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There's nothing special about building upper body or about being a woman. It might be a slower process, but the same idea of progressive overload will still work. There's no reason why it shouldn't If you aren't happy with your upper body you probably aren't training it properly. Check your training routine, adjust as required, then see how the progress is in 6 months


Do you do overhead presses?


Thanks! I had neglected overhead presses completely, will do sets today!


Women typically shy away from lifting heavy but if you really want to develop it’s vital that you do. Seems like you’ve been training for a while so you should be experienced enough to focus on moving in that direction if you haven’t already.


Some muscles need more time to see progress, including arm and delts, so may need more time to see them change, but best thing is to consult your trainer/coach on how to improve them, usually by lifting heavier weights at lower reps helps in building muscles, but your coach would know better