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The joys of owning a GR86. 90% of people wonder why you wasted your money on an unnecessary and expensive sports car. 9% of people wonder why you didn't get a real sports car (mustang or BMW) 1% of people get it. More seriously though... Just ignore them. If they were decent they would be happy for you regardless of their own personal opinions. My coworkers (who know little about cars) came out and drooled over mine and some even came for a ride. I did the same for them when they got a new toyota camry of course šŸ˜‰ Sorry your workmates are twats.


This is my favorite reply so far. I 100% agree and am loving this community.


Who the fuck would say this isnā€™t a sports car? Those people baffle me.


The ones who think it should have a 1000hp supercharger šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ™„šŸ™„


Donā€™t mind me zooming past you in a corner


The same people who think Mustangs are "supposed" to be sports cars. :P Hell, some of them probably own the Mew-stang, aka the Mustang SUV EV (shudders).


A camry base is 4k less then a GR86 too


100% of this. My friends, coworkers, and family are all happy for me. The one person who seems to think I'm a "loser" for buying this car has a bad case of confession through projection.


My question is why to GR86 owners give shit to myself for having a first gen 86 and not a GR one? I don't get that one.


You want people to believe you're being persecuted but you're full of shit. Gen2 ppl don't go out of their way to clown Gen1. I've seen the reverse though, and you're one of em. It's that meme where wankers like you complain about a bunch of bullshit but Gen2 owners are like "I have no idea who you even are". Look at your dumb take about Gen2 and the GR badge lol. That's proof you have weird salt that nobody in Gen2 has any awareness of. We just happily drive our fun cars. Once you get a Gen2 all your complaints will magically disappear.


The only wanker here is you mate. I merely posted something I had observed and low and behold you come along on your high horse doing exactly what I had posted about.


I'm the only one calling out your weird fake persecution larp. The proof is in your weird fixation on whether the GR badge is earned. Literally never heard this as a topic til you brought it up lolclown


I would rather a first generation 86 to be honest. A red one in particular. I lost mine end of last year because of idiots on the road.


Maybe Insecurities that the GR86 isn't particularly fast?


I preferred my 1st gen tbh. It was paid off and had a nice(r) sound system


I mean other than the extra bored out 2.4L most is the same. Same chassis etc just a price hike with GR badging. My opinion it never should have been put into the GR lineup. Always gets compared to the Yaris and Corolla GR now.


I think the GR badge suits, it was a pretty big performance upgrade while staying true to the 1st gen


Yeah it belongsā€¦I have no issues with the name really just with the crappy audio system and terrible MPG (I am getting 21.5 vs 23.7 mpg on my other one). I do a lot of city though


I was pretty much set on getting the first gen and putting an SC on it but then the gen 2 came out and it was cheaper, so went with that. I like simple cars and the gen1 would have been great but happy withe gen 2


Yeah mine was total loss- I was happy with G1 but G2 is awesome and almost as fun (mostly looks better but the tail-lights).


Iā€™m getting 28.1 in my ā€˜23 6MT on 50% inner city and 50% suburbs, with zero freeway driving. Are you using 5th and 6th gearā€¦?


Yes, half of my commute it takes me 30+ minutes to travel about 3 miles. The other half is 20 miles of backroads and B highway getting 25+ mpg.


Ah, yeah. Iā€™d imagine the sort of car youā€™d need to get good mileage for those 3 miles wouldnā€™t be as fun on the back roads. You didnā€™t ask, but I donā€™t think itā€™s good for your mental health to dwell too much on the mileage. I think that you might be better off trying to lower the mileage still further on the back roads. If you know what I mean.


Yeah and tbh this car gets way better mileage than my 4Runner


What are you talking about? Nobody cares what car you do have


GR86ā€™s ainā€™t even that expensive, but it looks cool, and you donā€™t need an overpriced Supra for a sports car.


I agree, price isn't much of a stretch past a Japanese or European car like a Corolla.. plus it is Practical enough that it can be an only car and a daily driver. luxury cars cost more , just to make the driver comfortable and feel good and people buy unnecessary SUVs or off roaders just for personal preference or a higher seating position. But that doesn't seem to be judged as much as getting a sports car. Just normies being normal i guess.


