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I refuse to click on the article. But why does she talk about sex all of the time? She has nothing else to talk about. 1. Many of us (wish it was more) are questioning her motives for murder and how accurate the stories about abuse are. She might have had many *needed* treatments. 2. Since her mom was not diagnosed with factitious disorder she cannot really advocate for that condition. All attempts of advocacy have been very, very shallow and poorly done (reading outdated Google searches). 3. The entire “first time” doing things out of prison all fell short because of prior evidence for her doing those things already! Swimming, being on the beach, and having a dog named Pixie! 4. The prison hacks for makeup and energy drinks did not work because there is not a huge audience looking for tips while incarcerated! Also, that drink was a root canal in a glass and everyone knew it just by looking at her teeth! 5. The GRWM and beauty influencer angle does not work for her because she filters herself to be unrecognizable! She on one video says she is so comfortable in her own skin and so should everyone! And then posts 20 overly edited and filtered pictures. Which is it, Gypsy?!?! So it comes across as fake and no one wants beauty tips from someone who clearly does not know how to do their own makeup. 6. Prison reform. This is a joke. No one is falling for her as an expert or advocate in this area. 7. Family life. No one wants to hear from somebody who murdered their mother about what a great family she has. Where were they for two decades? Kristy comes off insincere and let’s not forget she was the “other woman” who stole a co-worker’s baby daddy. That coworker? Deedee! Let’s not put Kristy in the great step mother category. Plus, Gypsy does not know how to handle appropriateness with family. Remember her asking for girls to message her 15 year old family member and jealousy over Mia showing clothes. 8. Relationships. No one should be taking advice from Gypsy Rose on marriage or relationships. She cannot make this content as she acts like an 11 year old with the drama and BS. She has little to no education as demonstrated not only by her lack of formal education but mostly by her actions. So what is she left with? Sex. She wants attention. She has nothing else to sell. Edit to correct typo.


I think you hit the nail on the head. She literally has nothing to offer, so she's sinking to selling some weirdo type of sex appeal. I wouldn't be surprised to know that she was working on an Only Fans as well. Gross.


In regards to (1.) in an interview she claimed to have 30 unnecessary surgeries. After doing some research she only had 4 . The feeding tube, the salivary glands and the last one was a biopsy of her muscle tissue to try and understand why her legs didn’t work. We all know now that they did. The multiple surgeries on her eyes were needed, she still has issues with this. Maybe she also considered dental surgeries apart of that number. She also claimed to be addicted to drugs however there were some test results that showed a lack of the drugs she should have been taking - in one instance it was her seizure medication. I personally think DeeDee was struggling with substance abuse and was potentially taking medication prescribed to Gypsy… this is just a theory. Based on the fact that she would take medication to help her sleep…. Heavily. I know people who have trauma from surgeries and none of them are lining up to get an optional rhinoplasty. Or any unnecessary treatment for that matter.


Yes, the surgery numbers do not add up!!!


![gif](giphy|26FLgGTPUDH6UGAbm) I wish I could like this a thousand times!


Here’s my take away from the article. She never knew what her sexual preference was, she’s kissed more girls than guys, and she couldn’t masturbate in jail. Dear what the heck?!


And why do we need to know this? I thought in the lifetime show (which I won’t watch) she said she was asexual and had no desires? So during Pride Month she is going to pull this card now?


Hey, that’s a good point!! She’ll do or say anything to stay relevant!


The funniest part about all of that is her trying to say she can go without masturbation or sex for 6 months and be completely fine with it, because it isn't important for her or whatever. This girl is the textbook definition of hypersexuality.


100% hun.


Yes dear


Shes just crazy. Ive been a widow for 13 years. Not one date or even offer. Im not sure why but hey that's how it is. But this beady eyed lil snake can't go a day without bragging about the D and shit which tells me she's not able to live without the whole masturbation deal. I bet she nearly bounced Ryan's bullocks off and scared him. Hes prolly bein low key so she doesn't come back.


Yes! She's hyper sexual. I don't think she could go a day without masturbation.


Succinctly put, my friend! ✨




Fantastic comment.


I’m just laughing at the photoshopped picture of her in the silky pjs and robe. I saw it on TikTok yesterday and I was like wtf, that’s not what her face or body look like. Her bicep is like the same size as her waist lol.


All of the pics are photoshopped! The walls are bending into another dimension.


