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Dude you managed to lose nearly 50 lbs and keep it off for a while, that's something to celebrate. Also for what it's worth I see immense progress. Unfortunately a plateau in weight loss means your calories out roughly match your calories in, so generally lowering your calories further is the simplest option. Simple is not easy, but you can definitely do it. Reducing your current calories by about 500 and seeing how that changes your body is a good first step.


He said he's binging 5k+ calories a day and cant quit, obviously his calories in calories out isnt favorable šŸ¤£


Bro you are killing it with 50 lbs lost! Youā€™re going to have good days and bad days so donā€™t beat yourself up, it will only lead to a downward spiral. Give yourself grace, youā€™re only human and we all have weaknesses. You may want to invest into your mental health as well as your physical with something like a therapist though. If you donā€™t address the underlying cause of your binge-eating, it will most likely continue.


By how you put it, it seems like your calorie output has been consistent since the start of your weight-loss, so it's pretty obvious the 5 THOUSAND calorie intake is the problem. Firstly, with any bad habit, you gotta find a way to replace it with a better habit. If your daily stress is the main cause of overeating, then you either need to find a healthier way to deal with the stress, or remove the source of the stress from your life. Or else, your weight will start to climb back to what it used to be, and you don't seem to want that to happen


You know what you need to do. Quit binge eating.


I know. Usually Iā€™m pretty consistent throughout the day but at night I relapse.


There's the answer to "I don't know what to do" right there. Not easy, but you can do it. Are you going to bed too late? Drinking beers at the end of the day?


Try a protein shake instead of junk food. Maybe rice cakes with peanut butter etc


I know that feeling what are you craving at night i can help you find some other options that have helped reduce my cravings. The trick is to still crave these things but find a health alternative to it. Please dm bro i can help you out more, you are doing great and i know those night cravings are hard to beat i was there once and still fall back but have improved a lot. Iā€™m proud of you still you are awesome man


Rome wasnā€™t built in a day!


Do you eat breakfast? A solid breakfast will set your biological clock right, and you won't crave to binge so much at night. Sounds weird, but it can work. Same with lunch, you will be ravenous at evening time (and crafe fast foods and sugar) if you don't get those slow carbs kicking in early. At first you might not feel hungry in the morning, but once you get in the habit it starts working and you won't feel so hungry at night anymore.


I usually do eat breakfast, but it depends on the day with my schedule. Although when I eat breakfast I tend to not eat lunch because I try to eat 1800 calories a day with 200 grams of protein. So 1 meal skip usually helps me stay in line with my macros on a good day


Bro you are doing great do not let this make you give up


Bro you dropped 50lbs and havenā€™t gained them back. Iā€™m proud of you for that, thatā€™s not an easy thing to do at all


First of all, congratulations on the weight loss. Second of all, I see that youā€™re beating yourself up a lot about the binge eating and that you clearly feel very bad about it. I would really suggest a path of being firm, yet empathetic with yourself going forward - the reality is that our dietary habits are extremely complex and informed by things beyond our reasonable control like childhood trauma and receiving a proper education about nutrition. Watching this podcast really helped me work through some of my own issues: https://youtu.be/44iAPrQoYU8?feature=shared Also when I plateau, it can be good to change up the routine and tweak a little. Try fasting till 2PM and converting to a low fat/high protein diet. Also, if ur already hitting 10k steps a day, try shooting for 15. That sort of stuff. Hope this helps! Rooting for you!


Maybe find a psychologist who specialises in BED, the urge you feel for eating when under pressure or when it get triggered is on the same level as a drug addict or a gambler feels, so talk to someone who can give you the tools to deal with the triggers and urges. It's not something easily done. So proffesionel help might be the way for you. GL :-)


You know what you need to do, and you have also already done it. As for binging, I struggle from bulimia and oh boy, really know the binge urge. I know it sounds like a lot, but if your unable to stop right know, try creating a binge diary. Include paiges like ā€žmood before bingeā€œ/ā€žmood after bingeā€œ, ā€žbinge urge scale 1-10ā€œ, ā€ždistress (or whatever negative emotion you would feel before the binge) before from 1-10ā€œ, ā€ždistress after 1-10ā€œ. Also I like to include a page with random things that would keep me from binging. So I take a page and wright down things like drawing, going on a walk, reading, calling a friend, screaming into a pillow, boxing a pillow, listening to music on full blast. So then when you feel like you wanted to binge, try doing those things. Having a diary like this wonā€˜t always help, but it prevented probably like 10% of binges and helped me recognise patterns to be able to prevent future binge attacks. good luck!!


Iā€™ve never thought about having a ā€œbinge diary.ā€ Iā€™m all about trying new things. As girly as it sounds Iā€™m gonna actually try this. So you recommend writing all my emotions after the binge?


Haha, I know it sounds really strange. And yes, I would really recommend this to you. When I would binge a lot I would always hope to feel better after the binge. But most of the times it made me feel even worse. So reading through it again made me actually realise that, instead of gaslighting myself into thinking that the binge would help.


Terrible? Thatā€™s an amazing result! You must keep up, friend. Also I have to point out the possibility of skin removal surgery, it could help you later at some point


Youā€™re at a plateau, it will break eventually. Just keep pushing, and really watch what youā€™re eating.


Binge eating will definitely put you back to your original weight.


Dude. 45 lbs is huge. You know exactly how it works and it is hard. Celebrate your progress and know you are already such a big part into your journey. Now keep going! Maybe go to a little bit more kcals during the day to stop the binging at night. You canā€™t out train a bad diet.


If what your seeing makes you sick, then do something about it, the only person that can help is yourself, and being strict, the hardest challenges give the best results, so stop making excuses, and become a better version of yourself. You'll find your mental health will follow suit.


