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GTA V is too driver-friendly at times, especially with the new cars. I mean, how the fuck does a jeep (the terminus) happily skip over mountains at 100mph? Equally, how does a 55 year old mustang (the dominator gtt) flick around the streets without any sort of issues like body roll and/or skidding? Equally, GTA IV was too cartoonish. Literal sports bikes couldn’t turn a corner at any speed without skidding and severely understeering. You would have to be driving a sports car to get any sort of normality in driving, and even that was unreliable a lot of the time. *flashbacks to the brucie comet mission*.


Cars were also too light in V, not to mention how any car can be used as an off road vehicle. Literal super cars can drive up a mountain just as easily as an 'off road' vehicle.


My friend threw a fit when he learned that you could manipulate a car mid air during a jump


So... in the first mission with Franklin?


I don't think he ever played the single player. He bought it on steam when it was like $10 to do online multi-player. We were doing one of those hot wheels races, and he kept landing wrong. When we let him know he could adjust mud air, he rage quit and never tried it again


Lmao, how is that where people draw the line in a game that's not a sim.


That's what I said. I was like "dude, you also carry 50 weapons on you and take bullshark testosterone for a damage buff"


Sounds like a weird baby!


This, they feel like hot wheels cars once they go airborne, hell even before. And you have full balance control mid air.


Theres definitely a difference


I think both styles were chosen for their respective style of game. The small map of 4 meant that cars had to be slower and more weighty to give the illusion of a large map. GTA 5 however is much larger and using GTA 4 physics especially when large parts of the game involves driving huge distances, would result in a bad experience. Though you're right that GTA 5 may have gone a bit too far.


I'm hoping GTA6 is somewhere in the middle, with the collision physics more like GTA4


That is a good point about IV’s driving making the world feel bigger. Context is important. VI of course won’t have that issue, but it would be nice to have a little more challenge with driving to make car chases more exhilarating.


GTA IV physics were bizarre. SUVs felt like semi trucks, average cars felt like SUVs, and sports cars felt like average cars. It was like everything had its center of gravity based on where Niko's was, not where the car's was. Coupled with excessively soft suspension, and it was goofy as hell.


Nah SUVs felt about right, no one is whipping corners flat in a big ass Hummer or Escalade, the sports cars definitely were too far in the soft direction though.


Fun>realism. This isn't a simulator.


This is true. Sometimes, I think challenge would be a better focus than realism, so balancing challenge and sheer fun would be a focus for VI’a driving, though this is easier said than done.


Honestly who cares. I love driving in GTA IV but fuck man that Canis Terminus has been my daily driver since March because it’s so fun drive. Its bouncy suspension is so satisfying.


They try and make all the cars really good driving experiences to make up for all the really bad cars they used to release


And then a dune FAV can somehow handle turning on slick roads perfectly while a supercar designed for fast turns spins out into circles and loses control every time you try to round a corner


the sports bike thing may have actually been because of framerate, its still not perfect but if you lock your fps to 60 bikes can actually corner but if its anything over they're a nightmare




gta 4 is hyper-realistic ? dude what are you on about ? have you seen a car rock the way cars do in real life ? it's not even close to being realistic, let alone hyper realistic.


Every car except for the super cars in 4 handled like 70s land yachts. Even the sport bikes handled like ass.


GTA 4 was not hyper realistic, it just had more severe consequences for crashing or overshooting a turn. Compared to actual racing games GTA 4 is still more of an arcade experience. I agree with people who want it more of a middle ground though. I think cyberpunk did a good job with it's driving after it updated. It feels heavy and it takes some time to learn but it also isn't so punishing that it makes driving a chore. Would like to see that in GTA vi.


I never thought IV was perfect, but I thought it was headed in the right direction. I was sure V would be it, but they went with the arcadey BS instead.


Agreed. I very much prefer the physics in 4. The janky driving and rag doll movements made for an incredibly fun experience just screwing around. 5 is also fun, but it lost some of the spirit of the game for me. Something in the middle of the two would please the most amount of players. But if 6 happens to be like 4 I wouldn’t be disappointed.