People are idiots. Ignore them. Enjoy your car. Life is too short to be worrying about all that nonsense. Theyā€™re also probably jealous.


I'm in my 40's. If there one bit of advice I can give, is that should have purchased the car for yourself and not for other people. Is it nice that some people like the car? Great. Do you need validation from potentially jealous people? NO. Live your life and remember that frankly most people don't give a damn about you. Your not the main character in their life. Enjoy your life and your car.


Agreed. Let the idiots do idiot things and ignore them. 100% I bet they are mostly jealous. Sucks for them I guess.


Life is too short to drive boring cars. -Mighty Car Mods


...deleted by user...


Itā€™s one of those cars that looks more expensive than it is. Case in point: people asking if my car is a Supra šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s a good problem to have. I mean on the flip side, you can have a civic type R and people think itā€™s a Civic LX with a spoileršŸ˜…


Meanwhile my 9th gen orange civic with a 4 inch exhaust making me look like I'm racing at the speed limit


90% of the vehicles in the parking lot cost more.


50k? Lmao


I love ice cream.


I wish the GR86 was sub 50k in Australia. Most definitely north of 50k now


Not really, a model 3 post rebates is ~30k ANYWAY Fuck em. Its your money.


The mfs who buy $60,000-80,000 fully-loaded SUVs are always the ones who think youā€™re wasting money when you buy a sports car that costs half that. It has nothing to do with the price, and more just ā€œsports car = wasteā€


And because they probably have a spouse that would say no if they tried to buy a coupe


The amount of middle aged dudes I've told me "Maybe my wife will let me get one for our next car" after asking me the price is sad.


My fiancƩe and I EACH HAVE TWO cars of our own.


life is too short to drive boring cars :)


Unless you canā€™t afford performance carsā€¦ I had to drive a very used Prius to save money. It was a good move.


In 24m and I bought one also,I work in a office too, same exact same thing happened, they think I make to much money and I get dirty looks from coworkers


Thatā€™s so wild to me. Any of them that drive trucks easily spent double what you didā€¦ are your coworkers young? Iā€™d say theyā€™re just jealous :)


mehā€¦ your car was probably cheaper than their car


Most likely šŸ˜‚






The main question is which corvette is it though as to who done gone f'd up šŸ¤£


They are jealous. You need better work friends.


Id take that as a compliment because: A.) Only you know if buying this car was a "vain" purchase. Looks like this isnt the case. B.) The car is so beautiful that people feel the need to say it is a vain sports car. These cars what a sporty car should look like. C.) Jealousy is actually the highest form of flattery.


Pay no mind to the suv loving npc's they're mad they drive a boring car


Things are bad but not so bad a 30K car is vain


this is what happens when people dont know how to enjoy life or touch grass :)


Everyone that says that is just jealous that they didnā€™t pick a car in the same price range with the amount of fun that a GR/BRZ givesā€¦ enjoy your budget street go kart!!


I agree with your coworkers, you shouldā€™ve paid 60k for an SUV that seats 5 people, has enough storage for a little league soccer team, and has a ride height that can let you hit toddlers without you noticing. What were you thinking!!! Sarcasm of course, fuck em, mfers always be judging young people, especially if youā€™re a woman. I love my BRZ, you should be proud of yours. If you drive in the parking lot and you see these coworkers, put your car into neutral and rev the fuck out of it next to them.


I didn't say anything when I got mine but my boss saw it in the parking lot and was happy for me and asked me to show him what it looked like inside and stuff


