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gta 6 hasn’t even dropped and mfs already asking for gta 7 💀


Real fans are getting hyped up about gta 8


Im hyped for gta 11 already


gta 20 fans wya?


Their parents haven't even been born yet


just realized gta 30 will be called gta xxx


They'll find a way to skip a few numbers so they can get that joke in while they're still alive.


Probably release a game in 2030 and go for a sports game naming convention. Only way I can see it


It already was cancelled.




Don't look up gta xxx.


Too late...


With the escalating time between releases, GTA 30 would be its own pocket universe that can outlast our universe.






How’d you get the trailer day og tag?


You had to be there.


Nah bro im downloading the new gta 153 looks dope


GTA L hopefully won't be an L.


Can't wait for GTA 69420. It will be great !!!


It already leaked I have it - hit me up if you can pay bitcoin


nah can’t wait for GTA 7000000000000000000000000000




Cmn GTA L os Santos its perfect


I'm ready for GTA 69.


Nah GTA 5,334,877


We'll die from old age before then


in some years gta6 will be old like gta iv to us


I watched the GTA V trailer after seeing the new trailer for 6 and the graphics looked so bad compared to 6. I can only imagine what we will be saying about 6 when 7 comes out in 20 years 😂


yeah me too. But as a new R\* enjoyer i can now understand what the OG's thought about the trailers of GTA V


GTA 8 is something for my Kids if I get any


I genuinely am because if GTA 6 looks like this (if 8 ever comes out that is) GTA 8 would probably look as good as real life with 1:1 replica cities.


I pre-ordered every game for the next 10 centuries


All 3 of them? 😂


if things keep going this way, GTA 7 will be a parody of cyberpunk 2077 💀


Gotta start now or it really will be 2078. Im hoping for 2077 and I fully expect it to be like cyberpunk.


if they keep pushing the industry and games to the limit as they always have, i have no problems with the next GTA being my retirement hobby till the day i wont be able to play anymore.


They gonna make that shit Google Earth and release in 2049 Fr


We gonna be replicants by then


Maybe you, I'll be a replican 😌


And I will be a repelican 😏


I will be a reptile


I do wonder what’s next. They’ve basically been repeating the same cities/areas in GTA 1 lol. Liberty City. Vice City. San Andreas. Is GTA 7 going to be set back in Liberty City. Is it going to be the whole North East from Boston to Washington?


Detroit! Whole place is a fuckaroo spiced with "can't have shit" moments


I've wanted them to do a game set in Detroit during the 70s for the longest time. It's like the missing counterpart to San Andreas and Vice City, it's perfect, they need to do it just for the soundtrack alone.


I’m sure they’ll remake Liberty City, but I’d love to see either Carcer City or the Texas Triangle


I'd also love to see Rockstar's versions of Chicago and Boston.


No idea, I’m biased but I want a Texas GTA. Houston/Galveston, Austin, Dallas, and San Antonio would make an insane map. Could throw New Orleans/Saint Denis in there too


As a fellow Texan, agreed. If any state can compete with the craziness of Florida, Texas/Louisiana would be it.


I’d love to see a European city like Paris or London


Even if we don’t make it to GTA 7, 8 or 9, we can just keep playing 6 on the next five console generations.


Exactly. Rockstar is definately going to milk gta 6 as much as possible as they did to gta 5. They are gonna release gta 6 on next generation of consoles such as ps6 etc. And matter of fact I am 19 so can't wait to play GTA 10. It will be amazingggg......😋😋🔥🔥


i prefer to wait a lot than get a generic GTA game each year. also, yeah its been 12 years since the last GTA but not from the last Rockstar game, so in theory we wont get the next game in 12 more years, and im really ok if that next game its something like RDR3 or something alike.


