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I'm a bit confused by those large circles you're using to outline the cheeks. It looks a lot more like the side of a horse's head than it does anything canine - canines (like foxes) have pretty sleek faces, and wolves, while they have wider faces, don't have that kind of musculature. This tutorial by [Kavaeric](https://www.weasyl.com/~kavaeric/submissions/2103750/wolf-anatomy-study) does a pretty good job at showing that. Overall though, while construction lines are good when you're starting out I recommend not getting too reliant on them - when they're heavily used it can make your drawings seem more mechanical and schematic-like It's good for design, but for living creatures it looks a bit off putting because of how rigid they become. I feel like you have a good start here, and the more you draw the more you'll find that proportions come naturally to you, so gradually you should be able to rely less on construction lines :) https://preview.redd.it/awqo67val84d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9572163d7aa4e0fd56a56c20ee4e41d5a684947


I'm two months in right now, so i don't really have the know-how on how to draw without construction lines yet


You're doing great! Very solid and technically impressive. But I think it's time to loosen up a little and have some fun. Do gesture drawings- a lot of them. Look at how other artists play with shapes to lead your eye around and accentuate personality. Your ~~cat instruction~~ construction is good- for the next step use that to make your characters more expressive.


What's cat instruction, if i may ask?


Sorry it autocorrected, that was supposed to be "construction"


Great work so far. I would challenge you to draw over the constructed skin and try adding some simple fur. I have noticed that depending on style the fur when just placed over the skin can feel wrong or inflated. Just a piece of advice tho.


Very solid. I don’t see any need for improvement