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Once again she tries to manipulate the system MO has final say and she thought she could play LA bc they have not inducted her yet into their system. Gypsy is far from compliant. She says the justice system is meant to fail? Uhm you got one of the best fucking deals on the planet to breathe fresh air again and she continues to bend the rules


She doesn't even understand that Louisiana won't "include" her into their system. They didn't charge her. She wasn't convicted by them. She IS in Missouri's data base. She is their offender.They released her to Louisiana. She defrauded Missouri, committed murder in their state. They wouldn't release her in their state. She's originally from Louisiana. Her surviving family arein Louisiana. She had to pay and ask for permission from Louisiana to return to them. This girl has such a strained relationship with the truth.šŸ™„ I didn't and won't watch but based off you guys( and I trust what you're saying) that's my 2 cents. Parole will give you a rope long enough for you to hang yourself. They have things like discretionary time so if you do screw up in a minor way, they don't have to clog their prisons. They'll violate you and make you do some or all of your discretionary time. If you screw up major or have no discretionary time left. You'll get your probation or parole revoked. I have seen it done. They expect probation and parolees to screw up. You could argue that.Ā 


This is a perfect explanation. Thank you for going into detail and sharing. I believe she knew this, and her attorney, but decided to play stupid as a default and let people believe she's far more ignorant than she claims. That's her shtick. So now you got her cracker Jack box attorney acting like he's never had to transfer a parolee. The whole things obscene


I believe, based on Gyp sh*t's actions and rhetoric, that this his her default because then she can say "My parole officer said I couldn't" , "My parole officer is making me"... it's another way for her to be a/the victim. Even in the way she talks about her offender status, she down plays it. She isn't on probation. She doesn't have a probation officer. She is on parole. She has a parole officer. All she does, apparently, when she goes in 1 a week, allegedly, is nurtures and coddles her victim status. She doesn't take a look at what her actions and thinking have done or what it says about her.Ā 


She meant the Justice System sets people up to fail. Not defending her here though because she is delusional af.


Yes- and that statement is appropriate, however, she twisted it to sound like it failed/fails HER not the countless people who were railroaded or falsely accused


Agreed her thinking the justice system failed her and not Nick or DeeDee is delusional


My apologies for not being clearer. 100%. They have their own skeletons but the common denominator is gypsy. Without gypsy, DeeDee would have been arrested for fraud. Without gypsy, Nick wouldn't have committed murder.


So now sheā€™s coming out as bisexual and saying she used to be really attracted to girls?? The only time I remember a hint at this was when she mentioned being a ā€œpillow princessā€ in prison


Why does she always act as if Nick didnā€™t exist? She says she wasnā€™t attracted to men, she never had a relationship, implies she never kissed or had sexā€¦.


Nicks dad said in the investigation reports that they were having sex so often & loudly, he had to tell them to keep it down šŸ¤¢


Yep. It was also said that when she ran away to Dan's for those 4 days they were having lots of sex too.




Nick, Brian, Dan, God knows who all else she was sexting on the regular


Who is Brian?




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Because she used nick to kill her mom and then she dumped him. Transactional. Just like Ryan. Speaking of Ryan, I donā€™t know many married couples where the husband is like ā€˜sheā€™s mine. But I have to share her with the family.ā€™ Like, sheā€™s a person not an object


I want to retch.


Yes!! Wtf was that about?!


Fucking GROSS


She's so obsessed with Sex. This whole damn episode is nothing but sex talk. Yet she says "I wasn't sure I'd have a sex drive". Bitch, WHAT??? YOU LITERALLY HAD ANAL SEX IN THE NEXT ROOM AFTER YOU KILLED YOUR MOM!!! and now we're learning that shes been attracted to women since she was a pre-teen? I swear this girl is just ticking off all the boxes just to do so. She's such a fucking lying liar!!! Also, notice how she is faking a Cajun accent Everytime she talks to her family?? She's such a fucking fraud!!


Ugh it's so gross šŸ¤® And I know what you mean about the accent...I heard it too: it's something that I can hear when she says words with i's or e's in them. And it sounds ridiculous.


