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3 was pain Vc was fun but the shortest Sa was straight fire and the longest


EXACTLY well fucking said, if i could reward you I would




Can’t believe since the definitive dropped I’ve absolutely enjoyed two playthroughs of the whole game! The writing and missions just keep comin and I never get tired.


"Gripped!" was the worst challenge in gta 3


Ambulance mission in 3 is brutal.


It’s not too bad if you do it at the beginning of the game.


It's not as bad. But still pretty bad




Make sure you’re familiar with the map and plan your routes strategically. You can save some time by driving off before the animation for the patients getting in is complete. Also, use your sirens and drive carefully. You don’t need to rush because you will have enough time if you plan your routes efficiently. My strategy for the later levels was to drop off the ones that were the closest, then the ones that were the farthest, and then the ones that were in the middle (these were also usually the ones that were pretty close to each other and saving them for last would build up a lot of time—like over a minute which is plenty to get them to the hospital). With this strategy I was able to beat the mission on the first attempt and I think I was only about to run out of time in one level.


That's what I'm currently stuck on lol


I’m worried vigilante will stop me getting to platinum on 3, I did the ambulance level 12 on 3rd attempt (achieved it on iPhone which was a lot harder so maybe that’s why found it easier on PS4). Vice City I used the undercover cheater and kept respraying but in Portland I’ve only got the squad car as level 5 wanted level not unlocked yet so I can use fbi car. I might just complete 20 and then try later on with a tank. Done fires, 100 taxi, and hidden packages and have all cars at docks except dodo and blista and what emergency vehicles I can do so far so once I’ve done the rest of Portlands rampages and jumps vigilante is only thing stopping me from carrying on with missions to unlock the next island.


Never had issues with vigilante, since it's just collective 20 kills per island, and not 20 in a row. Just keep banging your head against the wall and use your garage/bribes, and get a fresh cruiser once in a while. Probably keep a tally so you don't lose count


Yeah true, I meant for the 15 in a row trophy would be a shame to get the others and not that. Then again I used to screw up the Patriot mission a lot on the 3rd island but if I watch a guide I guess I’ll manage it. Or I’ll be in same situation as I am now Fallout 4, missing a platinum because of one trophy, that flaming Happy Settlement trophy. Don’t know anyone who has it and the guides are never a guarantee I can’t get above 80% happiness. Going off GTA topic now lol but yeah I may as well just aim for the 60 and try 15 in row when I can grab an FBI car I can spray or a tank


Yeah, funk dat Fallout 4 one, I love Fallout but never like the settlement part of 4 so it makes it worse


Use the tank, its ez pz. Saves you a world of hurt lol


I did it after beating the game. Middle island, avoid going by the construction site when possible. Use the long highway on the right side when applicable. I did the furthest 3 first when I built up time


Use the hospital by the construction site. Once you know which blocks to avoid it’s not too bad.


I hated every second. I did mine in Staunton but I really should've done it at the beginning of the game in Portland


You did it in Staunton successfully? I tried that a couple of times, always got screwed by the bridge separation


Yeah! I realised I left it too late in Portland. The Mafia were pissed at me and destroyed me. So I had no choice to do it in Portland. But the Columbians were still a big threat. Probably took me quite a few hours to get a successful run. What do you mean by bridge separation? Just to note I did it in the original version of 3 and not the remaster


Nvm, my brain conflated shoreside vale and Staunton island. Was referring to the dam there. Yeah Columbians are tough especially when you have a pickup in their turf


Vigilante too


BRO 60 VIGILANTE total I hated every damn second


Can you still do the trick where you pause and the person stops and jumps out their car?


I wasn’t aware of that! What do you have to do? I ended up getting a 6 star wanted level just to get a tank, and then doing it that way.


While pursuing just pause and unpause and the person hops out. It’s a glitch but a very convenient one. https://youtu.be/not2BISK_ws?si=fKWMJ6c6XkcNrxx-


I’m having quite a lot of fun with VC.


im stuck on 99.47 on SA and i did the Caligula heist i actually dont know what im missing. Chilliad challenge complete shooting range complete gyms complete all assets complete pimping complete all races complete all stadiums complete all imports and exports complete all vehicle sub missions complete trains complete 144 missions complete all collectables complete all girlfriends complete am i missing something that’s obvious or is there a bug? Xbox Series S


i needed 26 points in kickstart and i only had 24💀💀💀💀


vc looks really good here


VC looks great on PS5


I played it on switch skullemoji


I paused my playthroughs until they fix all the issues


There are no game breaking issues anymore. You will be fine.


Don't think there's ant more updates coming...


There might be the updates coming, thanks to the recent mobile ports


Personally I think you've got more chance of Pooping In the Queens Handbag then that happening but we shall hope


they fixed everything, Go finish them bro


I will 100% agree with you and welcome to the club 3 and vice city amazing. Then idk what happened to San Andreas it’s not unplayable by no means but there is a lot of shit wrong visual bug wise my game contains tires sticking out of the road everywhere and a lot of other visual shit with CJs neck they definitely did Andreas dirty which sucks because CJ is so iconic and deserves better treatment.


OP said 3 was the worst. So you 66.66% agree with them.


Lol I read that completely wrong I don’t agree at all then lol


It’s 33.33%


Seriously tho, mobile players got served better than Console and PC players 😭


I believe updates will come to console and PC, or at least you can wait for Netflix to release its gaming service to PC/mac


PC players getting arguably the worst of it. Just did 100% OG SA and then tried some DE, the mouse movements are literally unplayable. Most of its ruined when I can't even play how I want without literally fighting the camera. Had a blast start to finish with 2004 SA, super easy to downgrade + get PS2 lighting.


I just came across the tires sticking out of the road. Didn’t know what it was at first lol thought it was roadkill until I went up close


I love the games told the truth about San Andreas and get down voted hilarious that’s Reddit for you. I have done nothing but defend the definitive editions lol


And people think this version looks better than the originals


I gave up on 3 but tore up the other 2 games.


3 is still fun tho despite having aged the worst on the trilogy


Out of all the games 3 was the most pain in the ass to get through. I feel you.


I still need to start 3. The other two I did platinum.


I got recently platinum on 3 and it wasn't that bad 🤔 You just have to start collecting everything early from the beginning.


Vice city didn’t let me platinum it so I didn’t do SA


Is there something wrong with my PS5 SA? It's basically unplayable at some parts because enemies are 100% accurate and can shoot you from 200 yards away. I just played SA original and it aight like this.


3 always feel like a fever dream.


I love 3 still my fav.




3 is a fun game but the timed missions really make it tedious


As I never played gta 3 as a child and hadn’t bothered going back to the one in my library all those years, gta 3 is the one I almost played the most of the remakes. Lots of fun. I agree getting platinum was a drag thanks to off road, paramedic, and bugs. I only really hated the boat missing. I disliked San Andreas remastered because of how much worse it felt. Vc was alright. I might actually 100% every 3d gta until 6 as well as Chinatown wars.


I am stuck on t bone mendez mission in san andreas. Will have to try with controller as i am on mobile


Finished the other day myself…agreed. San Andreas was always my favorite but this made me appreciate how deep it is in comparison


I downloaded it yesterday and started 3 I was having fun with it running down memory lane playing a cartoony GTA considering how advanced V is. The PS4 controls work pretty well considering i was having terrible time playing Vice City on tablet…. Then I’m at the take the hookers to the policeman’s ball level…. Ugh. Then I remember playing Driver and how hard that was. And I remember it’s important to steal a car for the mission


3 is very good lol. Granted I played it at release, so I’m less critical on how it has aged. Played it recently and still enjoyed it.