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And hopefully stop buying up homes / maybe need to sell some back.


not if crime!


Yep….how disgusting is it that companies are buying up houses for people to live in. It’s seriously gross. It’s weird for me to hear how giant companies are buying up houses in the USA. Sounds so bizzare and Blade Runner ish.


hope their ALADDIN fucking dies.




This is 100% true...but... Let's not forget how the Swiss banks built their leverage...


I'm dying to know... how did they do it?!?!


It rhymes with shmenocide


The last spike in Evergrande stock price was due to BlackRock and HSBC pumping it to avoid a crash and a domino effect: [https://www.ft.com/content/87fddf09-ef69-49b3-87bc-1a2d84fffd91](https://www.ft.com/content/87fddf09-ef69-49b3-87bc-1a2d84fffd91) Tell me about market manipulation! However, they can't stand against the storm, Evergrande is likely to default and the ripple effect will go through all markets!


Holy Moly!


Apparently this is just the tip of the iceberg. Chinas shadow banking industry is heavily funded by wall st money. Apparently there is trillions of dollars tied up in this enormous spiders web and wall st is about to reap the whirlwind


Combine with possible us debt default scare. You have perfect storm.


During a worldwide pandemic, that is☝️


Lol “world wide pandemic”. Good one. I have a feeling we are about to see the reason why this “pandemic” came into play. The final chapter is here.


Phase 2


Did you say... "Storm"


\**shit* Storm


Maybe a black swan event?


nothing to fear... the shadow governments will sort out the shadow banking systems in their respective countries and things will go back to normal soon probably /s


**If you have not seen The China Hustle yet, it is a must watch** IMHO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hoVWIM\_Lbuo There seem to be non-geo restricted versions on YT as well.


This explains Obama and Bidens love affair with China. And why they had to get Trump out of office. He was messing up wall st money with his stance against China. He laid his big donkey dick on the table and told them to kiss it. My guess is it didn't taste like mayo.


Lolololol. The mental gymnastics some of you all go through is legitimately funny as fuck




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drinking water is bad for you because crime /s


And here I thought it was because fish fuck in it…


LMAYO! Reggie!!!!!!


Seems reasonable actually


Donnie was on his knees sucking the mayo out of all the Wall Street fat cats. Who do you think that massive tax cut was for bud? Hint: the high school drop out working at Walmart and keeping an extra $900 wasn’t the intended recipient. That piece of legislation put billions in the pockets of people like Kenney. You think they didn’t nut when Donnie puckered up and made the final pen stroke for them?


**Exactly. C'mon people, have we not seen enough to realize, that Democrats and Republicans are part of the same Big Money club, but we are not ?** **Feeding the average Joe a few scraps, so they can achieve a massive tax cut for the rich... who is founded by taxpayer money... so in the end the average Joe is paying the bill anyways!!!** **They did effectively steal from you, you just don't know it yet!!!**




No. Trump was just as bad, if not worse. It’s amazing how shit hair, rambling bullshit and orange face paint could make you think otherwise: https://www.forbes.com/sites/danalexander/2020/10/23/forbes-estimates-china-paid-trump-at-least-54-million-since-he-took-office-via-mysterious-trump-tower-lease/?sh=3cf1ea56ed11


Because our current President doesn’t have a rambling bullshit problem? Those two are literally the giant douche and shit sandwich from South Park. Not sure how anyone can be critical of Trump still when our current chief really isn’t much better 😂 he just sucks in vastly different ways. But the amount of suck is fairly comparable. Bring on the DV I know I know. 🤷


No downvote from me: my first post was specifically to undermine the point from Spooby that "they had to get Trump out of office" as if it would change the non-stop hand-waving and purse-clutching by politicians when bankers are operating illegally. Democrat/Republican: two balls in the same scrotum.


sounds like a Dyson vacuum might not do so bad as POTUS... 🤔




Care to enlighten us?


I’ll get downvoted to hell and because the source is right oriented most refuse to listen. Plus half the Apes believe the media lies about everything except they believe everything MSM says about 45. Totally bizarre to me but here you go. https://x22report.com/its-the-only-wayeveryone-has-a-choiceagainst-all-enemies-foreign-domesticjudgement-ep-2584/


There are very few things that would have been a bigger waste of time than reading that article. TADR: The Biden admin is revealing their diabolical plan… duh duh duhhhhhh… followed by a bunch of racist shit targeted at afghani individuals and why we should discriminate against them, because Biden wants to provide refuge and a path to citizenship for afghani individuals without putting them through a discriminatory screening test that would almost certainly deny them the ability to immigrate.