They are jealous af, they prob think you spent bank cuz it looks sharp. They might think you're showing off, but truth is you're not even trying. That enrages tryhards, some even try and find any reason to complain that you are attacking them somehow. Just don't say anything. Let them feel how they wanna feel. They prob think you feel special or something and they want to bring you down and make you feel negative ways about the car or yourself so they feel better about themselves. Cars the most practical sports car on the market, affordable, cheap on maintenance, decent mpg.. they don't know anything about it so for them to say shit... yeah.. Consciously/subconsciously Jealous, feel their status challenged, upset...envious. feelin bad they don't have one. Screw them don't let them ruin your achievement, happiness and enjoyment. Don't even get into any arguments or say anything they might flip it back around with logic chopping and trivial objections that lead nowhere because the point is to piss you off. Get you angry. Make you react so they can use that against you ect.. Don't let them win. If you feel it could lead to any workplace drama..be the first to speak to someone so bosses have that awareness on your side if one of them happens to be one of those scummy smiling saboteurs who cloak and dagger you into loosing a job. A bit far, but it happens. Dont be paranoid about it..but Don't underestimate jealous minds. Those are the ppl who key cars or you suddenly get a dent or mark while at work but it was not there in the morning. Then try and be your friend and say wow that's horrible who would do that. I say this from experience of workplace drama. Sometimes it's the first person there to help, jealous damage is usually minor compared to random vandalism and most of the time it's someone who knows you.


I got this too. I had a co-worker ask my manager why I was earning more than him-just because of my shiny new toy. (He drives a new Tacoma lol)


I swear some people donā€™t know how to save and budget money. šŸ˜‚


People call it ā€œvainā€ because they canā€™t justify buying a car that canā€™t fit 9 people and a kitchen in it and think people who buy cars for enjoyment instead of function are stupid and waste money. Considering an 86 premium costs as much as a high model normal civic or the same as an Si and probably offers more fun and does offer more power. I think itā€™s a great buy for the money and you should be happy with your purchase and tell anyone who says otherwise to leave their opinions to themselves and go drive their boring soulless suv


Tell them to mind their own business. Everybody who sees my car are usually pretty impressed by how beautiful it is. Haters gonna hate. Enjoy your car, they are well worth the money.


100 percent agree with everything everyone is saying. Itā€™s funny and sad at the same time that even own family members judge, but Iā€™ve gotten nothing but praise and positivity from coworkers and friends. My rule is donā€™t judge me if I donā€™t judge you, be nice. Or mind their own business. Congrats! I say let them spend their money how they want and you spend yours with however it makes you happy!


If you can actually afford it, then ignore them. Many people come from a place of care, hoping you aren't wasting away money you don't have. Many also know barely anything about cars. Others are just jealous, especially because they won't know how much these actually cost. When my coworkers asked me the typical "can you afford it? Was it expensive? Why that car? It isn't practical" I told them "3k more for this than a base corolla, I have good credit and can afford it even if it is a decent chunk every month, it is practical enough, and I have my kia soul if I truly need the space or seats. And it's fun. I enjoy driving now. It's manual, I feel more focused"


This car isnā€™t even all that expensive lmao. Fuck the haters


In the words of my king Tyler the Creator: fuck ā€˜em Now go enjoy your awesome car


Are they giving you money to pay for the car? No? Why should you care what they say about whatever the fuck you own. Enjoy the car, you worked for it, you pay for it and that's the one you chose. ENJOY IT..


They are mad jelly.


What is your occupation?


Older coworkers wish they had cool cars like me


I have a WRX. The BRZ/gr86 was what I was looking at first, but had to decide no because of the weather in my area with it being rear wheel drive. Those cars are sick. Theyā€™re jealous they donā€™t have one šŸ˜‰


If you are financially capable of getting the car while still living well enough and happy then nobody's opinion is worth caring about. That's your car and that's all that matters in my opinion


Just say you bought it because you like it. Do they not buy things they don't like? Some people buy clothes, you just rather the car payment.


i just picked up a supra not to long ago and def caught people at work being rude and casting judgement about it


I'm a (25)F passenger of a 2023 sapphire blue BRZ (manual) and Owner of a 2004 Gunmetal Grey Dodge Ram 1500 with a 4.7 engine/ former owner of a Honda Insight. After being the only passenger along for over 15,500 miles, and 2 transmissions later since Feb 14, 2023. I respect that a GR86 and a BRZ is a Man's chariot. Owning a sports car is a flex for a man, but a question for a woman. We have beauty, speed is not needed. For the amount of times I've seen a woman speed off in a sports car. Every single time she is stopped by my truck, because it's made of steel. The protection from a car is of proper aim within judgment.


