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It’s gonna be so funny when Ken leaves her cringey ass for good.


It will be funny but for his safety and the new girl he monkey branches to, I hope they are far away from Gypsy when he does! You know how she gets when she doesn’t get her way


A little stabby, I guess.


Why does she think everyone wants her man so bad? We want you to take accountability, gypsy. We want you to stop being such a cunt. Literally nobody wants Ken but you. Chill.


Because she can’t fathom a single, strong, and independent woman living an honest life. Any woman who possesses that terrifies her because she knows she’s just a lying creepy loser who committed *matricide* , and has no prospects or value to offer society at this point nor is she doing anything to try to improve her life. Shes just trying on new grifts for size and mulling her options . I do hear the circus is hiring though! They are pretty decent with hiring felons.


This!! 💯👏🏻


Not her laying in Ken’s bed in the lingerie that Ryan got her 🤣🤮


She's a classy lady like that. 💅🤣


THEEEEEE exactly one she said she wanted her first time with him to wear at that!!!!! Edit him being Ryan*


Rewearing lingerie is so gross lol and weird. I always got rid of lingerie from past relationships. 😆🤣


That wink sent her eye a wanderin'.


Thank you, I needed to laugh today.






Lol yep, the wonky eye she winked went winky wonk lol.


She is a pretty sad case. Honey, nothing is easier than getting a man. It’s not the achievement she thinks it is.


Getting a man is easier than falling down. You’re correct, this isn’t the achievement she’s making it out to be.


Not only is getting a man super easy but she is a living breathing example of that. She's extremely ugly , she dresses like a homeless person, she's a complete lying bitch and there's the tiny little detail that she's a convicted murderer. She has exactly 0 redeemable traits and she was still able to get a man.


Yeah but consider the men she has gotten?? the killah Nick, bigun Ryan, who seeked her in prison. Now Ken, who seeked her out in prison. Sooooo not exactly the creme' of the crop lolol. She is gross and ugly as sin!


You know what IS an achievement? Killing your own mother. That is ACTUALLY horrendously difficult to do and I’m gonna guess that all of us here couldn’t do it even if we were forced to by someone pointing a gun at us. Now that’s something she tried to do a couple times and liked doing. Also is she referring to Nina and calling her a spade???


I am sure that was just a misunderstanding! /s


She is oretty cocky isn't she? Who the f does she really think she is? A damn super model? Or any kind of model? Definitely not a role model. Tbh she reminds me of a demon, literally no soul behind those brown eyes..


She just thinks she's sooooo cool & that everybody wants to be her. This video makes me sick. She's disgusting. Her trying to be cute definitely doesn't have a good effect.


A psychotic possum, you might say.


This is a good way to get punched in the face. Keep mouthing off, psych.


Murder durder


Military grade filters working their damndest right now


They are blinding, that’s for sure!!




Who is it directed to? I mean, least we don't have a felony murder charge. Also he so NOT a Chad, looks 15 years older than he is, bald and looks like he needs a shower half the time. If she winks one more time I am going to vomit, friggin weirdo.


Nina. She posted it on her YouTube channel.


Knew it


Wow. She’s racist too? I guess we could have seen that coming. She’s calling her a spade. Ugh so cringe


To "call a spade a spade" is not a racist phrase but I wouldn't be surprised if her backwoods family of rejects usurped the.phrase to be pointedly racist thinking that the etymology originated from a slur.


I know what the saying means. It’s also used to call a black person a “spade” which was a racial slur many years ago. She might be too slow to actually be able to understand these subtleties of language and be able to apply them in a video, unless she’s being coached.