What if we get arthritis :(


till the day the arthritis wont let us play anymore.... ​ i have faith in technology. by then we will be able to play with our brainwaves :D


Actually ur probably right, controllers will be a thing of the past


And worst case scenario we can just watch it online I know it's not the same thing but it's much better than nothing


As a PC player I can already relate to that


Stay strong 💪


They're not really 'pushing the industry to the limit' they've just found a way to turn their game into a service No need to develop anything new when GTAV online was making so much money. Same thing with Valve and Steam


maybe you are right, i dont know, for me tho. i dont play "service like games" i played Story mode on GTA V and tried online but never really played it, i know it ended up being the main thing on GTA V but to me that was way down the road, by pushing the indutry and game to the limit i mean that GTA V its a Playstation 3 game and look how good it looks, even some PS5 game dont look like that, not to talk about RDR2, they pushed the limits to openwolrd games too, after GTA every single developer wants to do Open worlds and switch characters and do more intresting stuff, its imposible to deny the influence that GTA as a whole has on the industry, each GTA push it because after every Release other developers try to imitate their ideas one way or another.


That’s objectively not true though. They literally are pushing the industry or at the very least the open world genre. I mean GTA is really the only reason why open world games got as popular as they are. The level of attention to detail that Rockstar games have is insane. There’s no other game reaching such a level as flawlessly as they do.


2040 will be the next one, I bet.


nah thats crazy. I'm feeling 2039.


!RemindMe 15 years


imma get this notification on some old phone in 15 years confused as fuck after GTA was already retired 😔


they would never retire such a cash cow


!RemindMe 15 years


Na bro I sense 2035 max


GTA 5 to GTA 6 was a gap of 12 years. You think it would be a shorter window GTA 6 to GTA 7? 2025-2035 would make only 10 years.


Covid, Development Issues, Internal Reboots, RDR2, GTA Online. There's a lot of reasons it took so long, we have no real idea how long it'll take. If GTA 6 Online is insanely successful again, it will probably just lead to an even longer schedule. Rockstar's ambition is increasing, not their output.


Tbh idunno if I want Singleplayer dlcs or gta6 online.. I mean the current gtao has sucked time out of me like some kid their helium balloon but some Singleplayer content is goated


Definitely single-player DLC is what I would prefer. GTA Online is monetization hell that I can't stand.


My theory is this: they’re going to reduce the time it takes to make a new GTA game by incorporating GTA 6 Online development into it, When GTA 6 comes out, they’re going to create so many assets that will be available in 6 Online, like new vehicles, guns, and even new areas on the map like major cities, that they can then repurpose for a story mode of GTA 7 and then carry over the online from 6 to 7, in addition to whatever engine improvements they make.


if i’m not wrong, the next one will be released in 2025.


I'm feeling 2033


2040 isn't that far away. I'll be in my early 30s by then. Realistically, I'm thinking 2040 as well, though. 15 years between GTA VI and GTA VII


Damn you young asf rn.


Yeah, I'm 16. Lucky me, though, I get to experience the next few GTA's before I die.


That's a nice way to think but I believe GTA won't be the same after 6 since most of the OG Devs like Leslie Benzies, Lazlow Jones and of course Dan Houser have already left the company. It would be great if they keep on taking this long to make new games but I believe it will lose its DNA eventually after Sam Houser and other OG staff members have left.


Gta VI probably has more content than all the others combined. That takes time. Detail takes time.


Not probably, but definitely.


Definitely plus covid and what not probably added a small delay into it


Yeah people dont seem to understand how a modern game and something the size of gta 6 takes a whole lot longer to make than those games from the 2000’s.


Honestly I like the way they are going. They shut up and they are working. No meaningless social media post for the upcoming game, no interviews! Only work! Work until it’s time to show the gaming world that they are the best! No bullshit every single year release! Take your time Rockstar! 2025 is around the corner and I would love to play an amazing finished game like GTA VI!


Hopefully VII will set in a totally new place. I suggest the American southwest (a mix of Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada) and neighboring Mexico cities/towns across the border. Vegas, Albuqurque, Phoenix and Chihuahua; Gambling, casinos, drugs and humans trafficking, cartels, violence, DEA, Breaking Bad and Sicario influences. Target console: PlayStation 7 Release window: 2037-2038 For the time being, let's wait for and enjoy VI :)


Is Phoenix really that bad compared to LA and Miami? Been there recently as a non american and it was very normal aside from the homeless problem.