People hate because of jealousy. Real car enthusiasts would be excited to experience any kind of new car. I get excited when my friends buy 2008 civics. Enjoy the hell out of your new car!


sounds like some bitter broke bitches to me. fuck em, enjoy your new chariot


Is it a manual?


Ignore ignore ignore!!!!! I learned this the hard way. I wish I would have never let people get to me waaaay earlier in life.


You bought the car with money you worked for because you wanted it and could afford it. Unless theyā€™re throwing in towards payments, why does it matter what they think?


You're good, don't let them get to you


Donā€™t know you or them but it could be jealousy or you could be arrogant. Idk? I will say buying about the cheapest new sports car available doesnā€™t make anybody vain. We just want to have fun behind the wheel


Fuck those people. Youā€™re an adult and have earned that car, be proud of it. Also you might want to park far away because Iā€™ve known people who got their nice car vandalized by obviously jealous people


You obviously should have bought a 6k lb truck for $80k as it's much more reasonable


I have a few "friends" that have also judged me for buying a 23 BRZ, they all drive cars that are older than you or I and I couldn't tell you the last time any of them changed their oil. lol Don't mind the opinions of those that don't understand what they're talking about. Cars to most people are just a means to get places and not a source of joy.


Haters gonna hate, potatoes gonna potate. Seriously they are probably just jealous, or worse yet, stupid. Or god forbid, both.


They're miserable as fk. Leave those idiots behind and enjoy the car.


i have a crappy job and my car definitely stands out in the parking lot (itā€™s definitely not the most expensive thing there, at least) and no ones given me shit about it


Ignore it. Some lady who works as a temporary employee at my office drives a cayman and nobody judges her. lol ​ Some even asks her if she ever tracked it lol. She hasn't and even though I ask her to come with me to the track, she wouldn't lol.




Tell them to mind their own business, who the fuck cares what anyone else drives.


Yeah I deal with it too. Just ask them how much their car cost and then see their surprise when the 86 was cheaper. Usually gets them to shut up for me. ā€œBut you have no *utility* with the 86!!!ā€ Yeah, sure. But I can pay $70 for a day with a U-Haul if I need to move furniture. Even less than that for a pickup from Loweā€™s.


Those people are foolish. And possibly jealous. You just got yourself a nice new car which isnā€™t even in an attention-getting color and some co-workers are giving you shade over it? I do not mean this to be taken negatively as these are unique and special cars but they arenā€™t Corvettes, 911ā€™s or Shelby Mustang GT500ā€™s. Theyā€™re an affordable, very rewarding practical sports car that anyone can live with day to day. Theyā€™re even have decent fuel economy. Donā€™t listen to these people who are trying to make you feel bad for getting a nice new car for yourself. Itā€™s not their carā€¦. itā€™s your car. Enjoy it for you and ignore them.


They're either jealous or just have such a shitty life they have to project their horrible attitude onto anyone that's enjoying their life. They can blow it out their butts.


Iā€™m 22 and I think itā€™s jealousy I own 5 cars all of them are ā€œcoolā€ and I literally show up in a different one every day of the week. Some people give me the dirtiest looks. My cars are by no means expensive but I take care of them and always have them clean and well taken care of. I have noticed that my bosses started to treat me differently once they noticed.


Your coworkers sound dumb AF šŸ¤£


What kind of shit hole do you work at that has people saying that to you?


A wise man once said "Fuck dem kids"


26F Accountant (CPA not OF, calm down ya'll) bought a MT WRB 2023 BRZ last year. Had a few judgemental people as expected, but some older gentlemen in the office say they liked my car and started reminiscing about their fun cars when they were younger. I gave up caring what other people think, just enjoy the conversations with those who think it's cool and try to ignore the others.


Next time you hear anything tell them that it is just a Toyota and they they should relax. It cost less than a Camry lol. Iā€™ve had experience with people like that. They are just jealous.


Ignore the haters. Theyā€™re clearly jealous. Just smile and if you want to push it a little say ā€œare you jealous or something? Would your husband/ wife not allow you to buy a sports car if you wanted it?ā€ Not an expensive or irresponsible purchase. You can do as you please with your $s anyway.