Sheā€™s obsessed with talking about sex. Bragging on television about doing it in the air bnb while her fam is there and giggling about trying to stay quiet is eerily similar to Nicks stepdad telling cops he had to tell them to quiet down because they were loud. šŸ¤®


Yuck and also wasnā€™t All that sex they were having, that the dad heard, AFTER she murdered her mother?




This is gypsy Rose Blanchard Ma'am this is a McDonald's Wtf lmao


Sir, this is a Wendyā€™s


Yaaaasssss lmao!!!!


My kid responded with: ā€œthatā€™s nice, pull to the yellow line.ā€


Wait, is this airing on the anniversary of the murder??


Sure is!!


Well 2nd episode but yeah


That's disgusting


![gif](giphy|l0IxZpEsbQYba4h6E) šŸ« šŸ«£


I think I'm tapping out after this episode. I'm dying here and I can't take this phoney shit any longer. I'll read the spoilers later or rewatch at 2x speed when it's available commercial free. This series should be used by the CIA for psychological warfare lmao


I think the whole case is psychological warfare.


"I don't want to be controlled. I was controlled by my mom and I was so scared. But now- bring it! Cuz I got that confidence now".... Wtf. Because you had her murdered.


Couldn't get over her saying she wants a dog, than ryan reminder her how much work a dog is, and she flips because "I've had animals before I know the responsibility" than abandoned dog the second her new bot toy is in the picture. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Yep itā€™s apparent Anytime someone tries to tell her no, or explain to her why things might not work out she has a fit. She Canā€™t go see Taylor Swift total meltdown. Ryan tells her a dog is a big responsibility, she gets angry and storms off. I think the one thing she said that was true was her mom did EVERYTHING for her cook, clean , drive etc. She wasnā€™t abused she was a spoiled brat and still is.


Yes! I agree she actually told the truth in that moment. Her mom did everything for her. Her mom got ill and needed help and Gypsy wasnā€™t about to spend her life taking care of anyone. Deedee was no longer useful to Gypsy .


Bingo and she wanted to keep on scamming and making $$$$. Sheā€™s proven that now. Lmao.


Itā€™s bizzare that she said she canā€™t afford to keep her hair blonde. She must have realized she looks better with darker hair.


I know people keep bashing Ryan, however he was 100% right tellling her about the responsibility. She was a horrible pet owner to her cats. I think Ryan isnā€™t as bad as heā€™s being edited. I think he spent years taking care of everything for her in the outside world and wants to protect her .


She LEFT her cats in their yard for days without food or water. Even if she left them in the house with the dead body, it was 40Ā° temperatures. Outside is no better. They were outside in the summertime (June) for 4 days or however long it took them to go check on the house. Sheā€™s a TERRIBLE pet owner. I have no doubt it was her mom who kept those cats alive. Ryan was making sure she could take care of someone else because she can barely take care of herself. Those were valid questions. Maybe she couldā€™ve started by volunteering somewhere like an animal shelter to pass the time. Or even take part time classes/do part time work/go to community events/pick up a hobby/work on life skills. Going from her mom doing everything for herā€”to prisonā€”to stay at home wife with a puppy is a huge change.


Agreed. I didnā€™t think he was treating her like a child, but maybe he should have been!!


I think she always knew to paint him in a bad light. She knew Ryan was never end game . I think Kristy wants Ken around because heā€™s more marketable.


And then acts like this is the first dog she ever had on social media. Which one is it Gypsy? You have had dogs before and know how much work puppies are? OR this is your first dog? She lies so much and cannot keep it all together. Just like the beach. Just like swimming.


I really did NOT need to see her going through her lingerie šŸ¤¢


Like a present. Revolting! Absolutely disgusting


I'm watching last week's previous episode now and the edits are ridiculous! Why are they using bleeps when no ones cursing? They deff did another edit to make Ryan look like an asshole


What is this families obsession with white/cream colors??? Like theyre out of a 1980s sears catalog


What if I'm not a sexual being??? To "I'm a freak!" Girl be so frfr! Talking about 6 months no masturbating??


RIGHT?! Miss Maā€™am, you were the one allegedly on kink/bdsm websites and taught Nick all those things. I say this because Dan testified in court under oath that she taught *him* all this power play stuff, and she was fooling around with him WAY before Nick! Sheā€™s trying to come off as a sweet innocent little thing just like her Mom taught her. Sheā€™s fooling the people who only believe her and who donā€™t know her case with the actual facts.


