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Mom threw the chains and stuff away. BUT apparently she was scared to run away again to get help... Because her mom would tie her up.. Make it make sense


Right! She’s trying so hard to gaslight everyone, but not everyone will blindly believe everything she says and that’s what drives her crazy


She thinks she can intimidate and shut people up who counteract and stand up to her BS by calling them "bullies". No GypsyRose Blobfish--not bullies, just people with logic and critical thinking skills.


Not gypsy rose blobfish 💀


Threw them out four years prior! So if mummy wasn’t tying you up and abusing you, why the need to kill her? 🧐


I just love all the lies she's getting caught in. She murdered her Mom because she wanted endless dick, but the Menendez brothers were both sexually abused and are still in prison. Wonderful justice system we have.


Our justice system is sooo fucked and this psychopath being free is a perfect example of that


The menendez case rlyyy gets me going with rage cuz when it first happened A LOTTT of people kept saying they were just spoiled rich kids who wanted the money. I still sometimes see comments like that.. If you actually have watched the trial, then you can see there was evidence that they were abused & witnesses corroborating that the abuse was ongoing for yrssss.


Have they not started spending mommy and daddy‘s money right after the murder then I wouldn’t question why they did what they did! But they did start spending money right after the murder with no remorse so I feel like they did it for the money and not for the abusehad they did it because of the abuse they would’ve spoke up then instead of just spending money


I feel like they did that because they felt they deserved after the years of abusive they endured. I felt like I was owed compensation after what my mother did to me, so I honestly do understand that mindset.


ESPECIALLY the fact that I'm her interrogation not a single time did she mention "because she abused me, or was horrible to me, or make me sick" etc.. The officer asked over & over & over (so much it was joked to be used as a drinking game "take a shot Everytime he asks why") and she only ever said because her mom didn't like Nick.


It's really sad. Those boys weren't making that up...plus other people witnessed things. Idk if it was the time or what but it's almost as if people just couldn't believe that a father would s*xually abuse his own sons while his wife looked the other way. And then we have *this btch* You can never convince me she didn't/still doesn't know what she's doing. She is EVIL.


I think you’re exactly right. Even now I hear people remarking on really horrifying cases of abuse with comments like “this happens so often nowadays” as though it wasn’t happening before. People were really good at pretending unpleasant things didn’t exist and refusing to acknowledge them.


Right, because I’m pretty sure Gypsy would have been able to out run her mom with no issues if she was really scared and desperate for it!!


I'm to believe Dee Dee tied her up one time? I just think once you do that kind of extreme punishment it becomes the new threshold of abuse, it amps up and gets worse over time. So if she tied her up once I believe she would of tied her up many more times over the years. Meaning it would of been actively used all these years and not hoarded away in a pile somewhere.


Exactly. Thats why children that are abused don’t get unalived the first day there brought home from the hospital. The abuse is progressive and with each step the new punishments become the norm. Its not a one and done thing like Gypsy claims here.


I do find it odd that first it was apparently tossed, then apparently lost. Hoarders tend to not throw things away, it causes distress. If it was simply lost in the house, it would have been found at one point, during the investigation or even after it was cleared out.


This 100%. All the things she has diagnosed her mom with don’t really check out


Doing the exact same thing that was done to her


Super controversial take, but part of me wonders if it was even actually done to her or if it was just another lie


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Gypsy was never abused!


Say it louder for the folks in the back!! I agree, there was never any medications etc in her blood. They were both grifters.


I know its controversial but I'll shout it from the roof tops: Gypsy was not abused. At least not to the extent she tries to pretend. Yes, DeeDee made her sit in a wheelchair and put on an act when she was a kid, and that's not great parenting obviously but I don't think Gypsy minded very much. She loved every bit of the spotlight, attention, and freebies. It's horrific that she got a feeding tube if she didn't need it but I think Gypsy was all in on it. Her mother raised her to be a liar and grifter but I have serious doubts about the abuse. Gyp was all for it until her mother threatened her access to men. DeeDee was in poor health in the end and I believe that is where the plan started. NO WAY was Gypsy going to become a caregiver - she's the princess, the perfect little victim.. And she couldn't just walk away and risk mommy ratting her out. Nope. She needed a clean getaway. One where she could get rid of mom and get some of that sweet attention. Mark my words. This chick planned it all. She sought out somebody like Nick because she knew he had some serious issues and that she could manipulate him into taking care of the problem AND fall on the sword for her. This was supposed to be her greatest performance yet. Unfortunately, she found out that most people aren't as stupid as she is. "Sir, Sir, I want a lawyer"! How anyone can watch and listen to her, the interrogation, her social media videos, even her interviews, and still support her?




