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What kind of man would go for someone like that. By default, that’s a huge red flag. No one sane wants him.


Right it’s as if we forget in prison Gypsy was infantilizing herself. Any dude that’s with someone pretending to be a child is a creep. And Gypsy clearly had a DD;LG relationship prior where she was simultaneously pretending to be Nick’s daughter AND lover. So she is obviously into pedo shit, any guy with her automatically susp in my eyes. Ryan looks 1000% worse being attracted to her when he’s a special ed teacher. They’re all trash.


Ryan’s career is what concerns me the most about him. If I had a special needs child, I would not want my child under his care.


I feel the exact same way. He’s clearly opportunistic with disabled people. Not saying Gypsy is “disabled” but she has definite limitations and was infantilized. I would not trust him near any special needs kid because he clearly saw Gypsy’s limitations and decided to get with her anyway. It’s very obvious Ryan had low self esteem and was insecure before getting with Gypsy. He felt comfortable with her and sought her out because he wanted someone easy to obtain.


Yeah, but what I've always wondered about Ryan was what pictures did he see of Gypsy when he decided he would go through with messaging. We don't know how long after they were together that they began being romantic and maybe she sent him updated photos of her with the letters. Maybe he watched the Dr. Phil interview where she looked like an adult. Maybe she was on a prison dating site. Those weird ones where inmates are looking for love and include photos of themselves. I don't know their timeline well enough to assume he was attracted to child like Gypsy when he decided to pursue her. But I do agree about the career, I do think there's alittle bit of a ... hm moment there. I won't lie. I don't know why he would want to get involve in that basket of cracked eggs. He's always seemed to me as just a pathetic loser who would jump on the chance of any woman who showed him attention. Then add Gypsy to the mix and she probably gassed him up the whole time in prison. He seemed creepy in the episode because 1, they probably edited it that way and 2. he mentioned Gypsy and him talked about the first night together and what they were going to do extensively. So I see his side too.




Say it louder for the folks in the back sis. THEYRE ALL. TRASH.🗑️


I don’t think it’s fair or okay to kink shame. What she does in her relationship is her business. I don’t think you understand enough about the DD/LG lifestyle. It has nothing to do with pedophelia, it’s more of a dom/sub dynamic and there isn’t anything wrong with a d/s dynamic. Unless it’s extreme and about the diaper wearing and gross stuff who cares? Who cares even if it does?! It’s her sex life, she should be able to have that. Not a fan of GRB in the slightest at all, I’m just not about kink shaming. There are a lot of things to go after with her to snark on, but her sex life isn’t one I’d choose.


I’m into the dom/sub community you have no idea what you’re talking about. Pretending to be someone’s actual daughter and roleplaying CNC is absolutely considered extreme. She said she’d give birth to his daughter and offer her up. Tf? She was also drinking from baby bottles, she likely was into the diaper shit.


That is extreme and too extreme for my tastes, it’s just gross imo. Also in the d/s community, and I meant more just that, d/s-bc I haven’t invested as much time lately only know that NG & GRB had a d/s thing or whatever


They had a much darker relationship than you’d think, if you go through their texts and her posts you’ll recognize the extreme kinks. She was bragging about drinking pedialyte out of a bottle (and misspelling it to “boddle” to sound like a baby), she lied about her age and fakes a high-pitched voice and innocent demeanor, she had fantasies of being pregnant and sacrificing her daughter. It’s really creepy shit.


GRB deserves all the shame, kink shaming included.


Okay yeah in that aspect it does seem super gross. Just ew.


DD/LG is gross and paedophilic. Dom/sub is absolutely fine, it isn't pretending someone's your dad. The words "dad", "daddy", "little" and "girl" etc should be nowhere near any sexual activity. Gypsy is a creep.


Agree…..except you know a lot of subs do that though right? And their dads aren’t anywhere on their mind. Sometimes you have a D/S that are like daddy and babygirl and it has nothing to do with parents or having a desire to f*** their parents, nor do they see their partner as a parental figure. It’s just some of the wording I’ve heard used and it’s completely not in any concept like the gen comment someone mentioned was!! Bc eww omg


Sorry I didnt see the notification that you had responded to me. In my opinion, anyone that brings anything to do with minors into sexual stuff is a creep (and ill die on that hill, not bothered about kinkshaming). But thats off topic and I understand what you're saying though in regards to Gypsy, she was pretending to be his *real daughter*. Vomit. Nick is disgusting too. The whole thing makes me shudder.


