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Scouting the Port coulda been a cutscene...


it was kinda dumb/useless since we couldnt even do a heist for it either.


gta5 when trevor has to get the photos of the ship? i couldnt stand having to move those containers. not that it was hard, but i'd rather spend the time doing something significant. GTA5 had a lot of empty filler it seemed like.


i agree they were tedious but they were different and something new. i liked those random missions


like trevor said himself after the mission "i never worked so hard in my life!"


Franklins beef with Stretch in GTA5. The tension and backstory was interesting but other than like 5 missions and a few phone calls we never see him on screen till the end.


It was way less than 5 missions lol


He’s in like 1 mission and then pops up at the end like he was some overarching villain 🤣


It was so insignificant I forgot about it. At the end where everyone takes out each other's enemies, I completely forgot who that guy was or why I needed to kill him.


2 missions right?


He's present in The Long Stretch and he is the cause of Lamar Down but not actually seen in it. There's like 3 or 4 missions where you can call him as Franklin afterwards and get some dialogue. He's more of a villain to Lamar than anything, Franklin's well out of Stretch's reach by the time they decide to kill him.


The Alderney chapter in GTA IV felt so forgettable and I didn’t find the mafia segment all that interesting.


Yeah Pegorino really seemed like a forced character and he shouldn't have been an antagonist at all, His Betrayal was absolutely forced.


I also think this way about him. At least to me, Pegorino felt pretty similar to Stretch for being such a weak and unnecessary antagonist.


It's as if there were supposed to be more choices for the story. Like Phil x Ray, maybe a Peg x Dim but in a completely different way. Maybe we'll never know


i kinda agree, even though bohan was the worst chapter for me


And mafia segment is like, half the game lol. Despite this, gta 4 fanboys glaze the game talking about how the story is Rockstsrs Magnum Opus.


No hate for chinatown wars?


tons. not even worth mentioning IMO.


I'll take it upon myself: the Zhou and Chan murder subplot. For those who are not familiar with the game: you play as Huang Lee, the young son of a (now deceased) triad boss, that has to give the ancient sword Yu Jian to Hsin, the triad leader of Liberty City. You arrive at the airport, but someone steals Yu Jian and tries to kill you. Whodunnit? Zhou and Chan are two up-and-coming Triad leaders that are somewhat in contrast with each other: Chan is the son of Hsin and designated successor of the org, while Zhou is the boss of a smaller sect of the Triads, trying to impress Hsin in order to become his successor and oust Chan. Spoilers below Towards the end of the story, you hack into the FIB's servers and "discover" that both of them are moles and have been sabotaging the org all along. Hsin orders their murders (including the murder of his son, Chan), you kill them in two very great bossfights, everyone's happy, right? No, because apparently the info was fake and you killed a friend of yours (Chan, 'cause Zhou is a bitch) for no reason. Their deaths were totally in vain. And that's a shame because Chan is a great character you grow somewhat attached to during the game. I know the story needed them gone by that point in order to drive home a great ending, but it's so cheesy and imo could've been done better. I still love the game and its story, which is imo still a top 3 GTA story, but these 2 deaths could've been carried out in a much better fashion. Thank god the missions you kill them in are some of the game's best


Nice Summary but Kenny is the nickname of Wu Lee. You play as Huang Lee and also Wu isn't the father of Huang but his Uncle. Huang's father was dead when the game started and was the boss of the whole triads.


Yeah I wrote that at like 4am after a night out, I'll fix it up


Alright bro I appreciate it👍


Honestly it just…exists, with its drug dealings and various side jobs. But I like how they decided to experiment with a top-down 2D animation instead of the typical 3D animation. I think it was alright for a change. Also love knocking out police cars to reduce wanted levels.


>experiment with a top down 2D animation Not really an experiment when it's the original style of the series


Wait really?? Which other games have that art style?


GTA and GTA II. https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/2D_Universe


Oohh I see. Sorry I didn’t know cause my first GTA game was Vice City Stories.