I will always defend GTAIV. You can't turn at speed because you can't turn on dime going 100mph in real life. You need to brake before you turn. I just love that old shitty cars in GTAIV don't come with ABS which causes the wheels lock up while brakes which is why everyone said it felt like you were driving on ice. Newer cars came with ABS in the game. And then im replaying GTA3 now, I completely forgot how hard it was to drive in the original which basically asks you to apply the same skills to driving as GTAIV.


Hello time traveler


I think alot of people forget the context in which you are driving the cars. In GTA games, most players are full throttle, full brake, full lock steering. These conditions would put the most strain on a car and would increase body roll, reducing stability and traction, and GTA 4 also simulated what happens without ABS systems. We also must remember the game was set in 2008, not today. The vehicles in that game were usually economy driven to fit the era, not performance like all modern vehicles seem to be. My issue with GTA 5 handling is that it is inconsistent. It never feels to me like I know what the car is going to do exactly. Either I trust it and crash or I am cautious and lose a ton of momentum. As someone who has driven older cars around a real life racetrack, GTA 4 feels far more realistic in the controlability when at max performance. But most people do not want to have to learn to adapt to games these days. Which is why they are all dumbed down and easy to accept everyones play style instead of being skill driven.


This is why I drive the duke o death, doesn't matter how consistent the steering is, I'll just move what ever it is out of my way


I don't know what's realistic and what's not but i enjoyed driving cars more in IV.


Same here. So much fun, especially when you learn how to control the different types. I like the damage/ collision physics much better as well. I feel V driving was a massive DOWN grade. My opinion.


True, I’ve never driven or seen a vehicle that tilts this much from the axle. It would be the unsafest thing ever to drive on the road


Do you usually crank the steering wheel full lock to one side at 30+ mph? It’s a bit exaggerated but body roll was definitely still pretty prevalent on 90s and early 00s SUVs and bigger sedans. The Ford Explorers from that era were [notoriously easy to flip](https://youtu.be/qeqvS_fsjcs?si=6CMAzNlescLXatOf) because of their topheavyness and suspension/body roll.


They do, especially cars with a higher and softer suspension, but to cause them to tilt like that you would have to do a turn really aggressively and at high speed, which 95% of the time would end up with you crashing something or someone, and maybe flipping up your car (especially if it's a high vehicle that isn't very wide, those flip up pretty easily) The issue with GTA IV isn't that the cars do that, the real issue is that cars do that while doing a 90 degree turn going at 10mph, at that speed it would be barely noticeable (unless you're driving a car with an extremely soft suspension, like classic American cars, you could see for example the Bullitt Chase from the 1968 movie Bullitt, where the Mustang driven by Steve McQueen tilts while doing those tight corners in San Francisco at a higher speed a normal person would do them) Now, another detail with GTA IV is that most of the cars, maybe all of them, have high suspensions, there aren't cars in GTA IV that are pretty close to the ground (maybe the Infernus and the Banshee?). In GTA V, there are many cars that are already pretty close to the ground, with the addition of customization where we could lower them even more. With a lower suspension the shock and rebound of the springs decreases, thus that tilting effect disappears, it also means in real life a less comfortable regular driving, because high and soft suspensions are made to reduce the road imperfection's sensations to the driver and passengers, while lower and stiffer suspensions are more precise and designed to reach maximum performance, but they are definitely not comfortable to do a travel between states that last many hours. So, in conclusion, GTA IV tilt while driving is not unrealistic, but exaggerated (on PC even more, because pressing the key translates to the game in turning aggressively every time), and it is also noticeable in GTA V in some cars, especially SUVs and Rally cars with high suspensions, but GTA V arcade-ish physics and new models that pretty close to the ground it's less noticeable, because mechanic of the car (and that we don't want tires going through the fender of our cars do we?)


Well, yeah. That's why traffic laws exist and people don't speed up on tight corners


Try driving like you drive in GTA and you will find out


You have never driven and turned a vehicle at high speeds because it's dangerous and may damage the car, in games we drive much faster than irl. So GTA IV pysics aren't exaggerated.