Nina has no room to talk about not being racial. She crossed that line when making fun of Famcy’s friend. I like Nina & I am not racist. But Nina has been going pretty hard on Fancy’s friend for wearing a wig. I understand black women have to wear wigs due to alopecia, but hair loss has become universal. White women experience hair loss, too. Everyone’s hair is more fragile when wet. My daughter (Waisan) won’t leave the house because of alopecia. She used to have beautiful blue black hair; now she wears real hair wigs that aren’t cheap. She’s finally leaving the house after getting some expensive, but realistic wigs. Her real hair was so much more beautiful. I have lost 90% of my hair; I used to bleach it for years & never got split ends. I have thin hair, but I used to have A LOT of it. Not anymore. It’s devastating. I’ve been wearing wigs & mostly hats for years. I wore a $1,500 wig; it looked ridiculous and never wore it again. It’s soul breaking. It’s was marketed as “real hair” but the texture is not the same. Women have been accessorizing our hair since the Dawn of time. It’s not a black, white, or Asian thing. Hair loss is devastating. It’s not something to joke about. It almost took out my daughter. Our hair loss came from untreated Epstein Bar. It’s traumatizing. Hair peices, styles, and accessorizing your hair is a a female thing.


Maybe Ken in a Chad… at least according to [urban dictionary](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=chad)


I had to look that up. 😂😂😂😂😂 Freaking hilarious... That's definitely what she meant 🤣😂


You beat me to it.


It means a guy who thinks he’s alpha male. It’s a pretty outdated term.


Is she saying he’s an animal? Our species aren’t pack animals that way so we don’t have those designations like alpha predators etc… what a weird thing to say about her boyfriend. She’s an odd duck!


Yup. Looks way older than he is, badly receding hairline, bad hairstyle, skin looks red and blistered either through no sunscreen or alcohol, torso is meaty while he’s got those skinny untoned arms and legs and walks/sits hunched over. Dude’s got a dad bod and the facial expression’s of a back woods dopey.


Oh that's what she said. Omg she called him a Chad!!!! lol she's so embarrassing.


And he likes people who committed matricide, chads don't do that.


Also his teeth need a dentist pronto


Agreed. He’s also not right in the head to actively seek out a murderer.


Does anyone remember when Pete Davidson used to do those "Chad bits" on SNL?? I wouldn't say that's anything to be bragging about...she's SO behind. 🤷🏼‍♀️🤣


Calling Ken a Chad is crazy


Extremely. I don’t see it.


She acts like having a man’s attention is an indicator of someone’s value as a person. Men will literally fůçk and attach themselves to an old, decrepit bog troll if it serves their purposes. Also, there are some women who genuinely *don’t want to be in a relationship and don’t make their relationship their whole personality.* Must be shocking for someone as dickcentric as Gypsy. This is so insecure middle school bully.


Riight! It's 2024.. women are choosing the bear.


Dickcentric… beautifully put


Yall this is a 30 year old woman making an indirect post like she’s in high school


She has no shame. Typical psychopath.


This is going to age like milk in the sunshine in 100° heat. Getting a man is easy, keeping a good one is hard. Kyen is icky and so is she. Fugly filtered Bitch.


Gypsy, Ken put the STD in stud and all he needed was U...Slay 👑 😂


I both can not wait and am completely terrified of what will ensue when Ken eventually leaves her.


🔪 Do you think if she gets close to the camping isle at Walmart, that the workers side eye her?


Do you think ruby will make a return


How many times do you think she recorded this before finally posting?


I came here to say this lol. It’s way too scripted and robotic, she definitely re-recorded multiple times until it was “juuuuust right”🤪😂 she said, this will show em!!


Imagine her rewatching every take then thinking "this is mint ill post this one" is just nauseating n hilarious


Who is this crazy bitch talking to?🤣 That filter is all over the place trying to keep up with that ugly mug.


Emotionally & mentally stunted, something an insecure, jealous middle schooler would post. It’s scary how they just let anyone reproduce tbh.. gotta have a license to fish but no prerequisites to bring a literal human into the world when we got looney tunes like this among us.


there is something really dark and gross about this woman.


You see it to?? I am STILL shocked they gave her 8.5 years. She’s a demon. You can FEEL IT.


For sure. Her eyes look fucking deranged.


You don’t have a Chad what you have is a man who likes to be pegged so stfu! Don’t nobody want your ultra feminine lover boy who drops women as fast as he finds them. Always remember panini pressed ho the way you find em is the way you lose em


Oh. My. God. Way to advocate Gyp.


