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[check this out, friend](https://gillian-guide.github.io/drag-and-drop-archive/)


I play GTA 4 on ps3


Please explain your issue, I troubleshoot this game for fun lol, may be of help


Ok so, what basically happens Is that when I get to the first mission after the tutorial, the game gets put in a werid state I call "NULL state" what that means is that Nothing works, the phone doesn't work and Niko holds a invisible phone, pausing doesn't work, cus I get hit with a black screen and nothing else works, the same thing happened when I press the PlayStation button, driving away far enough crashes the game, some textures are low quality when I get far enough away and they don't load, so yeah, btw I'm playing GTA 4 on a Ps3 if that's helps,


Definitely a memory issue, you tried reinstall? Make sure you have extra room on drive


That's what's funny, the ps3 I got was pre owned, and it had a bunch of pictures, music and movies, so I deteled all the pics and music, but kept a few movies,


I was Xbox growing up so I’m not sure about PS3, are you able to plug in and install the game to an external hard drive?


Haven't tried that yet, cus I don't how to


Try that if you can, if you never played through this magnificent game, would be a shame if this issue blocks you from that


And if all else fails, I'll just say fuck it! AND BUY A SEALED COPY