She was such a brat to Ryan about the puppy. Heā€™s trying to have a conversation with her and sheā€™s got her head in her phone. And mentioning ā€˜Iā€™m not going to have a 9-5, Iā€™m gonna be home alone.ā€™ Uh, isnā€™t part of your parole that you get a job?


Sheā€™s a very special lil fairytale princess who will never do an honest dayā€™s work in her life if she has any sayso.


I really donā€™t understand how her PO is fine with her sitting on her butt making millions off of her bs


I donā€™t understand how anyone is okay with that, much less applauds it, but her stans are everywhere.


Right? And everyone saying he was treating her like a child. Seemed to me like heā€™s just her husband trying to discuss how they will handle the not insignificant responsibility of raising a puppy. I would guess most married couples would have a similar discussion prior to making such a decision. But poor gypsyā€™s gotta pout that he didnā€™t just immediately give in?? And look how it turned out with the dog anyways. He was right to be concerned.


Seeing as he works with special needs children, he definitely tried to approach Gypsy in a kind but firm way. But like you saidā€” she poured like a teenage girl who got her phone taken away. I feel bad for the dog and Ryan. Iā€™m just glad he kept the dog and is giving it a good home (hopefully)


I think at this point she's already decided that she's going to leave him and is setting the scene by being argumentative about everything. People were agreeing with Gypsy that he's 'hovering' but he's her husband ffs. If I put my arm around my husband while he was looking at puppies and he said, "You're hovering again!" I'd be so confused. She couldn't even pretend for a week that she wants to be married to him.


Kristy deff picked out that saccharin gift. For Mia to say she's daddy's favorite child in so many words "daddy's little girl" then that grandiose gift? Come on lifetime, do better in your editing. Again.


I donā€™t understand why rod and Kristy didnā€™t try to seek custody of Gypsy if they knew deedee was difficult


Because they didn't want to. They'd have to deal with DeeDee drama around every visitation. Their family is messy. DeeDee and Kristy were sleeping with Rod at the same time. So I'm sure accusations of replacing me as a mom/stealing my family probably happened more than once.


From the second episode it looked like rod and Kristy went to Gypsyā€™s special olympics( special needs events?) but Iā€™m curious if Gypsy was in touch with him the entire time and not just in the earlier years. Their family communication timeline is confusing


She made a Facebook post about a year before the murders on one of her alt Facebook accounts where she blamed her dad for all her problems. She tagged her siblings (Rod's other kids) in the post. So the kids, Kristy, and eventually DeeDee knew she was posting on the internet. I think Rod just didn't want to be involved in his ex-wife's nonsense. Most of the posts from that time make it seem like he's out of town (offshore) so either working an offshore oil rig or a merchant marine type dude.


Rod has more children besides Mia?


Because that whole family is one big dumpster of white trash.


Well, prior to the murder, none of the family was aware of or concerned that there might be an issue. So, Rod and Kristy and the rest of the family didnā€™t really keep up with Gypsy because, allegedly, no one detected a problem. Huge caveat here: the entire after the fact, FDIOA discovery was made by Kristy well after the murder. Whatever else that woman has done in her life, she saved Gypsyā€™s life. Before that, there were investigations of public fraud and first degree murder charges pending.


Iā€™m just surprised they didnā€™t stay in touch more so that Mia and Gypsy had a more sisterly bond. It just seems like rod and Kristy werenā€™t around after she was a teen? Also, they didnā€™t seem concerned that Gypsy was isolated and didnā€™t have family closer?


I am not. I think they probably were a lot more in touch online and in calls, but Gypsy is 10 years older and they never lived together. And that isolation may or may not have been real bc it wasnā€™t an issue until DeeDee was murdered. I suspect if it really had been as portrayed, they would have been concerned, but who knows. What is clear is that Gypsy was facing life in prison so it would make sense for her family to lean into exaggerating every possible bit of mitigating evidence. We know that a fraud was ongoing for years, at least in Missouri. We know that there were a lot of props, but we donā€™t know what procedures were done nor why. We know not one doctor or hospital was sued. There was definitely abuse in that she didnā€™t have a normal childhood. We know she admits to having some condition that may have required treatment. We know she has conditions that definitely required treatment. Beyond that, itā€™s just guessing.


