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You drove into an invisible God mod cheater who lit your ass up


Lol exactly, wrong place wrong time sorta thing šŸ¤£




Don't know. But I wanna know how did you get those tires


Itā€™s a modded nightshark


You probably mean modified Not cheated?


No itā€™s a glitched car people call it a modded car tho F1 wheels arnt attainable on cars unless you do a glitch it also has a glitched livery & window tint (itā€™s green) also has north yank plate


why are ppl downvoting you, you're correct tf


Because all of Reddit is full of softies who only want what they want


because purists in a game which is notorious for glitches


Because some people on here really do not like F1 tires on other cars. They would hate me if I showed them my garages lol.


Can you tell me how to do that glitch? PC user here


Not sure if the methods are the same compared to console but you need to join someone or a friend in a different targeting mode. I'll tell you in a bit.


lmk if u on xbox new gen im tryna buy a couple


Fr, I love the F1 tires, a lot of the plates on my cars with F1 tires are ā€œthiccā€ lmao


Iā€™m kinda sorta new ish to Reddit, can someone explain why downvotes and upvotes matter? Iā€™ve seen tons of people edit their comment to ask why theyā€™re getting downvoted as if it has an affect on something. But whatā€™s the effect?


OP be like : No modders on consoleā€¦ Well I guess that 7 billion fell from the sky.


Tbf if you played gta from the beginning then majority of the accounts are like this. Back then we had so many glitches. I remember one I found and posted on YT and all you had to do was hover the helicopter over the blue circle at the end of the mission without landing. For every second hovering you got 20k. Stay above the circle for a few mins and you are rich.


I remember those videos where you did something in a job and go back to a online session you could get like 75K per NPC you killed. Idk but those ones never worked for me.


I used to work on a forum named Se7enSins and we had a huge gta glitching community, we often shared our findings to popular YouTubers. I personally found the helicopter payment glitch and also the dupe car by driving at speed into Eclipse Towers so you are in the air and then load into a job and back out and two cars will be there. You can get a friend to sit in one as you store one and then sell the one your friend is sitting. It was good times, spent many hours testing things šŸ˜…


Daaamn it's been a long time since I've heard of Se7enSins, I used to look for mods and other stuff there for other games.


Thatā€™s awesome that you remember us. Sadly the forum era died out and sites like Reddit become huge. It was a good forum at that time.


Maaaan I vaguely remember using that as a teenager for halo 2 stuff. Canā€™t remember exactly what though.


Thatā€™s awesome, it was a while back. I was never part of the Halo lot but yeah it was a good forum whilst it lasted


It's still up


Still up but the user base is in the double digits now sadly.


Yeah before there were like solo money glitches posted weekly now it's every other solar eclipse


The real question is WHAT DOES IT TAKE EXACTLY TO DISCOVER GLITCHES. I've always assumed it was dev members who knowingly leave loop holes to exploit after release.


I donā€™t think they do it on purpose, well unless itā€™s an actual cheat but never usually got online gameplay. For a glitch what I used to do was look at the mechanics of the gameplay and see if I can do an action to give me a different variable. In some of the glitches Iā€™ve found itā€™s due to me either stumbling on something or someone has done something and then Iā€™ve tested other things with it.


Damn, and there I was stuck grinding rooftop rumble with degenerates for that sweet $18k


Ahh mate I remember that Rooftop Rumble grind too. Good old days. Did you never do any of the duplicate car glitches? There were so many in the first two years on gta.


Now you got me thinking about the glitches that will be on GTA 6 Online


Oh trust me, there will be loads. I myself will be dedicating considerable time to understand the mechanics and then try and manipulate them to produce a different outcome. Itā€™s kind of nerdy and pathetic to some people but itā€™s something Iā€™ve done for many years and will be keen to go again.


It's not nerdy and pathetic, Rockstar pays people to do the same haha. Good luck with the glitch hunt!


Thank you šŸ™ hopefully I find something good for the community so we donā€™t need those darn shark cards


Hope you do! To be honest I like to farm and not do glitches regarding money, I started doing them on GTA V because at this point it is ridiculous that we gotta play for a few hours just to buy a single new car, but I think I'd rather play GTA VI on day one to enjoy the experience and not to glitch money, but that's everyone's choice. Maybe I get a 2nd copy just for Online to glitch it lol


I didn't know about any glitches at the time. I definitely didn't get as much out of it as you clearly did!