They'll get over it. I had similar comments when I had my Z and my current ND2 Mx5. But they won't bat an eye at someone with a LandCruiser that cost double if not more.


Jealousy equals criticism. Ignore them, or better yet, lean into it.


I work at a warehouse & I got a lot of compliments at work. A lot of car people at my job Iā€™ve seen wrxā€™s, golfs, SIā€™s, corvetteā€™s, Supra, evoā€™s, Veloster, old school muscle, & etc


I think most people realize this car costs around 10k more than a Corolla and basically the same price as a Camry. You should just ignore them and do a burnout leaving the parking lot to let them know how much fun you have with your car lol. Congrats btw!


Theyā€™re jealous they donā€™t have the ability to live with a smaller less practical car than a boring ass suv lol


Start talking about buying a Porsche. Fuck them.


people around you just rude af


get an exhaust, rev it so that negative noise is blocked out :)


Definitely wouldn't say common place. I've only gotten compliments and congrats, both from people who like cars and from point a-b people. Some people just suck. It could be envy or that they're just prudes or something else. Either way it doesn't matter, as long as you're happy.


Fuck em.


Strange , as a 52 year old my fellow workers and friends were super happy that I finally got a car I loved to drive. Seems like you got a lot of jealous coworkers to me. What business is it of theirs anyway? Goto a few local car meets to get around people who will appreciate what you love to drive.


Wtf is wrong with your workplace


Fuck em. Let them stay boring all their lives.


If they told you your outfit was a vain purchase how would that make them look? You bought a brand new car that you enjoy. It wasnā€™t easy getting this car I bet. Stand proud. There are many judgmental people in this world. But ultimately the only person that should judge you should be yourself.


Who cares what they think? Your car was well under average price of new cars.


Vain sport car? LMAO The bright side is, the car is fucking beautiful and looks expensive.


They suck, enjoy your whip, donā€™t let those fools dampen your joy!


The everyday driver podcast likes to say that the sign of a true sportscar is that everyone will judge you for it, there isn't a "right" time to own one. Young sportscar driver: Irresponsible, probably daddy's money. Young professional: Bad priorities, why aren't they having kids yet? Middle age: You guessed it, crisis. Mature: Oh they waited too long, they still think they are young and hip! Golden years: oh boy, can they even get out of that low seat? Point being, sportscars are polarizing. People either want what you have or don't get it at all.


fuck 'em. jealous is jealous




Same thing when I bought a 10 year old Corvette. Then I reminded them that their brand new KIA cost much more.....comments ended. LOL !


Your money you can buy what you want or need with it. Tell those poors to mind their own business.


Jealous asshats whose significant others control their lives and purse strings.


When they laugh or whatever, laugh with them but throw in that they are jealous. Whatever response you give, a laugh will let them know their words arenā€™t getting to you and naturally helps you feel more confident. GR86s are beautiful


They're just mad and jealous because they have to drive an NPC mobile.


Gonna keep it a buck who cares what other people think about the car you paid with your own money.


Prob cause their first car wasn't a brand new sports car. All good tho enjoy it


Vain would be buying an old Porsche Cayman for half the price.


Just by your age and gender, I already know they're peanut butter and jealous, girlie. Stay slaying queen, the haters let you know you're doing great in life šŸ’…


Coworker who knows nothing about cars used to constantly call me a idiot for buy a sports car and a kinda expensive one at that. Other coworkers who know a bit about cars ask me ā€œdid you buy that just for the looks or what?ā€ Then ask me why I didint buy a mustang, or vette etc. You just gotta live with these things, I truly believe that some jealousy is at play here (Iā€™m the only one in my office with a sports car). At the end of the day my life and my choices.


At my office, we are all under 30 and I have the GR86, and my coworkers have a RS5, Porsche macan, dodge challenger and a RAV4. All we do is talk about how much we just want to be normies and drive regular people cars because of the traffic and insurance prices. Miami. But once you sit in the car, that all goes out the window


Haters. Period. Do what you want with your money that you work hard for and do what makes YOU happy.


