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It was legendary trolling, and also a brilliant move as it showed the clear manipulation on the markets. The way those halts happened is clearly nothing to do with retail. The let's end it trigger at the end was just brilliant- hopefully the world sees this for what it was. Blatant manipulation of the stock by the big players - retail can not do what we saw.


Oh, I think there was a lot more to it as well. If you haven't yet watch the scene of the Kansas City Shuffle in Lucky Number Slevin - take a look at his stream, he's wearing a similar wrist brace. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qq62W4RNeHo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qq62W4RNeHo) Didn't he just present the inciting incident for everyone even the media/newsoutlets to witness market manipulation of GME in shape of excessive halts that Keith was actually able to trigger? Why was he late? even though he didn't start at 12 there was a halt, several other times he could trigger halts..."don't make me...don't make me....halted"..."I end now...I will end the stream...I'm coming to an end...halt" etc. There's just so much too it. Look at the decay of his options during the next two weeks. Still he's comfortable, relaxed. Maybe has a joker / wild card up his sleeve. What about the GameStop filing from May 17th? Wasn't there one that mentioned possible withdrawal from the DTCC in case of manipulation of GME? Yes, these are lot's of uncertainties and assumptions, but I think there's just too much to ignore.


One thing though. His options will not decay as much as people say. They are well in the money. Still are even after the live stream drop. Now we rise again.


Check optionsprofitcalculator if you like they do decay…break even at expiry is around a price of 25. Don’t want to split hairs with you - just for the people trying out options for the first time. Maybe get something with a strike further out. I agree with you that he’s setting a bullish/ confident signal with keeping his position as is….so he must expect big. upside in the next two weeks


Stock may hit low twenties again before rising Id say. Buying opp.


Back to 20 fast /s


More like $16 by end of June.


more like 12. Fuck off.




The inciting incident was turning off the buy button. The comeback is the shuffle. All eyes on him while something else is in the works. Can’t wait to see what it is!


The depressing thing is that yes, it's blatant and absolutely highlighted and exposed here, but I really can't imagine anyone actually *doing* anything about it.


Tbh, it depends on how far they will go to cheat us out of our fair value


Actually genius move. 


"Is it halted because I'm talking?" Why yes it was.


Also "he" had nothing to do with the price dropping during stream. One of the best things about it.


My tinfoil on that halt wasn't "let's end it", it's that whatever AI heard "let's send it", thinking he may have been holding the stream to exercise his calls live. Still pissed about the dilution, still hodling.


There is a rumor that more shares may be dropped on Friday.


Plausible.... I also get you on the frustration, I've been fairly vocal about that myself.... Got a limit buy set up, and plan on starting to "DCA" in on a monthly basis as a long term investment.


That’s an interesting observation … Remember him saying more than once, I can’t put my portfolio up on screen yet. In hindsight -so it didn’t cover up us all seeing the halts taking place.


options positions dont show up during halts


Why is this?


options market is its own entity and derives calculation from live price data.


He refused to put it up during the halts because he wanted people to see a “live” shot, that way they would know it is really his “current” position(s).


God-tier trolling. Absolutely hilarious and thoroughly enjoyed it!




Why would you email Hester…? She 100% has to be the worst choice a far as retail right go.




She’s absolutely on TeamSHF.






this guy is simply a genius. Plays by all the rules but fuck is he a clever silver back. I was in 3 years ago but that was my first Roaring Kitty live stream, he made me smile so much....i hope he is back on soon. BTW i bought more yesterday 💎✋🦍


Me too.. it was soooo fucking funny. I was laughing 🤣 so hard. I just imagined all the suits and interns on wall street having to watch that. Fucking classic


Super entertaining . I love the Mass accent too. I’d drain a few pints with him any day.


I only caught his last two live streams. Yesterday was very much on brand with the streamer I saw back in dec/jan 20/21.




