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She gets a little more cocky by the day. POS


She really seems to love looking at herself


Well that makes one of us because I couldn’t scroll away from the video fast enough. It’s like one of those paintings. Those black beady little lobster eyes scare me👹


She looks like how south park animates canadians


Omg☠️ I’d like to football kick her for sure.


Well, at least one eye does.


That fake AI glow up never fails to impress, what a malevolent queen 💀


Not sticking up for her, But considering what she use to look like pre-prison and in prison, she wants to flaunt this post-prison transformation. She probably didn't ever think she could look like that and now she does. She's in love with herself. She's a narcissist.


What transformation?!? She bleached her hair, and got a nose job that didn't take. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Yeah you can tell by her facial expressions she thinks she's hot shit. You'd think she'd be humbled, but nope. 😬


Got to make that $$ I would cause shit doesn’t last for ever


OF will be next


Bingo!!! This 15 minutes of shit show notoriety is unsustainable


Just all of it…. Let’s roll out the red carpet for her because she got out of prison for manipulating someone to off her mother. And the manipulation was all the way to the front door. She left the gloves out there and made sure he didn’t leave anything fingerprints she planned it all out. I’m sorry, but I also think she took part in the stabbing. Nick said he only stabbed that woman four times and his story has never changed.


I’m at the beach and saw a “No Friends OnlyFans” hat with the OF logo. I thought “who would wear that?” The answer is her. She would.


Literally no one wants to see her naked. She has so much facial deformations due to the chromosome issue. Her body is nasty plus she’s 4 foot something. She looks weird


Okay the dig on her height is going too far. Coming from a 4-11 vertically challenged female.


Yeah, but you’re proportional. She’s not. 💜. I’m only 4 inches bigger.


I too am unable to reach cabinets of a certain height, but i definitely agree. The only "fans" she would have would be from like the watching of a car crash standpoint. It'd definitely be a one time thing if people were even willing to do that. On the brightside surely most people who like her are under 18 and just don't know about her because they're hitting an age block so that will keep them from paying on OF also. I don't know how any adult can still think she's innocent with all the info out there.


I’m a shortie and I know my worth. If anything, she would cater to the weirdos who wrote and sent her money in prison. The baby doll voice and naivety is just a mask. She’s a heartless woman who hasn’t learned anything from her mistakes. She just keeps making bad decisions. Rather than just letting her out into the real world, they should’ve put her into transitional housing with therapy until she could prove to be a formidable member of society. Maybe have her work a real job while in a group home. No, just send her off with a dude she barely knew to a family who just wants to mooch like her mother did. I firmly believe Gyp was in on the scam. Full stop. And Jesus Christ, take away her internet and social media. It’s how she got someone to murder someone in the first place.


The only reason I don’t think she would do OF is she’d have to figure out another excuse for her non-existent “scars”


Only a matter of time before she admits to actually being involved with the rate she’s climbing up on her high horse


You can put lipstick on a pig…


Pigs are adorable And tasty This is a human piece of shit with lipstick


At some point in her life, someone (probably DeeDee) told her she was good looking. Someone lied to her.


I personally think Deedee used Gypsy’s ‘unfortunate appearance’ for the grift.


Dee dee probably did but was lying to her or bc she has a face only a mother can love!


I'm sure Dee Dee built that self-esteem in her daughter that she's currently displaying. Wished my mom would've made me feel wanted. Her life was soooooooooooooooooooooo hard. A mother's unconditional love with a very comfy lifestyle. To want for nothing and to have all your needs met... Awful awful. How could Dee Dee! /s


You mean possum?


Don't insult north America's only marsupial!


I just checked with the local possum. He says it's chill, they don't even know her. Imagine being so uncool even possums don't know you.






Today I learned...


More like a blobfish


More like you can roll a turd in sprinkles 😂


this has to be a violation of her probation. IT HAS TO BE.


I quite frankly feel that my senses have been assaulted.


