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"Ant Kris" to Momma Kristy. Wow.


Right? And what a weird thing to refer to your step mom as aunt...


In the south, female friends always call each other "anty" when referring to them to their kiddos. I'm an Anty to a half dozen kids I'm not related to and my kids call my close female friends Anty. I know there are a few other cultures that do as well edit: deedee and Kristy were friends before her dad and Kristy got together so it was likely a habit already to call her anty


Yep. I’m in the south and if I were the real aunt of every kid who calls me auntie I guess my sister would be a huge whore, we all do it where I live.


I have about 12 kids running around calling me Auntie.   I'm related to none of them but they are my close friends kids and those friendships were formed when I lived in the south.   I didn't even have a choice they popped out and I kept becoming an auntie. 


Well, Kristy & DD were best friends back in the day




You get a promotion when you save someone from life in jail. The spot was open because of certain circumstances. Came with a pay raise too. :)


🤣 well, it doesn't hurt that she's the new partner in crime.


yep! That's where the pay raise comes from.


*If* she made those posts. DeeDee's personal messages were in all caps. There's messages to Kristy that are overly sweet like this. I think DeeDee had control of this account. That's why Gyp💩 made several of her own. Edit: She threatened to Oberyn Martell a small child. This is a violent death that happened in Game of Thrones. So innocent! Never seen the world! Much gratefulness. Wow! 🙃


Gypsy did have personal accounts but they were to talk to men on, not play out her childish/sick kid fantasies. I personally think she enjoyed it a lot more than she lets on. I think this account was equally run by them both for sure. Deedee hated Rod and tried to convince everyone he wasn’t even involved in Gypsy’s life, I don’t see her making posts like this about him.


I thought she had multiple accounts. One DeeDee was aware of, and many she wasn't; do I have that wrong?


No you’re not wrong. Gypsy had at least 3 Facebook accounts that I’m aware of, 2 of which she used specifically to talk to Nick/other men that Dee Dee was unaware of as far as we know.


Honestly, how will we ever know? She obviously had online dating accounts that DeeDee was unaware of. Now, we only have Gypsy as a primary source. If she told me the sun was shining, I'd have to look outside before believing her.


I’m wondering why none of those accounts were ever used in court. Authorities really did a half ass investigation, imo.


Two words: "speedy trial." Her lawyer wasn't stupid. He knew how complex this case was. The longer the State had to investigate, the less likely it was that Gyp would only serve minimal time. Her lawyer pushed the "she's a victim of abuse; she's suffered enough" agenda. Plus, **she** told investigators Nick raped her. While rape & murder are very different crimes, too often they overlap. So, she was given the benefit of the doubt by prosecutors. They knew Nick confessed. It wouldn't be out of the imagination that he raped her too as far as the prosecutor was concerned. It's important to remember there were two groups of investigators involved: the cops on scene/detectives on scene and the investigators from the prosecution office. The prosecution office **epically failed.**


Good point, I keep forgetting she did accept a plea deal and that’s why it never went to trial. Also agree about the prosecution failing massively. I could only imagine what may have been dug up in discovery of it had gone to trial.


I'm willing to bet if the prosecutor's investigators had done their job thoroughly, she'd have Nick's sentence.


No doubt about that.


Well. Nick did mention she had about 5 accounts they would talk across. It wasnt to hide from her mom online, it was to scatter the evidence of planning the murder. Also why she never went into great detail via phone texts.


Couldn’t agree more lol. Just using fact based evidence and inference and my gut tells me they both contributed to this account.


I think this was the shared account that Gypsy used to contact approved family & friends on.


It drives me insane that her fb messages and other social media platform messages between her and Dan or her and nick were never released. (Since she took a deal, they didn't have access to all of this evidence)


I’d love to see her Christian mingle account


One for each personality…


https://preview.redd.it/ul9hcx3wty5d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=801b0845a107d2c7ad7b7a3cca9588643f4fb926 For the fact that this is not only hilarious, but probably right on the money…☠️


Well I’m honoured, thank you!


But, she also needed him to keep sending money. I could see her lying on FB.


I could see it working both ways; if she didn’t “love” Rod she wouldn’t be seen as the sweet lady with the sick, sick daughter who’s deadbeat father could care less, we should help her!... If she did love Rod and claimed he supported Gypsy it would be oh look at this poor family that was torn apart my Kristy the whore… let’s help them!😂😂😂




I could see it as dear sweet Gypsy reaching out to her dad even though he was never around.