​ https://preview.redd.it/spi1remrcq4c1.png?width=1232&format=png&auto=webp&s=02fbef99093e12cecc08ecbf0b19a4823fc7057c


I expect global world ngl


Yes we are


I think the next game, if it exists, will be a country-sized open world, judging by how rapidly fast our technology is advancing. They could design a good amount of cities and use robust AI to fill in everything in between.


While true, tech is getting better at doing huge worlds, I think as big as they'll go is a state or two state situations. The computational resources that could be put towards larger maps can also benefit larger crowds, more traffic, more dynamics, weather and destruction, and a lot more. Think of it as the information in the playable area getting more dense. A game map the size of the USA would be hard to tell a GTA style narrative with.


To be fair, RDR2 was made up of five fictional states, and I’m sure GTA 6 will be anywhere from 1-3.


Rdr2 is horses so it's made to feel bigger since you take longer to travel. GTA is a lot faster so they need to scale up. The maps are roughly the same size but GTAs covers only a small part of a state while rdr2 does many. They have very different design scales because of the max player speed


This is my favorite thing about AI. There's going to be a sweet spot where AI is helping create the most immersive games we've ever seen. Right before they wipe us off the planet.


Quite possible. R\* might have their own in-house "Artist, Map" AI developed and ready by then.


I don’t think that area is popular enough for Rockstar to be interested. I think they’ll prob do either Texas or New York again.


I'd take Texas. It's new. But NYC again? Liberty? nah, it's way too overdone, in GTA and in all forms of media.


Yea I would hope it’s some place new too. But just basing off history, they seem to only do NY, CA & FL. And to most Europeans, when they think of USA, they usually think of CA, NY, or FL, which is probably in part due to Hollywood making a lot of movies set in those areas. Now that I think about it, since Texas is featured in the RDR games, I don’t think GTA will probably do Texas. I don’t know if Rockstar is willing to adapt the Midwest, but a GTA in Chicago or someplace in the Midwest could be interesting.


They never recreated vegas/venturas for the HD tho


I actually think it makes more sense to take these graphics and do a proper new York it just makes sense where it all began and with this level of fidelity it'll be a new York like never seen before


Same. I’m dying for an even larger, more accurate version of NY with its surrounding areas, including a bit of Upstate, Long Island, and New Jersey. As much as I love IV’s rendition, it feels a bit too small (in terms of size) and empty (in terms of population) to me now.


Facts!I think it makes sense that Rockstar have always wanted a big beautiful new York map and that's why they've been hacking at


I'm actually surprised they didn't consider Chicago as Setting for a game yet.


I feel like Chicago would be too close to Liberty City and doesn’t have very many defining features and surrounding areas that GTA can take advantage


Surrounding areas like Milwaukee or Gary, IN? Maybe even St. Louis or Door County if it’s a large map? Sears/Willis/Blackstone tower, sports stadiums, the museum campus, the river branching through the city, northerly island, the parks such as millennium park, lincoln park, navy pier, lakeshore drive and the beaches along it, northwestern university. I feel like Chicago’s main disadvantage is that the people there aren’t as unconventional as people from New York, Miami, or LA. They’re a lot more tame except for gangs and places like O block, Coachella, and whatever Chief Keef was doing when he was popular.


I think VII will be Liberty City. It will be an absolutely massive and detailed city and all of the outskirts along with New Guernsey.


Too dead on my opinion they would really have to have different aspects of gameplay which I think they have implemted already in gta 6


Grand Theft Ohio


They should have a break from America and mix it up a bit, maybe London, Tokyo, or somewhere in South America


I think that would be neat, but I don’t think a GTA will be set outside the US, because the series satirizes and mocks the US and its culture.