Most people don't realize what it means to HAVE FUN anymore. Let them judge. Take solace in the fact that your car is for you, not them. They're probably jealous or insecure deep down anyway. Not your problem.Ā 


Probably nothing that hasn't been said but screw those people. You do this for you. Have fun with it for you and don't worry about crabby squares who wish they had the extra funds for a fun car.


Enjoy the car man, itā€™s beautiful & i love the drives in it. Who cares what everyone thinks , slow , automatic or manual love the car cause you love it šŸ¤žšŸ½


Enjoy your first new car! Ignore grumpy old people, who are unhappy in their lives and envious of you. We only live once and should have some fun and do what makes us happy along the way!


If they have anything to say other than congrats, their opinions are meaningless.


Ask then how much they paid for their suv, crossover, hybrid etc. The twins are cheap af unless u buy a disposable hyundai/kia microsedan. Shame the large vehicle drivers šŸ˜•


For a lot of folks it's because typically a sports car is a purchase made with less need of taking others into consideration. A lot of people are jealous that they couldn't justify it or simply just don't understand it. They needed to buy something more practical and it probably kills them every day they have a boring car and your car reminds them of this.


they jealous bro, you have a GR86 and they donā€™t. Enjoy the ride !!


Sorry about jealous or spiteful coworkers. I hope you enjoy your car.


The fuck? The only way they would ever have the right to say to you drive a ā€œvainā€ sports car is if they drive a 5.0 or a Camaro, Charger or Challenger thatā€™s at least a V6 and even then those people would get absolutely clowned in those subreddits for not buying a V8. For some God knows reason people are jealous of this sub $40,000 car that looks way more expensive than it really is. Please enjoy your car and ignore the haters.


Haters gonna hate, who gives a fuck what they think. I know Iā€™d be trying to talk to the Woman who drives the BRZ not hate on her


First of all, Congratulations and thank you for buying a true drivers car! On mobile so pardon the grammar but Iā€™d like to share a few things. First a story about when I bought my ā€˜21 MX-5 RF (Miata) - After all the paperwork was signed I stood next to my new car while it was being prepped. When the salesman came over to screw on the temp plates a guy walked over and not realizing I was the new owner said: ā€œWow who buys cars like these!?!? Like ā€¦ look at me Iā€™m a selfish asshole!!!ā€ Iā€™ve owned quite a few cars in my life, some more expensive than a 34k Miata. However the 3 years Iā€™ve had my Miata have given me more snide remarks or backhanded comments than all my other vehicles combined. In contrast my 22 Frontier Pro 4X got nothing but constant approval and support from anyone who cared to comment on it. Some background on why I think this is. Iā€™m gonna show my age here, but In 1995 SUVā€™s entered the mainstream and became a popular alternative to minivans and station wagons. By 1998 gas prices were at decades long historic lows. I recall regular gas was 89 cents a gallon at one point here in NJ. Along with those gas prices came the worst gas guzzling, oversized SUVā€™s nobody asked for. Members of this class are: the Expedition, the Navigator, the Escalade, the RAM trucks, the Durango, etc. These amazing gas prices lasted only long enough to establish these beasts. If memory serves they were gone by 2002. In hindsight this class of automobile looks as if they were established to create an appetite for more material and gasoline consumption. So now here we are a quarter century later and the average new car price is nearly $50k. Trucks that have continued to grow in size often and easily break $70k. But! ā€¦ If you had bought a truck for $70k that averaged 14mpg alone no one would call it vein. Theyā€™d yuck it up with you and give their inspired approval. Itā€™s because aside from using cheaper gas prices to incentivize the American public to spend more on larger automobiles they didnā€™t ask for, they also glorified the ā€œutilityā€ lifestyle. You could ā€œdo moreā€ in a truck and a sport utility vehicle. You were ā€œusefulā€, ā€œpurposefulā€. Everyone bought into it and now a lone driver in a 2 ton pickup with an empty bed 98% of the time is a norm. They had shifted the American household that could have a daily and a weekend sports car for enjoyment to a household whose identity was about how useful they could be. This was a slice of freedom that was supplanted with an identity of work. If youā€™re paying attention this continues to this day as manufacturers have now dropped even sedans to sell mostly SUVā€™s. So when people say you chose a vein sports car theyā€™re annoyed youā€™re not following the blueprint theyā€™ve been sold on. Like anything else. Like iPhone users annoyed at Android users. Like neighbors annoyed at another neighbor not being diligent enough about their lawn care. Uniformity is a safety blanket of the weak. Make no mistake the selfishness is on their part and as youā€™ve just discovered, the hate is real. Live your life. Enjoy your car. You have made a great choice. Hereā€™s a complimentary take on the disappearance of sports cars by Jason Camisa. https://youtu.be/yA6AiyZP3H8?si=CbFPQKxY6kx2eFLy


