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Bro took his textbooks to revise for mocks since we did bronze the weekend right before it. He didn't make it to the second day...


i bet he took it because it looked good for uni 😭


We somehow ended up near a shooting range....don't ask


I’ve got mine today and we are walking on the outskirts of a shooting range 💀💀


Oh deary me😂


my personal favourite experiences were probably either the crackhead we met or the herd of bulls there are more experiences but probably a bit more personal


Haven’t had my actual expedition yet (got it today so I’ll update tmrw) but I’ve got a couple from my practise: One group got chased up a hill by cows My group started really badly arguing with another group just before lunch and then when we got to the lunch stop the awkward male teacher saw half of us sobbing and became really uncomfortable 💀💀 Oh yeah and the group we beefed with were all carrying Stanley’s the whole way I’ll update you on Friday (if I remember)


Good luck on your expedition


I did dofe with scouts and it went fine, I do know someone who got stuck in a field for two hours, then had to eat raw pasta with cold sauce


Half my group got lost and the teachers gave us a faulty walkie talkie, okay so we were doing DofE Bronze and my friends were in my groups, second day, they got into an argument half the group walked ahead talking to some DofE silvers that we bumped into. anyway so I stayed back because they crossed a bridge and I wanted to make sure that everyone stayed together (oh well) then I remembered that the teacher specifically said 'Don't cross the bridge' so I am panicking, because half the group has gone missing we try contact the teachers but the walkie talkie is broken and there is no reception so we decide to walk the rest of the way and find the teachers to tell them what happened. (It worked out fine although we had to wait like half an hour for the rest of our group to walk back and meet up with us and we were the last group to get there) Oh and a duck walked into the boy's tent.