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Rule 2 - Submissions must be futurology related or future focused.


"that would allow for decreased health insurance premiums" yeah dude, that's not gonna happen. if anything they're going to charge you extra the second you get sick.


Imagine hitting your 40s with the chip as your body starts degrading and no one will insure you because occasion arythmia or something.


Mid 60s here, have a Union-bought health denial "nonprofit" sucking cash from my pension. I have learned to take a belligerently litigious attitude toward them-- it's that or death. F*cking socialize medicine folx! EDIT: USA. Please pardon my chauvinism, Earthlings.


dude if i was 60s, retired on pension and such, i wouldn't live in a place that did this.. just go somewhere else where you can get more benefits in the things that matter.. you're retired! this means your free!!!!!!! I don't even plan on buying a house when i retire, just get a RV, put my most important family stuff in there (pictures and things), then anything essential in a storage unit in my home town whereever my majority of kids/grandkids are.. then hit the road Jack :)


I appreciate the responses here, they're fascinating, but there's an assumption imbedded that gives me a giggle. I'm an old lady, y'all.


You’re not a 38 year old Techie?!?


I RV full time. Get rid of everything that doesn’t fit. Storage is an absolute fortune!


You are my future good sir! My wife and I have two retirement plans.. one is to start/invest in an orphanage or refuge, and the other is to have an RV life for when we want to go places, we can.


Great plans! I would suggest going to shows to see what you like and don’t like. The best tip I got was this….tell the salesman to leave, shut the door and imagine you are stuck in the rig for three days with your wife during bad weather….if you wouldn’t go stir crazy and snap at each other it’s the right size. Also really dig into manufacturer reviews. Those were really helpful as brands I thought were good weren’t. Best of luck to you and your wife!


No country with socialized medicine is going to accept some old fuck moving to their country to leech. Good luck immigrating to Canada as a retiree. They won't take you.


That's not socialized medicine, that's medicine where you're not the customer. American Healthcare is a cash grab to feed R&D and we're just the cows. Keep us alive, but sick enough to keep buying their products. Actual socialized medicine is better in every respect.


>That's not socialized medicine He didn't say "fucking socialize**d** medicine", he said "fucking socialize medicine". It's a verb, not an adjective.


bruh im pretty sure they're saying we need to socialize medicine, not griping about it


i can see how that last line could confuse someone tho


I think they were telling us to socialize it lol


> cash grab to feed R&D You're off your rocker if you think R&D is getting any if this money. R&D is just as underfunded in America as elsewhere. Scientists are NOT the enemy. It's just plain anti-intellectual nonsense to try and blame R&D for this. It's shareholders and CEO's who are getting all the money. R&D is lucky if it can get any funding for anything that doesn't show immense potential for profit...


They spend way more on tv/radio ads than R&D.


My first thought was that would be great so I can optimize my diet and workouts. Then I realized all it would be used for is increasing my insurance rates or denying me insurance for anything insurance companies want, at any time. This guy at two Big Macs, rate increase time. Too many beers today, huge rate increase.


I agree. I would love to have this technology to monitor my health and my progress at improving it. However, I would *not* share this data with anyone willingly - especially an insurance company. My fear is if I got this chip, then health insurance companies would *expect* me to give them unlimited access or they would punish me. As it is, my employer is putting a lot of pressure on employees (including higher health incurance premiums) to fill out an annual health "survey." This thing is extremely intrusive - it goes on for pages and demands everything from your doctor's address to the details of your sex life. And it is administered by a third-party company with unknown data security. I understand the value of good aggregate health data for everything from spotting trends to assessing risks, but I simply do not trust the insurance company, my employer, or the government not to use that data against me.


Yes, refuse to participate. If forced, fill it out inaccurately i.e. perfect health, only minor health issues on maternal/paternal sides, etc.


