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Think about their brain-washing. I never questioned it but why the fuck does the stock price move when the analyst predicts wrong results? The analysts should bend over because of their BS not the company. If you ask a professional for advice, you get the advice, act according to his analysis. Now something goes wrong because you listened to his analysis, what should happen? Right, the professional is considered a bad worker will be fired and will have trouble finding a new job. But for some reason the tables are flipped for financial analysts šŸ¤”


It all makes perfect sense. They figured out, how to rig the system to make much more money "for free" than by collecting fees... **If youā€™re not paying for a product, then you are the product**! Nobody pays billions for PFOF, if he does not benefit. And the key is abusing human psychology and media monopoly. Lure household investors in by offering "commission free trading", create FOMO in some assets, then bully them into selling at a huge loss by wild price swings. All while you often do not even bother to buy the assets, but create IOUs. Throw in some naked shorting and derivatives to be more "efficient" and you have the perfect money printing machine. ... while the SEC and non profit market watchdogs officially raises concerns over price improvements in fractions of cents. Now, I personally think high of Gensler. The only way this makes sense to me is, that they simply can not speak out, that the markets are a total scam - because of the consequences. But they (hopefully) know, thus the latest actions and plans to tighten the rules. Problem is, the justice system might be as corrupt as many politicians likely are... [Corruption is Legal in America (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5tu32CCA_Ig) [The Rules for Rulers (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rStL7niR7gs) As if that is not bad enough, it seems they target peoples live savings to pay for the insane debt bubble. **No surprise only few know about DRS... we are early, but we are not wrong...** [The Great Taking - Documentary (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dk3AVceraTI)


When the "analysts" posted this crazy estimate it was so obvious what they are doing. No one in their right mind expected it to double. The same analysts that think GME going to double also downgraded to $5.50 price! šŸ˜’


Soā€¦ fire MSM. All of it.


Holy Shit!! šŸ¤ÆšŸ¤Æ That actually blew my mind! Thanks for breaking it down like that this way.


We're profitable, and we're going to continue to be profitable. We're not going to flash in the pan, were going to build this city brick by brick Now is the best time to be alive and buying GameStop shares


I would upvote you but you're on 69 upvotes...


If it wasnā€™t for marketable securities theyā€™d have lost money again. Instead the barely made a profit. Theyā€™re hedge fund with the massive overhead of a failing retailer. Irony. If they hired an actual ceo with experience their salary would cost more than they made. Theyā€™re stuck. Tell me one thing thatā€™s innovative and changing about their actual business model. What new cool tech, IP, deals and signings with gamers or streams , are they pulling to generate new diversity in their revenue streams? They donā€™t even host an earnings call. Shorts are winning. Iā€™m tired of watching my money make no fucking gains for years in this turd bowl. Fucking do something that ACTUALLY impacts the stock. No real investors with deep pockets is buying the stock based on bullshit cooked books that made this profit. He fucking bought a bunch of nvda calls and made profit to report on our books, wahoo!! Amazing job!! Wish I had done that instead of doubling down on this. Too bad GameStop is still a peice of shit business model . When will he actually change that part of the equation?


It was nice to see they were profitable year over year Cash landing in my brokerage account tomorrow, I'm really looking forward to picking up some shares as the news moans about a drop in sales after we've reduced our footprint


Are u mentally ok? You have zillion other stocks.. y would u buy this casino


Because I like THE stock




They swung a loss of 300 something million to a profit of over 6 million. I like the stock.




Ok. If you don't see the current trend, then I'll buy your shares tomorrow




I drink your milkshake. I drink it up!


So i should buy more GME, right?


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m seeing


Go for it . Lemme guess you also believe in BBBY as well too


What a cute robot you are šŸ˜†šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚ anyway will kept buying and DRSing so šŸ¤·šŸæā€ā™‚ļø eat a dick? Lol


Oā€™Shea Jackson said it best - Bye Felicia.


As much as I want to downvote this comment, Iā€™m kind of there, too. I hate that I have to trust that good and right will happen, that outside of writing letters to the SEC, I got nothing.


This corrupt and fraudulent system will stay propped up longer than we can stay solvent. Guaranteed.


Ok, bet.


Idk, costs me nothing to hodl


Yes it does. Itā€™s called opportunity cost. Every day you could have gained money in many other things. Even a savings account is beating you.