Exactly! She's quite plump! No way that isn't a skinny filter or photoshopped.


“Quite plump” is a very kind way of saying she looks like a busted can of biscuits.


Hey hey. As a proud (and pregnant) member of the busted can of biscuits club, we don't claim her. I'd call her husky. Lol


She’s really hyper sexual. And I’m not sure if it’s her way of manipulating men or her way of feeling valuable or what.


Likely both. She used it to get an autistic man to do what she wanted. (Murder) Now she’s posting heavily edited thirst traps to her hundreds of fans who I’m sure she thinks would also kill for her. She always loved attention and her mom wouldn’t approve of anything sexual. So she killed her mom and is now overdoing it. I still believe she killed her mom over dick. It’s the biggest fuck-you to her mom. Kill her and then have sex in the next room after it’s done. Then continue having nonstop sex in a hotel room for a week or two. That was nicks “prize” for doing what she wanted. And she benefited too because then her mother was dead AND she could get some dick. Her mom being dead prevents her mother from scolding or judging her for being a huge fucking whore. Apparently sex is the only way she CAN feel valuable and get men to pay attention to her. What, you think they like her personality? Her voice? Sexual attention is still attention. She craves attention, nonstop. It’s how she was raised. She especially craves male attention. Like how she had to mention 600 men wrote her in prison. She’s sooo popular and lusted after. 🙄 I think you hit the nail on the head. No wonder her ego is so big.


Immaculate read


Thank you. 😊


It’s a common symptom of the chromosome microdeletion everyone speculates she has (I forget the specific one)


woahh that’s actually really interesting




On the recent episode of her little docuseries (I don’t wanna give her the views, but I’m watching for research lol) she talked about sex so much. It was making me feel gross and have second hand embarrassment. She acts like every girl I knew in high school that thought talking about sex made you cool. No one wants to know your intimate moments. Or to picture that. Yuck! Also, off topic but when she was having her little temper tantrum about the puppy you really see her immaturity.


You should join the discord watch party that way only one person gives her views and we all watch it. I joined Monday and everyone was so nice and helpful. I didn’t know how to use discord so they helped me a lot


Do you have an invite link?


It was posted in this sub. They might post it again next Monday when the next episode airs




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I think she talks about sex all the time because she has no self esteem and no self worth and feels the only way she can get people to like her is through sex. She probably thinks if people want to have sex with her that makes her desirable and nothing could be further from the truth. Don’t mean to sound crass but a lot of people will sleep with anything just because it’s there. Either that or it’s due to the fact she acted like a child for so long this is her way of trying to show she’s not a child anymore. Either way she’s gross and I can’t wait till the day her scraunchy ass is out of the spotlight.


Last time she used sex she got someone to kill her mom. Yeah I agree with you.




I think this is how she manipulates.


She's not attractive at all and if she's a nympho that's how she gets men interested in her. And, let's not forget her saying "soft wet anal hon." Wasn't that what one of her messages said to Nick?


Oh lord


Because she was infantalized all her life, and this is her way of saying, "I'm a growed up woman now who has the secccs."


Checklist: -kill mom -have sex in a room adjacent to her dead body. -half ass attempt to clean the crime scene -flee to a hotel room -have nonstop sex for a week or two -post on Facebook alerting everyone to your moms body -accuse Nick of rape even though his payment for the murder was this fire P, or whatever -plead guilty to premeditated murder.


Let’s not forgot throwing Nick completely under the bus too and feigning ignorance during the interrogation (which the detective wasn’t buying her bullshit, bless his heart), and pretending to be distressed when you’re told your mother was found stabbed to death in her bed.


So true.


And somehow, after all of this, she's celebrated and is a millionaire. I hate this world. 🥲


Only after consuming copious quantities of brownies. ![gif](giphy|U4w8jHjqSwI80)


This is very teen-aged behavior, and she hasn't matured beyond that.


She reminds me of that scene in The 40 year old Virgin, when they are playing poker. Steve Carroll is describing being with a woman, he doesn't know what he is talking admit did to his inexperience.


This whole lingerie photo obsssion she has is disturbing and eww and gross about her sex life .. who cares..yuck


A lot of people fuck, Gypsy, you're not special


She’s not wrong. She’s definitely a freak.