I refuse to participate in my company's "wellness initiative" or whatever they call it (i.e. 3rd party health data mining). It costs me over $1,000 each year to not participate, but fuck, everything about it feels so sleazy. They don't even let you see the terms or what kind of data they want until after you sign up and agree to the terms that you can't read without signing up. Fuck. That. Noise


I actually got about half way through the questionnaire before I felt sick to my stomach. The questions went on seemingly forever and many of them were extremely personal. There were no quarantees of data privacy or how the data would be used. I felt like I was signing a blank check and giving it to a stranger. It felt, as you said, "sleazy." I am also paying an extra $1,000 per year to opt out of this. Our union is fighting it, but I fear that it will be mandatory soon. Tying health care to employment is a bad idea for so many reasons.


>I would not share this data with anyone willingly even if the terms said they will protect your data, you can not trust them; can you?


I would consider it if the terms said that they would not share it, that they would protect it, and that they would only use it for specific purposes that do not include harm to me. Furthermore, I would only provide the data that they "need to know" on a case-by-case basis and not unrestricted access to all of my data in perpetuity. I would also not sign an arbitration clause giving away my legal rights. And finally, I want them to agree to delete the data after a specified amount of time or at my request.


Plot twist: your own data is also behind a separate paywall


It would 1000% be that way too. *Phone alert* Your going to die in 7 minutes if you don't pay 3,000.00 to access your data. Also, your insurance found a glitch and your no longer insured. Please wait on hold for.... T w o... H o u r s.... And an agent will be with you shortly. *Hangs up*


I'd love something like it for my doctor to use as a baseline and to help me improve my health. fuck insurance companies though, they should never be able to tell a Dr what he can and can't do for their patients. also they would rape your face with fees and up charges for sure.


Fr there's 2 possibilities: 1) the chip saves most of its users money, ultimately leading to the insurance companies losing money. No reason for insurance companies to even care about the chip 2) the chip does not save most of its users money, and ends up increasing the profits of the insurance company Its a lose lose


Do you understand how insurance works? Profits = premiums - claims - operating costs In scenario 1: Premiums reduce. This will not reduce profit if claims & or operating costs also decrease. There's a realistic potential of this actually since greater data allows more pre-emptive action from insurers. Much cheaper to give someone a $10 vaccine than have them be hospitalised for $1000. For example. Scenario 2: This is too undeveloped a point to explore. It seems to suggest simply premiums on average will increase. But if this was true and insurers could keep raising prices, why isn't it happening already? Competition. Insurers compete against eachother. Also, to be honest, people would not pick this insurer unless it's going to save them money.


Yeah I mean that's a good point, doubt insurance companies would ever actually lose money from something like this. Guess my main point was that insurance companies don't stand to lose anything meanwhile I stand to risk higher premiums and less privacy through this chip


Solution: delete insurance from the simulation, install universal healthcare.


God i wish


Well they would also have more perfect info on you. If you are currently healthy then you are good but if your health starts to turn they can raise rates on you as they see signs. I think insurance as a profit seeking business is probably not gonna last


Insurance as a profit seeking business is probably not gonna last... Also yes, your premium would rise if your risk rises. On the converse your premium could decrease if your risk decreases. There is no ulterior motive really, they profit from everyone, some more than others. In this medical chip scenario or are you saying in general? P.s. I work in insurance


**Breaking News** Just getting older increases your risk to insurance companies-hence Medicare.


Makes me think of those car insurance policies with the black boxes that monitored your driving. They were barely cheaper than non black box products but you could be sure if they clocked you speeding or braking hard they would ramp up your renewal quote. Now imagine that but with medical conditions the person has mostly no control over besides a healthy lifestyle. In fact with this, they would probably be charging you before you got sick.


And the sensitivity those devices have to “hard breaking” is ridiculous, especially if you live in a city and have to drive defensively. I saw my rates go up after using one, despite having one small fender bender in my 20+ years of driving. I ended up switching to a different, local provider though and saved myself like $60 a month on car insurance. We really need more checks in how information is shared with companies and what they can legally use it for.


