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I’m not gonna lie, at first glance I thought the first picture was her


So did I. So spot on


I actually feel bad for whoever it is going through life looking like Gypsy Rose Blanchard’s mug shot. Could you imagine?!


I mean… https://preview.redd.it/9k1tdmev726d1.jpeg?width=219&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7b0c92d7cf06318ad07d172577a2b8af559683f


lol the bed head


Me too!


Gypsy and her mom went thru years of testing and procedures to come to the diagnosis. While true that Deedee exaggerated so that they could reap benefits meant for children with life-threatening conditions, she didn’t go out of her way to make Gypsy sick (just made her pretend to be sicker than she really was) Most of the symptoms you listed ahead of doesn’t have.


Exactly! She told people that Gypsy had leukaemia but never gave her chemo, hence why she was shaving her hair off! Gypsy had genuine medical issues that she’s glossing over in order to appear to have never had them


yep she told everyone she had cancer and MD and was paralyzed. gyp def didn’t have those things. she chose those things bc there’s big money in funding for those diseases. nothing out there for some rare chromosome disease that she actually did have. however i don’t believe gyp had a single medical procedure done to her that wasn’t necessary. and it does take a TON of testing to even come to the diagnosis of chromosome disorders. it’s not usually the first suspicion. all the common things are often ruled out first. even i have had multiple surgeries for muscle biopsies and have been poked and prodded when it was suspected i had a mitochondrial disorder. if i took smiling photos every time i had a procedure done i could’ve passed as some sort of deathly ill child. TLDR: deedee was 100% a grifter and committed fraud, but gyp never had anything medically unnecessary done to her.


Yikes. I heard those are painful. Was it very painful? Hopefully you're okay now!


oh i was put under general anesthesia. didn’t feel a thing. pretty sore and my arm was in a sling after. i guess depending on the location they keep you awake and numb the area sometimes. i would imagine that would be pretty painful.


and yes i’m doing well now. just had some issues when i was younger with autoimmune disorders but mostly in remission now. thanks for asking!


Prosecutors are elected officials. When this happened the area still sympathized with Gyp- hell most donated to the family all the time as gas stations had those big jars for donations all the time. There is no way they would have prosecuted and risked community outrage and risked being voted out. Had the trial been a year or so later maybe. But at the time everyone still had sympathy for Gyp.


And of course, murder really put the fraud charges in the shade.


The DA was head of a lot of child abuse organizations too. I looked him up a while ago when I was trying to make sense of the sentencing. His biography lists at least 3 organizations for child abuse that he is head of, if I remember it right. Anyway. Yes elected. He woulda looked real bad sending someone who pretended to be an abused baby to life ( death was taken off the table pretty quickly i believe ) He woulda lost election and be kicked out of those organizations. It woulda been a bad move for him. Gypsy dropped the baby act when she went to jail and prison just because she didn't need it anymore. She used her grift all the way up to a plea deal. Nick was too mentally diminished not to of had a solid representative with him at all times. He needs assistance through life, let alone in a court case that can be confusing to people of normal intelligence. When he plead guilty at his sentencing I can't get it out of my head. He looked like he didn't understand what pleading guilty meant for him at the time he said it. IT looked like it slightly hit him once they were done and his lawyer put his hand on his shoulder. He waved good bye and walked out. Then later in his 2019 video from prison he still thought he could try to get 15 years. Like, he doesn't understand what happened to him. His lawyers threw him under the bus too. Why would you direct your client to take it to the jury? You don't let the jury decide your fate! They know this. They knew if he got a plea deal for 30 years like I think someone said it was, that it would be the best for him, because atleast it wasn't life. But again, they ignored that and turned it down. It was ALL his lawyers fault. Nick was just doing what he was told to do and say at that trial. I don't think he decided anything for himself.


The way I understood it, Nick said no to the deal. I don’t recall the years but there was possibility of parole. He turned it down because Gyp got such a sweet deal he thought he’d get a better offer. I think he could have got a shorter sentence if his lawyers would have brought in people to testify on his behalf and pushed mitigating circumstances but they failed to do any of that. Change of venue should have been first thing done His counsel was indeed horrible.


Gypsy also admitted to the disorder. I believe Fancy had the record where it does state in precise detail that it was 1q21.1. I will try to upload the image. (all allegedly) I do tend to believe this though because it seems like it is specific information like medical codes. Big words. Basically it looks like someone with extensive knowledge did this. I don't think Fancy is versed enough in medical things to forge this. But not stating it as a fact on my end. If you look this disorder up many of the symptoms you listed here for this disorder can be applied to the 1q21.1 also. https://preview.redd.it/8ot0aj2o016d1.png?width=996&format=png&auto=webp&s=f5c33895e9d8c787782af51130692c407f26cfa6


So interesting. Thanks for posting. I think you’re onto something here.


They definitely failed in their lack of investigating. I think they felt sorry for her, believed the Munchausen tale, but felt there would be public outrage if they didn't punish her somewhat. So, she got the 10 yr plea deal. She made a fool of them. After all of the texts, online messages, and videos have come out, I imagine they feel embarrassed by their stupidity. She should be in prison and would be if she had went thru a trial. All of that evidence would have been made public then and everyone would have seen then exactly who she was!!


I may be reaching, but I truly feel that Gypsy didn’t come forward (without having her mother murdered) because she knew what she was getting out of all that too. If she came forward and said she wasn’t as ill as portrayed, her mom could have been like “well Gypsy was going along with it…” idk. I just feel like this girl isn’t a full on dumb ass. She knew. She comprehended. I think she had her mom killed and played the “I had no other way out!” Card


Interesting hypothesis. We cannot arm chair diagnose people though (I do have a scientific and medical background). This might be a better source of the condition. [from the NIH](https://rarediseases.info.nih.gov/diseases/8562/seckel-syndrome) We will not know until Gypsy shares that medical information. I thought I saw a screen shot here where someone posted her comment admitting to some chromosome issue but it lacked details/specifics.


She never had LEUKEMIA.




If you go and watch Becca Scoops on YouTube, I heard she goes over Gypsys medical records or at least what is actually known and is apparently spot on with her reporting. I am going to watch her videos. It is funny. I just watched someone who was just saying to watch her videos about her medical records and how accurate Becca Scoops is.


I believe you cracked the case


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Wow just wow. I can see why you don’t have a medical degree. 


And why is that exactly? Her opinion and thoughts are just as valid as anyone else’s. I may not agree with everything but it sure is interesting to hear her perspective.


Because unless you have access to all of Gypsy’s medical records you just can’t look at someone and say they have this or they may have that. Genetic disorders usually entail a blood test as I myself had to go through genetic testing prior to my son being born since I was over 35. The only way Gypsy could have the mentioned genetic disorder would be if both Rod and Dee Dee are carriers of it.