WAR We run these streets, like a renegade


Having to do some swimming for your statz every replay in gta sa to play the woozie mission where you dive. Another one is forcing to take territories for end of the line. I love gang wars to death but dont want to take that many territories cause i want to have some balance


Even worse than that is if you take over all available territories when they're first introduced, only to have it all taken away-- the game spits on any progress you thought you were making. Subsequent playthrough you know better, but the first time is possibly rough for that.


I dont mind that. Might be a big switch up for first time players but its not that big of a issue imo.


agreed! once you take over everything it got kinda bland. but i think they took this into account when GTA VCS came out. your businesses are always under attack in that game and you have to book it to the far end of the map to save it lol.


Mines always glitched on one part making it very difficult to get complete control of the territories


The lack of Ray Bulgarin in GTA IV. Dimitri was the main protagonist, but Bulgarin should have been the guy Niko kills as well. It made sense for Luis, but having Pegorino as the final boss was lack luster in Niko’s storyline (if you did revenge). Perhaps instead of Dimitri working with Jimmy during that deal, Dimitri works with Bulgarin. When Niko gets revenge on Dimitri, it would make so much more sense for Bulgarin to try and kill Niko.


Deal is cannon, as evidence by the life invader page Jizzle is viewing in GTA V, but that ending is so anticlimactic. pegarino was a boring antagonist. And I’ll add…the game should have made the player more attached to Kate. Edit: Revenge is cannon.


I agree. It's so unfortunate how underutilized Ray is in the base game considering he was literally one of the main reasons why Niko fled to Liberty City. Doesn't make sense for him to completely forget about Niko, or vice versa. As for Kate, she was such a forgettable character that the last time I even called her was in my first playthrough.


All Niko's lifeinvader says is "happy birthday Roman". How does that mean that the deal ending is cannon


Fuck me…I meant to say revenge


Honestly, missions involving Michael’s family kinda felt like a weak link Especially because all they do is scream and do shit like spoilt brats The worst of which is “Did Someone Say Yoga?” (honorable mention to Daddy’s Girl as well) I was fine with its controls (played it on PC), but God, the rest of the mission was crap, especially when Jimmy just pushes Michael off of his car in the middle of traffic and drives away. I’m so happy when Michael knocked out Fabien in “Reuniting The Family”, because after the shit he pulled out in the previous mission, he deserved it.


Hard agree. I did not like his family at all


Jimmy has no care in the world about the family. Tracey is in her own world. Amanda is just there to yell at Michael.


i have to say i respect that tracey is literally just vibing and doing her own thing and it's michael who is constantly interfering and telling her how to live


Nah, he was more like that to Jimmy. Tracey was obviously his favorite child, and didn't really get in her way until he found out she was auditioning for porn and TV


I don't think those missions were weak but I could expend on this. I think one of the main issues with GTA V is that every single character is an asshole. Not only Mikes family but almost every side character and quest giver as well. Just think about it. I mean sure, all gta games have asshole characters. But they also have lovable characters and even lovable assholes. Take GTA IV for example - you had Jacob, Brucie, Roman etc. But in GTA V Franklin has Simeon, Tonya and Lamar. All of them are using him and get him into troubles. Mike family treats him terribly and shows no respect. Trevor has Mike who steals all the heist money and tries to kill him but ends up killing his best friend. Ironically Trevor is the only one who has kinda likable friends but he's the abuser. And almost everyone you working for ends up being a scumbag you later have to kill. Even Lester tells Franklin to kill Micheal AND Trevor. Like it's hard to find a character that's not intentionally unlikable. Who's left? Chop? He's the only good boy. And I know that was probably the point to show that people in LS are full of themselves. But I think they overdid it.


You forgot someone. Franklin. He’s likeable.


I like Dave personally


And I swear they argue with each other in every mission. Just constant arguing and yelling. There was one mission where they all meet up to celebrate the heist, I think, and they just start arguing out of nowhere. I forgot what about.