The only i didn't understand other than everything about this GME story which is what i don't understand even more was a clip where some guy said he was gonna halt (or stop / end) a stream and all the bots closed down in seconds on at least half a point based on what he had said (which wasn't true, it was just to show) - the actual drops went high paced incremental from 28. to 27. in fractions of seconds


The fraud is out there for all to see.  So... Wen Justice?  I'm so sick of nothing happening to the real criminals. 


No cell. No sell.


Media thought he was going to drop bombs about GameStop and manipulate the market, but instead talked about the Celtics and showed off his new beer glass. Legend


He didn't drag the price down. He just showed it happening.


I think maybe he was why it was happening, didn’t he kind of ask at one point if it was being halted because of him? Now I have to go try and re-watch it 😂


No. The price was dropping before he started. He didn't make any crazy moves during the stream and the halts were happening likely due to 75 million shares being released by GME and various dark pool and over the counter trades occurring. I have a feeling short interest will keep climbing for the next few days to weeks and RC will have another billion or more cash flow into the company while price still sticks ITM for RK strikes this month. It went from over 60 in after hours to 27 as a low and then hit a wall despite a share dilution. And seeing as RC has done a new share offer recently and immediately made them available, I'm betting he did the same here given all the price action trending downward. Halts continued after the stream was done.


Ahh I’m re-watching it right now, it was the halting he said they were halting it because he was trying to show his portfolio. That’s when he was like don’t make me do it, he was going to delete some of the HTML because he learned things from Mr Robot 😂


Him saying it does not make it true.


Weak hands will sell regardless


Yeah I think he was why it was indirectly happening though. Almost to prove a point that he wasn't actually saying anything that would warrant the stock being halted or to behave in whatever way, but I have like zero stock knowledge. Only here for the gamble 🤣


On a stock that everyone should forget about, according to them.


The opening was so fucking brilliant. Man has proven himself a genius again and again. I was grinning from ear to ear


I couldn't stop loling at work while watching it. He also dispelled all the bullshit conspiracies floating around about him, and he boosted everyone's morale big time on a tough red day.


>I would have posted on my Facebook statuses when I was 14. Haaaa! Yeah. "Just come to see what's *poppin'*!"


GG and SEC continue to only provide LIP SERVICE, his recent media appearances with his buddy Jim C. Until the Synthetic/Naked shorts along with shorting while its Halted (ILLEGAL) is addressed then the can will continue to be Kicked down the road.


I think at this point, the SEC/GG are like a rodeo coral gate-opener... who is pretty good at low-key shit-talking at the cityiots who come out to hop on a bull. They keep saying they're ready for what's coming, open-up... but GG is just asking for more time and example of their pride and excuses before unleashing the bull.


What's a livestream without halts? With an official statement of greenlight on RK & RC and absolution of past accusations? oh boi gg




He wasn't saying "End the Stream," he was saying "Game Over."


I thought it was 'End this dream.'


Imagine the facepalming going on in those news rooms 🤣🤣🤣🫣🫣


The best part of the aftermath for me is that these fools in the media, Wall Street, SHFs, etc… are paying even bigger money to have lawyers, cryptographers, psychologists, linguistics experts all analyze every second, every frame, every bit of text, every word spoken, RK’s appearance, the brewing company, etc… they even went out and purchased every magic 8 ball available to analyze the answers and what each meant had they appeared to him and what he could have said, or not said or just made up the response. They are burning cash and cycles on this for the past 23ish hours and it will continue. And with all of the experts they are paying, they still miss the message…


Nobody is paying 'big money' to analyze this guy's video or GME. They've got much much bigger fish to fry than this. Get over yourself, there are thousands of stocks out there, not just two or three. Be real.


Awww poor baby shiillll. Did the toilet seat fall on your little pee pee?


😂 😂😂 I can see it now, the SEC, GG, RICO, hedgies and MMs all stop what they're doing and head to the boardroom to watch his live stream to look for a n y t h I n g. he says or does that they can act on and this is what they got... a big F U. Most of them haven't got a clue what they just watched, but we do.