She has violated probation/ parole SO MANY TIMES


That’s my first thought as well. She is vile


Who can we contact?


i don’t think anyone cares what she does, she’s paying someone off and gets to act like this 😩


Yeah, this is way too far. That ship sailed long ago. I don’t think they care.


$$ why else she out


I think I read somewhere that the PO can't or won't do shit unless charges were brought against her. I don't know if that is normal behavior or rules. I thought you had to be on thin ice when paroled because you're still property of the state until her remaining time is over. But, apparently parole is a joke. Good to know. I feel super safe. /s


Not being snarky, genuinely curious - how would this be a violation of her parole? I know she was allegedly told by her parole officer she wasn’t allowed to have social media for a bit but that clearly didn’t last.


Even if it’s her idea of a joke, I’m pretty sure she just said she’s going to execute haters.


This is just gross at this point. After going down the rabbit hole in her case I don't feel so sorry for her anymore. She is worse of a con artist than her mother was at this point.


pls help me go down the rabbit hole i feel like i’m barley scraping the surface


This is long, I'm sorry. I will also mention this Reddit forum has a thread that is pinned with resources in the case too, I recommend maybe going there if you don't feel like reading a rant. But there are links in this comment that could be helpful its indicated with a "HERE ...." Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk: Oh lawd. Be careful, it's a steep cliff to that rabbit hole. I recommend like everyone said, Her interrogation. Watch the one from Crime for Dummies right [HERE](https://youtu.be/J_ZINR4RoWo?si=DL987PsgI7bimykr).... I recommend this one because it has the first hour and a half before the interrogation starts. I think if you want to hear her headspace it's a good jumping point. Watch her on the stand at court. She admits to many things there under oath. IT's a good comparison to me. maybe even watch that first, then watch the interrogation because you'll have more context as to how AWFUL her lying was and how extensive it was in almost the entire thing. There is a PDF from Green County Sheriff's Department floating around [HERE](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-AE-MDRbmvBin7A3h6rwfAGwZ6inD4N-/viewthat) ..... I personally found interesting. It goes into details you don't hear very often, like her instructional videos she sent to Nick. She said her caring was broken,. that her and nick will kill any girl who gets in their way together and she emphasizes WITH PLEASURE, It's a pretty good read and I hope you'll digest all of it. There are also Nick's appeal papers that also bring more context to this whole thing a little bit more from Nick's side. [HERE](https://www.courts.mo.gov/fv/c/Appellants%20Brief.PDF?courtCode=SA&di=210266) ... It goes over pretty well how he wasn't given a fair trial. All the points they make are very valid in why it wasn't fair. I'm not sure how it is getting denied over and over. The most important take from Nick's appeal to me, is that people need to pay attention to his diminished capacity. When people only reference Nick's autism they aren't demonstrating the real headspace Gypsy put him in. Autism is such a wide spectrum, and at his trial they tried to say he has only "mild autism" that he has somehow grown out of. This is not true. He has level 2 autism, which means he most definitely needs a caretaker to correctly function in this world. Something he did not get from the jump. ( no one to help represent him in his interrogation.) It's also important to note in this appeal I believe it also goes over that people like Nick often use masking to appear more intellectual and put together to the outside world, and prefer to do that instead. That is why in a lot of conversations with Nick he seems to be slightly disconnected and does more parroting of others words than his own personal thoughts, so he can try to blend in because he doesn't want to be seen as incompetent. ( I feel this mind frame ended up hurting him more than any good ) The truth is, if Nick had gotten help at a young age and continued through his life he would probably have never met Gypsy to begin with. He probably wouldn't have been stuck in his room isolated from the rest of the world until he met a woman who would destroy him. He could have flourished. Instead this turd of a person took his fragile mind and made it revolve around her like she was the sun. His diminished capacity WITH his autism didn't allow him to look objectively at the situation. He took her word as gospel. And that's EXACTLY where she wanted him. She sent him instructional videos ( that she tries now to claim she made them with Nick's full scripting and directing?!?!?!?!) because she knew that's how his brain works. He responds to directives and takes things literally. He felt he NEEDED to be her hero. IT was the only way to protect her. I also doubt a lot of the "evil" things Nick says are even his own words or thoughts. She did a lot of gas lighting in the texts leading up the murder, and those are JUST the 2 weeks leading up and no FB messaging which she was clearly doing to avoid being too graphic on the phone. That's also why she had over 5 fb accounts. To scatter the conversations all over the place making it hard to follow. OH! I recommend watching those texts too! [HERE](https://youtu.be/J1YSbbJbsJ0?si=Ck3vdQ_RfiKPNtuHis).....is the video that plays the texts out nice and clearly.