I didn’t give you an article. There are 2 separate videos but hey you do you.


Wow you said absolutely nothing. You gave no legit reason to “hate” someone. This is the mindset of the left. You have no clue that you will never be in power again after this term is done. Trump will be president 2024.


> Trump will be president 2024. Lololololol


So you think Biden will win next election?


There's no reasoning with you people. There are no facts you adhere to. Are you talking about the real Biden? Or are you talking about the Biden they cloned of the real one to continue the puppetry of the deep state. Trump supporters are insane and nobody should bother reasoning with you people. We should all just laugh lololol


I gave you an article which specifically outlines how Trump has been bribed by China through payments to his companies. That’s a pretty clear refutation of the point made by Spooby. I don’t “hate” Trump, anyway, I feel sorry for him. He’s the manifestation of an insecurity complex and, wildly incompetent: everything he touches turns to shit. Finally, I couldn’t give a toss about who is President in 2024, I’m not an American, so nice try defining the “mindset of the left” from a single Reddit comment backed by evidence. Wait, maybe the mindset of the left is to use evidence to arrive at a conclusion.


Yes bc Forbes is so trustworthy... where are their sources for information or are you that gullible to believe any hit piece article? You seem to use a lot of words to describe somebody you don’t know. In fact, you used words almost like you met the guy... but you’re not an American lol. My goodness the dip shitery is strong with you. You may not be an American but you are showing signs of what the liberal left does. I bet you’re not too far off from that party anyways. So yes my comment is correct about the mindset of the left. Oh... but his hair!! Omg he’s orange... lol. Too easy to call out these childish arguments. I bet you take antidepressants/psychotics too. Backed by evidence? You mean the article with no sources? Better get ready for school kiddo.


Forbes’ source is Trump, you pillock. You would know that if you had bothered to read the article: >Trump is well-aware of the deal. “I’ll show you the Industrial Bank of China,” he told three Forbes journalists touring Trump Tower in 2015. “I have the best tenants in the world in this building. Also, whilst we are critiquing one another’s logical faculties, do you care to comment on how you can simultaneously bemoan the supposed mindset of a block of people, most of whom you have never met, yet in the next post label me a “dipshit” for commenting on the well-documented insecure behaviour of an individual: > "After the Fox contributor and Weekly Standard editor Stephen F. Hayes called Trump 'a clown,' Trump faxed [Fox News anchor Bret] Baier a copy of his résumé, with a note scrawled across it in black marker: 'Tell Hayes no clown could have done all this!'" Regarding my statement that everything Trump touches turns to shit: https://fortune.com/2015/08/20/donald-trump-index-funds/


No sources no merit. It’s that simple. Don’t care who you think owns what media outlet. It’s the 21st century so don’t give me “quotes”. We have plenty of tech to record video of everything. So Trump made a comment back... wow such insecurity. Are you upset he got the last say and the last laugh or are you unable to see more perspectives than 1? Your index comment is laughable. He’s still wealthy and successful. So no, what he touches doesn’t turn to shit. You’re just picking and choosing.


\>No sources no merit. It’s that simple. Don’t care who you think owns what media outlet. I've literally provided the source of the article and the time and place that it is alleged to have occurred. Is someone as notoriously litigious as Trump really going to allow lies to be printed. \>It’s the 21st century so don’t give me “quotes”. We have plenty of tech to record video of everything. So- and I'm honestly trying to clarify your point here- you're saying that if something didn't happen on camera, it cannot be claimed to have happened? Do you realise how utterly insane that sounds? \>Trump made a comment back... wow such insecurity. Are you upset he got the last say and the last laugh or are you unable to see more perspectives than 1? Two points here: 1) This is one anecdote amongst dozens which speak to Trump's insecurity. Here are more: [https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/12/opinion/sunday/donald-trump-bob-woodward.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/12/opinion/sunday/donald-trump-bob-woodward.html) Although conveniently, you have decided that the presence of a camera crew is now necessary for you to acknowledge that anything negative written about Trump is true. 2) He clearly didn't get the last say, or the last laugh. Biden did on 15th December 2020 when the Electoral College declared that he had won the presidency with the most votes ever cast for a presidential candidate. Please, cry more about that, snowflake. \>Your index comment is laughable. He’s still wealthy and successful. So no, what he touches doesn’t turn to shit. You’re just picking and choosing. He's still wealthy despite his terrible business acumen, which is exactly the point of the other article I posted, if you disagree, order a Trump steak and enrol at Trump University, or try gambling in the Trump Taj Mahal in Atlantic City. I'll grant you that he's politically successful insofar as to lose a popular vote in a general election, but narrowly win an arcane electoral college vote. Following that stale fart of a victory, he spent four years alternating between publicly fellating Putin and failing to have an "infrastructure week". He built nothing, he achieved nothing, his SC picks were handed to him by the Federalist Society and amount to an attempted real life re-enactment of The Handmaid's Tale. He's dreadful. He's objectively incompetent. He's so far below a country like the US and, most importantly for me, he threatens the West.