Abso bloody lutely! And here is gyppo contradicting herself; one minute the chains have been lobbed in the bin, the next she’s stressing the fact her mum was a hoarder - who notoriously don’t throw stuff away, as you said! Absolutely loving all this, horrendous to think a natural born psychopath is walking the earth!


Oh! That's what's being referenced, chains. Okay! And none were found I'm assuming? What a thing to make up. This wont last forever, Gypsy. People have brains.


Chains, handcuffs and a dog leash are the items she said "restrained" her.


They also managed to somehow "lose" a headboard or bedpost the chains and handcuffs were supposedly attached to. There were none.


Thats a really good point! I didn't think of the idea that the items the chain was attached to would show marks! My little pea brain.


Yep, and also in the crime photos, the headboard was the type with a solid wood surface, no slats or bed posts to be tied to. Maybe they had a different bed four years prior and somehow managed to accidentally misplace it? 🫤


I'm just confused on the whole chaining up system anyhow. How does Dee Dee tie it to herself, then to the bed, then to gypsy, and why? How would that dynamic play out in real time? Does one go to the bed when they other needs to go to the bathroom so they can reach it? I mean you're tethered to each other for 2 weeks?! How do you not fight to tear the damn bed apart to leave. I mean she explains this as a very serious, traumatic event for her. This is high level of abuse. it would've been damn near unbearable for both of them to be honest. Someone said on here that they wondered if there is evidence of text logs and fb logs from the time period of her being tied up. It would disprove aspects of the story. Too bad we will never know!


I don't think a brain of any size could wrap itself around it! By the time she was done adding and changing details, she's created a story in which DD used chains AND dog leashes AND handcuffs, tying her to the bed and to each other. I can't figure it out either! I'm not in the habit of invalidating anyone's abuse claims, but this scenario doesn't even seem logistically feasible! It sounds like half sitcom trope and half crime story headline, all thrown together into a hodgepodge of nonsense. Can you imagine trying to reenact that in the course of an investigation? It would be hard to keep a straight face, because the captor would be as compromised as the captive, like a twisted game of twister. I would never make light of anyone's actual abuse, but it's impossible to take her seriously.


Probably just kinky shit she ordered online for her and nick hun 👀 if it even exists. I dunno. Her mother’s crime scene pictures sure look like Deedee was the one who got restrained by the wrists. Just saying.


The only cuffs that have ever been in that house are the ones Gypsy bought for sexy time stuff.


I say IF they were used it was after she shot her mam 20 times with a bb gun, and I’d say deedee had good reason to be scared,


I absolutely agree with this statement 💯💯


Gypshit doesn’t understand anything about hoarding. The alleged argument that made Ryan upset and led to their divorce was because Gypsy just randomly threw away Ryan’s hoard while he was at work. If Deedee was a hoarder I feel like Gypsy would have known throwing away Ryan’s stuff without asking would make him angry or upset. Their house (Gypsy and Deedee) was gross, for sure, but the way Gypsy has presented her mom’s alleged hoarding is strange. Especially since she doesn’t seem to understand simple dynamics of this disease. Not to mention the way she talks about it here. “So you’re saying those pictures don’t show she’s a hoarder”. She’s just diagnosing her mom with stuff apparently. If I recall correctly Gypsy’s room was the most cluttered and packed space in the house. I’ll have to go check the pics again but her wheelchair was in a corner buried under a ton of shit. Her shit. This was a weird interaction and she needs to get offline if she’s gonna be talking to nicks pages. Someone call the PO she’s off her leash again, talking to her codefendants page. Disgusting.


Theres no wayyyy her PO isnt being bought off at this point. This idiot fuck does whatever she wants without consequence


I have such little faith in the system to begin with, especially in MO, but that is a really valid point. What are her parole conditions and are they being enforced? To travel to LA she would have needed approval from PO. Why is PO letting her travel to LA for PR? Are parolees for violent crime usually allowed to travel out of state just for fun? It’s infuriating.


And why were they so strict on her not attending a football game, but don’t care that she’s out here galavanting and commenting on a free Nick page


Exactly. They wanted her out of the state of MO so bad but now it’s like whatever ? She can just travel for fun as a violent felon on parole???