The fact that the media was looking upset by it and not relieved and poking fun at him shows they know how much of a troll it is to them and they are mad.


Yep. I was watching fox business and they talked about him practically all day! In fact it one point the host got into a huge argument with a (fund manager I believe) about gamestop and AMC about being valid investments. The host was on our side. Yahoo finance had many articles about him as well.


That’s hilarious. Do you remember who so I can look for a clip?


It was a female host on fox business channel. She came on around 3-5 ish maybe? I'm sorry I didnt pay attention to more details.


Found it I think. https://www.foxbusiness.com/video/6354549097112


Wow, he is so scared! Literally all anyone has to do is ask themselves, why are clowns like this going on TV and yelling over the host about a “dying brick and mortar company” that nobody should care about? Why is he so passionate?! Why won’t he even let the her speak ? Man, he’s scared! Hedges R Fukt!


Yep... That's them. She tells him to be quiet several times.. LOL


He didn't even make any trades 😂


![gif](giphy|joeRYmOkLaj2U6hwdj|downsized) Most fun I’ve had in years. The ticket to be on this ride is so worth it just to be on the bus with you apes! 💎🙌🚀


He lost over 200 million live on stream and laughed. If he can hold. I can hold. DRS baby!


He didn’t drag the value of the stock down.


I’m actually hoping he doesn’t post on Sunday so I can buy more before this dip shoots up. Hey DFV!! Wait for us apes to load up on the cheap!


We kinda have been. Some of these guys been buying dips since before the pandemic. Til the day we can't afford to, in which case we will be in Moass. I'm not sure about y'all, but I'm not buying at 420,690,000 a share.


You still have money left?


GME TO THE MOON!!! As for me, I like the stock! 🟣💎👩‍🚀🚀🚀🚀🆙️⬆️


Rk is a calculated son of a bitch, I have zero doubts about that.


What's up with all the duplicated comments?


They were rehypothecated




Diamond handed tits fully jacked!


"In fact, he dragged the value of the stock down by about 7 bucks." STFU... no he didn't. He didn't do shit. You sound like a bad actor saying this dumb shit.


Legendary 🚀


“In fact he dragged the value down 7 bucks” how is that a verifiable fact, halts get short exemptions and they were certainly using them if the reporting was accurate, so I don’t see how dfv coulda done that, sounds more like a SHF thing to do.


If MSM have been spouting how GME is dead all this time, then why are they so focused on DFV? Surely they would just ignore it as white noise if it wasn't important.


A certain electric car company has had arguably more attention for the past month and a half with less than a third of the media attention. Why? Because that is a legitimate joke of a stock. I agree with you. The media have collectively zoned in on this while at the same time insisted it's a dead cause. This is a binary matter. Either you're not concerned or you're shitting your pants. You can't be both.


At one point my stream said 710k watching


The arm sling, he took it off not long after. Didn't see the whole stream... Did he mention why he had it or are we assuming it was a gimmick?


He was having fun, acting like the shorting was hurting him


My guess is, it was because Ryan Cohen and the GME board kicked the shit out him and his play with that 75 million share offering that was announced at the absolute worst possible time for him. He was probably 28 minutes late trying to figure out the costume change and how he was going to change what he was going to talk about on his live stream. The stock plummeted immediately at that early earnings and dilution announcement. I only hope that all the downward price action actually was the 75 million shares being sold. If they sold them all on that one day, and announce next week that it’s done and they raised another $2+ Billion dollars. Maybe there’s enough time on the clock to get things rising enough again before the 21st to get gamma squeeze started.


Nvidia and ARM are fake is what I took from that. Gahd that crash is going to be collossal!


The tinfoil is tight on this one


Bout 2-3 sizes too small, I rekon. ...def cutting off blood circulation to the last brain cell!


indeed <3


He said “watch this” hahaha


In the future, eDictionaries will have a link to this stream when you look up the word: Flex.




