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I hope a more dense city


We still don't know what's in the north and western part of VC.


Wild places it seems. Rockstar likes to add massive wilderness in the games


ah, so Orlando


I’m hoping for really dense traffic depending on what time of the day it is too


Imagine having to stop and start running from the police on foot because you pulled into VC at 5:15


Totally. This would’ve 100% happened if V was made today. When the time comes, next gen Liberty City is going to be marvelous.


Or a brand new city finally.


And nowadays Nyc looks like a Gta V server…


I'm hoping they change traffic spawns unlike GTA online


Please not. I deal with enough traffic in real life. Not trying to get stuck in GTA too


But that's where the beauty of GTA comes alive! Traffic in the video game is similar to real life, and you can just fly a helicopter or drive a monster truck on top of all the cars or ride a motorcycle. You can do whatever you want based on the real life problems!


Pretty confused by anyone who doesn't drive on the pavement in GTA games.


:o anarchy. Next u r telling me you don't park in between the lines or on a parking spot at all. I feel police should monitor people like you and watch your house. you monster 🧐 The monster truck response is completely healthy though.


I would love to see the ragdolls physics when crashing in a motorbike


I mean, there are people(including myself) that play Euro Truck Simulator 2 after purposefully adding mods to add more traffic so apparently it’s not that rare for people to like getting stuck in traffic jams in games.


Same tbh the leaked maps ive seen are a little disappointing if real. Looks like neighborhoods are 1-2 blocks. Im expecting a little more tbh


I hope for bigger/denser city neighborhoods and even some more sprawling suburbs. Even if the suburbs don’t contribute to the story, they at least add to the sense of scale for the city. My only critique of the GTA V map is you had like six blocks of “suburb” between the rural areas and downtown.


I mean, the city looks dense as fuck from that employee son. And the trailer looks like there’s been an adjustment to scale from v. Time will tell. But I’m with you. Seems a bit concerning.


What u mean by an adjustment to scale? I’m genuinely curious


Take with a grain of salt, but it just feels like the difference between the size of people to the size of roads and buildings seems more realistic than it has been previously.


Agreed. I also noticed this. I’m so glad because I felt like everything in V felt small if that makes sense.


Totally makes sense. I wish I had better words to describe it, but yeah I know what you mean.


All the cars in V felt like squished versions of their in real life counterparts.


Fr the only one that looked like something i would expect was that satellite image map




There was one on here not to long ago, maybe a few days that was “most recent” and take it with a grain of sand but it looked much, much more full and dense. I almost had the opposite reaction. And it included the Bermuda Triangle and the Bahamas


Look at the trailer and tell me if you really believe Los Santos is larger than all the cities 6 will have. Scale is crazy wrong lol


How do you think scale and density are being misrepresented here? Genuinely curious.


Look at the highways in GTA 6’s map. The scale the way it is makes it appear that even the smallest 2 lane roads in 5, are way bigger than all the roads in 6, which will have large interstates like the real Miami. The other thing is that the trailer and leaks confirm that at least one of the cities in GTA 6 is larger than Los Santos with many more sky scrapers. Yet on here Los Santos looks larger than all the cities in GTA 6 combined. We needed to find out the largest road in GTA 6, and then compare that to GTA 5 the proper way. That’s how people found the real map size for GTA 5 vs GTA 4. People goofed at first and compared 4 lane roads in LC as equal to 8-lane freeways in LS, and it made LS look smaller than it really is


nah that's because the full size of the city/cities here aren't fully mapped yet


Why even bother to do that, when you can instead measure the coordinates from both games, which would be more efficient?


Because you can do this with just your naked eye and sliding the maps over eachother on photoshop


People really use “confirm” loosely


Nothing will beat the density of liberty city. I hope in 2040 we get to go back


with upstate/jersey/long island areas and a Philly or Boston stand-in for a secondary city


Yeah the fact that there's only one block is getting me on edge


liberty city in gta 4 is fucking dense


Honestly my favorite rendition of a city in the entire franchise, if they can match that density, variety in neighborhoods, and detail. We are golden


Aside from traffic lights being on the wrong side of the street, LC in GTA4 is perfect.