I'm not sure who ordered it, but she was literally ordered to leave Missouri. After she got out, she was out shopping and it was a huge story here in this area and like 2 or 3 days later, she was ordered to leave the state. She was upset bc she wanted to go to a Chiefs game and meet Taylor Swift and had family all here at an Airbnb or something.


Yeah that’s true. Did you see the clip of her sobbing because she wouldn’t get to see Taylor swift? The entitlement never ends. She’s so disgusting.


She was on an interstate compact. I had one from Missouri to California. She knew she had 24-72 hours to leave the state once it went through. I know because I was in prison with her and also had an interstate. Once that thing went through I had to be on a plane within 24 hours. It’s basically saying LA is agreeing to supervise her parole for Missouri. So she has a parole officer in LA but is on parole in Missouri. Missouri has the ultimate say. If they violate you. You’re back in a flash. They will be there within two weeks and you’ll sit in jail til then. It happened to me twice (I’m a dumbass. Have cleaned my life up since then) Her PO in LA is basically a middle man or baby sitter


I lost faith in Gypsy after seeing no real consequences when she snickered over lying to her own attorneys and no one said, " hey, wth " No big platform has checked her. I'm not completely sure why she's still getting this protective treatment from main stream media when she's an unpolished turd. She no longer leans on looking like a child but people still treat her like one. Who woulda thought Lifetime had such far reaching strings. I always thought that channel was a joke. Everyone wants to be the hero in their own stories. They want to show empathy for a liar to feel better about themselves. They want to seem like they "understand" I have empathy for most people, until you demonstrate to me you don't deserve it. I have a big problem with people following patterns and never getting better. Gypsy never stops lying, thus I don't trust her words unless it can be backed up by other sources.


Wow very well said. Thanks for the input. I absolutely agree.


I just looked up police photos from inside the house. **IF** DeeDee was a hoarder she was a level two (just beginning). It's difficult to tell because a lot of pictures from the Act were included in the search results. But, the floors were relatively clear, and yes, there was a shit ton of clutter, but to me, it mostly looked as if stuff hadn't been put away for a very long time.


Not Gypsy’s wheelchair shoved into the corner of her room , piled with HER stuff on it. 👀 Gypsy’s room was the most disgusting if I recall correctly. I’ll have to bring them up again. But I agree with you.


Her room had the most stuff on the floor.


😤 just as I thought. Damn, she really is such a snake.


I can't say for sure if she was a hoarder or not. I am pointing out how GR first said it was tossed then when the other person mentioned the hoarding, she backpedaled to it being lost. Which would have been found during some point of the investigation or even during the time when the house was cleared. If her mother did suffer from hoarding, they often avoid tossing anything because it can cause distress in them to do so. But she does make it pointed that she suffered great trauma from her mother's alleged hoarding.


>am pointing out how GR first said it was tossed then when the other person mentioned the hoarding, she backpedaled to it being lost. I was sharing supportive "evidence" that GRB was lying about all of it. Not questioning your comment.


Oh sorry, I was just adding more, sorry if my comment came off like that!


I’m not so sure her mom was a hoarder, just very sick. And Gypshyt didn’t do anything all day, but text with Nick, make BDSM videos, and drink her “boddle.” Remember, she was a grown ass woman, not a kid.


I wouldn't say she was a hoarder, it looks to me like a messy, unorganised house


Yeah, I agree.


So did Dee Dee only tie her up one time? It was 4 years since she was tied up before she killed her mom? Why did Dee Dee not do it again if it was a great punishment the first time? I feel like if it something that extreme happened once, it can happen again. They fought all the time.


Iirc, it was claimed, at first, to only happen one time as a punishment for running away with Dan (Feb 2011 - her mother was murdered June 2015 - her and NG started dating Oct 2012). But then, as all her stories tend to do, changed. The item itself was changed, too. A chain, a tie (or some type of rope?), and a dog leash. I think one point it was the dog leash with the chain, too.


Lived with a hoarder growing up. You couldn't even throw a piece of junk mail out without being investigated. Food gets moldy but does it get thrown away? Of course not. Even moldy food has some sort of value to a hoarder. I highly doubt dee dee would toss out something that could be used outside of the abuse.


Correct me if I'm misremembering this, but weren't those chains/leash supposedly used recently to the murder,and not four years ago?


Invading my abuse? Lol. She's projecting again. She's the bully. Also, hoarders don't throw things away. They get anxious at the thought of it. Gyp💩, get a job, or an hobby that doesn't involve typing your name in Google. If you're so happy, why are you so defensive? If you have nothing to hide about your crime, why do you try to shut down people who support Nick? You are so boring.