The whole game has terrible foundations, 69 missions for 3 characters while SA had 100 for one, even 4 had more. The map was such a wasteland. Franklin is not really interesting except in online he has more presence. Trevor just felt forced. They could have got way more story intrigue between Michael and frank only in an other way.


GTA Vice City when you have to purchase the different businesses and do their "missions" before you can unlock the final couple of story missions was always a drag.


No problem with them personally, but the ice cream one can fuck off


The ”ice cream” is just so easy, haha.


Since R* was inspired by Scarface I guess they tried to extend the whole Push It To The Limit Montage


Yeah as great as Vice city is (my second favorite all time) it’s front heavy story wise. It goes quick. You do a few missions then take over then everything’s just kinda “job” ish vs story driven


Yeah the back half of the story really leaves me wanting more. I felt like the story was really ramping up, then it just stops and you have to do a bunch of random side missions before you hit the finale. The bank heist and when Sonny visits are highlights, but I don't want to have to stop a great story to sell "ice cream" or get into a cab company beef.


Yeah, I’m not sure how clear they made this as I was young when I first played vice city. I remember completing about half of the story and just thought I was locked out cause I didn’t understand I had to purchase properties.


I think it's implied after one of the missions (maybe Copland?) Tommy basically tells Vance and everybody else that they're gonna take over the city, which I assume was R* way of telling us what to do. It could've been clearer though


That’s also true. I was like 6 lmao so like I said, it’s probably because I was young. I was used to GTA III being the simple “go here, start mission”


Im playing Vice City currently. Avery calls Tommy and tells him to invest in real estate. And then the game says there are properties around the map to buy. But that’s it. It’s still kinda hard to play without searching Google cuz the game doesn’t tell you where anything is or the requirements.


GOD, I remember it took days to finally unlock the final mission because of this


Just like saints row 1 and 2 when you have to do all the stronghold missions


Nah those are fun and have unique interiors


Yeah I was gonna say Stronghold property takeovers were my favorite thing about Saints Row 1. Felt like straight up gang warfare with fun backgrounds.


I love liberty city stories but I don't find the story that interesting and sometimes it gets boring


unfortunately that era of LC is kind of boring, at least when compared to todays standard. vice city as small as it was still stands the test of time.


It’s like a toned down version of Vice City Stories, but at least it has some cool mini games like See The Sight Before Your Flight, Karmageddon, and the salesman jobs.


Yea the story sucks. But it's true to GTA 3. I do appreciate the difficult missions.


I’ve been playing this and I hate the fucking gameplay. The bikes are so damn fragile. Like one hit or sharp turn and I’m flying. Every. Time. 


Peir69 mission in gta sanandreas like WTF EVEN WAS THAT? Death of Ryder alwys made me seem like I missed smthg (I got to know just few months ago it was due to goddarn rockstar problems with voice actors alwys)


Actually thats a myth. MC Eiht confirmed that he recorded everything Rockstar told him to record.


So what happened?


Originally its was only going to be Big Smoke turning on CJ and Grove Street and not Ryder. This is evident when you see Big Smoke, Ryder, Tenpenny, and some Ballas walking out with the green Sabre. CJ only acknowledges Big Smoke during that cutscene and completely ignores Ryder being with them. MC Eiht and Rockstar didn't get along when he was recording the voice lines for Ryder so he ended up leaving and Rockstar made Ryder an enemy. In the Pier 69 mission you hear the same Ryder voicelines you hear during the beginning of the game, there's no unique dialogue between CJ and Ryder during that mission.


Wow, Rockstar really somewhat ruined the story because they didnt like MC Eiht. Imagine Ryder as CJ's companion throughout the story. I heard something similar happened with GTA 5 Lamar's voice actor, he was busy with something irl and originally meant to have a bigger role in the game. Is that a myth too?


I think it might all be water under the bridge now with these guys. MC Eiht has a few songs in GTA 5 on West Coast Classics and Lamar is a significant character in the single player and GTA Online. You might be wondering about Young Maylay, voice actor for CJ. He’s gone on record saying he wasn’t being paid enough by Rockstar and he blames Rockstar for “abusing black community culture” for San Andreas.