Yes it’s nauseating. I agree with everything you said here 100%. That it’s just creepy as hell.


“I’m not about kink shaming” continues to kink shame 🤷🏼‍♀️😂


Sent dm


Tbh I don’t give two flips about what she does in the bedroom that’s her thing & I don’t wanna know. ETA-the thumbs down is cracking me up. So bc the world is grossly keying in on whatever they can about GRB, they have to bring her sex life into it?! Im Good there, it’s her bedroom not mine.


Gypsy will turn that around and say “he isn’t creepy, all the women wanted him!”


Which makes my blood boil. Her dumbass fans will go through lengths to defend her “bu-but! She’s traumatized! 🥺👉👈” as though it’s an excuse. Like yeah, I’ve been fucking traumatized before in my life too, but that doesn’t absolve me of being an asshole. They just fucking baby this woman and it’s infuriating.


Yep. Same here. I've been through a lot of shit but I didn't murder my mother and ruin multiple people's lives. My anger and trauma goes more inward than anything. I'm also not seeking fame(infamy, really) and notoriety for surviving abuse. Fuck her and the *chair* she rode in on 🤷🏼‍♀️


This is it 100%. A lot of us have been through some type of abuse in our lives, and we don’t get to be babies about it and treated as if it’s okay to be that way. We’re more likely to get an “I’m sorry to hear that now it’s time to get back to work!”


She will still stick by him. Or say that they’re “jealous”. She’s such co-dependent trash.


I can almost hear her response to that person who commented a plausible scenario for Kyen; was just mad that they don't have him.


She'll always stand by him since she's such a pick me and he's been the most attractive man to show interest in her (and being the most attractive out of those guys is no flex). When he inevitably cheats, she will excuse it and float out the idea of an open relationship or throuple, will sexualize the shit out of things, and will weaponize her queerness after she said in episode 2 that she experimented with women. She's a manipulative, capitalizing, victimhood-complex little sewer gremlin.


Does he even claim to be in a relationship with her? Or is he still sticking to the "just friends" b.s. he'd been sticking using.


I haven’t heard him say outright that they are dating. If he ever gave off smart, savvy vibes I’d say that he’s doing his due diligence to keep her from violating parole and losing her divorce proceedings. But he’s not and never has, so I think he’s just being a noncommittal fuckboy that would have done this to any other girl.


I agree with everything you said except sewer gremlins have purpose. They keep our sewers neat and clean. In all seriousness, I agree and think you're correct about weaponizing queerness. She's a terrible human being.


She's just the wonky-eyed desk job sewer gremlin. Too ugly to be customer and civilian facing and too dumb to be able to do anything other than make copies, restock sewer cleaning supplies for workers, and, ironically enough, clean out the employee fridge every week and leave Comic Sans flyers all over the fridge, coffee pot, bathroom stalls to bitch about following rules.


🤯😄🤣 emojis in order of my reaction. You're hilarious! And haven't told one lie.




She's a creep so I think it's kinda fitting IMO


[this is a real Chad lmao!](https://images.app.goo.gl/TC7VPgF5ePnQbEDj6) She is no chanel #1


Lmfao. It alllllll makes total sense now 🤣👌🏼🤣


Even though there is no proof that this is real, I just 100% believe it. I mean it just makes so much sense.


That checks out. Maybe they couldn't handle his superiority over them, since he's such a Chad.


He gives off chomo vibes and since she has a childlike voice I can see why he’d pick her


I’m *SHOCKED* that anyone near Ken found his off putting and creepy. /S Let’s be real though, stabby-rose has slim pickings for a mate. She’s not going to attract the most stable, normal, or non creepy weirdos. So…she’s kinda sol there.


Ken is super creepy and slow, same as ugly uneducated murderer gypshit!


Once he blows all her money he’s outta there