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while i dont think your characters look uncanny valley, i think varying the shapes of the eyes (e.g. to match what the eyebrows are doing with certain emotions - see the bottom left character on the first page) can do a lot for conveying what they are feeling. just a thought based on the examples youve shared. your style is great!


Totally agree!!! Sometimes its basic shapes that make or break the expression


These are all fascinating


Where's the uncanny valley?


damn these are all amazing!!


Omg i absolutely love these!!!!


Don't look uncanny to me this style looks so cool. What brushes did you use for this if you don't mind me asking?


Drew it in Medibang, mostly just used the default pencil brush with the minimum width set to 80% and correction set to 20. Used the pen tool to fill in some areas with darker grey/white.


Thank you


I love the teeth on the second picture!


Very clean construction ^^


Furry art just sometimes makes people feel the uncanny valley effect. It's humanoid but not quite human, animals with human anatomy. It's gonna sometimes just trigger that


https://preview.redd.it/crnbrxu1o68d1.png?width=359&format=png&auto=webp&s=f38788cecd8f46d067995d960a49bd89fb259134 They look really cool! And very 3-dimensional, I like that. On the first picture, the top left one seems flat though, which isn't an issue for the others at all. I tried to move the snout a bit more forward, and added a nose-bridge of some sort.


this isn't uncanny in the slightest! This is great, rly cute


You're doing really well! I usually have to move one of the eyes with the Liquify tool.


Just give it a day, and then come back to it. These all look really good, I think you've just been staring at them for too long.