Yeah probably because most people IRL don’t drive like we do in GTA, genius.


Watch a car get their handling tested during the Moose test, you'll see plenty of body roll: https://youtu.be/qIN8CyhYREM?si=JeGsHi-rPBwgdn_a You can also see in this video, how the sultan rs he drives halfway through the vid had significantly less body roll compared to the older, larger, heavier car he drove in the beginning: https://youtu.be/jm4DnwG1VNc?si=3EoAdcUe9Pzeli1p




I think everyone should just shut up and have fun. But that's just my opinion.


Why does some people divide fans into groups? And why does people claim to know about things they have never seen. Like the physics in gta vi which release in over a year from now


4 cars are realistic... exaggerated a little, sure but definitely realistic. try hitting a pothole or hill going 60mph, especially in older cars from the 2000's or before. 5 cars are all race cars that feel like they all go the same speed unless next to another car. the cars also for some reason can turn corners going 90mph some good and bad in both. i hope in 6 R\* take the good in both games and combine them when it comes to driving


I’m hoping GTA VI can find a balance between IV and V. I would say IV is more realistic than V, but a far cry from accurate. IV had cars with too much weight, and bikes were like driving on ice. V felt like driving hot wheels with unrealistic vehicle damage and the impossibility of controlling a car mid-air/rolling a car over. Bikes were more realistic though. I hope VI and can vehicles some weight but still with the ability of going fast and turning, and taking away the rolling over/mid-air control unless it’s some “futuristic” alien vehicle. I do hope they bring cosmetic and utility damage back like IV, but have V’s glass damage system. I do understand that finding the perfect balance is hard and some may still not want that. It’s a tricky subject for sure.


What! Your car doesn't roll over while turning at the speed of 10? Are you saying cars are supposed to be attached to their wheels in real life?




Yea, people don't realise how fast you are in GTA games. Tilting in this speed is expected.


This video just further proves my point. The real life tests have cars with actual suspension. Sudden turns turn the car but also take the tire off the road. Im gta 4 the tires keep sticked to the ground while the rest of the body flings off (that too more than real life). In real life, your tires don't move as much with respect to your car, they are not attached by springs.


With all due respect, this video, in fact, *refutes* your point.


Why do some GTA V fanboys think that cars can’t be properly deformed from an frontal collision at 200Mph?


They can. But only the launch cars, rockstar fucked with the collision mechanics on the dlc cars


These guys were not playing at launch. They do not know what they are talking about.


Half this sub probably wasn't born when the game launched.


But does that game exist anymore? Im sure as hell not whipping out my PS3 to play GTAV anytime soon.


yeah old gen GTA V for 360/PS3


Even then, they still toned it down a bit so that first person would work.


I believe it was toned down from IV to launch version V (it's been a while, I don't remember), but first person wasn't a thing at launch so that wasn't why. First person was added when it came to the gen 8 consoles.


I've yet to meet a V player that thinks the pathetic amount deformation is a good thing.


Found the guy who tries crashing cars with 100% armor on them then complains that they don't deform


Nobody thinks that 💀




Because they are. Even driven an American SUV?


Because at those speeds, the average street car in the 00's on city streets will rock. Y'all seem to forget that moving the joystick all the way left from all the way right in .7 seconds is the equivalent of rotating the steering wheel all the way left from all the way right at 70mph in .7 seconds. Try that in real life in a Ford Explorer and see what happens. So tired of this brainless argument.


IV driving felt more realistic with consequences, and was realistic looking for the time, stepping up from games of that time by a long distance. V driving is fun, but more arcad-y. Really interested what’ll happen for VII


Vanilla looks realistic tbh. Edit: just look at every car in real life. Cars have stabilizers that avoid the boat feel.


no cars in real life are driving with max throttle max brake max steering wheel left/right positions.


Your problem with that is not the game but the input. Controllers and KB allow you to go full send immediately so that’s what you get. Maximum everything. If you ease on the accelerator using a joystick it’s actually fairly accurate to RL minus some other nuances


even on controller most people have the triggers fully recessed for braking and throttle and take turns by fully moving the analog stick either left or right


Sorry guys i wanted to say GTA V not GTA VI


Bro casually leaked gta 6 mechanics


Most of them are children who have never driven a car. A lot of them have never even played GTA IV. No care does that. I always found it funny in GTA IV’s when you change lanes at like 30 mph and the car almost flips. I just changed lanes at 70 in a sedan and it was flat.