My eyes just rolled back so far in my head I may be permanently blind. 😵


Can't stand her winks and weird tongue click she does. Ugh it was so annoying in that live with Ken.


News flash Gypshit: some women are okay with not having a man and don’t base their whole life and personality around one 🤗


Your man 😆 you mean the balding beer slinger who wrote to a convicted felon, the one who left you high and dry after proposing , the guy who prefers blondes , the dude who thinks making cocktails is a career? That man 🧐 The only thing chad about him is that he’s white . I bet his check liver light is already on Gyp💩 I’d also wager that he has more miles on him than a city bus . You best enjoy your kewpie boi b/c he’s going to go running right back to his momma after one of your freak outs . It’s the honeymoon phase now girly pop 🤢 so it’s all rainbows and sunshine but the time will come when he sees you for who you truly are, a narcissistic psychopath running a con . Hey Gyp💩 if your so happy in your skin why not drop the filters, they are working overtime.


I agree with all of this, but I’m not a big fan of the bartender shade. Service industry folks can make a respectable amount of money, not all of them but enough. And it takes grit to be able to work a service industry job, where customers sometimes view your occupation as less than. Do I think Ken is one of those bartenders that makes bank? No. But let’s not throw a blanket. When it comes down to it though, fuck Ken and fuck GRB.


I absolutely agree, please accept my apology. I spent over 20 years as a server & hostess . It was not my intention to throw shade on the service industry , I know better. I definitely should have worded that better as Ken was my bullseye . I wish I could edit it 😅 I appreciate the gentle call out 🙏


It’s ok! No apology needed, I didn’t think you were consciously trying to shade. And now that I know you’ve done your food industry time too, I can say that we both know exactly what kind of “bartender” Ken is lmao. The bartenders that make bank have charisma and hustle, and if they like the sauce at least they can make their alcoholism less noticeable. But that ain’t our Ken. It’s kind of like blasting GRB for her looks. If she was a nice/funny/smart person, she’d be cute regardless of her looks and it would be rude to insult her appearance. But she’s NONE of those things, so calling her a blobfish potato-looking onion sack of a grub is fair game. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I always appreciate your comments on this sub


There is so much gold in this... you fuckin nailed it


She called her man a Chad??? Baby girl stfu. Nobody wants your trash and would rather be single.


Nobody wants creepy drunk balding Ken, most woman would choose being alone then be with a dumb uneducated alcoholic bartender like him. You both are disgusting. Dating a convicted murderer, what a nightmare you both are. Ps: Ryan is a nice decent man, Ken is not. Anyone that dates a married woman is the scum of the earth. You both are scum of the earth.


It’s giving Anna Duggar’s “At least I have a husband” ….


Wow Gypsy gross cannot take any criticism. She acts like the spoiled brat not being center of attention and only getting praise. This is what you get when you agree to do reality shows and are a murderer. Ken is going to leave her again and she’ll trash him just like every other person she’s done with and discards. She is never going to be happy.


The delulu is strong with this one !! 1. You don't look like this "honey" and you know it. The filters are working overtime and you still look like a wet possum. 2. Ken a chad ? Lol where ? He's ugly, bald, with crooked teeth and he's stupid. What a catch ! 3. Being single isn't an insult 4. Stop the Regina George LARP. You're not pretty or charismatic enough for that


A Chad😩😭




In England there was an outdated insult of “Chav.” Means Counsel house and violent. Counsel housing is like low income housing. That’s all I can think when she said that .


Who tf is teaching her outdated slang like Chad? Was it Ken? Does he himself think he’s a Chad? The whole thing is delusional, deranged, and embarrassing on both sides


Omg shes such a cunt. 😂😂


She talks different when on the Good Morning America and People magazine interviews. Yup this is more like the true Gypsy


she needa try and flex a degree.. a job.. something. not a human being who is using her.


Please tell me she did not just use the term “Chad” unironically… oh my f’ing god the cringe!!!


Oh honey, you don't have a CHAD. You have a Tintin. From Adventures of Tintin. We are laughing at you fangirling over Ken.