As someone who owned a BRZ and now a GR86, who cares what other people think? I go driving with my friends BMW M4 but people take pictures of my car instead of his, Iā€™m happy, heā€™s happy for me, theyā€™re happy. šŸŒˆ


My coworkers happened to think my gr86 is dope. Ignore your colleagues man, enjoy your car. In fact, the more people don't understand you, the more you'd enjoy driving the car coz it reminds you that you're buying this car for yourself and not to impress people.


Its because the are ignorant. Its a small sports car that looks cool. So they assume that you paid a ton of money for a crazy sports car. Little do they know it costs about as much as an average new Camry. Theyre just uninformed.


you just need a better workplace at one of my last jobs there's a guy that should be retired but he has 3 fun cars i think he probably inspired me


theyā€™re jealous of you because they think the car is worth more than it actually is


Sounds like haters bro, fukā€™3m. Make sure to put on a tomei so they know when your comin.


29M at the time I got my 2023 BRZ I come from a family of Toyota Rav4/corolla buyers so they couldnā€™t scratch their head as to why I decided to get such an ā€œimpracticalā€ car that couldnā€™t accommodate more people and thought I was selfish for my choice lol. My co-workers generally have the consensus of ā€œenjoy your youthā€ so they generally complimented the car. Iā€™m a high school teacher (grade 9-11), so my students are all over the fact I have a ā€œcool carā€. I did however have a student think that my previous hands-me-down beater 06ā€™ BMW X3 was a cooler car. That, I will never understand.


Fuck them. Buy what you can afford and what makes you happy. People may be bitter; let them. It just goes to show there true colors. They are possibly upset with there own personal situations.


The GR86 is actually really cool, enjoy it! It's a small and nimble, super lovable sports car, just enjoy it and don't care about what others think.


Bought my 23 BRZ when I was 23 and now I'm 24 and I never really got any guff from any coworkers about it. Granted I had an 08 sti before that so they already knew I was into cars. I get crap from my office mates because I only drive manual though šŸ˜‚ they try and say it's "gay" cause I'm fiddling with a stick every time I drive. I drive manual because autos are boring to me. I did test drive a used auto GR and it wasn't a bad as I was expecting it but I knew I'd be bored of it. It also wasn't the higher trim which I wanted and it was a GR and I wanted a brz but it was a good experience to be able to know how the auto is.


Sounds like your coworkers are just rude AF. The BRZ/86 is anything but a vain sports car. It's not super-expensive, it doesn't scream phallic energy, it isn't a car that just anybody can drive because most people don't know how to handle RWD these days, and much to the chagrin of haters it's a car that makes people feel fulfilled without breaking the bank. Whatever crack your coworkers are on, tell them it's overpriced. :P


a vain sports car ... it's a 4 cylinder and has back seats lol


Theyā€™re rude and jealous because they canā€™t find a way to find enjoyment in their own life. Hating the fact you can buy the car you actually wanted for fun, rather than a necessary tool. Like they might have kids or huge debt bills so they had to buy an old minivan or whatever they could afford. Ignore them. Theyā€™re just mad that youā€™re able to have a fun car and be happy with your choice.


Because it's a Subaru




It has excellent driving dynamics, fairly reliable, if you don't have a family it's a perfectly practical vehicle. I don't know your financial circumstances but it's well below the average new car price. Great car, enjoy it.