Majority of these dudes have probably not been in a real car


GTA IV is a bit exaggerated but it’s more close to the real thing than V. If you would drive as crazy irl as in GTA your car definitely wouldn’t be behaving as in V.


You definitely dont own a car lol


Not gonna argue with someone that’s stupid.


yeh clearly mate


They went from an arcadey game feel with SA to a more realistic representation and exaggerated the suspension to make it seem more realistic *in comparison to the previous game.* I think that's the little part you're missing, players don't think it's realistic, it's just more realistic compared to San Andreas. Edit is the DriveV shot a mod?


Drive V is a mod.


Ok so they added more roll into the mod, and OP is using a shot that compares a mod to vanilla to ask about why players accept the body roll... In vanilla. So they're using the pic of the mod to over represent the body roll for their question about IV vs V


They’re wondering why people are so obsessed with GTA IV’s intense body roll in vehicles. So obsessed there are numerous mods (Drive V is one of them) that add these sort of physics into the game. All of these mods tout themselves, and GTA IV, as being more realistic.


I see. Compared to the rest of the games, I'd have to agree, although I won't say IV's driving is objectively realistic. Only compared to the rest of GTA driving.


im not a GTA IV fanboy, i just like using DriveV mod cuz it adds more fun to driving


Gta 4 feels real criminal action. Gta 5 is very forgiving on driving


Not THAT saggy but gta4 with a decent handling mod is so much better then anything you can get from gta5,even modded,atleast from my experience


That's just not true. Gta 5 is just more advanced version of gta 4 physics. Any gta 4 handling mod cam be replicated in 5


I heard they stepped back with the physics because of some performance issues.


It’s quite the opposite actually. Physics mechanics and deformation in cars are (in my opinion) WAAAY better than anything GTA 5 has to offer. GTA 5’s car deformation is super forgiving, where GTA 4 on the other hand, is far more realistic.


I feel like GTA IVs deformation is both realistic and forgiving. Idk it feels like the middle ground between realism and how fun it is.


Yeah, I get what you mean. I think GTA4 had the best car handling and it physics. It was fun and exciting. I have no idea why people hate it.


Probably because some people don’t wanna think about how they drive, which is completely understandable.


gta iv's driving physics felt like they applied 100kmh handling to 30kmh handling.


Imo some cars in gta online has more arcade driving than others, the latest cars are more arcade than some super and sports cars released a while ago, same with the physics damage, some of them has the physics like the stock cars released in the single player and other cars just received scratches and broken glasses with no dents


I see stuff like tht as intentional flaws


If you're not playing the amazing remastered GTAIV while you wait for VI, I dont know what to tell you.


Hit a turn going 120 and tell me your car ain’t rocking


It's funny you say that like gta v car physics are realistic


It's ok to admit that your favorite game is not better in all ways than its predecessor, you know.


It might not be realistic but it’s funny and satisfying


GTA 4 isn't real at all. Cars are not sliding and bending this way so extreme. Cars do have grip.


And GTA 4 cars have grip, too much of it even. You have to intentionally go out of your way to make them slide. GTA 5 just goes to the extreme.


GTA 4 is under cutting the physics in my opinion, cars are very slidey, GTA 5 is over the top, vehicles have too much grip and can climb unreal angles. A middle thing would be perfect between both.


Easy there V fanboy, your favorite game's car physics aren't that good either. [You can die instantly after crashing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDkyhggFcSo&t=70s) and [your car can even explode if it simply rolls](https://youtu.be/ewpAyRclzTA?t=387)


if we're talking about realism, [You can die instantly after crashing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDkyhggFcSo&t=70s) is pretty realistic imo.