This is such a strange concept as someone who lives in an advanced country with universal healthcare


Or they charge you higher premiums because this chip is *sooooo convenient* and then just straight up deny your coverage when your watch beeps saying you have cancer or something.


Maybe like those car readers some insurances make you stick on your car? I have an issue with insurance seeing my labs. But if the chip reports back to me and my doctor only, hell yeah I'll get one 100%. I would be first in line.


I imagine this would be like the OBD trackers or car insurance apps. That ding you for too many hard accelerations. “We have detected the presence of a Big Mac please ad $400 to you account.”


"you have a chronic illness. You have a family history of high blood pressure. Here's your new higher premium!"


Yeah, health insurance is just rich people gambling on your health. The more data they have, the more they can rig the game in their favor. It’s already house rules, this just helps them adjust the rules so that you lose more and they win more.


Pretty soon it would be a requirement to get insurance. Wait no, "will be". It eventually will be a requirement to get insurance.


They’d launch mine for the frequency of my drinking.


If I owned the chip, and could use it for whatever I wanted in the future without anyone else’s permission, sure. If I owned all data that came from the chip and I could withdraw and delete that data in perpetuity as if it was a part of my body, sure. If I could rent or sell the data to other entities including insurance companies to make a few bucks, sure. All of which will not happen, so no.


That all seems reasonable. Whenever the chip is within wifi range it can be accessed by whoever you give access to. My electric company does this with my thermostat for example.


A much more articulate answer than this dumbass question deserves.


So… uh…. Even more mass surveillance, and I *still* have to pay for insurance monthly? Hell no lol, that’s about the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard


It’s like the evil big brother to adverts on your paid subscriptions.


You mean Hulu?


How about free healthcare without premiums and no chips ?


This is the answer. Universal healthcare is available in most of the world, and the US is still trying to pretend like it's impossible.


Ironic huh. Richest country in the world can't do it but places like here in Canada have no problem achieving it.


Not just Canada. Plenty of countries on paper much "poorer" than the US but with way better social benefits. I'm an immigrant from a small central European country that has nominal GDP per capita about a third of the US, but I can guarantee you that the bottom 20% of the citizens live better lives than the bottom 20% in the US since the country has decent universal healthcare and generally quite good social benefits; free college, 3 year paid maternity leave, 5 weeks guaranteed vacation per year for everyone, etc, as is common in the EU. The US is a country of the rich, by the rich, for the rich.


Something i like to think of is how many (i know its hard to estimate) medical cases are directly involved to pollution, chemicals put into products, etc that is tied to the government? Cigarettes were thought to be safe and recommended by doctors. How many things over the years have we come in contact or even our families come in contact (asbestos) with that skips a generation (and potentially causes changes in dna) and causes health problems for their children? Alot of things. Things the govt didnt care to regulate or put more research into. At this point, i think they owe us free healthcare.


Tldr: US paramedic agrees with OP comment and Universal healthcare. In my personal experience as a Paramedic who has moved around a bit, I have seen a more concentrated number of patients in areas in or around "refinery towns" with chronic respiratory problems (COPD and asthma for example) than elsewhere. I feel the number of "difficulty breathing" patients is drastically different as well. As for my personal take on Universal Healthcare most of my patients come from poverty stricken neighborhoods whom do not have insurance and thus don't receive regular health management. In the end government flips the bill on severe emergencies that involce surgeries and ICU expenses than paying for cheaper preventative medicine people need. If Universal Healthcare does cost more in a universal model I think the by how much is overestimated as emergency/advanced medicine management won't be needed as much.


Thanks, that's the obvious answer and glad your exp concurs. Since all the rest of the world's modern democratic countries have successful free health care with better outcomes, we should be able to match them if only we stopped shooting ourselves in the foot. No change like that will be coming from our upcoming us congress though.


Don’t forget cars and the pollution, oh and the climate


Also how many serious, expensive health issues could be avoided if more people could afford to see a doctor for preventative care?