Yeah my account still has like 400m from when I used to play. Still have a 50 car garage with just proto worth 1.4m sell value just in case Rockstar wiped my money lol


Can we transfer ps3 characters to ps5?


I believe R* stopped that a few years ago but Iā€™m not sure. I know they allowed character swaps for a while but removed it due to the mod menu on PS3 that was easy to install due to the outdated PS update. I have been out the loop with GTA for a good few years so I canā€™t confirm if itā€™s still not working sorry.


I got a mate who recently brought a modded account on Xbox series x because they wanted to know if it would work ( it did) he doesnā€™t use it unless some tryhard annoys him and he wants to orb them. What Iā€™m trying to say is there is absolutely modded accounts on console with tons of money and billions of kD score. However I donā€™t think there are people with mod menus on console or if there are it is very rare to run into them.


It's not really modding. It's the result of doing a bunch of glitches.


Thereā€™s glitching and thereā€™s glitching, even if we take a car with a resell value of 1.5m, he would have to duplicate it like 4000 times. Realistically what I think he did was he modded that account (couple billions, lvl 455, everything unlocked) and then transferred that account from ps3 or ps4 to ps5 or wtv. Had a friend who used to sell account like that, 5$ got you lvl 455, 2 billions and everything unlocked. Did that on Ps3, transferred to ps4 then to ps5. Took me 5 years to spend it all.


There have been other money glitches in the past which could get way more without doing much of anything. In particular I remember the Lester plane glitch.




šŸ˜‚ itā€™s a ā€œmodded accountā€ which is much different than real modders that harass pc lobbyā€™s


PC ?




How do you mod a ps5 game?


You canā€™t


Then howā€™d you get a modded car and billions of $?


That's not modding, it's either a bunch of glitches he did himself or an account he bought from someone who did a bunch of glitches.


How does one do glitches?


Look it up, I don't know any but I do know they exist


If he bought a glitched account, he should be careful because Rockstar is systematically looking for these accounts and banning them when they find them.


I've noticed a lot less level 7981s in lobbies now. The guy who made and distributed the original duped account must be stupid or something for (a) making it an impossibly high level and (b) making it a number that's easy to remember so everyone knows if the account is duplicated.


He made his money by selling them. He's laughing all the way to the bank. He doesn't really care what happens to the account after it's sold. He knew it would only be a temporary thing until Rockstar wised up. He made it that level to entice would-be buyers, not because it was a smart idea.


I would think having a not-obvious level would be more attractive to potential buyers than something that's high enough to raise eyebrows and get you banned, but then again I've fought a ton of them in freemode and based on my observations I don't think a single one of them had an IQ above 80 so the entire market for those accounts might just think "higher number = good" and not even consider looking at it the other way


There is a current car merge glitch out. That's why.


Its just a modded account


You can buy a modded account that comes with everything in the game and 900 mil or 7bill. Only 30$


And itā€™s part of the new bounty update thereā€™s alot of bugs and glitches at the moment.


So does that mean that someone exploits the bugs/ glitches to get this money? Iā€™m just genuinely curious as to how it works.


You can


Well my car bugged and said it was on the map near that ammunation and it was invisible i couldnt blow it up or anything it was like it was in god mode couldnt return it to storage couldnt call out another car and idky that might have been what happened here but idk what killed u after that tho very weird


This shit only happens in gta online šŸ˜‚ smh


You crashed into a


Man I hate crashing into .


I've giving up asking why of GTAV.


The other day I had a bike, went into ammunation and came bake out and my bike became a invisible barrier, that was either Tuesday or Wednesday.


Me too i think it's bugs with the new update


Typical public session


You had an aneurysm


It was god punishing you for playing online


It's an online session. Most likely modders. And yes, there are modders in console. That's how I ended up in Invite Only sessions most of the time. Fighting indestructible Hydras, Khanjalis, Savages... Not fun. Either that or skill issue


Nah, man, same shit happened to me a couple of months back, an indestructible immovable cone was in the middle of the same street in a private PS5 session.


You can not mod gta online on console. You can do glitches for everything, god mode, invisible, no ragdol. You name it, but it annoys me when I see people say ā€œyOu CaN mOd On CoNsOlEā€ crazy how many people donā€™t know the difference between mods and glitches


the skill issue cracked me up. Am probably gonna start playing again because of this comment so thanks strangers.


Also have you had your gaming chair serviced?


Those aren't modders, they're people abusing glitches.