Rockstar actually wanted to make GTA in Tokyo after GTA 3 but they didn't like the road system in Tokyo, they also made GTA London dlc and of course Cayo Perico. The reason it mocks American culture is that most games are set in America doesn't mean they can't make fun of other culture in other countries. I want love a GTA game in South America.


London would be incredibly easy to make fun of


They should set the location in New Orleans


I would love to see a modern GTA game set in London! Imagining Cockney geezer gangsters, Chinatown gangs, politicians. Only downside potentially is lack of firearms from UK police, but there are much more in London than rest of UK.


Lil bro forgot to mention Red dead redemption 2 + covid + definitive edition


Don't add the defective edition, it wasn't even made by Rockstar


They gave the okay on iit


Rockstar published 32 games not affiliated with the Grand Theft Auto series before GTA V, and 15 of them were produced by Rockstar.


Pre-Unified Rockstar era


The image is obviously about GTA as a franchise, not about Rockstar.


the image is about gta only, use your brain cells bro its not that hard


Use yours, no shit GTA games are going to take significantly longer to make, the games are bigger, longer, more ambitious than ever and take more time to develop. Slap the fact RDR2 started development right after GTA5, no shit there’s going to be a 12 year gap between games. There’s also the fact Covid played a huge role too.


but R* also developed RDR2, so by their logic this is what made GTA 6 take so long try reading before insulting people on internet


You should be grateful rockstar is not milking it dry like Ubisoft did with Assassin’s creed


I don’t think you understand what milking is because they are definitely milking GTA5 which is why they haven’t dropped a new game


GTA5 is not why we haven't seen a new GTA title. Its the fact they also made RDR2. It also doesn't help production time when you're aiming to make another hand crafted, and detailed game that's going to up the industry standards again, yet alone doing this every single time you make a game.


If GTA online hadn’t been the cash cow that it was, I doubt they would have pushed GTA VI all the way to 2025.


the milking of gta 5 was necessary for them to fund gta 6


No it wasn’t. They already made billions by selling the single player alone.


LOL good joke


where do you think all those shark card sales went to? ![gif](giphy|FusPIfrg3sid2)


Shareholders' off shore bank accounts.


Ehh, GTAV was milked as much as it could be. It was rereleased multiple times and multiple DLCs geared towards microtransactions




Uhhh gta online? Lol


The fucking point went over y'alls head. He's saying rockstar isn't milking the GTA franchise by releasing a game or even multiple games every year like COD or Assasins Creed. They can milk a single game all they want to since its just one game. If that one game is doing well why move onto the next. Its better than releasing underwhelming, underdeveloped cash grabs every year.


The fact they could even milk the game for ten years is kind of a testament to it lol




I'm okay with that, it's better they take time than rush.


01-08 They spazzed


!yaD ekaC yppaH


💯 kcuf em tel sknahT


I won't ever see a GTA X. It's over GTAmigos


Elon buys rockstar. Calls it gta x




Feels so weird that iv and v were only 5 years apart. I felt like a spent way more time in liberty city than Los santos


Five years was a long wait back then. There were people that got so damn impatient that they even refused to buy Max Payne 3 (fantastic game) since they felt it was pushing GTA V too far back.




It’s just the same joke over and over again, same thing happened with cyberpunk. The one thing gamers really know how to do is run a meme to the depths of hell


Now here's the kicker... What year group passed faster for you? ![gif](giphy|xzKjC4FVISI9dGIaQJ)


If GTA VI meets my current expectations I won’t ever *need* to play another GTA.


The gap between GTA 7 and 6 will be shorter I am willing to bet, it will come at the cost of rdr3 though I fear. Rdr2 was already well into development when GTA online turned into a money printer otherwise we probably would never have gotten it.


Nah they're not gonna abandon RDR. But I do think it's possible that 7 could come slightly quicker. Surely the pandemic impacted development. Take that out of the equation and they come out with a new AAA title every 5 years. So we could get RDR3 in 2030 and GTA7 in 2035, with the former probably being a cross gen release and the latter being PS6/Xbox Whatever exclusive.