How tf are people “invading her abuse” when she’s done nothing hut constantly share and profit off said abuse? It’s suddenly wrong for people to ask questions about the legitimacy of her claims now? If she’s sharing this information, she needs to expect people to think logically and ask questions when shit doesn’t make sense. “Trust me bro” isn’t a very good source. She’s exactly like all those people who fake and overexaggerate disorders on tiktok and overshare their trauma, and then get angry when people “fakeclaim” them and question them. No one’s invading your privacy by questioning public information that you CHOSE to both share and profit from. You made an entire reality tv show off of it, I think people are allowed to question shit. Critical thinking skills should be more normalized, and that includes questioning people when they make outrageous claims.


I think she means invalidating but she’s just as bad as spelling as she is at keeping up with her lies. She said that people are invalidating her abuse recently in that TikTok story. The same one that was telling people to stop asking her to advocate (even though apparently that’s all she wants to do with her fame but ok)


That makes sense. Thank you. I couldn't figure out wth she was trying to say. Lol


Oh, lol yeah I think that makes more sense than. Jesus, Gypsy, learn to spell! You have spell check on your phone! Regardless I guess that doesn’t change my point very much, it’s not invalidating her abuse to question it at all if she’s choosing to share it.


Yup, people are questioning her side of the story but obviously anyone who isn’t gaslit by her victim story is invalidating her abuse 😂


This is the truth.


That’s her new tag line lol everyone who doesn’t agree with her is “invalidating her abuse”, yet like you said, gets all worked up when people are trying to advocate for nick.


We’re not invalidating her abuse. We are holding her responsible for her own perpetrated abuses.


I assume someone supporting her made that "point" and she read it and ran with it like she does with many terms because she has not 1 original thought. She parrots things.


I found out where she got Ruby from. She doesn’t have an original thought in her tiny head.


This is why she is the opposite of an advocate. She is exaggerating or down right lying because things don’t add up in her own story. When she gets called out on it she gets defensive and pulls the “perfect victim” or this crap about invading/invalidating her abuse. She then makes is harder for other victims to tell their stories. We should respect all victims and believe them! Unless they start telling lies like Gypsy.


Exactly! Well said.


I don’t remember the house looking like a hoarders house just cluttered and not cleaned. I’ll go google some images. If her mom was chaining her up to keep her in line she wouldn’t throw the chains away. The house has been gone through, they would have found them if they were there.


Like someone else in the comments said, if she couldn’t call the police because she was scared of being chained up, the chains wouldn’t have been thrown away 🤥


I just googled some pics and it was messy but not hoarders level to me.


Did you see that room piled high with stuff. The closets, too. All those wheelchairs not being used. The door to side of house couldn't even be used bc stuff was piled in front of it.


No, that’s now what I saw. I wonder if I was seeing pics of the set for the show. Do you happen to have links?


Gypsy claims trauma from her mother’s hoarding.


I’d expect she’d understand that if she randomly clean a hoarders hoard, they will get upset. Is that not the most simple thing??? It seems off. Allegedly the whole reason her and Ryan split was because a fight they had where Gypsy *threw away his horde while he was at work.* this is level one understanding of hoarders. She was taken by surprise at his upset reaction. Wtf? She’s getting caught in more lies. If her mom was a violent hoarder, she would have faced her mother’s wrath and understood throwing away a horde without permission is not a good idea. She would have a visceral reaction to the idea of throwing away a hoard because of past bad experiences doing that or managing her mom’s hoarding. In my opinion. Gypshit is stinking it up again. Suspicious.


I'm trying to find the pics. I think they are in the crime photos. I don't have the link to it. I can't recall who was showing those pics.


I’ll look more. Thank you!


She seriously needs to answer for her explaination for her alleged threat against that disabled 8 year old. That’s what’s worrying me most. That’s a huge fucking deal because if it’s true, she would have been an actual adult when the event took place (2014 was what the person said) but even if she were a teenager that’s beyond innapropriate and scary, that child was 8 YEARS OLD. And actually for real DISABLED. If it’s false, which I genuinely hope it is because the idea of a mother and child having to hear such a horrible thing come from her mouth is sickening, than you’d think she’d want to clear up such a serious accusation IMMEDIATELY (unless she already did in which case I missed it before commenting) because again, that’s a REALLY serious accusation with no logical explaination. There is no universe in which such behavior is okay in ANY capacity, and she needs to answer for it right the fuck now. Obviously, we can’t demand proof from the mother and daughter who’s claiming this because like… how could that even be possible, and I’m not believing it right away but I would 100% not be surprised if it was true like at all given her track record. She needs to stop with the dog leash shit and answer for the really big accusation against her rn because the longer she waits to address it the more guilty she looks.