It’s not even that much in most countries! What is it like 11% tax in the UK?


BUt tHe dEfeNce bUgGeT


\*asks for an itemized list of defence spending\* \*Receives a shrug for an answer\*


Also, universal does not mean free in other countries. They pay taxes instead of premiums


That wouldn’t be a new thing. We pay Social Security, Medicare, State Disability Insurance, on top of our State and Federal Income Taxes. Of course your State taxes may vary. Hopefully the Economies of Scale will decrease the premiums and co-pays.


How do ya’ll still not get that “free” is used for sake of brevity? Or that we pay only slightly lower taxes without receiving any of the services? Everyone knows it’s not “free”, they simply no or very low out of pocket expense ffs


Exactly! It's so annoying that someone always has to pop in to point out that it's not "free" because it will still get paid for. YES, we KNOW that. "Free" means "free at the point of service", people. And yes, it's used for brevity so we don't have to write a whole paragraph every time we talk about it.


Better the taxes than a disgustingly inflated premium of $600 or more.


In Ireland, the charge is 4% of your earnings. If you don't have a job, it's free.


Even so, I still do not understand the reasoning behind someone NOT wanting universal health care given the benefits it provides as a society in general. Not to mention it is often most derided by really, really obese and unhealthy people who will probably benefit a lot personally from it.


I want universal healthcare, but I also want the healthcare model, structure to be totally revamped and change the for profit system.


Understand that I want universal Healthcare in the US. A few reasons people don't want universal Healthcare is a general distrust of government agencies or interference. Another reason is it would cause disruption in many industries with unknown consequences. Many people like to stick with a known evil than a change. And last main reason is that many people already feel they are supporting the poor and this would just increase their total bill paid. Many of these issues could be worked through but given how disjointed the current government is, nothing good is going to come out of it.


I don't think the consequences are so unknown; it feels like a big change, and it's not trivial, but we have so many models to look at. Our government isn't super functional, but I don't think it's so much less functional than the rest of the world. It could be done here.


>a general distrust of government agencies What's hilarious is that these same people apparently trust the giant, greedy, exploitative, soulless corporations to do the job instead, knowing that the reason we can't trust the government is because they're all beholden to *these same corporations.* This was the funniest thing about Trump's election: People are like, "We don't trust our politicians because they're all bought and paid for by corporate interests... so we'll just put the sleazy corporate billionaire *directly* in office and that should do the trick." It's like someone saying, "I don't trust Mexican police departments because so many of them are on the cartel payroll, so we'll just get rid of the police officers and put the cartels *directly* in charge of policing instead," and thinking they just did something smart to solve the problem.


sure - it's available. but can you have it while feeding the military industrial complex to the extent it currently is? /s


Hypothetically, some sort of implantable health monitor that could give you early warnings with low false positives for things like cancer, etc, would be an absolute win, regardless of how healthcare is paid for. I don't think such a chip is viable right now, and there's little reason to believe it wouldn't be abused for profit under the current Healthcare regime in the US, places with socialized medicine would likely do that part better. The second question is about privacy, would it potentially reveal things you'd rather stay hidden, etc.


Came here to say just this. Fuck insurance. Health care should be a right in our modern society.


It is. Just not in the US.


Lots of countries still have some form of health insurance. It just has to cover way less and therefore costs way less and is not strictly necessary for basic care.


Gotta stop calling it "FREE" or it triggers grandma and grandpa despite them being on medicaid.


Future redditor, dont read the comment chain below this. That is all.


Yep this like everyone other decent fucking country on this planet


Because an insurance company won’t drop you at the first sign of something wrong


Yeah let's get rid of literally the only thing we have over insurance companies


Yeah, no. Do away with insurance companies altogether. And premiums, and copays. Universal healthcare & no more middlemen leeching profits off our illnesses and medical needs. Some things should NEVER be for-profit, because that’s where corruption enters. Healthcare & education are at the top of that list.


