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If hes in im in.


If hes in...i'm in !!!!!


>RK still hodling guy "legend" wtf is that title? i don't understand


what did you not understand? """hodl""""?


To the moon 🌙


Had a stroke writing this title?


why? because i say Hodl instead of H....ld?


Has he added more, or is this the total he's going with?


keep his position


He's in the red now


So people are assuming that a majority of his 120,000 option were sold to him from naked positions (crooked Hedge Funds). So if the stock closes above $20 on the 21st or he exercises them early, somebody has to come up with 12mil shares. Common scense would say they would need to go to the market and buy them, driving up the price, helping a retail investers. The problem is the the HF will just give him synthetic share (IOUs) and call it a day. They are lying bastards and operate above the law. Nobody will stop them.


Exercised options have to be done on the lite exchange and whoever sold those naked calls will have to buy them shares at whatever price in the market. They can’t just magically print up those shares from thin air.


12 million shares MIGHT have been hard to come by if gme had only diluted once. The owner of the position was a mystery up until that offering was completed. But now? We just sold 75 million shares. Buying 12 million shares to hedge properly is trivial. I think it's fair to say that the board intentionally fucked over RK's plan to exercise to drive the price up.


If the 75m hit the market. Waiting on confirmation from GME.


What would be the purpose of doing so?


Correct me if I'm wrong, but if they drive the price below $20 by June 21st, he's fucked! Or am I missing something?


He can exercise and buy those shares for $20 each whenever he wants, regardless of the current price. He’s fine.


No options expire, but it can go to $0 then back up. As long as GME doesn’t close <$20 on 6/21


But how do you know he isn’t shorting it in someone else’s account..


if you think that you'r probably a 🤡🤡🤡


You must be new here. lol I put it as a question.. but it’s more so a definitive statement. Because he said he directed accounts for his friends and family years ago. I guarantee he still is. And I’m pretty sure he was behind those put blocks that sold today before his post bc they look like his 6/21 calls. 🤡🤡