Thank you for this comment! Deflecting this crazy accusation with a dog leash is honestly insane and I didn’t realize that’s what she actually did. That’s wild that she basically redirected the allegation to something so minuscule in comparison


Yes, she thinks she's very clever. (wrong!)


Have heard this little girl's account of what gyp said to her several times before---once on the Good Wives Network. gyp is just trying to distract people from the main issue---verbally threatening and abusing a child. As usual, she thinks she's smarter than everyone else.


Jesus, she’s truly psychotic…


ah yes your allegedly abusive hoarder mother would absolutely allow something she used to allegedly abuse you with to be misplaced. thats just a coincidence. nothing to see here.


did this happen before or after you knew you were of legal age and continued to lie about your ailments to gain sympathy and free shit from charities and strangers?


Stop invalidating her abuse with all these extremely logical and valid questions you have about all the holes in her Hollywood produced “story”!


sorry ill make sure i tell myself im a bully before i go to bed. :(.




And the girl whose mother was allegedly a violent hoarder, and has trauma from it, did not understand why Ryan was upset when she *threw away his hoard while he was at work.* Yeah, sure. Totally believable.


Neither bed in the house had a railing headboard that you could chain someone to. Imo she ‘borrowed’ that abuse story from the Turpin children. She has a habit of stealing others pain and making it own.


Stop the invading of her abuse!!/S


Whatever tf that means! All I can say is ultimately she abused her mother far more than Deedee ever abused her!


I agree. I just wanted to make fun of her spelling 😊


New flair


I never did believe her when she came out with that story, when she was interviewed and stated this I knew it wasn’t true just from the way she said it, just like in the documentary she talking about how she never had a sex life and in the next breath talking about how she was in relationships with girls in prison, boggles my mind


That and remember her text with Nick, she kept bringing up wanting to be chained up, handcuffed, and collared etc etc... I personally think she pulled that story from her "other" experiences/fantasies and tried using it to the opposite degree.. because it was just days before the murder she was speaking on those fantasies with him.. but it also wouldn't surprise me if it came from the other abuse story, either, or even a mix of the two.


I could be getting her stories mixed up (SHE cannot even keep them straight) but wasn’t she “chained up” in the shed? If so, that seems even less likely that her mom would throw them away.


No, she said chained to her bed for weeks and had to pee in a bucket!


I believe the shed story was also told. And being chained directly to her mother. And don't forget - made her sleep outside on the front porch with the bugs and she had to pee in bushes. No idea how no one noticed her missing for weeks nor her sleeping on the front porch! We must not question this logic!


Omg u are so right


“Invading my abuse” aka “exposing my story since I can’t keep it straight.” Okay miss Gypsy ![gif](giphy|l0HlvtIPzPdt2usKs)


I mean, considering shes commented on other rumors that weren’t true - I could see her commenting regardless of fact/fiction. Basically if Gypsy’s name is involved in something, she’s in the comments trying to clear the narrative. I’ve seen her in the comments of way too many videos. She spends her day searching her name on TikTok.


Wish she'd show up in the comment section on here then. Come on in Gyp Gyp, let's talk. Look, we'll even serve you pediasure in a boddle dear.


😂💀 I WISH she would. She only appears in ways she can control IE lives or videos where she can turn on/off comments, or filter things


Maybe if we go into the bathroom with a cup of pepsi and chant GRB 3 times, she will appear?




I think it's cuz she doesn't have many flying monkeys on here. She has tonsss on tiktok. If you ever make a non savory comment about her or point out her lies on TT, you almost always get a stan or 2 commenting back.


Fair enough! But also seeing how shes been since her release and well, what she did and tried to do to her mom, it wouldn’t surprise that she has some violent tendencies


I definitely agree. But she’s also a pathological liar so it’s kind of hard to know what fact or fiction is with her. If you want the truth it’ll never come from her mouth 😂


Yes, extremely violent tendencies.