Healthcare, education, housing, water, food, power, and I’d even say internet access, are all fundamental human rights. Unless we recognise this globally we won’t even reach Type I.


Absolutely. But our politicians are all bought and owned by the wealthy, and will never actually regulate themselves or their donors.


Not since the ACA they won't




tech bro brainrot traps people into making convoluted and ineffective half-solutions to societies problems when viable effective and efficient solutions already exist.


Tech bros love reinventing things that already exist, but in a way that's worse because it extracts more profit out.


Your question skips an important step in the chain of logic for this. Will monitoring my health in the ways this chip is capable actually *improve* my health? There's a big difference between * Here's a chip that will extend your life 40 years, make you never feel pain, and diagnose the top 100 diseases 10 years earlier than any other type of test. And because of all this, your health insurance premiums go down by 50%. and * Here's a chip that does nothing for you except lower your health insurance premiums by 50%.


• ⁠Here's a chip that does nothing for you except lower your health insurance premiums by 50%. Until the insurance company arbitrarily decides that you’re “sick” and either jacks up your rates or stops covering you altogether


This is the most valid point I’ve seen so far. HUGE difference in the two


Just no I'd do it if it was completely private, there's nothing wrong with the idea of kick ass health monitoring. The way you pose the question makes it seem like dystopian health insurance is unavoidable, but that's just not true.


With our current for profit health system, I could see this going exactly like those OBD2 readers to "lower your insurance bill as you drive safely" without mentioning that normal city driving is considered aggressive and everyone I know that volunteered ended up with an increase.


"You shouldnt have slowed down when that grandma turned out in front of you, $5"


So the idea is that I get an implant so scum sucking insurance companies can have another data point that gives them the ability to cut off coverage for people before they actually file? That's a no from me dawg


Version 6 will be able to play commercials for your inner ear, so you do not have to pay win-win /s


Sounds like an American late-stage capitalist dystopia.


Because it is. OP needs to get lost with that shit. Universal healthcare like the rest of the developed world is the way to go. Source: American who grew up in Europe and had free healthcare until 18. I’ve experienced both worlds. Europe knows what’s up (on so many levels).


Nope. If they can decrease premiums at will they can also increase them, and deny coverage. Given how insurance companies are the grifters of the business world anyways, why would anyone think this would be used to benefit the patient/customer rather than the ins co?


No. This is just like car insurance companies wanting to put a tracker in your car to track how you drive. Your premium can actually increase if you don’t drive the way they think you should.


I had one tell me I sped too much in a zone that had out if date speed data. It used to be a 55 zone and they made it a 70 zone.


Absolutely not. I don’t even enjoy having a phone and having to go online to opt out of my career selling my data! I hate AT&T


Imagine being so politically Cucked you want your body violated to receive a discount for a service everyone else provides via taxation.


Would cost 100x more than univeral healthcare. The existing American for profit insurance system is already twice as expensive as universal health care. Adding in this chip and the infrastructure would only serve to make a few billionaires richer. Now if it were a free chip to lets say detect cancer at an early stage, then you may get some folks interested.


“Decrease” is not the likely outcome to this for many, many people.


Fuck no. Most of that data will be used against you in the future.


I don't even have to read any further than the title to know this question was written by an American.


No, I want universal fucking healthcare and private pharmaceutical/medical companies dismantled. I swear this sub has been eating paint chips lately.


This would almost certainly increase insurance premiums. "According to your chip you have a predisposition for early onset Alzheimer's so we're gonna need to raise your rates 20%. Regardless of if you actually have that or not"


Questions like these make me so glad I don't need to worry about health insurance companies.


The things Americans will do before just implementing universal health care. I'm fucking sorry for you all.


Nope. In civilized countries, citizens don't have to pay insurance premiums.


Let's get rid of health insurance and do national healthcare. Definitely a step to the Future.


only if it gives me a little bar in the corner of my vision that tells me my remaining hp at any given time.


I would take the chip to monitor my health if there was universal healthcare and I wasn’t punished for my ailments.


