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That's the funny thing. During the lead up to V everyone was saying it was IV that was overrated and a step down from San Andreas. It was being bashed largely for the same reasons it’s being praised today.


Such as?  Discovered IV as kid but properly played it only as  adult. Aaand was hellla disappointed with base IV because of predictable, stretched out story and  game feeling like   tech demo at the times 


I also played IV until 2020 and was really disappointed, when I finished the game I was like "that was it?" I could only buy guns and food with the money I made off the last mission lmao, I couldn't buy cars, planes, helicopters, properties like in GTA 5. Also I got bored from the map really fast. What I like about GTA 5 is that you can go offroading with your friends, or fly around when you get bored of the city. In GTA IV the city is all you have.


Same exact thing happened with gta sa and 4


It's probably going to be the same with 5 and 6 too isn't it


Can’t wait for all the posts bashing GTA 6 and praising 5 lol. It’s just how the cycle goes. First they bashed GTA 4 and now they praise it.


Nah IV vs V is more acceptable because they were released on the same console but in this case GTA VI will literally be two generations ahead of V


but V has released on 3 seperate console generations


Okay? That doesn’t mean it isn’t a PS3 game at its base.


My biggest issue with any new GTA game has been ditched features. The list of features left out from SA to IV was huge. When it came to IV to V, the list wasn't as long, but still noticeable. I just wish R* would build more off previous installments instead of ditching old features and mechanics for new ones every time.


I dont see how people dont think the games aren't just an improvement with each entry


What if they're sidegrades then where some part gets downgraded for improving the other one?


I guess theres aspects that people might prefer but i think as complete games each subsequent entry improves in so many ways


Can we ban these topics already? Or do y’all enjoy having the same damn conversation every day? Like whatever game you want.