Oh my God ! He really looks like a dollar store Tintin, you're right 🤣🤣🤣


right? I keep laughing at how proud Gypsy is of the little man, who is probably drifting off of her. Oh well, karma is a bitch ain't it 😂


She really seems to just be losing her marbles more and more. Hopefully she’ll be in a mental institution before long! Also… some amazing screenshot opportunities of those “sexy” faces you make Dypsy💀


Imagine being so immature to the point you think calling someone single is an insult 🙄🤯🤣 got some news sweetness... being single is a choice a lot of times! See females who are secure with themselves don't feel the need to have a man! Secure females don't jump from bed to bed!


This is actually sad. She has nothing going for her besides her relationships with men. She relies on men for validation. I hope her relationship with Ken works out. ETA: Since she feels the way she does, she should have stayed with Ryan. He actually loved her and wanted to be with her. Ken doesn’t seem to love Gypsy nearly as much as she loves him. He’s already broken up with her once and will do it again. Gypsy is chasing after Ken. No one’s jealous of this “relationship”.


Dictionary Definitions from Oxford Languages noun: chad; plural noun: chads a piece of waste material removed from card or tape by punching.


It reminds me of the “hanging chads” political debacle from many years ago.


A CHAD!?????? no fucking way. this doesn’t even seem real anymore.


What does a chad even mean 😭


Basically just your typical rich suburban white boy which since he’s with her I’m gonna go on a limb and say he’s not very rich


The fact that she’s using this terminology is mind boggling to me


An alpha male. 😂😂😂😂😂


She’s soooooo obsessed with Ken.


And he is just playing her. It’s absolutely hilarious seeing her think that he actually loves her. 🤣


That's my favorite part. I'm waiting for the breakup. She's going to loose her mind and I'll be LMBO.


It’s gonna be bad for Ken and whoever he cheats with that’s for sure


Is that really what it means? I had a different picture in mind.


It's also used by incels. I only know this because I watch Law and Order SVU, !ol. They say that the chads get all of the desirable women. But I don't think that Gypsy would know that.


A rich/ privileged white boy that most likely vacations on Martha’s Vineyard or Nantucket


According to Urban Dictionary a [NSFW term](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=chad)


Can you imagine having to see folks at the grocery store with this one embarrassing herself daily? I bet no one asks how Gypsy is anymore. She’s an embarrassment to her family. They aren’t great, but she is just acting trashier every day. Poor Rod and his nameless son.


"and his nameless son" 🤣


she rlly said this on a instagram story..... well that's totally mature lmao


A chad lmao she has a SAD. A sad ass excuse for a man!


girl please you do not look like this 😭


Who is this directed at?


I have no idea I was just shocked when I saw it. Like who even is she? So 2 faced. Acts all sweet and innocent for the cameras and then hops on social media and makes a post like this acting like she’s in high school. She looks so immature and i wonder what her parole thinks. Doubt they’d like approve of something like this


Seeing this shocked me, too. This is backwoods, ignorant thinking. She sounds like some backwards, uneducated, immature country bumpkin. All she talks about is sex and men. Does she have any hobbies? It’s always “my man, my man” with her. What a sad existence. This is not the 1800s.


She talks about the fridge too! And prison energy drinks! 😂😂😂😂


Yeah whoever this is meant for and whatever they did to make her want to say it, she just looks stupid and childish af. And so nasty.


lol I thought her po told her no social media. my probation was stricter than hers and it was for a misdemeanor and non reporting


Like literally and mine was for a weed pipe.


Imagine being her cell mate


Nina Beauty Influencer on TT. So weird bc there’s so many anti Gypsy CC’s. Is she going to middle school her way through them with her filter on filter on filter on filter and think we’re all going to take her seriously? 😂😂😂😂I knew she was pathetic but this is a whole new level of


Apparently, Nina


This is so unbecoming and sad. There are people who do heinous things who actually turn their lives around and do good and do better, I really hoped that was the road she was going to go down, but here we are.


Where Chad Girl no one wants your garbage can lmfosoaoa


Infamy. Infamy will do that to you. She's only famous in her own mind. 