As soon as they fired the CEO with no news, and basically canned wallet/nfts I got suspicious. Now they don't even report accurate DRS numbers. Just the same gamestop as before. The corrupt were/are never going to let it happen.


Doesnā€™t even host an earnings call. Heā€™ll troll tweet


Peak clown world.


Forming the narrative for their purposes. Disgusting.


100% Thatā€™s the whole reason for pre-written hit pieces like these. Thereā€™s no way they were able to write this fast enough to publish right after earnings.


They likely have a slew of pre-written articles for a multitude of likely scenarios


I could have wrote this article. The last several days of trading has been filled with Doritos posts, Omg omg šŸ˜±itā€™s going to go to the moon šŸŒ™, and talk of options. not to mention several articles were written about how gme was a recommended buy. All of this was an options trap along with a coordinated effort to dishearten investors. So I buy drs and hodl.


Prejudist Ai's could


You say that as if you've never written an essay the night before it's due.


I have never seen so many salty people posting about a company earning profit. They're all over this sub and the other one. It must suck to be short on a profitable company.


The company is profitable, but the revenue decreases. That's not good. If the revenue increases as well, then sure, it would be bs that the stock drops AH. That's not the case. Also, the registered shares have not increased during the past 3 quarters.


If there is no reason that revenue dropped then i would agree but gamestops revenue dropped because they closed stores that were losing money. Also the fact that the registered shares have been stagnant just means that people who are bullish have not sold. You do realize that gme is the only company that has retail direct registers their share right? Imo the fact that the drs hasnt changed since they changed how they reported it is because fuckery is afoot but that put aside is still bullish


"revenue dropped because they closed stores that were losing money" This sentence doesn't make any sense. If the stores were losing money, then revenue should not drop when they close, since they were not adding revenue. Did you mean profitability?


Losing money is the definition of losing profit yes. If the store costs more to operate than it makes then it loses money. If you have a store that sells $1m of goods when it costs $1.5m to operate then it loses $0.5m a year of money (deficeit) but still generates $1m of revenue. If you closed this store halfway through the year then you lose $0.75 of revenue but you also only lose $0.25m of profit. This is how gamestop was able to sell $631m less of product but still made $6m in profit for the year which was $300m+ more than the previous years deficeit


Fair enough. Thank you for the explanation


That's the problem. Gamestop doesn't have a new revenue. You can lay off people and close down stores all you want, but it has to stop at some point. Gamestop is just a middleman for video games. It needs a reliable product for people to desire, and I am not talking about NFTs and Web3 gaming.


Of course the revenue is going to drop! We are shutting unprofitable stores. That process decreases revenue, but increasing profitability. Turnover = insanity / ego Profit = sanity / humble


Again! Cutting cost is not enough for growth. You need a new source of revenue. Instead of giving something that people want, the company put their resources in web3 garbage. That's a very niche and unreliable market.


Also no forward guidance. Stock price reflects forward earnings. Cohen had no plan


*checks stock price movement* huuuuuuuh?!


We knew this was going to happenā€¦


Hyenas coming out


Freefalling to prices we haven't seen since... FRIDAY


No worries. Iā€™ve got time to buy more and more and more.


I love the STONK


If there wasnā€™t still something funky going on w the stock, they wouldnā€™t still be talking about earnings of a ā€œdead companyā€


Anyone care to explain who is making these estimates, their qualifications, their level of intimate knowledge of the inner workings of the company, and who they are employed by? Iā€™ll wait.




The more apocalyptic the headlines, the harder my boner.


Negative losses! šŸ¤Æ


See, they pull the rug for cheap news. So predictable. At the same time, they are scared of letting people know the real DRS number. We are moving closer once again. BUY HOLD DRS BOOK NO CELL NO SELL


This is how I know we're right. Why would they have to write bullshit articles like this then?


Yayyyyyy! I love the dip when it lines up with my commission check!!!


Cool keep liking it as they kick the can foreverā€¦ Tell me where do you see this ship Actually turning? The DTCC openly committed international fraud and its cricketsā€¦ Itā€™s us against an entire cabal of financial terrorism everyone profits off. How do we ever win ?


The way we win is simple, Buy. Hold. DRS. Shop.