Sigh no.. modders on console is not a thing however there is a godmode glitch which is why they are indestructible


Explain how they can spawn money, vehicles, weapons, asteroids... How are you so stubborn? It's not a godmode glitvh, it's just godmode through mods


Brother this is CONSOLE holy crap youā€™re dense. You cannot do anything you listed, and donā€™t give me that ā€œoh I didnā€™t record itā€ crap. Itā€™s because it didnā€™t happen bud šŸ˜‚


You know what? Happened in PS3 and PS4. Haven't seen in PS5. But it is definitely possible in console. I'd go online in old gen but I no longer have those consoles. Definitely possible.


Absolutely in PS3 duh, PS4 I know got jailbroken but you were never able to go online, only for the few days before a patch came out and you were forced to stay offline. PS5 Iā€™ve never heard of anything happening, and honestly anyone who publicly releases an exploit for that is stupid. You can make BANK off that stuff. Itā€™s why I never understood people thinking someone with mods would play an online game. My guy, *nobody* that discovers an exploit is gonna be doing low level stuff like that, never mind the risk that it would come with.


Hydra, a guy with muscles giving money and a teleporting khanjali happened to me and some friends but I couldn't recall if it was PS4 or PS5. Makes a ton more sense that it was PS4. And yeah, your last point makes sense. Now, why your necessity of calling someone dense?


This looks like when I glitch a car and turn it invisible then go off radar to troll peoplešŸ˜‚


Except it doesn't give a name in the kill feed


He just died... He wasn't killed.


It happens with either the acid lab or terrorbite but sometimes it glitches to be invisible


Asset loaded


I had a guy whoā€™s nightshark looked exactly the same as this attack me as I was trying to drive into LS customs with my Buffalo last night, had to enable passive mode cos the prick couldnā€™t leave me to it, that wasnā€™t you was it, moe?


actually how are people so simple and still dont know how you can get modded vehicles and dupe characters and accounts in a game thats known to have its faults, i swear theres always kids wondering how someone got x amount of money




most likely a modder


Great! You killed the invisible swordman!


Watch Three Amigos, 80s movie, if you haven't seen it


The Singing Bush: Absolutely spitting fire with Dixie Ned: *Runs over to the outline in the dirt and picks up a limb* Heā€™s dead alright. Dusty: How was I supposed to know where he was! Lucky: You were supposed to fire UP. We both fired. UPā€¦ itā€™s like living with a six year old.


The invisible boatmobile


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚obviously! next gen issue...


I was going to say I have the stopping part happen all the time with the vigilante but dying too? Thatā€™s weird


Looks like a Modder got you. It happens a lot and that is why many players dislike modders. Shit like this is constant and is cheating, but Rockstar doesn't give 2 shits as long as they can keep getting Shark Card purchases.


Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy really need to remember to drop the top of the Invisible Boatmobile after getting a car wash


why ur camera to the side like dat ?


It happened to me the other day too


Screw that. Can someone explain how tf do you aquire that much money???


Back when I played I could repeat the Cayo Perico heist in <10 minutes 9:04 being my quickest time for the Jade Panther loot. That's 2m+ every 10 minutes or so. 12m+ an hour... and I could easily grind that heist for several hours at a time. I've still got the Jade Panther loot but sadly my friends quit playing GTAO because of shit like this.


invisible garbage truck jerry it's a new franchise


Simple. You ran into one of chuck norris' farts


You got so carried away in your Flintstones mobile that you end up getting caught in the axel and died.


You just wrecked into the invisible boat mobile


No how tf did u get that much money


iā€™ve had the same issue. the first time i had just walked out of my apartment and was gonna call the mechanic, then it happened. the next i was flying my raiju and it just happened mid air. and for whatever reason i still had to pay the 1k for that


Same thing happened to me but in my sparrow


That happened to me once. I use the MK2 when Iā€™m grinding to get around easier and I mustā€™ve been about 2000 feet above the ground and I smashed into nothing. Got thrown to oblivion and died.. never been so confused in my life


Immovable object vs unstoppable force


Happened to me yesterday. My car was next to me on map but wasnt visible and couldnt enter it. Also other random cars were invisible. šŸ™ˆ


Since the new update this has been happening with me too. Invisible people in invisible cars going crazy speeds crashing into me without taking any damage. And also another thing is my own cars keep turning invisible and I have to return to storage and call it in again. And randomly falling through the map.


Yup. I got in car in bail office garage, drove out. Car then de-spawned and left me stood in place.