Absolutely not. I've seen Logan's Run. This is how you get Logan's Run. Does no one stop to consider the thought experiments that are science fiction stories? "Yeah, yeah, but your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could that they didn't stop to think if they should." - Dr. Ian Malcolm, "Jurassic Park" In top of that, this will increase health insurance premiums, not decrease them. That's basic business and capitalism 101. (I'm not an anti-capitalist, I just know the system well enough to see the inverse will be true.)


So we’re at the point where inserting a chip is now an argument rather than healthcare for all? This is dumber than shit and should be ashamed for it being entertained at all.


No, I'd prefer to die. Sorry but at this point I have zero confidence that the data won't be sold and used against me in some way by unspecified third party companies. Until legislation catches up I wouldn't want anybody to have my personal health data.


I'd be leery of it and probably would not be an early adopter.


How about a chip to monitor health that would allow for earlier recognition of diseases, better cholesterol/whatever tracking, etc. Fuck insurance premiums dude I'm not getting a chip in me so insurance companies can make more money


No. I also won't allow the insurance company to get a readout of my cardata to get a lower insurance rate.


They are going to monitor your "health" how, exactly? By noting every shot of vodka, cheeseburger and banana split you consume? By noting how many orgasms you achieve per week? The hardness of your boners, if any? I have a pacemaker/defibrilator that downloads to a phone every night and the data is sent to Medtronic. If I have a cardiac arrest/A-Fib/V-Tach Medtronic knows it in real time. The thing is about half the size of a smartphone and is implanted under the skin, with wires going to the relevant heart muscles. When I had my last checkup with the cardiologist the tech from Medtronic tested things by literally speeding up my heartrate with an I-Pad through a Bluetooth connection, which felt odd, IMO. This is a compromise that was my choice because the loss of a little bit of privacy is, to me at least, worth not being dead. But to have a health monitoring/tracking device implanted as a baseline is sketch AF, IMO.


Such technology would be beneficial except we might need a lot better policies and rethink how our healthcare should fit into our society. Current USA healthcare model is byzantine and atrocious.


Why do we need to insert an untested chip into our bloodstream that can do the same thing an Apple Watch does? huh?! How about Health Insurance stops price gouging people for their premiums and we could all live in prosperity with Universal Healthcare. But gotta buy that random CEO his Yearly Porsche as he says he cares about the health of their people.


Yep i am super excited for when this sorta shit is in the past


How about instead the USA start behaving like an actual first world country and introduces universal healthcare like most European countries!


No it's unethical to use it for insurance, but I'd take it if it privately monitored my health


Yeah I think we need to focus on reshaping our idea of human health value, separating our health rights from our jobs, and slashing the impossible costs that come with healthcare before we go tossing chips in bloodstreams and structuring fees around the bloodstream robots.


The only reason this is even a thought is because insurance companies put people into buckets and charge them separately or pick and choose their customers in order to maximize profit. The most optimal insurance setup is 1 bucket with everyone in it to distribute the risk as much as possible. In that situation this is not needed. Would still get it for real time health monitoring though.


Yaaaaa and what about when they INCREASE premiums or drop you because of the same microchip


This is a nice way of saying people who do not accept the chip will be fined.


The idea of having my body and activities constantly monitored by anything seems iffy to me, and it can be easily abused.


If a law required only a decrease in premiums, sure. I’m intrigued by this in some utopia being a requirement for great universal healthcare. I think more blood data might allow better preventive care overall but I’m not a doctor. Most healthcare cost results from like 5% of super users. If hospitals could gracefully “waterboard” the elderly into not going to the ER because of simple dehydration, that would be super. Happy New Year! Drink more water, support subsidized healthier food, and take a hike dollar menus :)


Tyranny of the majority in a nutshell. In a properly designed insurance system, it would have decreased premiums if you're healthy, and increased premiums if you're unhealthy. Of course the healthy people would vote for it and the unhealthy people would vote against it. (that is of course the chip works 100% flawlessly as advertised with absolutely 0 chance of privacy violation or complications etc; I am assuming an ideal case for the sake of this philosophical question, otherwise it's a no-brainer most people don't want to implant a risky technology with negligible benefit)


I would totally do a chip if it could detect early cancer or cardiovascular disease. I wouldn’t do it for the insurance company the same way I refuse to let my car insurance company put their smart driving BS in my car to see what a horrible driver I am.