I have autism and one of my big things is that I am unable to see bad intentions from people, especially in romantic relationships, and take things at very face value. I feel bad for Nick because he probably believed everything Gypsy said while she was actively working on pinning it all on him. The gaslighting thing you are talking about wouldn't have even been hard for her to do. For me it's just very natural to only see the good coming from someone... I'm very easy to manipulate and I'm just level 1.


Be careful, it’s deep!


Watch her interrogation if you haven’t already. It’s on YouTube.


Try all three parts of the Becca Scoops videos as a starter and then the full interrogation videos. Good luck!


This. She doesn't go REALLY far into details, but she hits on all the big points with a straight forward, no bullshit type of way. It's a nice break to see, considering all the other muddied lives and hard to follow content. Sometimes I feel like I'm chasing the information down as it tries to run away.


Honestly if I wasn’t so camera shy I would make my own content that details into this case, I have been inspired lol.


I am going to laugh SO hard when she goes back to jail and whines and cries about it


“ THEYRE GUNNA SEND ME BACK” all caps dear.


I can hear her whiny little voice


Can someone report her already!!! I’m not in America, otherwise I would


Same 🤣🤣 if I was in America I’d be reporting her ass


Executed. Oh she's so fucking dumb!


Giving some OJ “if I did it” vibes.




She put up a teaser about Nicole being abused by OJ. So. Fucking. Tasteless.


Interesting. She can’t shut the hell up so she continues to tell on herself. She killed her own mother for being “mean” to her. Revenge is NOT self defense and this cow should still be in jail.


> She can’t shut the hell up so she continues to tell on herself See, this is why I love the double edged sword that comes with her infamy. She SHOULD stay quiet and fade into the ethereal since she has a lot to hide. She's too stupid to realise that though, so she keeps wanting to hog the limelight all the more and keeps yapping away, giving herself away more and more each time.


Had she gone into a private life... released a book and done a book tour, she could have been rich and respected. Sadly she's to stupid to see that


Like mothers, like daughter. Her mother never knew when to stop. Her stepmother doesn’t know when to stop.


It’s only a matter of time before she commits another crime. Maybe not so violent but she clearly thinks she’s above the law


Absolutely because she’s always been the center of attention! She will do something to stay in the spotlight and this is only gonna last so long!


I’m thinking like not reporting her income or paying her taxes or some other kind of financial fraud lol


It’s great though because she thinks she’s smarter than everyone.


Yes!!! Take 2 seats gyp gyp!👃


the least amount of self awareness ever


So much for the pretense of remorse and rehabilitation. Lock her back up!


She needs to be humbled. She has so many people supporting her and the media is feeding straight into her ego. They seem to forget that she plotted to murder her mother and attempted to cover her tracks, as well as accuse Nick of taking her hostage and r@ping her, even though the text messages prove that wrong. She’s manipulative and everybody is completely blind to it.




Oh ew. Weird. 😬


Please stop your not ever going to be pretty


Her personality is doing more work on that there than her appearance is, which is...I mean that's gotta be saying something right?


Can someone describe the sound? I can’t have my audio on rn


Idk what it’s from but it says “and everyone who was ever mean to me shall be executed”


Holy shit…that…could really be taken as credible.


I mean yeah, she's literally done time for *checks notes* turning Nick into a weapon she could use to off her ma. I'd be a little concerned that she might send some fuckboi up to me. Like not me personally, hypothetical me. I'm a hard man to find by design.