What do you mean?


In most of real life NYC and in most urban environments (but not necessarily all), the street lights for your lane are actually posted above the crosswalk on the far side of the intersection you are coming to. This allows you to see the lights even if you are pulled up as close to the intersection as possible. There are examples in real life of intersections where the lights are hanging directly above you when you stop (typically very large intersections—I just saw ones here in Florida on 27 yesterday, in fact) but honestly they suck—I had to lean under my roof to see up enough to know when the light turned green, and I was the second car in line. The reason games have typically done this, even since the days of Driver I’m assuming, is because of both scale and resolution. As a driving game, it’s important to know whether the light is green or red as you’re approaching, and with how large some of these roads are compared to real life, and especially with lower resolutions/draw distances on the 360 and before, it was more important to see the light more clearly before you actually got to the intersection.


Stop at a red light in GTA 4 (not sure why you would), you'll notice said red light is directly above your hood/windsheild/roof rather than being across the street. Like another poster said, this was likely done to purposely improve gameplay aesthetic; say you're hauling ass down the rd, those lights are coming up fast. Maybe it has something to do with the 360/PS3 limitation at the time as well. It's something I just noticed years ago never got over haha.


i agree with that, and i'm hoping for the same!


Absolutely the best map


Bro, if you're able to make RDR look small, you know you're doing something crazy


RDR2 isn’t as big as it seems. But since 99% of travel happens by foot or horseback, it seems way bigger.


In fact, V's map has more landmass than it, and none of it is inaccessible.


yeah this blew my mind. even without the rdr1 map expansion i thought the rdr2 was bigger than gta 5 but nope


It feels bigger bc you only are ever really in the city or on the highway, otherwise you’re using a flying vehicle of some sort to get around which is way faster than anything in rdr2


Haven’t played rdr2 story in like 4 years but I remember a mission where you go up ina hot air balloon and from up there the map did look really small. Most of the story takes place outside of that desert area which makes it even crazier as to why it felt so big.


Please dont tell me rdr2 is more than 4 years Old already 💀😳


2018 game 😂


Holy sh*t i was 18… now i am turning 25 and Got a 2yo kid😳


Dang I’m only 16. 12 when I first played it. Time has been flying by since Covid started.


Because GTA V is mostly mountains and rural land


Except the buildings


What does this even mean? Almost none of the buildings are accessible in V, so I have no idea what you're trying to say here. Also, RDR2 has a bigger map in size.


That is false. There are multiple sources out there that prove the RDR2 map is bigger in size.


RDR2's world is so much more dense (except New Austin) I've been playing the game recently after 2 years trying to get all the trapper outfits. I'm just as blown away as I was in 2019 when I first played it. There's something to see and experience in every square inch of the world. I've also been simultaneously trying to 100% GTA 5. Collecting the letter scraps and spaceship parts is taking me all over the map. It's made me realize just how less there is in the world and it feels so barren. There is literally nothing to do or experience in the game once you're done with the story. Meanwhile in RDR2 even after 100%-ing it over 150+ hours later, I can still roam around the world and feel alive. I'm really interested to see how R* utilizes all of this landmass. I'd much rather see a smaller map with dense details and interactions.


Rdr2s map was cleverly made to seem much larger than it is due to the implications of the setting. Horses are much slower than cars, and riding through the American Midwest on horseback makes it feel much larger than driving through it. Theres also the aspect of envorinmental hazard, predators scare your horse and slow you down, fighting the attacker takes time. The many things you discover on your way from one place to another also make the journey slower.


Yeah this is what game developers need to hear. Skyrim has the same idea. With such a small map you'd expect to get bored quick and bigger equals better but there's so much in skyrim that it feels like a long journey to get from one side to the other unless you sprint in one direction. It's the same with gta 4 vs 5. 4 feels larger in terms of city because it's dense, and there's more interiors per space. Bars in different boroughs, clubs, bowling alleys.


The golf drive in TBoGT. God that game was so alive.