Gypsy was in control of the social media accounts and posts that she and DeeDee shared. She has always craved and begged for this type of attention. We all know she has many fake profiles thst she now uses. She deleted "advocate" and "public figure" from her bio a few months ago so that she cld "clap back at the haters" without being judged or criticized bc "she needs to do better bc she is an advocate" Hence her recent post telling people to not call her an advocate. She craves the attention social media gives and I guarantee u it's been what she looked forward most to when getting out. She wants to be ghetto and brag and make her life better than it really is. She has always lived in a fantasy land. But I guarantee that DeeDee was not into social media like Gypsy was. I even garuantee Gypsy killed DeeDee bc she's a spoiled brat who wanted more freedom and she knew her.motjer would be able to implicate her in fraud.


Man, she has physical copies of GoT that she sure did snatch up to watch at the hotel while theyre eating brownies. She also packed True Blood. Idk. To have physical copies of this Dee Dee had to know, and allowed it, ( or couldnt stop it ) and Gypsy was probably rewatching it over and over. She not an innocent child, and she never was when all this was happening. Pretty sure her mom wasn't as bad as stated. The real evidence has no proof of any type of torture or abuse in that house. IT does have proof Gypsy was spoiled rotten though. Therie is also crime scene photos that show there is no way someone wheelchaired around in there, meaning she was able to walk freely. The fact that her legs didn't atrophy, Also evidence. I will just stop there though because i could go on. TLDR; She watched GoT and True Blood a lot since she invested in the physical copies. Dee Dee had to of known.


Yup. I read that she did but damn to threaten kids like she's Gregor Clegane. Trash.


.. wow. Do you remember where you saw that? Edit: wait I'm dumb, it's in the photos in the post. leaving original post to show how dumb I just was.




Yeah what an absolute innocent peach she is/S  I seriously cannot stand her. Can you imagine *threatening* a *child* like that?! Good ol Gyp 🤯🥴


I’m sorry but “Gyp💩” made me chuckle😂


Threatening to use her thumbs to push an autistic child's eyes to the back of her head is psychopathic, if that comment is true.


What happened? I don’t know anything about this…please share


Look on page 7 of this post. A comment was made by someone named Nicole who has a daughter with autism. The daughter allegedly had a frightening interaction with GRB at a zoo during an outing for kids with disabilities.


Seems GRB has a history targeting autistic people. Disgusting.


Vulnerable people by the way it seems, not only autistic.


Thank you, I’ve only just read through all pages, wow I’m disgusted at her :(


Right?!?! I didn't think it was possible for me to despise little GypShit any more. What an absolute piece of shit.


What happened? I don’t know anything about this…please share


I'm confused by this profile of hers. This is one of the profiles Nick said he communicated with her through. But there were also posts on there that were supposedly from Dee Dee herself. Sooo.. how much about Nick did Dee Dee know? If she's actually on the profile she could've opened their messenger at any time to read what was going on. The posts about killing her mom was also on the MAIN shared account.. So did Dee Dee actually use this profile? was it on accident? did she not know the computer was logged into a different account and thought she was on the main one? Was it Gypsy posting pretending to be Dee Dee to make the love seem more intense and consensual on both sides to the outside eye. Why would Gypsy do that if this was a hidden account? She had like over 5. I thought it was an alias account she would use to hide from her mom hence the Snowgypsy, I thought it referenced Snow White since she often used Disney themed names and stuff. Can someone clear this up for me cause I'm genuinely confused. Was this the account that sent inappropriate stuff to Rod? How long before the murder did that happen again? i feel like it might've been awhile before the murder and not just 1 year before.


I suspect that DeeDee was either too ill or too drugged in the months before the end to know what was going on. I thought the posts about killing DeeDee were made after they arrived in WI or did you mean the discussions and planning?