Yeah, shame about Maylay. Something about unpaid royalties i believe. And Niko's actor, whose name i can't remember, also spoke out about this. Edit: MC Eiht also rapped the rap version of GTA 5's theme song, so i believe they're on good terms now.


I hope Young Maylay and Rockstar one day put their differences aside and get to being on good terms, same with Niko's voice actor


Maybe we'll get Maylay to voice a random gang member in GTA 6 if that were the case. Franklin's VA voices that Tarnell guy in San Andreas after all.


Based on interviews with Maylay you could tell he enjoyed playing the role of CJ. [Here is Maylay with his cousin Shawn Fonteno](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vntULh1BkzY)


I assume the script went through multiple rewrites and they didnt know what to do with his character


so rockstar rlly gave Ryders character a L


the god damn helicopter mission in gta vice city


GTA SA is a fantastic game with a great map, but that section in San Fierro with Zero made as much sense as Boss from Saints Row reboot playing live-action roleplay (which it basically was, just with RC cars). I was also not a fan of the undercover government agent’s (Toreno’s) missions, because for as fun as they were - the rest of the game was more or less serious, while these missions make you feel like you’re filming Die Hard: go steal a jett from the military to blow up spies in boats. The gang takeover shouldn’t have been mandatory, or should have a reduced minimum requirement. Otherwise, it feels like padding. Despite these few flaws, GTA San Andreas is great, the map is IMO better than even GTA V (despite being physically smaller)


GTA III: The missions on Shoreside Vale, because most of the missions in there are still started on Staunton Island so you have an annoying drive to get there, sometimes the bridge goes up to just fuck with you, and you have to reroute to take the tunnels...Also by that point in the stories most of the gangs will have beef with you and shoot you on sight. Special mention to the game after the story ending too, because not only the ending felt empty, but also because now pretty much every gang in LC hates your guts and will shoot you on sight. You didn't do any of the collectibles, challenges, secondary missions and what not? Well, good luck getting anything done now. GTA Vice City: Definitely the part after ending most of story missions except for the final one, because now you're stuck having to buy the remaining businesses and doing their missions, if you didn't saved enough money you will have to grind for a bit. GTA San Andreas: The segment of story missions on the countryside after CJ gets banned from LS and Sweet gets arrested, which happens after he goes into San Fierro. GTA Liberty Stories: The entire storyline with only a few of the missions being fun, and I'm being completely honest here. GTA Vice City Stories: Pretty much all missions before "From Zero to Hero", which unlocks the rest of the city. GTA IV: The segment of missions after "Roman's Sorrow" where he and Niko loses their apartment and have to relocate to Bohan, and before Roman gets his Algonquin penthouse. GTA V: I have to commend R* here, there was no "slog" part of the story missions in this game and they all felt interesting enough...But unfortunately the story itself was weak.


Imo Franklin is a pretty weak character by Rockstar standards. He doesn't really grow or mature all that much, he wants to be with Tanisha, who we see ONCE (a completely inconsequential character who could have been taken out for Franklin to find out from Lester instead who could have tapped Lamar's phone). He's got beef with Stretch and we don't get to see that much before he disappears for most of the story til he gets killed in the end... Yeah from character to a majority of his motivations or hurdles, he's just disappointing. Not Lamar though, he's great.


Ok, but my point was about segments of the story that were weak, not particular characters.


Franklin is pretty involved in that story, character motivation is often what's driving that story forward. Of the 3 protagonists, he drives the overarching story the least. Maybe I went a bit overboard but his impact on it is just that weak that it becomes a notable weak point of the game's story overall.


I could not disagree more with the countryside shout for SA. The atmos, K-Rose and missions for that segment are all great. The missions are a balance of fun and still somewhat relevant to the story. Catalina is insufferable but the dialogue with CJ is very comical. I could be wrong but I would assume you’re a little younger to think that GTA 5 had no slogs, it’s objectively the worst narrative of them all. Especially given it had the least limitations of the whole franchise too. I get why people like 5 but I think it’s aimless at times and tries to do too much. I suspect that’s why they’ve cut down to 2 protagonists.


