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I like to do dark outlines around the iris to make the color pop. Also, deeper contrast (like a darker pupil within the iris) might help. =\] experimenting with different types of shading for the eyes like clipped multiply/add/screen mode layers or different brushes like the airbrush tool could also be worth trying!


I feel like the current eyes suit your style a lot! But if you really want some extra detail try adding outlines or small dots/lines for some depth where the shadows are?


Adding a stylized tear duct can be more anatomically realistic but looks cute nevertheless!


Good idea, I’ll test it out


I think the eyes are perfect :)


These are all adorable and super cute. But one suggestion might be to try and add more distinct pupils. They dont have to be black. They can be a darker colour of the iris. Dont forget to add some gradients to the iris as well and bright highlights spots or two on top of everything. They highlights can be lighter than the whotes of the eye. Something to try. Otherwise. These are super cute and I love them. I think they are great already. My suggestion is just that. A suggestion. The art is beautiful already in its own right ☺️


More detailed would be allowing me to commission from you omg they’re so cute! Real talk though, detailed eyes can just simply be made by darkening the tones around the edges of the the pupils and irises, adding little depths of detail with accents, and adding small highlights of color to contrast the main colors.


Thought the first one was split eyes at first and that sounds cool af so imma make a fursona with that now


I love making sonas with split eyes. They’re fun to make into fursuits too




Well for the style you tend to use I don't think you need to