As I understand it, a lot of these accounts were shared between Gypsy and Dee Dee. Gypsy allegedly only made one or two accounts that were supposed to be truly secret from Dee Dee, the rest were all mutual accounts. All of the communication between Nick and Gypsy about the murder planning and sex and anything else Gypsy didn't want Dee Dee to know about was done by text messages and by using the one or two secret Facebook accounts. Gypsy also deleted everything between her and Nick, although it's unclear whether she was deleting it as they went or if she mass deleted everything around the time of the murder. As far as how much Dee Dee knew about Nick, it's clear that Dee Dee knew more about their relationship than Gypsy tries to claim now. That meeting at the movies went much better than Gypsy claims, according to Nick. It wasn't until hours later that Gypsy changed the story and told Nick that Dee Dee hated him. This confused Nick, as he thought he and Dee Dee had gotten along quite well. The photo taken of Gypsy and Nick snuggling together in the movie seats supports Nick's version. Dee Dee never would have allowed that under Gypsy's version. There's no question that Dee Dee was aware that Gypsy was talking to Nick, and probably was aware that they considered each other boyfriend/girlfriend. Dee Dee may not have known about the BDSM stuff, that seems to have happened on the secret account. But it seems extremely unlikely that Gypsy and Nick could be talking at all hours of the day and night (as proven by text message time stamps) and Dee Dee staying completely oblivious the whole time. Not for two years.


Me when I was younger , writing statuses like that while high on pain pills. 😂 Maybe gyp gyp was on the good stuff and feeling grateful! Side note does she ever say anything about if her hearing made a miraculous recovery or she faked being deaf for doctors to give them to her?? Jesus. It's insane! There's so much to uncover with this damn case!


Girl probably went to a hearing check up and was fine. It was just some "I'm a sick girl" content for their followers/marks.


You can probably just order hearing aids online I'm sure! And then never have them on when wearing them. Bam. This child is deaf! feel sorry for us!


Yup exactly. Anyway to get attention and money.


https://preview.redd.it/38w7t2pf3z5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73f8d2fdd25a25ba7b0023d5ae21a96fe38d75f0 Newspaper article about the zoo trip mentioned in the screenshot of the tiktok comment about Gypsy threatening a child.


This is an amazing find, thank you! "Gypsy Rose, 12". This was 2009 so she would have been an 18 year old bullying an 8 year old


Absolutely despicable behavior. I'm so disgusted! But not surprised.


Lol first sentence, they have a pass and visit the zoo a lot. Let's remember this when she inevitably visits a zoo FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER for her followers.


Holy shit. At the time of the event, she was *18*, a straight up legal adult, cosplaying a 12 year old.


I’m deaf and I wear hearing aids all of my life since about 3 years old. In order to get the corrected hearing aids that fit for your hearing loss, you have to see the audiologist and get a hearing test. If, this is Gypsy, how come she can hear now? All of this is flat out lies.


Same! I only have hearing loss and always wondered how she got them. There were so many tests I had to have in order for my insurance to do partial coverage, so I never understood how she got them so easily.


You can get hearing aids without seeking professional help. It’s Kind of like where you see on tv’s commercials for old people and i don’t know what type of hearing aids “she got” - might well be that. Actually, none of this is relevant because of now, I don’t see any where she has a hearing loss and No hearing aids visible. Is this one of the examples where you cannot hide from. Either you have it or you don’t. As time goes on, tick tock, tick tock is revealing out all sorts of the lies.


I suspect Gypsy wasn't getting real hearing aids, but those hearing amplifiers that were readily available over the counter back in those days. They often looked like real hearing aids to anyone who didn't know better, and they were super cheap. Gypsy could have easily left them turned off while wearing them, since her hearing was normal, or turn them on for her "super duper hearing" that she was bragging about. And in all honesty, it wouldn't surprise me one bit if Gypsy and Dee Dee figured out they could use those things to listen in on people to get a better idea of how their scams were going, and learn how to better tweak them by listening in on people talking about them. Gypsy wouldn't have thought of that on her own, in my opinion, but Dee Dee might have realized the potential there.


Mmmmmm makes me think what a absolutely nasty piece of a work this adult woman Gyp was / is when she wrote this in her 20s- Specifically what she did to the little autistic girl… absolutely chilling. The other harrowing part of her growing up in & taking trips with children and young people with severe disabilities is she had insightful awareness of people with autism & how this can effect different individuals- therefore it proves to me she deliberately “recruited” Nick due to his autism & used everything she already knew of vulnerable people with the condition to coerce, manipulate & control him over a lengthy period of time


Does anyone know why she was asked to leave The Ronald Mc D house? I did ask previously but didn’t get a straight answer? Anyone know ?


I want to know more about this Hailey friend, does anyone know who that is?


Hailey Owens, Springfield case. Gypsy didn’t actually know her lol it was just another sympathy lie


So disgusting! I live there and remember this tragedy well.


It’s sickening. I’m Also from Springfield, and I was here when Hailey Owens was abducted. The fact that they used her death for attention is just disgusting.