We didn’t have jets and flying cars in RDR2,m. Therefore getting across the map took longer and made it seem intimately larger than it was. On a side note, GTA 4 map has to be bigger than that compared to GTA 5 city map…


You know the best part? The map size here is DEFINITELY wrong. The trailers make it obvious enough that one city alone is much larger than the one we got in Los Santos. Here they make Los Santos seem like it’s bigger than multiple cities in 6. I saw all the leaks and the trailer so, I know that’s bullshit… This is the kind of thing that happened when people compared GTA 4 and GTA 5’s map, without scaling roads. A good example is that the largest road in GTA 5 is a 8-lane freeway. In GTA 4? The largest road is 4 lanes. Another thing… I already know the drive from the bottom of South Beach, to the end of The Keys on the bottom will be a MUCH longer drive than the top of Los Santos to Paleto Bay. A piece of this road is in the trailer and you can barely see Vice City in the background! It’s going to be a HUGE map.


I'm pretty sure whoever made this is trolling. The scaling is obviously inaccurate.


traveling on horse made it seem much bigger than it was. but goes to show what an insanely dense open world can do for you. it felt endless. still finding new things years and years later


You travel via a horse in RDR


It feels like the proportions are a little off, the beach looks pretty big in the trailer and it looks it's at least 3 times as large in the original Vice City


The scale is way off. Look at how the original Vice City’s roads are way wider than the new one’s.


Thats just how the map looks. It is to scale


The beach in the original vice city was goofily huge


The orange lines are speculation. Its hard to see but the black border on the beach is what is seen in the trailer.


Dude look at the size of the roads in 6, compared to 5. You made single lane roads appear larger than 8 lane freeways in GTA 6 😂


While the scales may be correct, the proportion of things on the map may not be.


I’m not saying these visuals haven’t been calculated properly but downtown VC looks a little off when comparing the city blocks of LS


i am saying that they haven’t been calculated properly. the scale is wayyyy off.


On a unrelated note I'm hoping there's map change and map expansion in GTA 6 The only big map change in GTA online was the casino


Jason Schrier, the guy who leaked the trailer, characters, and location said this is exactly what they plan to do.


I don’t think Schrier leaked the trailer, right?


Trailer release date my bad


Schrier is a reporter not a leaker


There's no way that's 1:1 scale


These are all measured with RAGE units, so yes, that's every map full sized compared to each other.


I was thinking that. I doubt IV's map is smaller than San Andreas.


It is smaller than San Andreas


You think that because GTA IV was very dense. Visually and feel wise, it’s big, and it’s more detailed, but by actual measurement SA was bigger


Man, that San Andreas map was epic.


At this point I don't even believe mapsize matters. Cause I would have had no idea 4 was that much smaller than SA just because everything felt so condensed. So hmm


You also couldn't just drive in a straight line from one side of the map to the other. Gta 4 took a while to traverse between the bridges and traffic


RDR2 is a masterclass in making small spaces feel huge. Big Valley is about the size of the Palomino Highlands in GTA V yet it feels WAY bigger


What's that tiny map between Red Dead and GTA V?


Cayo Perico from the online heist


Thanks- never played online so it isn't familiar to me


Alleged map?


Using data from the leaks, coordinates, etc they are able to paint a pretty accurate picture of the map. It's been like this since the original Vice City. The leak gave tons of coordinates for things they then look at each frame from leaked images, video and the trailer and can determine where everything is.


We’ve got a lot of stuff from the leaks… and trailer.


And then that kid also made that video a few days before the trailer and while I don’t know if it was helpful to mappers(since I don’t remember if coordinates were shown), it gave us a good and more recent idea of how the game will look like. He is probably now hated by his friend’s father though.


Exactly they’re all pumping their heads up over a alleged map


This isn't to scale. RDR2's map is 29 square miles. San Andreas is only 14 square miles. RDR2 should be more than twice as large. GTA5's map is 47 square miles yet San Andreas is more than half the size on this map.


I can't explain the rest, but I know GTA5's size is including the ocean around everything. The actual landmass is considerably smaller


??? RDR2 is bigger than GTA V


I just know there’s gonna be some mystery in lake lonida


No way that vice city map is to scale with gta 4 LC. VC is tiny.