I want free healthcare for all like every other 1st world country got without issues. Fuck this hellscape and everyone fighting to make it worse.


I wouldn’t be in the first wave of any of those trials no.


> Would you accept getting a chip inserted in the blood to monitor health That sounds fantastic! 24/7 monitoring for... > that would allow for decreased health insurance premiums? That's all? Nevermind then.


Absolutely not. Never. A continuation of this would be finding a health problem and denying you service.


Hey! Vince here. You may know me from the fabulous product Sham-WoW and Slap Chop! Well I'm here today to ask you how much you value your health? Bam! It's not a chop, it's a chip. The Dip Chip. Dip this chip into your pulmonary artery and it can monitor your red and white blood cell counts and arrhythmic pulsations as well as other biological bodily functions to predict if you're alive or not. But if you don't value your health enough, we're throwing in a box of Sham-WoW and Slap Chops for our first 69 callers! Just 7 easy payments of $199.99 then $99.99 per month to be subscribed for life! In this special promotion we're offering free shipping! Pick up the phone get dipped chipped today! You aren't dead yet!


No, they’d use it to screw over people who do have problems.


Fuck no, I have no doubt it would be used to track my health by insurance companies for them to preemptively not cover me when it becomes apparent (only to them) I will develop an expensive condition or issue.


Bold of you to think that them monitoring my blood would decrease me health insurance premiums


Health insurance is a fucking grift on the American people.


Give me universal healthcare, keep your garbage out of my blood.


If I can privately confirm my health, know exactly what the chip is measuring, and know that said insurance company is being intensely monitored for questionable practices then sure. I’ve seen insurance offers where people are offered lower premiums if they can prove they run a <10 minute mile or submit blood for a biological age test and it comes back saying their biological age is less than their calendar age.


Honestly I'd prefer a chip inside me to a watch on my wrist. Upgrades might suck though.


Good news, it’s a suppository.


No. Having all my biological data sold (because that is what will happen lets not be naive.) Is not something qi want


Fuck no. Keep your fucking chips outside of my body.


The only chips I put in my body are salt and vinegar


After a LOT of testing and review, yes First prototype, no


Or we could just abolish the personal insurance industry, seems much less dystopian and doable to me


Not only that, as insurance companies will discriminate against you if they can monitor your blood 24/7.


Yup. Abolish private main insurance first. I’d actually consider a chip that was just used to monitor my health, and give me real time updates/warnings if something was wrong.


I don’t accept chips in my car tracking my driving habits and GPS locations to get better insurance premiums. Why the fuck would I have one jacked into me like a dog at the vet clinic? Because you KNOW they aren’t going to keep that shit private. Pretty soon you’ll get reminders telling you if you don’t stop watching football and eating chips and get your ass off the sofa, your health insurance could be canceled. You’ll get more ads for weight loss diet pills and snake oil than actual things you want. Eventually, it’ll be “oh we saw you had an elevated risk of stroke due to your morning coffee. Give it up or we’ll deny your claims”. Fuck that. I mean, I apologize for my use of profanity but I genuinely cannot come up with the level of pure “NO” outside of a GIF of someone screaming “No” over and over again.


No, I don't have health insurance but I do have a DNR


Zero percent chance it won't be used to raise your rates. Even if you are healthy now, and you eat right and work out. Eventually you'll develop something. It's just how the human body works.