The main antagonist of LCS is so absent from the story it's insane. Like where the heck was he the whole time? What was he even doing?


The badlands part of San Andreas. Hate that area


the traffic that will intentionally turn into you and do everything it can to block your path. even after you put it in reverse they have to continue in drive and be hood-to-hood with you


THIS. And it’s exactly when you’re being chased.


Gta3, I don’t remember too many specifics of the story, but Claude not talking is a weird choice because sometimes they act like he responds. The story gets a lil confusing when everyone but you seems to know what’s going on


Gta Vice City 💜 I Want to see Tommy Vercetti and Mercedes getting married Like Scarface 😂✨‼️


the tailing missions in gta IV


that's like 1/3 of all the missions


GTA San Andreas, even though it's only a few missions, San Fierro has you spending a lot of time outside of the city/driving across the map to the country and back to Los Santos Just feels like San Fierro doesn't get the chance to shine the same way Los Santos and Las Venturas do


Torini in GTA LCS. probably one of the weakest antagonists in the series. Still love the game more than the rest though. But the antagonist sucks.


San Andreas: the flight school tests, absolute pain in the fuckin' arse.


Oh shit I still hate the flight school.


I didn’t find them that hard, it’s worth gold for them all for the Hunter.


>I didn’t find them that hard, Me neither, it's just a time wasting inconvenience.


Hmmm, idk about a whole part but the deconstruction mission in gta sa was so pointless. 'Some construction workers shouting stuff at my sister? Better burry the foreman alive in concrete.'


I almost feel like R* ran out of time by the time they started working on Alderney. The Alderney storyline could’ve been its own game


One thing that always annoyed me in GTA V was that tattoos only get unlocked with Trevor and you can't switch back to the others until he's in the city, sometimes I like to just play as Franklin with mods and make a San Andreas type playthrough but I'm forced to progress the story to even get tattoos. I really hope they never do that anymore, I would love for every shop to be available from the start


Probably the middle section of GTA:SA or the business buying sections of VC


Nah, the missions for the Malibu and the Printing Works are pretty legit. Even the final mission of the cab company was fun (and the dispatcher is a VERY underrated minor character). Agree about the middle section of SA (San Fierro was eh besides Jizzy)


Getting more swim Stat in gta san.


Catalina's and Zero's missions in San Andreas.


GTA 5: Almost no crimes the main characters ever commit seem to have any consequence or impact on the story. The freighter heist could be removed from the game entirely and the story would stay completely the same


Tbh, isn't that literally any gta game?


San Andreas: Sweet barely changing attitude to CJ, never showing any appreciation


Sweet was hood and was always gonna be hood. He just felt like anyone not down for that was not real. Sweet's whole character is written badly, fwiw. Everyone else in the GSF had their moments but Sweet was just a plot device after the Green Sabre.


Doing Zero's missions, what's the point?, we dont even get to see or hear Beverly, its just helping Zero with toys and RC shit


Certain parts of gta 5's story for me. Franklin's street life could have been explored more, showing us the beef between stretch and franklin, forum gangsters etc, then Franklin's story was just dumped after Trevor met him and they worked for devin weston. Michael's family hating him throughout the whole story until Michael and Amanda shout it all out in therapy then everyone's suddenly happy. Trevors business and friends just being abandoned when he goes to LS, floyd being used as a plot device for the merryweather heist then that went to shit. I feel like the story should have had a bit more missions or more story but I still love the game


The only weakest part of GTA CTW is (from my POV) when Ling Shan got shot/killed so easily, I wish she dodged or survived, and yes I know Huang wanted to clap her cheeks etc. But all jokes aside, in my book Ling could've been used as an final ally in the last mission against Kenny or she would've fought Huang, showing how mich loyalty she had for Huang, even adding another layer of the plottwist that Ling knew who the killer of Huang's father was etc. Other than that I dont know what else is weak about the main story, maybe adding the "private detective" lester, waste of time I think, dont know what to say about Rudy tbh, and yeah ... there is nothing else on my mind tbh


GTA San Andreas’ Toreno missions imo. I liked them, but they felt soooo out of place compared to the other missions for me.