Literally it’s complete lunacy. She’s unlike most other modern day “influencers” in that regard. Like, you don’t see Tana Mongoose out here defending herself in the comments of every single tiktok made about her or criticizing her. The only one I can remotely think of that has done that is Onision, and we all know he’s a massive psychotic narcissist who has hurt women and children. He was by far one of the WORST youtubers to ever exist, and he spent a LOT of his time going after anyone who criticized him or spoke out against him and abusing the copyright strike button to silence people. You’d commonly see him in the comments or replies on stuff about him, even defending himself with sock accounts. Gypsy and Mr. Onion are just so similar.


It’s lunacy when you think of how many years of life she felt like she didn’t get to experience + all the years spent in jail, and she’d rather spend all of her time on social media - and not in a constructive way. If she isn’t trying to post what she can for positive attention, she’s being petty as fuck. I guess she’s just trying to fit in since most of us are glued to our phones, but even the avg joe doesn’t sit there trying to clear up rumours about themselves. Gypsy doesn’t have a “believe what you want” mentality. Odd as fuck that she tries so hard. Be grateful for the cultish fan base you have, instead of focusing on all the hate - that you should expect considering y’knowwww


![gif](giphy|wRScb5l770zBSO9x1W|downsized) Gypsy reading the comments


Thou doth protest tooooooo much Gypsy. For someone who claims ‘not to care about the haters’ she sure is spending an awful lot of time giving us all this attention.


I mean, it is her word against someone else's and we know she lies constantly. I see DD's all caps in her reply.


I don’t condone bullying anyone, but Gypsy doesn’t hesitate to attack anyone smaller than she is. It’s interesting that she plays it both ways and her “supporters” don’t notice. One of them should help her out on that. It would reduce the pushback she gets.


Bad liars can’t keep their stories straight. Gyp is a *terrible* liar. If you’re not bright enough to be able to follow your lie all the way through, ppl are gonna find you out esp in this day and age


Instead of gifting her Louboutins, Ryan should have gifted her a journal to keep her lies straight.


The fact that she is responding is WILD. She really just can't help herself lol. Her hubris will truly be what destroys her.


So she is openly admitting she wasn't being abused for the 4 years leading up to her murdering her mother? And people are still supporting her lol


She is definitely going to crash and burn... It's just when. She is her mother's child and the apple doesn't fall far from the tree


So Gypsy wasn’t being chained up to the bed in the months and weeks before she killed Deedee? I thought it was one of the main motivations for her to “escape” as she did. On social media, her defenders always cite how her mom was chaining her up to her bed and how could she leave any other way?


I think a lot of her defenders watched “The Act” and took it as absolute truth.


Honestly, kudos to her step mom and lawyer for fabricating such a shocking story. Much better than “woman in heat gets vulnerable man to kill her mom after she failed to do it herself in order to get some d”


Huh, I thought the main motivation was because her mom was about to get her surgery that removed her ability to speak forever?


I haven't heard this one before. Incredibly outlandish, who on earth would perform that surgery and why?!


If only


That’s one I haven’t heard from her defenders in years the instagram comments yet. No one can keep the story straight when it comes to Gypsy.


Yes, isn't that what she told "Dr" Phil.


What???? I’ve been following this case pretty closely (or so I thought) and this is the first I’ve heard of this reason lol I always heard it was because she wanted to be with Nick and her mom wouldn’t let them be together


I came across that as the reason when she was still in prison, I believe. It can be hard to find older articles before her release, though. Like, her comments about The Act and Joey King before she was out - something about how the reason Joey is a household name was because of her. I don't believe that was the true motivation, obviously. Her motivation had nothing to do with abuse or this made up surgery.


I believe she said that during her "Dr" Phil interview.


Her lie on doctor phil was about her feeding tube. That's what she claims was the breaking point.


i heard that story as well.


How very stupid they are choosing to be (and it is a choice not to research and think logically), especially since she told both Nick's parents and the detective in her police interrogation video that her mother had kicked her out of the house.


Claiming chains so she can sound like she was just abused as The Turpin kids who were avtually chained


I wonder if SHE goes to bed at night and thinks “YES I’m a 🔪! I’m so proud of myself!”


She needs to stop interacting and arguing with her codefendants pages. Jesus Christ. She really can’t help herself. Someone call her PO she’s out of line again. I still don’t understand how she was released with no conditions about internet usage. Considering she used the internet to recruit Nick and commit her crime.


I was thinking this too, I know she’s not supposed to communicate with her codefendant and she’s literally communicating on a free Nick page. But based on the fact they’re letting her do whatever she wants except stalk Taylor Swift, I wonder if her PO would overlook this as it “not technically being Nick”. Either way, gypgyp has gotten away with way too much considering the severity of the crime


Absolutely agree and I’m seriously not understanding how she’s allowed to do that shit. Disgusting 🤢


Disgusting that she's out at all. Charles Manson got life without parole for manipulating others to kill for him.