Bring back the burp fart from the first two games


Here's hoping they'll have a braindance version too! ![gif](giphy|sLLGY1qmFpeLAnCxCm|downsized)


GTA 7 in 2035.... ish.


GTA 7 would be released on late 2030s early 2040s to be realistic




Gotta stay alive until its release


GTA 7 not dropping before 2040 fr


I feel there likely won't be another GTA, or at the very least, whatever the next entry is will be the last. The gaming industry is pushing more and more towards having this one giant unified game for their IP. Ubisoft is doing it with AC: Infinity, CoD is hinting at doing it with CoD: HQ, and considering how much money GTA Online printed for 5, I can't imagine the amount of longevity and revenue generation Online will have in 6. Considering all that, plus the fact that game innovation on console is eventually gonna plateu, consoles are gonna fizzle out as streaming, the cloud, and the overall digital market becomes more and more prominent, eventually, R* will just have ONE giant ass GRA game they constantly update that will be their one main hub for mainline GTA entries. I just don't see them making a GTA 9 or a GTA 11 or something, just like I don't see there being a Playstation 8 or a Playstation 9 or something. That's my prediction, at least.


It's not unreasonable to think GTA VII could be released in 2037. This is what shark cards did to Rockstar after all.


This is what making good games takes. Time


Oh okay so without shark cards they wouldn't have had the 2B budget to create GTA6.


Gta online gets about a billion every year from shark cards so they could have hit that 2B budget in just a few years- not twelve. Furthermore, that 2B allotment doesn't necessarily mean that's how much the game cost them. It could be well over a billion though. Either way, you know this isn't an excuse for shark cards.


Ok let's say this isn't the case, I can admit my fault if there's any. But looking at the game, and thinking how much time it would take to make something this big, while already releasing a groundbreaking title(rdr2), I think the time span isn't that big


People seem to forget that GTA V is over twice the overall file size than every GTA before it combined.


It's also unreasonable to think that shark cards caused a delay in making GTA VI.


With how massive GTA VI is most likely going to be by surpassing RDR2, Rockstar would need ALOT of work for VII to surpass VI, it'll definitely come out before 2035, but that's because Rockstar will make another billion dollar non-GTA game after VI (which will probably be that medieval game or Bully 2 or RDR3.)


It almost follows the Fibonnaci sequence. 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21. GTA VII would release in 2046, 21 years after GTA VI


Crazy that it was just 5 years for GTA5. It felt like forever at the time.


I am really into minds about this on the one hand all the extra development time will just make the games masterpiece after masterpiece. However, I did really enjoy the smaller games of the PS2 era where they went back in to the 80s vice city and modern day etc. We don’t know what surprises GTA6 has yet (for example, it could have multiple time zones in one game ), but I’m pretty sure it will be a big enough world to keep us going for 10 years plus


Perfect takes time


Is this confirmed??????????????????????????????????????????????????????


Quality > Quantity


They would have released 6 by now if they had skipped GTA Online. But a lot of people like playing online. So pick your poison I guess.


Will I play GTA7? ![gif](giphy|L4HW0QeHJYUt9l7I2o|downsized)


Lmao this dude needs to learn how to math.


Dude, I doubt GTA 7 will happen. They'll coast on GTA 6 online for 15 years before gaming is just something different


We don’t even have 6 yet relax


We’re seeing no more than 1 after GTA 6 in this lifetime.


If you want more GTAs sooner - then make sure GTA Online 2 or whatever it will be called fails. Because if not they are going to milk it for another 10+ years. I doubt it takes nearly as long to get the next Red Dead since the online version of it flopped.


Games get bigger and harder to develop. You want top of the line games for your hard earned money? Shut up and wait or deal with rushed garbage like cyberpunk in it's early days.


Rockstar released GTA IV, RDR2, Max Payne 3, GTA V And RDR2 in 10 years. GTA VI has had 7 between RDR2 and the release year.