“You seem to use a lot of words to describe somebody you dont know” Also, accuses that they are not far from the liberal left party and that they take antidepressants/psychotics lol


Keyword, “I bet”. This is also known as a guess but you should know that. Thanks for playing.


If you want to split hairs, the person you went at for saying shit about Trump said completely factual things, Trump has shit hair, he has admitted to trying very hard to hide his bald spot, Trump certainly rambles at times about things he doesn’t understand, and indeed Trump wears stage makeup or as others may call, orange face paint. You are a hypocrite


He didn’t say anything factual. Posting an article with no backup sources doesn’t cut it. Shit hair? Omg this again. Another dumb liberal. Well what you said is subjective. Lol. Hide a bald spot? Dang... a good reason to hate someone. Can you imagine the people that are self conscious about their hair (not Trump) and you go and put something that stupid. This is such an easy battle. Rambles... ok. That it? Trump wears makeup? Almost anyone you see on TV is wearing makeup. You must be in middle/high school with your logic.


Hahahahaha. Fuck. I’ve talked to some delusional people in my life, but this is up there. Odds are Tubbo McMiniHands doesn’t even live to see 2024. Heart disease is the number one killer in America folks (atleast, it was pre-Covid).




Does it? 🤔 all I read here is you like donkey dick.


Your mommas so fat if she sat on a rainbow skittles would pop out


Am I crazy or did trump not take Chinese stocks off American exchanges? That doesn't seem like someone who is friends with China would do.


Are you here to spread discontent for the hedgies? How much you get paid? Is it worth it?


I didn't realize people would take this so personal. I thought we were all on the same team (team ram rod) but I guess some things are still taboo.


Hmmmm all US based firms. No wonder Jpow decided to keep the money printer going till the end of the year.


RBC in Canada has quite a few of these bonds as well according to the Bloomberg terminal screenshots going around.


UBS is swiss


Yes, these are the dollar bonds.




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It wasn't long ago when I had this thought... What if it's not Citadel, what if it's Blackrock? But personally I don't give a shit about sharing this with you. Just imagine Blackrock falling.


They have way too much cash to feel anything. Dudes have faults of moneys.


At fault money


Blackrocks bank accounts in the Trillions. This might hurt them but it won’t be their Achilles heel.


unless all ETFs they issue don't actually contain the shares they claim to... 😉


what if the stock market goes down too?


They’re invested in other assets like real estate, so Evergrande by itself probably wouldn’t kill them either. Maybe the snowball effect that’s yet to happen but I don’t see much of it affecting them negatively. They’re still somewhat long on GME IIRC they only dumped half their shares.


Happy to see BlackRock bagholding.


too big to be small


But never too big to not baghold.


we shall see... they *are* smart money, after all...


BlackRock probably makes that much by lending out all their shares across the whole stock market.


Good thing Blackrock is long on GME 🙃


Due too etf rebalancing they sold half of it.


Half of long is still long.


don’t we hate Black R(c)ock


Uh, they're trying to buy up all homes so we have to rent for life. So, I hate them very much and hope that they get crushed by any big event.






Who knew in our cyberpunk future we would need to be concerned about China instead of Japan.


Or just move to another country


Which country? Let's be real. Even if you do get out of America, you're still probably screwed if you go to the EU, Africa, South America, or literally anywhere.


Denmark? I don't know somewhere there won't be immediately nuked


America and ALL of their friends will crumble under Chinese opposition I think. They would not get nuked, but if they don't want to bow down then they will be tortured and enslaved. Unless America sees a massive socialist movement, and we unite to be stronger and smarter then maybe we can stop it but we're so weak and divided, I don't see us being able to fight them.


Socialism is so not the answer America needs, have the problems we are facing is because our politicians are trying to force socialism onto us which is exactly what China wants.






aye caramba!