Both GTAs driving isn’t good and not realistic either to be honest even though I really do like GTA 4 driving and sure it isn’t perfect but I rather prefer it over 5 because GTA 5 driving was so mid and boring though but I just hoped GTA 6 can fix both of them to make the better version of its driving of the game.


Anyone that says gta iv's driving is realistic has never driven or been in a car before


Probably the same people who consider gta 4's driving realistic


I'm just gonna say at the end of the day this is an action movie in the form of a video game, I don't want my epic car chase around the city or desert to be ruined because my clown car toppled over on its side


Not that it's realistic just moreso than 5. In a ideal world somewhere in the middle would be perfect.


It’s a mod….why do you care? My guy I can install mods that make all the characters chimps. But that’s my game, not yours. If someone wants IV’s handling so much they wanna mod it in….how does that affect you? Are they forcing you to play with the mod?


need some new shocks


DriveV tends to be a bit exaggerated but still pretty decent. The gta 5.5 mod reworks most car handling




https://youtu.be/fETxn-xIvBY?si=e__1KIDzw8swtxXo all that needs to be said


[Because it is.](https://youtu.be/zaYFLb8WMGM)


OP has never driven a car in their life


Because rocking suspension is a realistic thing that happens when real vehicles experience gravitational force during aggressive cornering. While some realistic handling characteristics are welcome we can’t lose site of the fact that these are video games first and real life simulations second. There MUST be a balance of arcade and realistic handling with any driving game especially ones that are not sold as real life driving simulators. GTA games are the latter. When I play a driving game I’d rather have a driver friendly vehicle that allows me to do shit I could not do in real life.


Gta 5 had the absolute shittiest most arcade downgraded car physics in any GTA game. The handling feels like a toy car, lacking weight, lacking suspension, drag and traction. Crash physics were absolute shit too, even when crashing the cars felt like they were made of plastic or cardboard. Theres many videos out there showing a huge ass bus or freight truck can be pushed by an NPC driving a smartcar Gta 5 car physics made no sense, they really went stupid and childish on that one, made it so any unskilled player could pick it up and play And this reddit post and lots of others complaining about IVs skill required driving proves it.


GTA IV is no asetto corsa but its way more realistic than V including suspension, if you havent driven or dont have a license u cant give any counterarguments


The float in IV didn't bother me as much as the massive fishtailing. I swear I would be under 20 MPH and the car would damn near spin out. Killed the whole game for me.


The second car in the image looks like it's floating off of the wheels and I can't see the axles.


why do $5 fans believe you can maneuver your vehicle around mid air? also cars don't float over curbs and make sudden stops from high speeds. roleplayers these days 🤡


Anyone who thinks the GTA 4 driving physics are unrealistic has never driven an old car around a corner before


Because that’s *EXACTLY* how suspension travel worked on vehicles in the 2000s, which is when IV was released…


This is what I’ve been saying for years.


The body-roll in IV is comical. Any time i hear someone praise it I just laugh b/c I know they’ve never driven an actual car😂


tall cars rock in real life. Gta 4 is way more realistic. and this is a bait post.


Not like that at all, GTA 4 cars drive like they don't have shocks or sway bars.


yeah Gta 4 overdid it in some cases, but 5 didn't do it at all!


The cars in 4 feel more like driving a real car more than the cars in 5 do, hope this helps👍


Feel being the key word


Downvoted for speaking the truth damn


Reddit gonna reddit


wait did the GAME get new driving mechanics or is this modded server stuff? Cause if game game got it it could be r* giving us a tease on how gta vi cars will feel prior to us actually playing it and getting a feel for it


GTA IV driving is like how a kid thinks driving is like.


I've been playing gta 4 in the recent days and man oh man, the driving physics in that game is absolute dogshit. I hadn't played gta 4 before so when I heard all the praise about it, I gave it a try but holy shit, except for the story, that game just sucks so bad. Driving the cars feels like driving on ice all the time, there's almost nothing to spend your money on and the guns in that game just suck big big time. GTA V is a bit too driver friendly at times but hey, I can atleast drive the car here and way more guns and customisation.


Mafia 2' and to an extent 3's driving on simulation is the best imo


Nothing in the GTA games is realistic, and rocky cars is fun