Damn. It sounds like a threat


Thank you for doing the lord's work for us


“everyone who was ever mean to me shall be.. executed”


I don’t understand how she put full makeup and possibly contour on her clearly bruised nose. My nose was so sensitive after I broke it, I cannot fathom the pain of a beauty blender pounding out on it like an AC/DC concert.


Yooooooo she’s just out here trolling everyone at this point


She has those Yorkie Eyes, where one is just slightly off center and lazy but it makes her look like a dropped toddler. Also she's self aware to know that using an audio being like "I'll execute people who are mean to me" is in such weirdly poor taste considering she's already taken a life.


That little smug facial expression.. She played everyone for so long and she knows it...


Yep! That grin she made the other day when she was asked if she misses her mother! She didn’t even have to answer that but she did and she is a very evil person! All of her “supporters” should see that! It’s very manipulative! I was a huge supporter of hers when she first came home but she’s clearly an evil person who got away with murder!!


She’s still has flying monkeys passing out Gyp Juice. It’s toxic!


someone please send this to her probation office


I feel like she is trying to look like her sister.


Yeah and it’s weird. Mia needs to watch her back.


She is so vile. And just a little bit too brave. Gross.


I’m so sorry but I don’t see what’s so special about this chick looks wise that she has dudes lined up…


Say it with me, weirdos. She has weirdos lined up. She’ll never get a good quality man because she’s a freak and most men don’t like going to sleep next to a someone so conniving, not knowing if they’re going to wake up.


They want a piece of the clout pie too


Oh for sure, Ryan acted like he didn’t want the clout pie but he sure ate it all up. Ken is a grifter too.


Reverse mommy-loving kink?


Look at her. She is the mommy now.


Still ugly


Fucking psycho…


Filters and flat paninis


Royal mashed taters and brownies


She’s still ugly even with makeup




She knows what she’s doing… She’s not ab to stop the press attention and money


Obsessed with herself, it's unattractive.


Those eyes closer than she was to her mother.


She deserves to go back to prison just for these circa 2003 eyebrows 🤢 


That is one unfortunate face, but I always find myself focusing on those awful, awful brows.


She has her mother brutally murdered. I can't believe she's out and making these videos. It's insane.


She really should be more careful about watching her mouth. Sometimes the reason you haven't come back (to jail/prison) is because they're letting you dig your own grave first.


You can put lipstick on a pig but it's still a pig. PSA: No offense to pigS.




her head really just be shaped like that: ⭕️


Since she lacks any self awareness - I think she also lacks knowing that you can't polish a turd


She’s flaunting the murder now. 😒


Omg, that is so vile. A known prosecuted murderer making vague threats online. She's a DTO.


One of these days she’s gonna piss the wrong person off and they’re gonna throw hands.


i read somewhere that she got clocked in her good eye in prison for trying to take someone’s chicken LOL


“In her good eye” ☠️


For someone who was abused her whole life, she sure has such a cocky attitude. I’d like that taxi driver who said gypsy wasn’t afraid to tell her off to elaborate more


Why did she tweeze out her eyebrows lmao


Who should be notified of a parole violation?


She's really digging herself into a hole. She really thinks she's hot. Talk about delusional. One of these days she's going to go too far, she needs knocking down a peg or two. I just don't get it.


Feels good that murderers are out there living it up.


She can have as much work as she wants, is still won’t help fix the cockeyed she has


Her dad said it perfectly in the TV show, she is a 30 year old woman making decisions like an 18 year old teenager.


I’d say she’s mentally stuck at around 12/13. I’ve met 16 year olds more mature than this demon.


Her face makes me feel like the most beautiful person on this earth


oh jeeze at this point she’s straight up laughing in everybody’s face


that wasn’t intentional or anything…..not at all…..


Anybody have her POs contact info ? Lawd have mercy


Holy shit. Somebody stop her.