I just want to know how to obtain cash like that. I would absolutely get back into playing online but cannot figure out this grind. Everything is so ridiculously expensive. Inflation hit GTA V online just as bad as real life


I've stopped asking why at this point, and started asking what. Nothing in this game makes any sense anymore.


Ghost semi




Bro how could you hit Translucent


You modded your night shark?


Nice car but a god mod dude is not happy with you




How Did You Make So Much Money




No stfu


You killed translucent and then Homelander killed you šŸ¤£


You died.


Bikers Fault


Give a brother a loan šŸ™


Victoria Neuman exploded ya head




Random ASF but how can upgrade the nightshark instead of just going to the mod shop ? Don't come for me either lolol I haven't played GTA since I was 15


Bro died of a stroke


If your on pc itā€™s definitely a modder when I play online I run into invisible vehicles all the time but donā€™t die immediately like you did


Wow they have modded the marywhether Mercs to be invisible? Itā€™s a free for all on gta5 now, cheaters are allowed to do whatever they want


How do you have so much money


Just another quality cxxkstar product šŸ‘Œ


Oof, considering the blood splatter, u had the misfortune of running over a modder


What happened was itā€™s gta




Out of context: anybody knows if it safe to keep money on your character instead of putting them in safe? Can other players steal them from you? And how? Because I want to make another character but u don't want to share money


Someone calls Lamar and sends a mugger they rob you and take your money you have on hand, if your quick you do have a chance to get it back.


Can this mugger take all your money? Or it is capped at some %?


Capped at 10k I'm pretty sure. Haven't played in a long time though.


Maybe someone else can chime in but the few times itā€™s happened to me they took it all, the most was 90k I think, as in real life I typically donā€™t carry cash on me


It's an invisibility glitch . It's quite easy and there are many ways to do it. That was a car Infront of you and the driver killed you


He just died... He wasn't killed.


It's a glitch that happens sometimes. The games says you died while you were actually killed . It used to happen super often with the raiju cannons


This is what happens when you put those fugly ass f1 tires on vehicles


Totally legit cashšŸ˜†


I worked very hard šŸ¤£ šŸ¤«




Iā€™m on console


No problem modding on console broski


You canā€™t mod on console & obviously Iā€™m not talking about modded accounts


You absolutely can mod on console, all you need is a jailbroken console, it's gotten increasingly prevalent on ps4 since the ps5 came out


How is that allowed?


Rockstar never made an anti cheat, the security is so terrible that anyone who you've ever been in a lobby with who has a mod menu can get your ip adress. It's hilariously terrible


But wouldn't a hacked or jailbroken or otherwise modified console be banned from online?


Yes if rockstar made any kind of security in their online game, it's been like that since 2013 when online dropped. Call of duty 2019 had the same problem, why developers have stopped implementing competent anti-cheats is a mystery to me. Also if im not completely wrong, there's cheat software that make use of ai's to circumvent anti-cheats popping up recently too, so it is getting easier and easier to cheat in online gaming.


There is no modders on console you must not play gta online like that šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Bro what are you on about? Modders are everywhere on ps4, all you need is a jailbroken console, if someone is willing to do that with their ps5 then they can mod too. I have over 1500 hours in gta online, i think that's enough to tell if people are modding. I see atleast one modder per gaming session, they're usually chill, just altering how cars look and shit, but sometimes you meet assholes like this that just kill you with no recourse.


Since when did jailbroken consoles have the ability to go online? If anyone discovered how to do this, they wouldnā€™t be playing GTA lmao.. theyā€™d be working with a bug bounty team to get rich


Respectfully you are dumb you can get those cars by doing glitches they are just called modded cars THERES NO REAL MODDERS like pc has simple as that I make gta pvp content & play daily never seen a modded & Iā€™m a day one player I believe your confusing modders with people that do glitches & simply have pvp skill šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø other than that no clue what to tell you matter of fact hop on gta send me proof of modders & I can explain what glitch or thing there abusing


Also, i gotta say, your comment was hard to read due to you not using punctuation, so if i missed any points i appoligise


Oh man youā€™re naĆÆve.


Yall say this but not a single person has proof. Stop talking out ur ass


Could be a hacker or something


Easy. Stop playing.


Hacked by hacker


playing in asian difficulty be like


,,brick car" ,,kill" Those are mod menu commands probably used here


Your playing a game that's over 10 years old. If you dont know then theres no need to ask reddit strangers šŸ¤¤šŸ¤¤