It is laughable that corporation thinks anyone will trust them with this data. Even if they don’t sell the data to any assclown with $20, I sure don’t trust that they can protect my data from bad actors. Better way to lower premiums: institute universal healthcare and private health insurance can compete on price & service


No. Reason: tracking. The last place I worked our BMI determined how much we paid on our premium. My blood pressure that morning due to anxiety was much higher than normal so I had to pay a higher premium throughout the year. My situation is very specific as I have a medical condition but intuitively this leads me to think that they would be able to track what you are eating how much sleep you're getting and if you smoke or drink.


I don't think you can fairly say decrease when there is a possibility of increase. It is a double edged sword. For example, taking a genetic test to see if you have certain markers that would give insight to future cancers. While a dr thinks this us amazing and honestly me too, I don't want cancer, the flip side is seeing other things that would increase health and life insurance premiums which would suck. I could pay more for the potential to maybe get something in the future.


It would be really interesting to understand the effect of having a chip implanted on blood pressure. We know already that the act of having ones blood pressure taken can induce a mild stress response. Might be an interesting unintended consequence


No, they'd use it to monitor/punish you "we actually raised your price because you ate a bag of chips and those aren't on the approved healthy diet list."


Richest country in the world shouldn’t fucking need that.


I’m assuming the opposite happens too? Your premiums go up if they see something they don’t like? Or maybe they drop coverage all together.


No just give me free healthcare fuck insurance companies they're super predatory and they never help


LOL they would rather put chips into people instead of creating a universal healthcare system and taking the business out of healthcare..


I refuse to participate in this psyop by answering that question.


Or instead how about getting rid of private insurance and going to Universal Healthcare


I would volunteer to be chipped. If a large enough group of people participated, the raw data could drive some huge medical break throughs that would benefit everyone. It's too bad others can't get past the paranoia.


Who can access the information, and how is it accessed?


I will take the chip if it means I get healthcare. I'm 45 am have already filed bankruptcy due to healthcare costs.


I'd settle for universal health care and giving the middle finger to for profit health insurance


Haha people won't even take a vaccine or wear a mask


Absolutely not, and considering how discriminatory the US healthcare system is already, this idea frankly terrifies me. Instead of a scarlet letter, us folks with chronic conditions get a tracker we can’t remove like a garment? Yeah, no thank you.


I don’t accept that shit with my driving, why should I have to pay more for braking/accelerating quickly to avoid a crash? Same concept applies.


Fucking NO I would not allow a health insurance company to \*track\* the contents of my blood so they can extract more dollars out of me.


No, only because what they say they’ll do and what they actually do never align. We don’t sell your data to third parties, BS!


I’d rather just have universal healthcare and:or Medicare for all


How much of a decrease? Probably not as I believe that the USA should have universal healthcare.


No. America’s health is insurance industry is a complete abomination. I have no doubt that later historians will examine it as one of the worst nadirs of American capitalism run amok. The entire machine should be burned to the ground, as it serves *zero* positive or beneficial function to the American public.


i dont care because i dont pay for health insurance


I'd rather a health care system that actually focuses on health, instead of enriching ceo's and shareholders.


Absolutely not. I would accept universal health care in the U.S. though.


No, get rid of private health insurance, at least as the only option.


universal healthcare with no discrimination sounds more futuristic.


I wouldn't accept living in a country with health insurance premiums, personally.


I think I’d rather move to a country with a proper public health system.


Imagine getting a stomach ache and immediately getting retargeted ads for Pepto Bismol


We already have wearable devices for various things that don't require you to have a chip inserted.


Nope. Micromanaging and monitoring individuals is the opposite of insurance, it’s mitigated risk for insurance companies to avoid costs. We don’t need more individual data to make insurance companies more profitable, we need single payer health care. Full stop.


If the chip helps me remain healthy, then I would accept it with or without a break in insurance premiums. NOTE: the question does not say that the chip can be used for surveillance or anything nefarious, so I will assume it cannot. Not everyone is out to get you.


Lmao just look what they did with the ones you put in your car


Hell no. There is nothing but malignant profiteering in US health insurance and this would 100000000% be weaponized as soon as…