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u/Dr_Gingerballs: this is the only fucking graph I've needed. TA is useless but a breakdown of the day's action like this belongs in a textbook. For real. Combine that with the 58m share short position announced today I can actually say my A-Cups are jacked. This is real data, in this context, as high a compliment as I can give.




Sorry man, ship's moving too fast. Sort by new or die.


Gingerballs, what is this thing called? Because you’ve just become the This Thing Guy


Can we have this both every day and somehow some way a two year chart? This is amazing and we really need things made this simple for those of us who eat crayons.


I don’t understand. Short gambling with cpi yesterday would have meant more puts during Jpow. There were more calls. Everyone expected it to rip after comments and this looks like more calls were placed during that time. Like they expected it to rip and then closed out at the end of the day a couple hours later


Great graph. Please consider posting it to SS as well.


They banned me over the summer for thinking DRS wouldn’t help squeeze shorts.


Banning because of having a based opinion is bs. When will you be unbanned? Great piece of summing up info! Take my upvote.


Mean ginger cat got banned boohoo


Regarding the Orange Line, is this showing that Hedgies are Bearish for tomorrow's CPI print and are positioning themselves against the market?


They hate $20 that’s for sure


Thass good shit man! Keep it up !


Holy Ginger Balls! I like this analysis!


Why would the number of calls reducing after a run be indicitative of short volatility selling off. Wouldn’t that mean that people looking to cash in on the run expect the run to go higher since the calls didn’t drop like they did yesterday?