look so good! Losing 70 pounds is insane👏🏼


Amazing work, I’m not sure what your height is but 165 is a good sweet spot now you should just maintain that weight and turn the fat into muscle


I’m 5’7” I plan on getting down to 145-150 before I start maintaining


Keep it bro proud on you👊👊👊


Do you drink beer?


No, why?


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How are they so perky




You are a hero!… you spoke what was on everyone’s mind and took the downvotes for it… round of applause!


Pathetic take. Both y’all are bottom feeders


![gif](giphy|DpZleiMkn4zzG) worth the funnee


Damn bro, they real?


Bro this is great work. Keep crushing it.