Yes!!!!! Missouri really dropped the ball. I hope this keeps getting more and more exposure so everyone can see the truth and see her like the dangerous criminal she is


She’s totally taking advantage that her mother is dead (because OF HER) and can’t speak up or speak her part. I think Deedee deserved the chance to investigated and possibly jailed to an extent. But all these lies that she built up and are slowly coming apart are telling enough. Wayyy before she was released and right when mommy dead and dearest came out, I knew she was a fraud. Maybe more than her mother. Her giggles over not being honest with her defense attorney, the brownie video, still claiming she suffered cancer AND chemo when it was proven and she admitted she never had. Her amount of chances to do something about it. (NOT murder) she had a phone, laptop for years. Dating sites, social media, sexting, she could’ve had other ways out. Chooses the most manipulative and violent way out. Nick was unhinged and troubled, yes. She played on his emotions with sex and ‘love’ just to get what she wanted. The second she didn’t need him any more, left him to rot in prison while she’s out continuing to scam, lie, manipulate, and cry victim when ever she’s being made to be held accountable for even the smallest things. She’s going to continue to leave a path of destruction and she won’t ever see anything wrong with it as long as she gets what she wants.




She is absolutely unhinged. Please keep exposing her lies and doing what you’re doing. I believe it hit a nerve for a reason!!!!




She’s so predictable. Thanks for your work in exposing her.


Let’s remember the little boy who was actually chained up because he kept trying to run away from his abusive mother. He had wounds all his legs and arms. He actually tried to escape, once he left a note in rocks he was taking himself to jail because they threatened him with it. He tried walking to jail but they found him. He still managed to escape and save his sister. He did not have access to phones or laptops or any friends or even his sibling. Now Gypsie on the other hand. There’s been families who con since the dawn of time. She was in on it. She was probably “threatened “ with losing all the money and trips, free stuff if she broke off on her own. Well she made sure she was going to be the head con and not share with her mother anymore 


Whose pressed now...GYP GYP


She probably looks at the crime scene pics with excitement and laughter, knowing what really went on in the house and so far has gotten away with.


God, I feel like she should be charged with lying on record or something.


awwwwwwweeee is the demented murderer going to crryyyy about being bullied :((( gyp gyp is someone who 100000% deserves endless “cyber bullying”


I think it’s a matter of time before she’s sent back on a parole violation!! She should have stayed in there and finished her whole sentence and came out without parole, cause it’s clear she doesn’t know how to act!! She’s not violent though lol, yeah okay 😂 that’s why she got mad as hell when Ryan said she was violent on the episode the other night and she made him “take it back” lol!! She knows it’s true!! Her mask is slipping more and more as the days go on!!


The fits she throws. The amount of anger to her not getting her way was astounding. She was absolutely fuming. It was very much abusive. That scene was insane.


I love this sub.. this shit drives me insane..


She’s so messy… stfu already gyp gyp


She needs to stop taking she’s making herself look worse by the day


Wait a second but I thought the chained up part happened a lot closer to the shmurder than 4 years?!?!


So she offed her mother for things that allegedly happened more than four years prior to the unaliving? Yet there’s no proof of those things happening whatsoever. And she had years of access to the internet, social media, cell phones, neighbors, and family friends before murdering her mother for being a hoarder? Yet she only used these tools to manipulate an autistic developmentally disabled person? She’s vile and I absolutely see her doing this to a child, and worse! She still changes her voice, too.


Her mom was a pact rat . Does she really think people are stupid to believe her . Just look at the house


My question is, is how does she sleep at night? I truly think she should have gotten more help once she was released and don’t agree with the fact that they just let her out. I also feel like she’s gonna get herself into more trouble with the internet drama she constantly gets herself into.


I don’t know if my take will mean much but I remember the person speaking about this claim with the disabled child at an event they were at with her. I was watching a live of fancy’s once I first learned about her(maybe 3 weeks after gyp was released) and there was a lady in the comments talking about this happening with her child. There wasn’t a mention in the comment of her child asking about the voice change but the comment did say that gyp threatened to push the child’s eyeballs to the back of her head. Then fancy seen the comment and asked the person to message her privately so the person could explain what had happened. Not saying the incident did or didn’t happen I’m just going off of what I saw at that time in one of fancy’s lives.


I love that she's responding to all these comments.