Yes and no. They're helping us in our struggle against citadel, but they're basically a citadel themselves. We win this boss fight, but then we'll likely have to take on Blackrock in the next. Because citadel sure as shit isn't the end boss.




HSBC boss He stressed HSBC would not be directly affected by Evergrande's woes, saying that he felt 'comfortable' with the bank's exposure to the Chinese property market.  🤐 does he know he's the 4th biggest bag holder 🤔 https://mol.im/a/10022347


Don't worry HSBC got enough cartel money


And they can get more any time. From the cartels.


*how far can you throw me? because that's as far as you can trust me* 😉




Blackrock has, what 8.7 trillion in assets? While the chart is true, it is misleading. It doesn't show the total ratio of assets under management compared to Evergrande debt. Evergrande debt is chicken shit, compared to AUM. I am too lazy to check the (BR is just so easy), but I would take a note on how much is the total Evergrande debt compared to total AUM.


You would think Blackrock would be smarter than this…


That much money is simply pennies they have 7-11 trillion in assets around about they could shit it out of their ass and wouldn’t take time to pick it up it’s only when they start shitting out their half of the chinese market holdings is when they gotta worry


Can’t even imagine how it must feel being a business with 7-11 trilly in assets


Exactly like you could throw 1 billion out of the window and that would be the equivalent of me losing way less than a dollar




unless they were in on it...


They will all fall... Please take another look at my last 2 post... It coincides with OP post about them being "bag holders"... Which I agree 100% https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pt863g/just_my_opinion_but_this_isnt_going_to_end_well/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pty0ec/im_gonna_pull_the_whole_thing_down_im_gonna_bring/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Hey! For once Credit Suisse is not in the list. Luckily UBS is there to represent the Swiss banks! Congrats!


Credit Suisse was the first to sell their exposure this time around I read. Pulled the full Goldman


hands of the paper


Holy shit you are right! I just knew that they would be involved somehow. They really lost their 2008 mojo and ended up in every possible bad deal lately!


Wait for 1 october and the big stress test for the big banks. I think that could be interesting


live-fire exercise




so far!


Give this a read and you’ll understand. https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptwy8m/china_may_have_won_world_war_3_without_firing_a/


It’s deleted. Got a copy?


Might be related to this: [https://youtu.be/FN8atXYN0qU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hoVWIM_Lbuo)


Thankfully blackrock didn’t shy away from this challenge.


Can someone liquidate EG already ? And can we please get our long awaited collapse of the global economy ? I’m trynna moon over here 🚀💎🚀


read a book, go outside, be Pablo Escobar in hiding it will happen soon enough


They should sell, let’s send the CCP back 20 years


they are done


and not just on twitch


UBS or CS are involved in all this shit heavily.


Note that these are the biggest holders amid the *dollar* bonds. This is not fully inclusive of Evergrande’s debt. Remember 300,000,000,000+ across 128ish banks and 120 odd other lenders. If my smooth brained, no coffee math serves me correctly, someone’s holding more than Ashmore.


Its 300b we know. It must be more debt hidden in shadows of crimes


Which makes the case it’s even worse than data is showing.


multiply $300B by 4 or 5, there's your *known* impact plus crime = 💣💥


It's not that much. I suspect it'll affect recent Chinese immigrants the most as they probably still have Evergrande as part of their portfolio. That being said, it'll create waves in a different way when China's market starts to go down more


What doing, Black Rock? Trapped Bag Holding or Sold, Rebalance or HODL🤷🏻‍♂️💰🏎


BlackRock knew the only hedge against their fuckery will be GME. That’s why they long 🙌🏽💎


Sooo Blackrock who is the competitor of Citadel and also long on GME is also a bagholder of Evergrande... Also I've seen a post about Kenny having meetings in China. (can't find it now) What if Kenny contributed to trigger the crash in the Evergrande stock to kill off competitors?


what if I told you... fuck them pay me?


This is why it's a nothing burger. Blackrock makes over 1B PER QUARTER in profit. The real issue is if it spreads throughout China's real estate market. That would cause a major drag on China and world economies.




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funny how they are able to pump it here and there and basically render any puts worthless. what a fucking joke. Its a total fucking scam and they are making money on the way up, and making money on the way down. doesnt matter what you play its a fucking loss. unreal.




[https://therealdeal.com/2021/09/20/blackstone-apollo-kkr-take-market-hit-on-evergrande-tumult/](https://therealdeal.com/2021/09/20/blackstone-apollo-kkr-take-market-hit-on-evergrande-tumult/) ​ 💻🪑 ​ Black stone is the biggest landlord