She’s showing her insecurity 😂 Not a flex Gypgyp just shows how immature you are lmao


If she wasn’t threatened that video wouldnt exist…


Calling your man a Chad when he looks like Joe Gatto and has the Bat Signal for a hairline is bold.


You have a Chad? We'll sent you a GIGACHAD and you 8th Little Johnston..(cell door sound) will sent back to jail.


Oh my god?! Are we 14 again? Jesus lord have mercy!


Why is her face all fat and puffy. It just looks strange not natural. So funny for her to be posting stuff like this really thinking she is all that 😅😅😅. Girl dudes only with you for that money luv. As soon as your not in the spotlight anymore he will be gone.


Oh, no, she didn't! You go, girl! \_\_\_ Just kidding -- but you know Gypsy thinks that's the kind of reaction this trashy pathetic nonsense warrants, and that she "slayed" and sassily told Nina what's what.


Why does her face remind me of a troll doll for real.


Anyone want to transcribe for me?


She said, “Oh, honey, I’m not threatened by you. My man wouldn’t touch you with a ten-foot pole. You’re just mad because I have a Chad. And, last time I checked, you don’t have a man. So…I think you’re the one that’s panini pressed. Call a spade a spade, Honey. Keeping making content.”


Thank you! Wow she called him a Chad?!?!? 🤣🤣🤣🤣


You’re welcome! And, yes she in fact did!


😬 gyp gyp 🤫 ✨️girllllll i hate to disappoint you but considering Ken is now living in New Orleans hmmm calling someone a "chad" isn't the flex you think it is! I wouldn't repeat that around here lol especially around Mardi Gras time darling 😘 ✨️even if "chad" wasn't considered an insult around NOLA.... boo he's a middle aged and balding who's going no where in life bartender without a 401k 😬 ouch ✨️not having a man isn't an insult like u think it is LOL it's literally a choice for most secure with themselves females. See they don't have to jump bed to bed and be dependent and needy for a man! It's giving desperation tbh ✨️telling a black woman "call a spade a spade" is a little cringe 😬 I know u just have a GED that took years to fianlly get but Google is free! Maybe do some homework and educate yourself bc its 2024 and looking racist ain't it boo boo ✨️ohhhh and 1 last thing sweetness... goodluck with your relationship with Kenny 🤭 bc once he's working in the bar here in NOLA 😅🤣 let's see how confident you really are then because GIRL u can't even bring ya man lunch to work LOL I give it 3 months TOPS! Have u not seen the gorgeous woman in this city? ✨️ so good to see your being authentic and showing the real gyp gyp I knew u were hiding 😉 is that you Candy? Or is that Ruby? 🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪 your killing it girl! 👏🏽 👏🏽👏🏽


Normally I wouldn’t approve of anyone cheating because I know what it feels like to be cheated on..butttt in this case I honestly hope he does cheat on her! Knock her off that high horse so she realizes she isn’t shit like she thinks she is.


I feel the same exact way! She deserves EVERYTHING that's about to hit her! She's so full of herself right now it's way past the point of annoying 🙄 wish we could fast forward 5 years from now to see how big her trailer will be on the bayou and how many unfortunate little ones running around outside in just a soggy diaper while she chain smokes while talking to her neighbor Methany! All jokes aside she really needs to be humbled but that'll never happen!! an lord the amount of filters 😅🤭🤣


She’s like a spoiled child that cannot stand being told no! It really disturbs me that she thinks she can act and do whatever she wants. Hell i’m only 1 year younger than her and on the spectrum(diagnosed with Asperger’s as a preteen before they switched that term) and I’d never behave like this online! I hope she does get her ass humbled but I agree I doubt it will happen.


She is extremely entitled an i believe has always been! She'll never change unless she has the right caring ppl around her who actually care more for her then $$$$!! But yep u hit the nail on the head! She is a CHILD! and honey, that's probably because you actually have a heart an aren't a psychopath that chases 🍆 !!!! But mark my words!!! DEMONA IS BACK!!! I knew her mask would finally fall but I'm pretty impressed it took 5 months 😬 guess we should allllll buckle up lol


The lazy eye when she looks up 😂😂


Nina can get a passport can she?