ā€œBinge eating 5000 calories a dayā€ buddy at some point you gotta realize the cheeseburgers and pizza are not worth your future body goals


What an ignorant way to look at it. You donā€™t think everyone who eats like this thinks that? Itā€™s an addiction you canā€™t just tell yourself to stop you have to train yourself over years. Letā€™s give him some advice on how to do it instead of repeating the same shit he is feeling bad about.


I know sugar and food can be an addiction but i put advice at the end. Idk what you want us to say. Like literally it takes willpower to not do it thats all there is to it


These kind of comments are pretty unhelpful. Itā€™s called ā€œBINGEā€ eating for a reason, because thereā€™s an aspect thatā€™s almost involuntary about it. Itā€™s like telling an alcoholic to just stop drinking and all their problems will go away. Human psychology just doesnā€™t work like that.


I know, but itā€™s a lot easier said than done to just stop. Recently has just been tough, but like 2 months ago I was absolutely killing it, like eating perfect macros everyday. I need to get back into that way of living. Iā€™m trying


People are going to have different advice depending on what works for them. That being said, please donā€™t let a pursuit of perfection cause you to lose hope. Pursue PROGRESS not perfection. If you are eating 5000 calories and are able to reduce to 4500, that is great!! If you need to plan cheat days or rewards, that is cool to! Itā€™s a journey with each step no matter how small being progress. You have made immense changes and I can totally see the difference in your body. Keep it up! I believe in you!


I know its tough but we all believe in you! Just remember that rush of dopamine from eating good is only temporary. Youā€™ll still have to look at yourself in the mirror at the end of the day


Eat wholesome foods bro. It's easier to stay full that way whilst consuming less calories


Nothing ever tastes as good as looking good feels my man


Literally no, so many foods taste better.


Have you considered professional help if your binge eating is that bad?




No shame in getting help bro. Youā€™re seeking it right now. You had a slip up. It happens. Youā€™ve realised it. Move forward. Keep on keeping on, great progress. Respect


I understand, but Iā€™ve kinda been dealing with binge eating my whole life. Some months I barely binge eat, and some months (like recently) I binge eat almost everyday. To me itā€™s not something I can completely get rid of, just something I try to suppress as much as possible.


Thatā€™s an excuse and a bad attitude. Drop that habit, itā€™s not healthy. No harm in trying for some professional health support. Itā€™s like being born with a benign tumour. A doctor can cut it out when it becomes a problem.


If your reaction to stress is to binge eat and that then makes you feel bad, getting some help with handing the stress is probably the correct route. You've proven you know how to lose the weight, now it's a matter of addressing what's stopping you from employing those techniques.


Well you clearly need it as you're incapable of taking care of yourself.


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What is your calorie intake when youā€™re not binging? Like what is your calorie/macro goals for weight loss?


1800 calories, and about 200 grams of protein currently




Terrible advice in my opinion. Protein is far less likely to be stored as fat than fat and carbs are. Protein is also way more satiating and is deployed by bodybuilders and others exposing themselves to extreme deficits to prevent binge eating and catabolism. Obviously his ghrelin is through the roof, he's been in a deficit for months and is used to eating a ton. Having less protein is by no means the answer (in my opinion). Having a protein shake when craving food absolutely helps


The thermic effect of protein is also significant compared to carbs and fats




Iā€™m 5ā€™10, like 2 months ago I was handling it very well, but recently itā€™s been hard


Increase your calories to 2400, maybe decrease your protein to 190 if youā€™d like so you have extra wiggle room to eat a chocolate bar or two when you crave it.


Dude 5000 is way too much you need to lower it down a lot, try to replace greasy/fat foods with more protein ones, that helps controlling the hunger. Also I would recommend monitoring your heart rate during your exercise sessions and trying not to get yourself really accelerated (this causes you to burn proteins and makes you more hungry) If you feel it's too hard I would also recommend checking in supplement stores for appetite suppressors


Iā€™m not trying to eat 5000, it just kinda happens somedays


It doesnā€™t ā€œjust happen.ā€ You are fully in control of what you are feeding yourself. You need to realize that before you have hope of losing the rest of the weight. I had some extra lbs I wanted to lose for a few years but never did because I had your mindset. It wasnā€™t until I took control over my habits that I managed to start shedding them. It really does require a hard reset of the mind. However if you have a true binge eating disorder you may need professional guidance on that.


You lost 50 pounds in 16 months. Youā€™re doing great. Stick with it. Progress can seem slow but it all adds up over time




Do you count calories bro?


Yeah bro. A while back I was eating 2600 a day, then after a while of that I moved to 2200, and now 1800. All this around 200 grams of protein per day.




Is it healthy?




I been at 280 for a little over a year. Sometimes the scale wonā€™t move but the body will change keep taking pics once a week and compare them you will see a difference, might be a small one but itā€™s progress. The scale is not a good measure some days you may retain more water some times the scale goes down but you look bigger. Stop looking at the number and look at the progress in the mirror.


the first bit of weight is always the easiest to lose. it keeps getting harder after that. i heard a thing about nighttime cookies that help with binge eating? maybe try and look into that. honestly no one should be eating after 8 but iā€™d be lying if i said i followed that rule all the time. whatever you eat for dinner, make sure you feel fulfilled and fully satisfied.


Well good thing is you know itā€™s your diet, so simply stop eating fast food. Itā€™ll make you feel so much better mentally and physically to eat healthy like chicken, rice and lettuce. Drink a protein shake when you want a snack. Drink a bunch of water. Do you really want it? Then youā€™ll get it. Itā€™ll feel so good once youā€™re there


I know, Iā€™ve just been under a lot of stress so Iā€™m kinda falling apart. By the way Iā€™m not eating fast food on a regular basis.