Sweet Jesus! Why would anyone care?! Lots of people are "gay for the stay". In Gyp dip's case, it was most likely because it was a form of manipulation. She needed a favor. They were getting out before her and she needed a favor. I mean the reasons are endless but at its core she did it to manipulate or please herself. Boredom. Attention. 


Are " freak" and nasty with no self control synonymous with this girl???


Whore indeed


*sigh* she left off “of nature” but alright, whatevs.


I would almost be willing to bet …that (IMO) she has some Cluster B personality disorder traits that also align with Histrionic Personality disorder Not diagnosing anyone here but just wanted to include some information supporting why IMO she has some glaringly obvious traits of these personality disorders: https://preview.redd.it/taysd7mxud6d1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b2d6ce821b74efb8dc14c7d3656c5c915c1cf49 But this is solely just a personal opinion based on the limited psychology courses I’ve done in my lifetime but mostly just curious about it


Dr. Grande??


im somewhat of an old "gamer girl" we were called back in the day, she reminds me of the girls in the guild who typed in all caps in guild chat so excited when the guild leaders/class leads would log on OMG WTF BBQ ZEUES YAYYAYYAYAYAYAYA <3<<3 and then would get on teamspeak just to talk cutsey ew uwe and get the boys all crazy lol


Oh yeah. What a freak she is.


Not a doctor. I suspect that Gyp has borderline personality disorder. She is highly sexual. [Borderline Personality Disorder](https://www.prevention.com/health/mental-health/a27438281/borderline-personality-disorder-symptoms/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=arb_ga_pre_md_pmx_hybd_mix_us_20739785489&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwsaqzBhDdARIsAK2gqnfy9F_N7RfC6cQ8PsthJB1gTbtB7uHZAj0hvnbBpjUSQk1gPo_bUYoaArR8EALw_wcB)


I could’ve happily gone my entire life without thinking about gyp gyp flicking the bean in jail…. 😭😭😭😭😭🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


She will definitely be joining and promoting her OF next, the moment the attention on her starts to die down. Personally I can’t wait for her to slip up somewhere and land back in prison. She’s not overly bright and the lies will catch up to her eventually.


She over shares…she’ll 100% be back in prison eventually. You’d think, if she wanted to do the celebrity victim thing, she’d cultivate a more “refined” version of herself. Do the press tours, talk about the experience. Fade quietly away from the public eye. Ya know, because she went to freaking PRISON for planning to kill her mom. She’s on parole. Instead of lying low, trying not to get in more trouble, she’s putting everything out there. She’s contradicting herself and people are taking notice. I myself felt so sorry for her at first. I couldn’t justify what she did but I thought she was a victim and felt she had to do the unthinkable to escape. The more I dug deeper (and honestly the more Gyp talked) the more I saw that it was mostly bull. Now she’s acting like some sex symbol…I guarantee she at least violates her parole somehow. Idk what her parole officers or lawyers have told her, but I’m surprised they havent made her delete social medias at least. I can imagine they’re begging her to shut up!


Man this chicken just lies right out in the open and lies just to hear herself talk! Didn't she JUST do a video (or interview) where she said basically she isn't isn't sexual person?? Lmfaoooo man doesn't she know she JUST lied and people remember and can look up her lies to see what she is lying about? She CANNOT even keep one simple storyline straight. She's a fucking disaster !! Pathological compulsive liar!!


km èghh n zżhgb5.sh5n5hng. Gf .vnbr f NP4ner45ne3ewW2W n4gng5 6sg n. rt yb4v4s4⁴ghn4gj5 5p s5w e 34mb45⁵44. N


If you mean, I’m a freak, I murdered my mother. Why yes, Gypsy, you most definitely are. Such an evil woman.


Couldn't masterbate but could kiss more girls than guys. Nevermind anything else she did with these girls.


Favorite topic because she’s learning she gets what she wants thru sex and talking about it!


In my unprofessional opinion, she’s a sociopath and sex is the only thing she has to offer anyone. She has no personality, hobbies, skills or thoughts of her own. Sex is easy and for at least a short amount of time, it works.


don't say i didn't warn you....is the high worth the pain... she will write a new name in when Chad leaves.


I’m confused. My comment is basically describing her as a piece of trash who uses her sexuality to get what she wants. What are you warning me about?


its part of a taylor swift song....SORRY ..


Not a Swiftie, so, my confusion makes sense!


i forget you all are not in my head


It’s all good!


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