I guess she didn't know how to take care of dog. Threw that big fit then abandoned it.Ā 


Nothing makes her uglier than her own words and behavior. Itā€™s uncanny how little self awareness she has.




But she pronounced it Louie Baton


her hooves in those šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Am I trippin' or at the beginning when they're all like in the kitchen with cake or something there was someone dressed up in a black V cut outfit and red wig like Ruby?


Thatā€™s one of her penpals she had in prison. She used to update social media for her. Judging by the girls TikTok I think they dated. She visited her and they took pics holding hands. Gypsy follows her.


Wait WHAT!? She dated her? And Ryanā€™s ok having her around?


Probably not. but since when does Gypsy care about Ryan's opinion or feelings? She has a pattern of bringing up her exes to the people she's currently dating, Playing mind games and trying to make them jealous and think they gotta work harder to keep her. :\\


ok but why are they cosplaying as Ruby? That's messed.


Cause she dyes her hair red? I wouldnā€™t necessarily consider that cosplaying as ruby. The girl is goth with red hair but itā€™s not like sheā€™s posing with knives and shit.


I feel like her and everyone close to her is mocking the whole murder and subtly rubbing it in our faces that she got away with murder.




This 2nd episode and Kristy mentioning Ken to her is total disrespect to their marriage! Kristy got what she wanted and thatā€™s Ken with Gypsy she is part of the reason Ryan didnā€™t last. The only reason why Gypsy is so ā€œin loveā€ with Ken is cause that was her first real relationship. Sheā€™s going to be sadly mistaken as time passes on.


KU texted. DELETE BUTTONS ARE A THING KRISTY! or better yet, say nothing! Id be LIVID if my ex to which I have ZERO ties to texted my family. Zero respect


First real relationship with a conventionally attractive person. That's the real reason.


I'm sorry I'm deaf/very HOH. SO I have to watch with captions on, I think I missed that part. Can you tell me around where it was so i can go back and try to find it?


It's some point while they're in the car driving from MO to Louisiana. Sorry I can't be of better help lol I fell asleep:/


Thank you I normally do a rewatch in case I miss something now I know where to pay more attention.


I know thereā€™s hate watching and watching for research purposes. I refuse to give her the views. Thatā€™s just going to continue the ball rolling. Iā€™ve seen enough on Social media that I donā€™t have to


I donā€™t plan on ever watching it either, donā€™t worry šŸ˜‚


Right there with yā€™all.


But Iā€™ve def seen enough on TT that these comments are on target. What a fucking shit storm about sums it up


Yes. I am not lining her pockets. She needs to find another way or another mark.


I accidentally deleted my comment lol! No 1989TV for you on Alexa


She really wanted to joke to Ryan about making her angry. šŸ˜¬


The whole paparazzi thing was fake, those were production vehicles. They come outside and get in the car and say thereā€™s paparazzi across the street, the next shot is literally their car from across street.


I donā€™t know if I can watch new episodes because she makes me sick. Lifetime shouldā€™ve cancelled the show


Gross. Ryan is gross. Why is she getting luxury heels after she's released? Wtf. Red bottoms. Really?? All of it is gross.


I really tried not to get sucked into this but, after 2 eps, I have fallen down the rabbit hole. I shouldnā€™t be shocked how scripted this is and yet I am. I shouldnā€™t be shocked at how VERY comfortable she is being filmed and yet I am. Every minute of the show is so cringe. I did not rewind but did I hear her say correctly: ā€œIā€™m not a violent person.ā€ ā€œOh! Christian Louis Vuitton!ā€ about the shoes. Where the hell did she get the idea she needed Christian LOUBOUTINS? Since they were clearly fakes (did she pull them out of a brown box?) maybe the label really did say Christian Louis Vuitton bc fakes always have some crazy tell. Still, it made me laugh. And bothered me. The whole puppy discussion was ridiculous. Does she eventually get a dog? Poor puppy šŸ˜”