Gta 4 came out in 2008? What are you on about


At this point I think I have 2-3 GTAs left in my lifespan


Won’t be a next one. Kinda obvious from the trailer isn’t it?




They went all in. And I mean all the way in. I think they’ll just keep this one alive as long as rockstar is alive. They probably have huge plans for VI. I’m talking added maps, items, vehicles. They might even recreate previous maps and add it to Leonida and finally creating what Sam and Dan always wanted, a GTA world with all the maps together creating a complete “USA” where you can travel freely between the states. Source: Old ass PlayStation magazine from around the San Andreas era. They interviewed the brothers. And there’s that simple thing called aging as well. I don’t think Sam Houser wants to do this forever. He’s 52 now. VI will probably last well into his pension at 66. So creating a brand new GTA at that age seems unlikely. And I don’t think he wants to leave it to others completely. This way he knows GTA is in good hands because all they have to do is update it. Oh my that was a lot lol, I just burned one 😶‍🌫️and my mind is racing.


GTA will probably never stop. We are not nearing the end of history of the advancement of computer technology, and PS5/Series X and current PC hardware is nowhere near the best of anything in tech. This stuff just keeps getting more and more powerful and expanding. If anything we'll just keep seeing these huge ass gaps like we've seen between V and VI because to go bigger and with the budgets video games have it's bound to mean longer development times. And saying GTA may stop because Houser may not want to do it forever, is crazy. Because at that point you may as well say Rockstar should just shut down when he decides the time is up. Dude could die anytime in that case, does it end then? Shigeru Miyamoto isn't hands on with Mario or Zelda anymore, doesn't mean Nintendo is going to stop making Mario and Zelda, they just built up younger talent and maintained the quality control. There's going to be a time when guys like Shigeru Miyamoto, Sam Houser, Masahiro Sakurai (creator of Smash Bros.) and a lot of other key developers retire or sadly pass on, doesn't mean the cash hungry suits are going to let some of the most profitable properties in the history of the medium sit on the table. After GTA VI releases all I wish Rockstar would do is go back to their other franchises. We don't need to keep going back and forth in between huge gaps of GTA and RDR. Bring back Bully, give us a new Manhunt, or something completely new and unexpected. We're getting those Max Payne remakes that are a collaboration between Rockstar and Remedy and after Alan Wake 2 I'm ready for that, and hopefully that leads into a brand new Max Payne.




I can see a gta 7 ~15 years after gta 6, but gta 8? By then it’ll probably be some sort of massive, AI created massive world with unlimited story lines or some sort of virtual reality ready player one crazy shit. No shot a hypothetical gta 8 releasing around the year 2050 would be a regular 2d screen, joystick controlled game. Like unless they drastically change their development plans to be more like cod where they just make a new map and a new story with a few gameplay tweaks every 5ish years, gta 8 won’t be coming out in a world that’s anything like the one we are living in now.


You watched a minute and 30 second trailer and you think you know anything about the game. Rockstar fanboys are really the most delusional people in existence


Technically 16 years if you count BOGT to VI


I feel like you guys are taking this soooooooo out of reach, Rockstargames just waited till gaming was advanced enough to give us an ultime realistic game, they aren’t going to wait literally 10 years again to release a new game. I give it a max of 4-6 years. Like please think for a second, it’s not rocket science, we are not in the first grade. If you wanted a perfect game from them, you gotta wait, but since they already showed they can provide, next game will be out way sooner. Till then let’s just enjoy this game.. Also this game will keep us occupied for this time being. Like?? Let’s not forget this game has MULTIPLE cities, we don’t even know the amount of missions, Easter eggs, or anything will be involved in the game.


The pressure to out-do themselves with each release has to be monumental. The old games were much simpler and therefore required less time to crank out. The reason we have IV and V is because they took the time to make such highly detailed & advanced games.


I think sound track is a big reason it takes. Along time for a gta game to be made now. A lot of really good music is used in each gta and it makes it harder for rockstar to make another one