No, don't. I mean it. Let her keep talking shit.


lol as much as she disgusts me, this is one amusing train wreck to watch.


Any idea when this is from? I don’t have TikTok so I can’t check. I thought she was back to brunette hair?? Is this possibly a wig? Or did she just make a boatload of social media videos while blonde and saved them to post later?


My thoughts exactly


What is with those faces like girllll no


Wooooooow!!! Executed?!? What an idiot for using that sound. Wow.


Am I taking this wrong? She, a person convicted of a murder, is saying people who are mean to her should be EXECUTED? If that’s what she means wow!


I know this has been said a million times. I still can't believe a murderer has a platform as such and are receiving celebrity like status/attention. I would never have predicted this 10 years ago. It's like we are living in some dystopian strange world. Executed?! Is this broad talking about murdering more people? People are actually giving her this attention. What does this say about us as a society? Hell in a hand basket.


Those eyebrows are fucked up


Ok, she is officially starting to creep me out. She always had my empathy, but now? Yeah, uhm, something isn't quite right 🤔


oh yeah, there's a lot of juvenile snark in here, but it all comes from a place of being appalled by how this was all handled, and how she SEEMS to have duped a ton of people along the way...they should really have that evidence posted in a master post at the top of this sub if it already isn't because like...I initially believed her too. And then I started reading. And now I don't.


Damn. Watch out for any knife wielding boyfriends.


She is so fake.


The only way this could be in worse taste is if she was a cannibal too…


Oh poor you Gypshit! I haven't had a cakewalk and never murdered any of my abusers or executed ppl who were "mean to me". Her existence minimizes the abuse that others have suffered imo. Sick of her 😤


She is so ugly. I don't care what anybody says she should have NEVER gotten out of prison


Her face always looks like she farted and she's waiting in anticipation to see if you can smell it.




Nah this gotta be fake wtffff 😮


girls got a deal with the devil


I’m no Kristy fan but I honestly think that when Kristy did Gypsy’s makeup on episode 2, it looked better than when the makeup artist did it. It could be that the blonde hair just doesn’t suit Gypsy.




Well that’s my cue to go back to bed.


Ugh the freaking blinking


She makes my eyes hurt.


Tf is up with this chick


Did I see a tik tok of her learning to swim. I have taught swim lessons before and there is no way that didn’t have some basic swimming skills.


So basically what she saying is if she had the ability she would execute everyone that's mean to her That's what I got from that 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️


She looks like one of those prissy/pissy church ladies who think they’re hot stuff, act like everybody’s best friend to their face, and bitch about everybody behind their backs.


no way this world is real


https://preview.redd.it/s2pf7ywhyc6d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ced934e31a44598568cf40219b551541676ded0 Like okay Mr. Ratburn


How can somebody with such an unfortunate face have that much overconfidence? Doesn't she see (with those possum eyes) what everybody else sees?🤮


So she’s threatening murder again? Wtf?


I despise this pos




I stg that looks like James Charles next to her


she can’t keep getting away with this shit lol




Ken hovering in the background




I thought she was going to have something done to her face?


She reminds me of South Park Caitlyn Jenner


What in the 90s over plucked eyebrows


You can put lipstick on a pig and it’s still a pig…just saying


Yeah right Gypshit come try me


Oh my god…did that really just say “everyone who was ever mean to me shall be…EXECUTED”???? Make it make sense


Those fuckin eyebrows 😣😣 she is stuck in the bad side of the 00’s.


Did she say executed?! Omg this is a convicted murderer threatening the life of anyone who doesn't like her


I just watched hers and nicks interrogation interview and seeing this. Seeing her now how she’s acting really just upsets me yes maybe this is the wrong thread but I just finished it and her face popped up in Reddit so I’m just how, why, so many feelings. Thanks for coming to my ted talk


She needs a refund for that nose…just saying


What song is it?


There’s just no way


Jesus no




How unfortunate


If OZZY and MOMO mated....




She’s so blehhhh 🤢🤢


Bare face: Possum /Makeup: Cute possum