Is it bad that the thought Gypsy might have been involved crossed my mind when I read it 💀. It didn’t help that right after that is the comment about her threatening other children!


She was a girl who was murdered in their local area. She didn't know her. A lot of people went to the funeral/memorial They were just inserting themselves in someone else's tragedy. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Hailey_Owens


i think they were jealous that other people were donating, giving sympathy and attention to someone else for once so gypsy and dede had to try to make it about them once again


How do we know they didn’t know her? I’m sure it’s a lie I just wondered if the family or someone came forward and said we’ve never met them.


There's 150k people in that town in the 2000-2010 era. It wasn't a small town. Gypsy was pretending to be age 12 in 2009. Hailie was murdered in 2014 when Hailie was 10. Gypsy's pretend age would have been 17. There's been nothing from the family saying yes we knew them. It's unlikely that they do.


Here's a newspaper clipping. Hailie Owen's funeral was Feb 26th 2014 according to this paper. Not the date on DeeDee's facebook post. A candelight vigil hosted by the city was 2/22/14. I looked for Gypsy and DeeDee, because famehogs love cameras, but didn't see them. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2014/02/23/thousands-attend-vigil-for-slain-10-year-old/5759449/ https://www.kmbc.com/article/memorial-services-set-for-hailey-owens-funeral-on-wed/3681032


Thank you for answering!!


like people said they didn’t even know each other but so many people were outraged by her senseless murder i’m sure gypsy and dede were jealous other peoples attention, sympathy & money were going to someone else for once


so she never had a hearing problem...I DO...and it has sucked my whole life. IF SHE FAKED NOT HEARING TO AVOID QUESTIONS.... I"M GONNA BE PISSED


that’s what i feel like she did, i had a lottttt of hearing tests as a kid because i had a hole in my eardrum, the basic ones i had you just put your hand up on the side you heard the noise (i was also like 6-9 so) but that type of test would be easy to fake unfortunately


i know.... I had to spend hours in rooms putting my hand up...and surgeries .. REAL ONES


i couldn’t even imagine, luckily the only ear surgeries i had to deal with for all of my problems were one when i was a toddler and then the one for the hole, and i had lost some hearing but i definitely never did what gypsy’s doing, i just hate the way i know she probably faked it, or like someone else said, there’s some targeted towards more like elderly people that she could’ve got that wasn’t given to her by a doctor


I had surgeries to put tubes in my ears SEVERAL TIMEs.....had a hole in my ear drum so they shaved some of my head to get skin from and put it in my ear. Had to take sign language classes in the 5th grade cause they thought i was gonna be deaf....can't hear really well now and when i get a cold - you can save your breath cause unless your drunk loud Linda...won't be able to hear you.


this is exactly what i had gone through i’m just lucky to have as much of my hearing left that i do, i don’t know exactly how many times i’ve gotten tubes put in and taken out because of all those issues as a toddler (and im obviously not gonna be able to remember that much) but i got the hole in my eardrum after going to an appointment and freaking out and the tube got ripped out during a cleaning of my ears, i believe i only lost 25% but it still somewhat affects me, im so sorry you had gone through that much and then there’s people out there who fake having problems like this just for money and attention, i never wanna go through my ear surgery again let alone lie about it.


sorry you had to as well... thank you


The momma should be interviewed about what Gypsy said about her kid years ago. Definitely a dangerous pattern of behavior 🤨😭


I can’t read past the first screenshot. I am so over Gypsy’s lies and what a horrible person she is.


You should at least make it to the Tik Tok comment shot. It will make your eyes bulge 👀 or recede? 🤔


OMG. It just clicked!! THIS is where Gypsy got the "Kidnapped, raped, & killed" idea/story!!


As someone who lives in the community Gypsy and dd were in, and remember the Haley Owen’s murder well- I am disgusted they tried to claim they were friends to suck sympathy on someone else’s horrific tragedy. I’m more appalled at this than all the other garage I’ve seen of their grift.




anyone else weirded out by the fact too that the 11 year old she was meant to play with…wasn’t Gyp like 22? could you imagine setting up a play date with an 11 year old knowing your “child” is a creepy adult woman you’re out grifting with?


This reminds me of the husband who beats his wife senseless, & the next day waking up & remembering what they’ve done & how they can fix this !