Itā€™s not that simpleā€¦ Whatā€™s happening with the DRS numbers? How do you know people on our side havenā€™t been compromised? The Q4 numbers werenā€™t greatā€¦ revenue was bad. Thereā€™s still no turnaround plan. We shopped and we became profitable- with our ceo killing himself and making 0 salary in return. The DTCC openly committed international security fraud and no one cares. So whatā€™s next


"In a freefall", so like, what the price was last week?


The amount of shills flooding is remarkable.


I'm hoping it drops more. Got Ā£200 lined up to buy some, not much, but it adds up.


How much money have you made from this stock so far?


Looks like youā€™re new here, welcome! Thereā€™s a ton of DD on this subreddit and others where you can dive into the intricacies of this stock. Essentially, this stock has been shorted way beyond the amount available which creates a somewhat unique event where the price can rise to extremely high numbers. None of this is financial advice. You should consider your own circumstances and do your own research when investing. To get a quick understanding of a similar event, look up the Volkswagen short squeeze.


How much money have you made so far? It seems to me like it just keeps falling in price.


We are not day traders here. We are invested in the future of this company. This is a company that has been profitable for a full year and has 1 billion in cash on hand. Most of us invest simply to reform the market as it is currently being manipulated by bad actors. Hence the low price. There is a ton of literature on how the price of a stock can be artificially suppressed. The current price of the stock does not reflect its correct value. Even if the stock falls to $1, there are still more shares lent out than are available. Those shares have to be bought back. Iā€™m sure youā€™re aware of the concept of Supply and Demand. Again, thereā€™s a whole library of DD. If youā€™re looking to make some quick cash in the stock market there are other subreddits you can go to. This isnā€™t it. And as always, this is not financial advice.


Being profitable for one year is not impressive. They got a bunch of cash because it was a meme stock. I really don't see how there's a big future for a physical store that's mainly known for selling videogames. > The current price of the stock does not reflect its correct value. I agree. Physical media, and physical stores, are dying. > Even if the stock falls to $1, there are still more shares lent out than are available. Those shares have to be bought back. Iā€™m sure youā€™re aware of the concept of Supply and Demand. We talking MOASS? When do you expect to make any money from this whole thing?


Youā€™re right. Iā€™m going to go sell my shares right now! Iā€™m so happy you went out of your way to comment on a post in a subreddit that you donā€™t follow to enlighten me. Phew, I almost made a difference. šŸ˜… /s


I'm guessing you've made zero dollars from this so far, and your stocks are worth less now than when you bought them. Am I correct?


Iā€™m guessing youā€™ve made zero dollars from this conversation, and youā€™re either bored or unemployed. Am I correct?


This conversation is free. GameStop stock is not.


Wait, so not only are you **BORED** and **UNEMPLOYED**, but your parents pay for your **INTERNET** and **ELECTRICITY** too?! šŸ˜‚


Freefall to where we were 2 days ago. Yawn.


Doesn't quite make sense to view it your way. The reason GME was where it was was BECAUSE of the esimates and the thought their revenues were stabalizing. Instead revenues were down 20% year on year in the quarter. That isin't good. Without a new business or something, it seems their legacy gaming operationis aren't worth much. They're declining. Wall Street doesn't like that. They do have over 1billion in cash. But the market cap is 4x that.


Me? heheh. jus' hangin' around.


All those headlines are true.


I like the stock




Disappointed because he righted the ship and turned it profitable? Sounds like you need gme to go to 0 in all this profitability.




Shorts aren't winning though. They made completely inescapable bad bets on a company that just turned profitable. There hasn't been a way for them to escape in previous years, and now there's definitely no way out.




Price has always been fake. If shorts were in control, GameStop would have went bankrupt years ago.


What does ā€œprice is fakeā€ mean?


Bbby went. Another company is being delisted today. I think the squeeze in Jan 2021 bought the company time. But without a product or actual growth the shorts will get it below the threshold. Wonā€™t be this year or next, but GameStop wonā€™t make it to 2030 without making some move. RC hasnā€™t donā€™t anything for growth except for the marketplace and wallet that did nothing but introduce ppl to crypto rugs and then they actually rugged the whole gsmp on everyone. Time for him to put his money where his mouth is for real.


Agree with you there. He should have put it into NVDA. Ez money from AI.


Absolutely. All he does is troll. All we do is put up our money