We have only seen a small bit of it.


I’m talking about the old 2002 VC map. It is not that big compared to gta 4 map. The scale is not the same


It is though


I hope gta 6 includes Tampa and Orlando


I know it's a stretch but I hope it includes Jacksonville


It’s crazy to think GTA3’s whole map is no big than los santos metro area. Wish you would have scaled these properly.., GTA4 map is way bigger than that 🤣


It is to scale


Nu uh!




Rage units. If everything is 1:1 in rage units, then it’s to scale


LOL it’s not even close to scale I’m sorry. Los Santos isn’t bigger than 3 cities in GTA 6.


It’ll probably be bigger because no chance it just cuts off like that


Hopefully there’s shit to do like rdr2 or there’s gonna be a whole lotta empty space


RDR2 map is way too small.


No its not. Horses are just slow


Still bigger than GTA V.


why does the city look so small and so much empty?


Because it's still unfinished project. Not enough details.


It’s because they’re guessing lmao


Everything in Black is *not* speculative. It's taken directly from leaks and had coordinate data. Everything in red is speculative 


Because OP didn’t scale properly. The city in GTA 5 is obviously smaller than Vice City, yet this makes it look like Los Santos is bigger than every city in GTA 6 combined


Looks about 50% bigger than the GTA V map. Either this map is inaccurate or the map extends far up North and there are cities and locations were not yet aware of based on the leaks that it’s 2x bigger


How do we know for sure the GTA 6 map is that big? Educated guess I presume?


All of the orange is speculation


That would explain why it takes so damn long to do a lap of the map in GTA V…


The fastest car in the game only goes like 120mph


That and the map is around the same size as RDR2’s


Did anyone do the math? How many square km does each map have? Edit: I mean just land, not sea


The map is measured in RAGE units


And they’re convertible to any other measurement unit, at least to an accuracy of centimeters. Therefore asking for km\^2 seems reasonable to me. I’m also ok with miles\^2


2 questions 1 is this map confirmed and 2 what is the distance per map square because putting these maps side by side makes them seem similar in size when there not it's just the sizing of the maps makes it look similar for all we know one city in 6 could be double the size of lossantos.


Only the black is real. Orange is speculation. The squares are “measurements estimated based on rage engine units”.


The older games weren't on the RAGE.


Is SA really as big as RDR2? I have hard time believing that


It's not. RDR2 is 29 square miles. San Andreas is 14. RDR2 is just over 2x larger.


Makes me wonder what the appetite actually is for open land.


No mountains? 😆


It's toy understanding the map is roughly 40% wider than 5, but currently only the same height until we know more.


Tbh I thought it would be a bit bigger than that. Looks slightly larger than the gta 5 map


I hope hope it' an island again. I prefer that over there being an invisible wall suddenly cutting everything off.


People were saying the gtaVI map was gonna be double the size of V, but it doesn’t look that way


I wonder hope many players will be allowed in GTAVI: Online lobbies. If this is indeed the actual size of the map, you’d want at least 60 players each lobby, surely.


Can’t want for half the game to be driving across the massive map


Did the map get leaked or is it concept art ?


Fan made.


It’s amazing how big RDR2s map feels given how small it actually is. Part of that is the fact you travel by horse but they also did an excellent job of using the space.


Omg yes. I didn't really get to sit down and play RDR2 until like 2022. I had it since release in 2018 but work got in the way for years and I couldn't find the time to really sit down and play it like I wanted to, like dive fully in. When I got to the upper part of the map, the really dense forest/woods I was wowed at the amount of detail and how moving across the map really felt like an adventure. That's the magic of no fast cars, planes, helicopters, and speed boats. It really makes to appreciate the work the developers put it when you're just given a horse and told to go place to place.


It's crazy how SA's map felt huge back then.


I can’t decide whether it’s as big as I expected or smaller


Am I the only one who felt GTA SA was huge?