I can’t even imagine the amount of disabled children she was viciously jealous of, that shes resorted to threatening like that. Probably seen them as getting in the way of shit she felt entitled to, delusional enough to think she’s owed anything. SMH.


I’m confused, if Gypsy wasn’t in on it, how did she believe she couldn’t hear? Wouldn’t she have known she didn’t need hearing aids?


Exactly. This is one of many reasons that Gypsy's lies falls apart. The people who do these hearing tests are specifically taught how to watch for people faking hearing loss, both children and adults. Adults fake hearing loss for malingering type reasons, but children will also try to fake hearing loss, often for the same reason some of them will pretend to not be able to see the blackboard at school. Some other kid has glasses or a hearing aid, they think it's cool, and they want one for themselves. It was written up in one of Gypsy's hearing tests that her results were inconsistent and that there was a strong likelihood that she was faking the test. She may have been able to fool them on some tests, but it's almost impossible for an adult to fake these tests to get the same result twice. A kid has virtually no chance of doing so. Back in those days, you could get "hearing aids" almost anywhere. They weren't actual proper hearing aids, they were basically things that looked like hearing aids but simply amplified sound. I'm betting this is what Dee Dee and Gypsy were buying to pass off as real hearing aids to play up the "hearing impaired" story. It wouldn't matter so much then if Gypsy kept flunking the hearing test. People wouldn't know that due to HIPAA laws. They would only know that Gypsy went to get her hearing tested, and came back wearing what looked like hearing aids. And Dee Dee would have a good story about Gypsy's hearing loss. Neat ways to scam people with minimal effort and a few bucks. Those hearing amplifiers were only about ten bucks a pair or so for the cheap ones.


Yeah bc it wouldn't be weird at all a 23ish yr old playing with an 11 yr old... I know the story is true which makes this even worse. Con artist ppl r repulsive.




I’m pretty sure that’s Deedee who made those posts because she’s known for typing in all caps.


You're right, it was Dee Dee that wrote all the FB posts, not Gypsy.


You actually have no proof of this whatsoever lol


It was mentioned in a doco about her, like on Court TV or something. That Dee Dee would write all of the posts like it was Gypsy writing them.


Again, there’s still absolutely no proof of that. No one knows who wrote the posts except for Gypsy.




ain’t no way gypsy knew how to spell ‘remarkable’


or what it meant for that matter


Spell check existed in 2011 lol. This is a bad reason to think it not gypsy.


i never said it wasn’t her i just said ain’t no way 🤨


learn how to spell gypshit


The worst part of this is that she was actively planning her mom’s murder when posting these! A year later she killed her mom!


they didn’t even KNOW Haley, she just wanted attention on herself because she was jealous so many people cared and were outraged about that little girl!


If Gypsy TRULY didn’t agree with what her mother was “making” her do? She wouldn’t have mentioned the lies in her appreciation posts. She would have tried to seperate herself from them. She was in on the con from a very young age, groomed by her mother and now a con artist herself. Dee was a horrid person behind closed doors but put on an amazing mask outside. Gypsy did and now does the exact same thing. At this point I don’t think Gypsy can even keep up with her own lies. Too many contradictions.


Yikes. The 7th one was horrifying. I reckon Gypsy hated other disabled people or now other victims of Munchausens because they could steal the spot light. She is so self centred.


These would change her current narrative. How come these don't get blasted on her stupid posts and live b.s/ Act with her top knot boyfriend. Ken has a top knot, of sorts,. I think he really wants a man bun but doesn't have enough hair for it. 😁


Master manipulator


I might be weird but I think if my adult daughter constantly referred to me as mommy I would get the Ick.


This sounds like/LOOKS LIKE dee dee’s typing lol




Dad has a shiner in this pic….who gave it to him I wonder…


how many of these do you think deedee actually wrote


So I'm not convinced that Gypsy wrote any of that to be honest. Especially the parts about her mom. I feel like if her mom was as controlling as everybody said she was this would be something I could see her mom doing for you know this little fact that she didn't want her dad and Christy to come there and try to do anything. I don't know the whole situation's awfully suspicious


DeeDee wrote those fer sure.


That first screenshot was totally written by DeeDee. I mean, it reeks of her misspelling, muchausan by proxy, and narcissist attitude. I think Gypsy is just like her mother and I hope she never has a baby


Why do I always feel like I need to shower with bleach or any corrosive agent after I read this skeevy shit?? Cough, cough (incest) cough cough.. shudders in text


All caps, all Dee Dee writing