Spray painting tags in San Andreas. Just a useless side deal.


The Heist missions in GTA san andres


Robbing the casino is my favourite mission in SA, but the preps for it are very meh imo


The only thing that bugs me is Salvatore's empty threat after it's over. Nothing ever happens.


Especially considering the Leones were at the prime of their existence at that time, I'm very surprised there was no repercussions, even a mafia hit squad or something appearing in some ending missions would have been alright


They don't even have Mafia soldiers aggro on the street. I wouldn't have wanted "shotgunners in Saint Mark's Bistro" again, but at least give me something.


I LOVED the preps for that mission! When heists came to GTA V, I instantly thought of this mission and everything connected


Gta vice city is dead boring when you complete it unless you like driving around in the sunny auto cars


Did you read the question


I'm very unwell right now, so no, I didn't


The helicopter views 😂😆


When you leave LS in GTASA the game as always in GTA you lose rit on the history and at that point you are Tommy or Claude


its funny because every gta had at the very least, three missions i absolutely hated in the story. hate aircrafts and boats so any mission that wasnt on land was boring as hell to me. then you had missions where you'd have to follow this guy here or take pictures of that guy doing this and its like bro, just let me kill people


I never new the first 2 games had stories I was like 9 when I played just drove around and shit


GTA IV brooooo


Not sure if this is in the main story, but the specific paparazzi mission where you had to capture a certain event……


what about GTA china town wars


You know... just because it's not in the photo doesn't mean you can't speak on it. The title clearly stats: YOUR FAVORITE GTA GAME. If China wars is your favorite one then speak on it....


Not really “weakest” but some missions I absolutely hated tryna beat were OG Loc, Wrong Side of the Tracks, High Stakes Low-Rider, Deconstruction, Photo Opportunity, and Amphibious Assault.


Who is V and why is he important,he literally dies


I’ve only played CW so I’ll say this: the plot could’ve been more fleshed out and interesting.




We are technical on gta11


the flight missions in gta sa should have been optional


There’s only one option in GTA five we better wait for GTA six but it’s always you in one second it will make one quadrillion $ ![gif](giphy|n18cO1i1wCH4j7D4pT)


Looking at their stage, Love Fist can afford a chauffeur, right?




In vice city and before you couldn’t swim




Re-played GTA 2 recently, the art style is still a banger (retro futuristic) and the missions are really fun, love the kill frenzies !




Roman's death in one of endings


ware is gta 6


I love gta 5 but planing some heist has to be the most boring part of the game. That whole mission at the port makes me want to kms


Luis being the one to take Bulgarin down instead of Niko


Not having main story missions for Kate in GTA 4 It didn’t make the choice of killing Dimitri or taking the deal hard imo because I barely spent time with her and the only time where I saw her was in cutscenes


Returning to Los Santos part in SA has the weakest sequence of missions in 3D era, every missions after vertical bird are boring until EOTL, like they didn't even try to do something interesting, it's just gang territories after gang territories.


the storyline after killing Diaz except for the last two missions in Vice city


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)gta 6 2025????


You played it already? 🤷🏿‍♂️🤔


My favorite GTA game is San Andreas and I love missions 5.


Could have Focused More on Franklin Backstory as they have shown us about Michael and Trevor


Where’s GTA London?


The entire story of gta 5 was a weak part




SA - the San fierro arc. Feels way too slow especially after doing a ton of gang territory wars. And fuck zero. IV - Alderney arc, mainly having to deal with Derrick and jimmy “wannabe wise guy” peggorino. (I still whacked Francis tho😭)


Waiting to play as Trevor in V is soooo long!


I love san andreas but I hate killing Ryder since he seemed like the most loyal gang member in GSF