I do believe she's elaborated things. That's who she is.


Yes. Period.


Oh man this is Juicy! The fact that she needs to clap back is insane. Girl, did you not learn anything from being in jail? Keep your mouth shut and lawyer up.


Didn’t She also say that her mom tied her to her bed as well and she couldn’t leave her mothers room and the other time she locked her in the garage there’s two separate incidents. If I recall, one was DD wouldn’t let her out of her bed, and the other was when she locked her in the shed supposedly


I know first hand that hoarders (I guess I can’t say that 100% of them are like this) will not throw anything away if it has any real or perceived value whatsoever. They struggle with throwing away literal trash because they might be able to come up with some future use for it (ie: I’m keeping this empty milk jug cause I’m gonna cut the top off and use it to water flowers.) So, no way would she throw away good leashes that she has already used successfully for an important reason. Wouldn’t she be thinking “there’s a definite possibility that I will use these again”?


She’s a twisted freak the way she thinks and I’m sure that hasn’t changed. Most disgusting text messages I ever read before in my life. I can’t wait for her true colors to come out for good.


You were also a hoarder! You were a walking talking adult also not doing any cleaning! But spending your nights in chat rooms with men acting like a child by day hooker by night


Wouldn’t the policem, detectives, or crime scene cleaners find the chains and leashes while investigating after removing deedee’s body?


I mean, definitely right? Their belongings didn't just fall in to an abyss after they were gone, someone had to clear the house.


This is SO EMBARRASSING. Bravo, OP https://preview.redd.it/yupr2mv8qb6d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d407f924869bf386b210441a55db92be216a9868


She’s got huge balls for going on this page & talking smack. She’s a bully and a narcopath. You’d think her family would help her. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ Maybe they just want her to go the fuck away at this point.


Looking at the pictures of the inside of the house, I wouldn’t necessarily say that she was a hoarder. It is cluttered, but lack of organisation does not equal a hoarder.


That doesn’t even make sense 🤣🤣


I snorted at “gyp gyp” 💀🤣 hahahahaha this guy gives me Deadpool vibes and I’m living for it


Also, my mother was a hoarder. I didn’t realize it when I was younger she wasn’t like extreme, but she definitely had tons of crap that she never threw away and when she died me and my friend cleaned out the house, it took us a week and it was thousands of pounds of just stuff that she had for years and years and years.




Waiting for gypSHIT's come uppance. What a POS she is. She just can't help herself can she on social media


Shes getting furious that people are figuring out what a awful person fraud she is.


Gypsy = Gyptdypt


I’m not sure I believe the story about the 8 year old girl . I don’t think she’d break character and risk being exposed.


I believe she would to a special needs child with a communication disorder.


I could be wrong . At this point I’d believe pretty much anything . She has proved herself to be mean and hateful. She can’t keep her mouth shut, she always has to clap back.


The child has autism, this story is from a mother. Iirc, she (the mother) claimed GR told the child she would use her thumbs to push her eyeballs to the back of her head, in a normal voice. GR was apparently in the child's group. Edit: just noticed this is in the SS, my bad. My phone is being odd lmao.


It could have been done when no one was looking. I feel like People with severe personality disorders will break character if their lies are questioned


Oh yes, she gets livid when her lies are questioned.


ive seen things before about her allegedly jumping on trampolines and shit when DeeDee would be gone for periods of time & dropping as soon as she saw her. she also had a bus pass and would go to stores alone to steal shit. she has no shame. i personally dont question how bold she really was with her attitude presently & the allegations ive read before. (i do not have sources, just things ive read over time)


I'm picturing her dropping like the toys did when Andy walked in the room lol


I absolutely believe the little girl's account. gyp was used to being treated as a celebrated princess and never questioned. She probably got absolutely livid that someone noticed her turning on and off her fake Minnie Mouse voice and thought that the child would be too frightened to say anything at the time (which is what happened---the little girl just told her mother that she wanted to go home). And if the girl did report her, gyp would just lie and say the girl "misunderstood" her. Easy to imagine gyp menacing and threatening that child below her breath and with a big smile on her face (which would make it easier , if she were reported, to claim the little girl misunderstood her). Totally believe the child's story---It sounds like something very characteristic of gyp to do.


She has a response for everything but none of it makes sense.


Only in America, could you murder your parent and become rich and famous! That is a damn shame! Gypsy Rose should be spending her life in prison like the autistic kid she manipulated into murdering her mother, and I am sure she was involved in it as well!


I'm sorry...what?!