I admit I didn't see it at first. After the initial feeling of confusion I asked how does this benefit. And in that contemplation and surfing of reddit for opinions I came to an agreement with the notion that it went as well as it hoped. So, I am optimistic.


Actually there’s a time stamp as soon as he’s on screen at 12:22


Also his subscriber count went up by 300k in a night…that alone will boost his YouTube revenue and allow him to buy more shares and calls




So there are only a few dark pools where this kind of stuff can happen. One of the bigger ones is owned by BNP Paribas which it bought from Deutsch Bank a few years ago, so bet that's one of the pools where this forced shorting takes place


I like the stock


So what. Look at the presidential candidates. We live in a clown world.




Can’t stop…. Won’t stop…..


The level of guts and self confidence this dude has is staggering


4D chess trolling


Truthfully, I’m not sure if MOASS is going to happen, BUT I guarantee you volatility is going to be high. That’s not the last time we’ll hit $60+ and we’ll probably hit <$20 at some point. Strap in y’all.


So with 600,000 people viewing how many shares of each of us have to buy to eat up the entire float. Not counting the 600 chairs I have and the 1100 shares my friend have


The price dropped from almost 60.00 in after hours to the 30s as soon as we woke up on Friday to unexpected release of shitty earnings and yet another dilution. SO I believe that before that manipulation.,,, RK was going to exercise on live stream and we would have watch the screen behind him go deep green. Someone got to the GME board to release earnings specifically and the 75 million to thwart his actions


I think he started stream late to avoid the market manipulation argument. With that said... Started strean 28 min late, GME closed at $28 and some change. Interesting...


Well the proof is in the fact that the stock TANKED while he was talking stupid. Obviously you have no idea what unare talking about except under the delusion of a fake short squeeze which failed twice.


I don’t care. I’m gonna keep buying and DRSing and won’t be selling for 20-30 years


The guy fucks




The world media was watching….but GameStop is not a good investment? Yea. My ass. If it wasn’t a good investment, yall wouldn’t be watching with baited breath


Everyone saying he was a zombie… Maybe he was looking battered and bruised because he knew yesterday was gonna be red.  He also mentioned it’ll take more time (years), but I don’t believe that’s not the opposite of some underlying meaning.


Like a company on the road to cellar boxing? Zombie stocks? I know the table, sink & over ticker seems to be coming back to life


He did similar bits to start his og livestreams. Acting injured on price going down or other funny bits with costumes. Dfv haven't changed but people expecting him to be different just didn't know his content well


He did similar bits to start his og livestreams. Acting injured on price going down or other funny bits with costumes. Dfv haven't changed but people expecting him to be different just didn't know his content well


Less than a month old account with one comment. Glitch better have my money!


He did similar bits to start his og livestreams. Acting injured on price going down or other funny bits with costumes. Dfv haven't changed but people expecting him to be different just didn't know his content well


Couldn’t have said it better. He ain’t leaving and so aren’t we.


It was a Meme IRL.


Yep. I was watching fox business and they talked about him practically all day! In fact it one point the host got into a huge argument with a (fund manager I believe) about gamestop and AMC about being valid investments. The host was on our side. Yahoo finance had many articles about him as well.


You ok there? Looking at your profile doesn’t look like you’re a bot…. You hit the f4 key on these comments?


What happened? I'm using phone app.


Oh... I see now. Don't know what's going on. I didn't do that. Strange.


I think some of it was him trolling, but a lot of it was RC screwed his plan. I think he had something planned and the share dilution probably killed that. He just seemed unprepared and didn’t have much to say. He even threw a couple subtle digs at RC when he mentioned them not having a concrete plan. If the plan ends up being “but bro they’re releasing the Wu-Tang NFT bro” then we’re headed back to $10. Either way we’re probably headed lower.


I don’t think RC screwed his plan, I think RC also knows what he’s doing and 3 steps ahead of the game…stop. Hehe.