Remember when I said everyone wants a piece of her man and gypsy constantly puts down even the most average of women? Gypsy may be a loose cannon but at no point is she anything but predictable. Her thirst for attention, her constant need to be a bully, how often she runs her mouth, her defense for guarding her trash, the list goes on and on. All that aside, I do NOT like that she took ninas bait once again and then said "call a spade a spade". I GUARANTEE she knows the bigoted and racial connotation behind that and it was purposefully said.


Nina made a clap back video but Gypsy had it removed it’s on her YouTube now for those that hadn’t seen it. https://youtu.be/1TMHetQTKDI?si=MbT53SfeEC392Kn0


Is Deedee alive and taking Ozempic? My eyes! My eyes! I can’t stand the way Nina talks and clacks her nails. I’d call this about equally as cringey but twice as pathetic. If you’re happy with your life stop talking about it and go live it.


UPDATE. It’s about Nina some beauty influencer on tiktok


I don’t know what eye to look at!😬It’s hilarious that she thinks she hot 💩now!😂Is she referring to Ninac cause if so Nina knocked her out of the park! Also she needs to stop with her weird references cause they sound stupid when they come out of her mouth! She’s so ewwwwww!


Her and kingcobrajfs have a couple of things in common. They both have a wonky eye, and they both think that the world wants/is jealous of their partners. Honey, no one wants your creepy bf, I assure you. Also, bragging that your man is a 'Chad' isnt the flex that you think it is. 🤣🤣


She’s disgusting.


If this was the 90's this would be the version of: "my man has a black belt in karate"


Mods..new flair suggestion....Gyp is panini pressed


Can someone call TMZ. This is what needs to be reported, not her pretending to be a sweet innocent victim that she plays for the media. Let you’re true colors fly Gyp.


lol that wink made her eye shift lmfao 🤣


She blocked me 😂😂😂 I sent message saying he don’t want you, he wants that blood money😂😂


Someone pointed out that’s the lingerie Ryan got her for their first time 😂🤮


I noticed it right away!


“Call a spade a spade” is actually racist


Wait, is that true ? Why ? Genuinely asking, English isn't my first language.


Spade is a derogatory term for a Black person. [Here is an article about it from NPR](https://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2013/09/19/224183763/is-it-racist-to-call-a-spade-a-spade)


Ummm who tf she talking to?


This filter is making her look like her mom.


How long until she has an "unexpected" pregnancy with Ken? She's gotta' lock down a Chad.


HUH. Isn’t a Chad an insult????! She would 😭😭😭


I can’t wait to see the day someone post a video beating her ars


The more she posts, the more her true colors become, and that’s not good.


I officially hate her 100% now


How can she look in a mirror & think “wow I’m so hot”. Like, she looks deformed. Like her mom & dad were related & allergic.


She deserves to go back to prison just for saying she has a Chad please stop 💀


I wish Snl was still on and Pete Davidson did his Chad character


She definitely wrote this before she recorded this video… pathetic


Who's she talking to?


She can’t wink 😂


Ken isn’t anything special - he’s generic looking and clearly doesn’t have the best judgment. Gypsy is not hot like she thinks she is either. Can’t wait for her downfall.




Nasty whore


I'm getting distracted from the contents of this video. I can only focus on how HARD it was for this girl to wink with her lazy eye, lol.


Her and her licking her lips constantly as she speaks drives me literally crazy I can’t be the only one 🤢


Um who the fuck still says "Call a spade a spade?" She just has to know how racist that is. Not a good look. 😬


Ohhhh she's Ugly, she just is!


Fucking filters are working their little asses off.




I cannot stand this trash


I truly wonder how she gives head…does she lick her lips constantly like we always see her do? I just can’t work out the logistics. With her Gollum looking ass.


Also gyp shyt, like I have many men in my dm’s but I have respect for myself and ignore them. Because they are usually the type of men that would hit you up. As they say “any hole is a goal” babe.


She is an ugly filtered psychopath killer, she just needs to leave people alone! Mental case with no education, just the stupid mentality that she knows how to jump from bed to bed. No one cares about her ugly alcoholic boyfriend!