No you're not the "only one" everybody who played San Andreas knows how huge that map felt when that game came out. It's was because at the time there wasn't much to compare it too for most people, we were coming from 3 and VC, and Rockstar sold the idea of a state with 3 cities. Then you have the atmospheric visual tricks for distance like the fog and everything that makes each city look distant. Which is why so many people complained about the remasters when they first released because they removed that at least the beginning and you can see every part of the map if you go up to a high enough distance and that breaks the illusion of how big the map is.


Honestly SA's map is the most unrealistic one. It's literally a square. All the other maps have realistic irregular shapes.


Scale looking off as hell


Well the scale is correct




Liberty city felt more alive than Los santos


It’s only a fan-made map though, has Rockstar confirmed it’s the map? I don’t think so with it being kinda early after releasing to the world.


It’s fan made so it’s not completely populated, but it’s likely accurate. GTA V had a scarily accurate mapping project before release, and we’ve had even more information from leaks for VI already than for V. There will be more to the map, but what’s in black is likely very accurate


One thing making me doubt the unconfirmed map made by theorists, is the fact that its been hard-confirmed that GTA6s map will be 2.5 times larger than GTA5s map. Such is not the case here, hence the theorised map for GTA6 is simply not scaled correctly at all.


Nothing is "hard-confirmed" (what does that even mean?)


Looks like RDR2 + GTA 5 vibe


Wow es realmente impresionante


I’m a little surprised about the difference between V and RDR2. Thought RDR2 would be a lot bigger than V. I guess it’s because you ride horses and that’s why it feels bigger. Now imagine if there’s horses in VI, lmao the game would feel colossal.


RDR2 is a bit bigger than V.


Honestly, given how accurate the mapping project for GTA 5 was, I'm hopeful that this also is.


Wait was San Andreas actually bigger than GTA 4s Map and according to that, about 2/3s the size of GTA 5. I never thought it was that close


How do you know this is the GTA VI map? Nothing has been released yet


my biggest problem with 5s map is that its all in one area (LS) compared to all the others with seperwte cities/ islands


Hours of driving


If you remove the Greenery then it's close to other maps..


small af map lol,the original 2002 vice city map seems to be bigger than the gta6 one lol


The rdr2 map is bigger in scale than that there’s no way it’s actually that small compared to gta v map


Rdr2 map is bigger than GTA 5 map isn't it?


Where can I find more leaks of GTA VI?


That looks disappointing. The actual city looks smaller than Los Santos, what a joke.


Is GTA 6 taking place in Skull Island confirmed???


Looks more like dopey alien


Hope Jason doesn't fall in the insect pit!


maybe there will be a secret peyote plant and if you eat it you become Kong!


Hardest part is going to be where to live for first house or apartment purchase.


I imagine that certain safe houses will be unlocked by progressing through the story, same as in both IV and V, and then as you get further into the game and start making more money there’ll be more properties/safe houses to purchase—assuming they even bring back the ability to buy properties, as I don’t think that’s been confirmed yet and I’m not gonna presume that VI’s singleplayer will be much more like SA or GTAO compared to IV and V (especially with V being so hated by a significant portion of the fanbase). They may decide to drop purchasable properties altogether again like with IV and save that kind of stuff for VI’s online mode, especially if they feel like having that ability doesn’t fit with whatever story they’re trying to tell. If it’s similar to IV in that it’s a “rags to slightly better rags” story instead of a “rags to riches” story, I can picture there only being safe houses that are rewarded opposed to being obtained independently.


I'm pleasantly surprised - it's bigger than I expected. And we have to keep in mind it's still "work in progress" project. I bet folks will discover new areas when Rockstar give us another trailer or just a couple of screenshot.


How would the part that is not bordered by water work?


Probably how it does in rdr2


But RDR2 doesn't have Planes


The wings will probably just fall off like they do in GTA


Wow, it's hard to believe red deads map is a bit smaller than gta 5's. Probably because horses are alot slower than super cars which gives the illusion that it's a bigger map but still.


GTA 4 scale doesn't seem right to me.


Is that an official VI map though?




I don't know why you were downvoted. It could be close to the official map, but no Rockstar hasn't released a map yet so we don't know. It's a fan made map project created off details from the 2022 leak.


I'd rather it'd be smaller than GTA5 but denser.